View Full Version : Keeping count.

03-07-2017, 05:06 PM
Every year someone asks me how many taps I have in and I never really know the answer. This year I did this to my drill and am pretty sure I have drilled 242 holes.15918

03-07-2017, 06:21 PM
One way to do it...or you can keep track of how many spouts you use. (come in bags of 100)

03-07-2017, 06:33 PM
When we get all done tapping and we have a day it doesn't run, I use one of those to walk the woods and check.

03-07-2017, 06:53 PM
Ha ha on the counting taps I'm the most disorganized man on the planet. There's taps in every coat pocket I own. Taps on the night stand, taps on and in my dresser. I've dug them out of the dryer drum. Today I was going through a box of misc and found three hundred taps all bagged up.

03-07-2017, 07:16 PM
i bundle up drops in groups of 25 for my target size for my 3/16. then if i have one or two left i leave them at the end of a line and do the math at the end. I have a notepad with notes that i fill out on each run as well. I'm not sure why counting trees and taps in the woods is so difficult, but i always lose count in the middle and have to start again.

maple flats
03-07-2017, 07:16 PM
In the past I knew my starting inventory of taps and I just subtracted what I had left. Then later on I would find taps left over that had not been counted in what was left over. So, this year for the first time I got some plastic tags that have an arrow type point sticking out of the end and a hole in the tag. I've been recording the tap count on each lateral where it enters the main and then as we walk a main looking for leaks, we just record those counts. This also helped me realize I had 1 line in 3/16 that has 41 taps on it, but the slope is about 30% for a 40' drop as the lateral approaches the mainline. So far I have a vacuum gauge at the top on that one, it reads 28" or more all the time it's flowing but varies with the barometric pressure. I'm going to add a gauge at about 15' above the main to see how the vacuum changes. This is on a hybrid system, 3/16 natural and mechanical vacuum both.

03-07-2017, 07:38 PM
Ha ha on the counting taps I'm the most disorganized man on the planet. There's taps in every coat pocket I own. Taps on the night stand, taps on and in my dresser. I've dug them out of the dryer drum. Today I was going through a box of misc and found three hundred taps all bagged up.

...and I thought I was the only one...I've had people return taps I left behind...they do turn up in the most unexpected places...

I do go back and count when I walk the lines.