- repairing soldered pans
- Auto Defoamer: Buy or Build
- Can you reparge,remortar old firebrick?
- Float box gasket
- How important is reverse flow on a pan?
- A Big Thanks To Russell re Bubbler Systems
- Evaporator Damage in Shipment
- Lights under the hood
- What Are You Hearing About Evaporator Price Increases?
- Planning for 10k taps, what evaporator?
- Float replacement for sap to sugar pan float valve
- considering a Leader Vermonter to upgrade a DIY setup
- Can anyone explain a drop flue pan to a newbie?
- Leader is being bought out by H2O Innovations
- Flames under the entire length of the pan?
- Homemade evap
- Used D&G Sportster is ready for test fire
- Width of 3ft. evaporator arches
- For sale: Complete maple sugaring setup
- New evaporator question
- How long will distilled water last?
- Adding AOF on Smoky Lake 2x6 Evaporator
- Benefits of Evaporator Hood?
- Height of Evaporator Stack Above Sugarhouse Roof?
- Looking for input to utilize a Simplicity autodraw on a reverse flow evaporator
- G.H Grimm Evaporator Questions
- Cleaning bottom of sap pan, it is necessary?
- Sparks Exiting an Evaporator's Smokestack
- Glass in arch door
- End of Year Pan Cleaning
- Flat divided pan vs flue pan/Syrup Pan
- Firing your evaporator: How full is the firebox?
- Grimm Lightning Evaporator w/ Small Brothers USA Flue Plan and Preheater
- 0-50 thermometer
- Do you insulate the front of your evaporataor?
- Stack temp controlling AUF
- AUF Questions
- Maintain Level in pan
- istalling a blower
- Adding blower with out air tight front
- First boil of 2023 lessons and questions - measuring stack temp
- Ceramic blanket and firebrick
- Maple Digital Barometer
- Insulation for under my flue pan...HELP!
- First Boil 23' - New Smoky Lake 2x5 Flat Pan Corsair
- Butterfly valve replacement gasket
- Building a better propane Grill
- intense boil/foamy sap?
- Trouble with Divided Pan-batching going on?
- G.H.Grimm 3x10 raise flue????
- Leader Half-Pint Float valve + Smoky Lake 2x4 Divided Pan
- 2x8 oil fired subpar boil?
- Sight Glasses on Silverplate's (2) Float Boxes
- Cleaning the pan
- Oil gun gph for a 30x8?
- Calibrating Pan Thermometer and General Pan Questions
- Drop Flue Vs. Raised Flue
- Dial thermometer adjustment
- Scorching incident while sweetening pans
- AOF on a small evaporator
- The power of veggie oil as a heat source.
- Leader WSE Evaporator
- Downsizing Considerations & Divided Flue Pan?
- Leader steam away plugged air holes
- Pan Cleaning
- Change to Front Draw-Off, When & Why
- Auto draw relocation help
- 3*10 raise flue dark syrup?????
- Keeping syrup in pans
- Divided Pan divider calculations?
- Alternatives for float valve?
- Float valve alternatives?
- Scorched flue pan
- batch boiling
- Room under drop flues?
- Oil fire conversion
- Space under flat pan
- Air under the fire
- Prolonging lifetime of stack
- Syrup pan valve
- Raccoon sniffs the Evaporator
- Syrup pan valve/baffle
- Will Bear, Rodents, Coyotes... Bother an Outside Evaporator?
- Pulling Sweet Off at Night and Burnt Pan
- Cleaning the underside of pans & sides of SS evaporator?
- Best Way to Cut Fire Brick?
- Thermometer: How High Up Evaporator Pipe Stack?
- Temperature Probe Problems
- Mason Evaporator door insulation
- Getting a new evaporator and need help making a decision
- Modulating Draw Off question
- Cleaning pan with vinegar -- heat it up?
- Electric float
- Looking for some equipment.
- Stack questions
- New Mason Raised Flue
- Pan Depth
- Poor-Man's Feed Pan ideas?
- Clear PVC rigid pipe
- Copper pipe fittings?
- Condensation in stack
- Steam Hood Stacks - Combining runs before exiting the roof.
- raising and lowering your steam hood ??
- Insulated Board under Fire Brick
- arch mods
- Boiling Outdoors and Evaporator Lid
- Thor Evaporators
- Sand, vermiculite, or just a blanket?
- Raised Flue Sap Depth
- Head Tank
- Hot water/storage from preheater
- Does Atmos defoamer expire?
- Leader reverse oil fired 2x8
- Oil Burner Issues?
- Needing input on my auf
- Dialing in AUF, AOF, and stack temp.
- Sweetening the Pan - Drop Plue
- Steam away
- Shutting down the drop flue at the end of the night.
- Thru the Wall or thru the roof?
- Boiling in New Aluminum
- Options for sweet during upcoming 8-day freeze temps?
- 2x4 raised flue operating questions
- Hard Freeze Temp and Draining the Pans
- Small batch evaporator vs pot
- Syrup pan sight glass
- A&A 2x8 Evaporator
- Evaporator channels have a lip.
- Smoky Lake Hybrid as a back pan?
- SL Pan Plugs - Cheaper Option
- Stack pipe replacement
- Leader Vortex w/ Revolution Max Raised Flue 2'x10' GPH
- Cleaning underside of raised flue pan
- 2x8 CDL traditional evaporator questions....
- I ordered a new 2x6
- Niter buildup and boiling temperature
- What's the exact width of your 2' pans?
- Cleaning between boils
- Evaporation Rate with Concentrate
- 2x6 rate
- My new evaporator
- Just curious about niter in a big evaporator
- Lots of taps for a 3x10
- Flip Top Chimney Cap
- divided pan problem, or not
- Propane burner
- CONVERTING from wood to oil
- How many gal?
- Max pressure a float valve can seal?
- Auto draw
- Propane/LNG with drop flue pan
- what to look for when buying small-scale secondhand evaporator?
- evaporator design principles and efficiently capturing heat
- Cleaning drop flue pan
- Let's be realistic
- Arch maintenance
- reconsidering "why not propane"?
- Evaporator + Steamaway + Hood
- any idea of what would be involved in repairing this pan?
- Best Practices
- New Shack, New Stack
- Safe temp to pull off sweet
- Lapierre Volcano 2000
- Evaporator Gasket
- blower motor