View Full Version : Tubing Installation and Tapping of Tubing Systems

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  1. Another 3/16" Question
  2. Black or blue main line , does it matter
  3. Gameplan for first tubing
  4. 3/16 leader tubing
  5. Main line wire tying
  6. Burying Line
  7. 39 taps per acre
  8. Tees or y's better on 3/4 main line
  9. 3/16 tubing and vacuum factors
  10. 3/16 Newbie venting
  11. Distribution reel for 3/16 tubing
  12. 3/16 drop replacement
  13. running mainline over a beaver pond?
  14. Mainline Tubing Tool
  15. Burying a pump station line
  16. tapping below lateral line
  17. 3/16 drop line length and achieving vacuum on plateaued sugarbush
  18. marking holes
  19. Spout and Health T Cleaning / Replacement
  20. Cleaning 3/16 Tubing
  21. 36" drops - Is it ok to have a U or curve in the drop?
  22. Cleaning 3/16 line and spouts
  23. DSD saddles
  24. Temperature when tapping vs. splits on tree
  25. Stainless barbed fittings?
  26. 1/2 and 3/4 cam lock fittinggs
  27. Isolating non-producing tree from tubing system
  28. 90 degree elbow mainline
  29. Should I tap?
  30. Sap ladder or more slope?
  31. CTS poly fittings for mainline
  32. Dumb Question...
  33. attaching 3/16" tubing to the tree
  34. Sap stars
  35. What taps and tubing to get?
  36. Would I lose vacuum?
  37. Spile/Tap Sanitation
  38. How much "uphill" can I get away with with 3/16 tubing?
  39. sap lifting
  40. Taping do it or hold on
  41. DIY tool
  42. Surflow question
  43. Main line capacity
  44. 6 way star spacing for sap ladder
  45. Replacing 3/16 Drop Line
  46. Installing 5/16" tubing
  47. How tight to pull 3/16
  48. Looks like tree really grew this year could be a good sap year
  49. fusion tape
  50. Tapping Red Maples near water
  51. Tips for Tubing Rookie?
  52. Packing up
  53. Check Valve Spout Drop Lines
  54. Draining 3/16 Collection Tank
  55. Simple Way To Hold Tubing
  56. Is This A Maple, Or Something Else?
  57. 5/16 drops on 3/16 system
  58. Leaky Taps
  59. New Super Easy Saddle
  60. Ghetto tubbing tool
  61. Sap Transfer Tubing
  62. Max Length of 3/16 Natural Vacuum
  63. 5/16 into 3/16
  64. Leader check valve adapters
  65. Slope for Mainline Transfer
  66. Antimicrobial Adapters
  67. New to tubing, what to buy?
  68. 3/16 or 5/16 drops?
  69. Assembling Drop spouts in the kitchen with PEX pipe
  70. Tubing Reel
  71. MainLine Ends
  72. Collection point question
  73. New Guy, recommendations for type of tubing and fittings
  74. 3/16 Natural Vacuum Questions for Layout
  75. 3/16th vacuum gauge installation pics
  76. Test Drops
  77. Main line cleaning
  78. mold in a few drops
  79. clear check valve installation
  80. Rigid or Semi Rigid
  81. Sap lifter on a dual line setup
  82. 3/16 dropline question
  83. Newbie shurflo, tubing question
  84. Soft maples that budded early
  85. How many taps can you put on 5/16 without mainline.
  86. Rapi-tube
  87. No slope sufflow
  88. stretching leader 30p
  89. Better Of Two Scenerios
  90. Drill bits
  91. A new tubing tool -CORDLESS!
  92. Ys vs. Ts at the end of the drops
  93. Woodpecker or bug?
  94. No vacuum needed!!
  95. Removing Tubing from fittings?
  96. 3/16 vacuum question
  97. D&G Blue Mainline?
  98. New Guy
  99. Black flakes in sap
  100. Attaching vacuum gauge
  101. How nasty can things get inside a 3/16 line?
  102. What type of drill
  103. sap refrtometer
  104. sap refractometer
  105. Sagging tubing
  106. using a 3/16 connector on a long drop to gathering- how ristricting?
  107. 3/16 tubing system install
  108. Brown Wood
  109. Long warm spell and mold concerns
  110. Old Sugar Trees
  111. 3/16 Vacuum question
  112. Clear check valves question
  113. 3/16 gravity vacuum question
  114. Shurflow 5/16 or 3/16
  115. Rain
  116. newbie to running a vaccuum line?
  117. Automotive vacuum tester?
  118. How do you get the spout out of the tree?
  119. Drop line tool
  120. Good 3/16 primer article?
  121. Price per tap
  122. Not Much Sap
  123. Maybe I have a silly question
  124. Tubing runs on level ground
  125. Tubing on the ground
  126. Best Semi Rigid Tubing for the buck?
  127. Old Tubing - Guess Its Age
  128. Was going to run vacuum, now may not
  129. New plastic Taps...Leaking and catching very little
  130. Backward Bubbles
  131. Information on 3/16"
  132. Pump thoughts
  133. Length of drops for 3/16"
  134. 3/16 with mechanical vacuum
  135. 3/16 vs 5/16 on vacuum
  136. Tension hooks
  137. 3/16th to main line question
  138. 3/16 line with shurflo?
