View Full Version : Dialing in AUF, AOF, and stack temp.

01-29-2024, 07:55 AM
Have a new 2 x 5 AA evaporator. Came with auf and I added aof. Did a boil with water and then had my first boil with sap yesterday. There was a lot to watch but it was after dark and I went out to get wood and had sparks coming out the stack. Always fired at 7 minutes on a 2 x6 that I had, last night after firing stack temp would go to 1050 then in 7 minutes would be down to 850. Started adjusting the blast gates I have but really not sure what I should be looking for. I have a bouncy house blower outside for air. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Ron

Robert K
01-29-2024, 08:38 AM
I have a longer arch with both AOF and AUF. You need to find a balance between your settings. I have found that roughly 1/4 flow to the AUF and rest to AOF once at operating temp. It sounds like you are blowing heat up the stack with to much AUF. You can play around with the size of wood used and dryness also. Somewhere near 20 % moisture allows for better gasification and longer burns. How tall is your chimmey ? These are general settings as each arch set-up is different, you gotta find the sweet spot (pun intended)

01-29-2024, 05:33 PM
That helped. Played with the settings before I built a fire, ended up 1\4 open on the auf and full open on the aof. Not sure about the sparks but stack temp peaked about 850 and I refired at 700 . Was about 12 minute intervals. Thanks , Ron

Robert K
02-01-2024, 05:50 PM
That is about were I Re-fire also, make minor adjustments and just try it. You will figure out over multiple boils were the sweet spot is. Weather conditions will play an affect also. I have seem we’re everything was perfect and we got a drop in temp and next thing you know blue flame out the stack. The more you run it and try adjustments the more comfortable you will get. More power to ya !