View Full Version : Installation cost.

10-19-2017, 01:42 PM
How much does it cost on average to intall a thousand taps? I have the vacuum pump, tank, and releaser. I'm doing the installation myself but wondering what others have experienced in terms of cost. Thanks much.

10-19-2017, 02:34 PM
Depends on the woods really , I did some last year myself for 3 dollars a tap. But I'd say that is a little on the cheap aide.

maple maniac65
10-19-2017, 07:03 PM
50-60 taps per acre I would say $8.00/ tap

eagle lake sugar
10-20-2017, 05:28 AM
I've run all mine myself with 1" mainlines and 1 1/4 dry lines, 5/16 laterals, 4-5 taps per lateral and 50-60 taps per acre. I've averaged around $5 per tap.

maple flats
10-20-2017, 05:45 AM
I see you currently show as having 3/15 laterals. If the 1000 new taps are on ground that can be done with 3/16 the cost can be in the neighborhood of $3-4. If however it is needed to be done with 5/16 the cost will likely be double that. A big part of the difference is that you can run 20-25 taps on a 3/16 and the line can be several hundred feet long (I have one that is about 1200' long and it runs great). If you need to use 5/16 because you don't have the drop then you want the laterals 75-100' long and 4-6 taps per line. That means at least 2 things, more mains and more saddles. That also adds more fittings to combine the mains into larger trunk mains. Those components can add the $ up quick .

10-20-2017, 09:59 AM
It really does depend on the woods. As other have said it depends on your set up and some goals. As Flats said the number of taps on a line 5/16 or 3/16 really will change the number of saddles and other fittings. With 3/16 you would probably use considerably less mainline and saddles and other fittings however if you don't have the slope it won't be worth it.

In my own woods I run all 5/16 with 1" mains. I run my main line so that no 5/16 line is longer that 50" and I run no more than 3 taps per saddle but still come pretty close to 50 taps per 500' of 5/16. My cost is about $6 a tap for tubing excluding valves, gauges, wire, and wire ties etc.

10-21-2017, 07:48 AM
50-60 taps per acre I would say $8.00/ tap

It seems I was closer to this number for a wet dry 1.25" and 1" 5/16 system.

Road's End
10-24-2017, 10:42 AM
I believe it was $6/tap for us with 320 taps, all 3/16 gravity with about 800ft of 3/4" mainline. Also had a gauge at the top of each line to check for leaks. Considering we bought everything to expand to 600 taps at the spring open houses, we might be able to drop the price a bit after applying the 20% discount. ;)

11-06-2017, 12:16 PM
I don't know how much cost, I'm trying the installation myself but wondering what others have experienced in terms of cost. I'm also confuse may be install or not .

11-07-2017, 07:49 AM
If you are looking at just the cost of running the tubing and drops, I use the following formula, number of taps per line X $0.84 (that is the price of the drop, spout, tee and 3' of tubing) + length of line in feet X $0.0955....so...if you can average 25 taps per line, and your lines average 500', it would cost $2.75/tap...change that to 25 taps on 1000' lines and the price jumps to $4.66/tap..... these numbers will undoubtedly vary depending on the prices you can get your tubing, tees and spouts for. Where I am tubing is $95.485/1000', tees are $.3277, and spouts are $.226....should point out, this is for 3/16. hope this helps

11-08-2017, 09:53 AM
If you are looking at just the cost of running the tubing and drops, I use the following formula, number of taps per line X $0.84 (that is the price of the drop, spout, tee and 3' of tubing) + length of line in feet X $0.0955....so...if you can average 25 taps per line, and your lines average 500', it would cost $2.75/tap...change that to 25 taps on 1000' lines and the price jumps to $4.66/tap..... these numbers will undoubtedly vary depending on the prices you can get your tubing, tees and spouts for. Where I am tubing is $95.485/1000', tees are $.3277, and spouts are $.226....should point out, this is for 3/16. hope this helps thanks, this is helpful.

12-14-2017, 11:32 AM
I also don't know about the installation cost, If any body have a information please share us.