  139. How many is too many?
  140. Check valve question
  141. Maiden voyage on 3/16"
  142. long drops?
  143. Re Tap Trees with dried up tap holes?
  144. Where's the sap?
  145. Keeping count.
  146. Is there a easy way to tell if a 3/16 line is filled with sap or filled with void?
  147. Tubing unwinder for 3/16"
  148. Need help on correct size of tubing and pump
  149. Cleaning gravity sap lines
  150. Pulling and plugging budded drops from 3/16 lateral without losing vacuum
  151. 3/16 Jump starter
  152. vacuum gauges
  153. Mainline saddles
  154. Leader 30P
  155. Extended 3/16" line
  156. Tapping tree after couple years
  157. 3/16 question
  158. Atmospheric pressure and sap flow.
  159. 3/16" Cleaning
  160. 3/16 Vacuum Mainline Pooling
  161. Max length of a 3/16 lateral
  162. 5/16 dryline vacuum loss
  163. How to remove and replace 3/16 on a seasonal basis
  164. How to clean 5/16 check valve spouts
  165. Wife doesn't like the "look" of tubing
  166. Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaning Solution Information and method?
  167. 3/16 rigid vs semi for laterals
  168. 3/16 laterals on wet/dry mainline
  169. Help designing a 3/16 hybrid system
  170. When to remove CV spouts
  171. Lags vs wrapping end tree for mainlines
  172. help in troubleshooting 3/16 line for next season
  173. 3/16 to mainline vacuum?
  174. Not Very Cool
  175. Designing 3500 tap tubing system.
  176. New leader clear check valve adapters
  177. Reds or Sugars.
  178. Flushing Nozzle
  179. 3/16 or 5/16 on vacuum?
  180. how to deal with long flat level bush....???
  181. Consistent Slope
  182. Check valves sprouts and bags
  183. Using Nylon Ratchet Straps in the sugarbush
  184. recycling tubing
  185. Antique Cast Iron Spile
  186. Number of Taps for 3/16 Gravity
  187. Dsd stars maple equipment
  188. Retapping Reaearch Results 2017
  189. Sap ladder vs. ice
  190. Black spots and Hydrogen Peroxide
  191. Tubbing layout
  192. 12 Volt Sap Relay - Crazy-Azz Idea?
  193. Favorite 3/16th's tubing
  194. Mainline Question
  195. Sizing for a small pump
  196. CDL stubby with check valve adapters
  197. Pump line question
  198. New to tubing with some questions
  199. Rules of the roads and powerlines?
  200. Sap Flow Issues - Need Advice! (With Picture)
  201. Wet dry system
  202. LOAC tool mod for 3/16
  203. Trail crossing disconnect
  204. number of taps on 3/16 with steep slope
  205. changing drops
  206. CV spouts or CV spout adapters?
  207. Tubing Seminar and Open House
  208. Installation cost.
  209. 1000' 5/16 lateral?
  210. Sliding adaptors comming loose
  211. Home Made Tools
  212. 5/16 or 3/16 as main
  213. Pumping up hill
  214. Tapping below branch lines with vacuum system
  215. Dewalt 20v drills for tapping
  216. Best Time To Do Repairs?
  217. Yet another 3/16 thread
  218. Woodpeckers
  219. Squirrel Chews
  220. 3/16 single barb??
  221. 3/16" Two hand tubing tool.
  222. Tapping trees that have wind damage
  223. Working in the bush - Safe wind speeds
  224. What app do you use to map your tubing installation
  225. Backyard Tubing System
  226. Elevation, sap backup during freezing, and the use of check valves.
  227. 3/16" Check valves and spouts
  228. Reds and 3/16 tubing
  229. Setting up a flat sugar bush for vacuum.
  230. Mainline Anchoring
  231. Tubing newbie - L-shaped 3/16 run
  232. Teeing into 3/16 Tubing
  233. CV Spouts improve Sugar content later in season?
  234. So why not boil/clean/sterilize adapters and reuse them?
  235. 3/16 drop line taps
  236. 3/16 spouts
  237. Options for Removable Black 1" Mainline Without Wire Support?
  238. logging and a sugar bush
  239. 7/16 spouts on buckets
  240. Very basic, 3/16 and I know its probably been posted before.
  241. 3/16 Vaccum Check
  242. What kind of tees are best to use with stubbies? Pins or cups?
  243. Tubing apron
  244. What to do with sap in 3/16 line that will not run?
  245. Woods Rats -Learning why ya'll hate em
  246. 2,000 rpm drill
  247. Beginner looking for tubing advice.
  248. Beginner tubing question about multiple taps
  249. Mainline questions, wet/dry advantages?
  250. Tap Viability over time using 3/16 gravity vacuum