View Full Version : Pump line question

07-19-2017, 02:35 PM
So in regards to a line that will be pumping from a holding tank to a head tank does it matter if the line is a black line from like an irrigation company or transparent blue line that maple dealers sell?

Super Sapper
07-19-2017, 04:31 PM
With the short length it will only be in for a short time and boiled soon after so it should not matter.

maple flats
07-20-2017, 06:16 AM
The only issue with that is being able to see what is happening in the pipe. I like to see, thus I only use blue translucent pipe, many use black.

07-20-2017, 06:25 PM
The only issue with that is being able to see what is happening in the pipe. I like to see, thus I only use blue translucent pipe, many use black.

What benefits do you find from seeing into the pipe?

08-02-2017, 08:19 AM
Black water line "pipe" will work fine ,it needs to be for drinking water use ,some irrigation lines are not . I have several hundred feet of it in use for 5 yrs now and no issues. Depending on how much you need would be a factor.Lowes Home Depot have good deals and will cut you a break in large amounts if you ask. It is more suseptible to mold I would say,but I always do a rinse or wash back down the line at the end.