View Full Version : Assembling Drop spouts in the kitchen with PEX pipe

01-27-2017, 10:57 AM
Just figured i'd post what i came up with for making some drops in the kitchen. I busted my thumb and have a brace on one hand at the moment. so i'm on light-duty, figure why not make some drops. I was able to make these more or less with one hand with no real effort.

warm up the ends of the drops in a pot and then slip a 2" piece of 1/2" PEX over the drop, put the spout in line with the curl of the drop tube, push the hose up to the barb which can be done pretty easily, then grab the pex in your fist and give it one good sharp tap on the kitchen counter. it pushes right up to the top pretty much perfectly every time. slip the PEX off the tail end and you're done and onto the next one.

I was able to make 18 drops in about 5 minutes, seemed pretty fast and reasonable to me, especially only working with one hand at the moment.

western mainer
01-27-2017, 01:48 PM
May I ask why the pex? All you have to do is put the 5/16 tubing on the tap.

01-27-2017, 01:57 PM
i've assembled them last year without the pex and was a constant battle to keep the 5/16 from kinking over or fighting with it. being a one handed gimp for the next week or two made assembling them without the the pex too much of a fight to go over the barb. the pex keeps it from bending over or kinking up

01-28-2017, 08:04 AM
This is what you're reduced to when there's no snow to plow? Lol

maple flats
01-28-2017, 08:48 AM
Two comments, first, improvise when you must, good idea. 2. Why are the drops so short?

01-28-2017, 04:05 PM
24" might be a little short, but i didn't see a need to go longer for a small batch. the next ones i make maybe 30 or 36" instead. i should be able to move them around the tree plenty this way. most of the sugarbush i'm tapping has plenty of elevation to play with the line for height.

01-28-2017, 04:06 PM
This is what you're reduced to when there's no snow to plow? Lolneed something to do in mud season, which seems to be never ending this year