View Full Version : New plastic Taps...Leaking and catching very little

02-28-2017, 04:53 PM
I'm new to the forum, so apologize if there is a thread. I searched but didn't find directly.

I have been using the standard metal taps with a sap sack for the past few years and things worked great. This year I bought the plastic taps with the tubing to run into a 5 gallon bucket. They have been terrible. Leaking down the tree, little to no sap in the bucket. Replaced with the metal taps and they worked great.

I drilled with a 5/16 hole at a slight angle 2 inches into tree. Anyone else having this issue with the plastic taps and tubing? The seal seems OK, but I feel that the spile goes to far into the tree hole. Feel like I want to return them all and go back to metal.


KV Sappers
02-28-2017, 05:39 PM
You might want to try a 19/64 inch drill bit.

02-28-2017, 05:50 PM
I second the 19/64 . Ted

02-28-2017, 07:04 PM
I had somewhat the same problem last year. Sap running everywhere but in the right place. I went along to help a friend take out 800 of his taps and was surprised by how easy they came out of the trees. I learned that I had been hammering the taps in too far. I was splitting the trees causing them to leak. This would be my first thing to look at.

02-28-2017, 07:22 PM
When you drilled your tap holes did you go in then out off the tree? If you go in and out of the tap hole to many times you could elongate your tap hole and not get the proper seal you need. I can always tell where my dad tapped because the tree's always leak around the taps.

03-01-2017, 06:36 AM
When you drilled your tap holes did you go in then out off the tree? If you go in and out of the tap hole to many times you could elongate your tap hole and not get the proper seal you need. I can always tell where my dad tapped because the tree's always leak around the taps.

Jetdoc I think my dad is related to yours!:lol:

03-01-2017, 08:30 AM
Yes, I did go "back and forth" to clean out the shavings. That must be my problem, along with tapping them too far in. I will try the 19/64 bit next time. However, in the meantime is there anything I can do to the holes that I already drilled wrong? My use of the larger metal taps work great, but I wanted to use the tubing.

03-01-2017, 08:40 AM
What size are the metal taps!
Sounds like you split the tree when you put in the plastic ones?
Use the metal taps if they are working and salvage your season.
The guy that had 800 taps, go with him next year when he is tapping, you may pick up some things. 5?16 on tubing into buckets is a good way to go. dont give up.

03-01-2017, 10:21 AM
You could buy 7/16 plastic taps to run tubing off of but of course that means spending money on new taps. I used both 19/64 and 7/16 taps with tubing this year and I found the 7/16 to be a bit better because they had more of a taper so we had less leaking taps with them.