View Full Version : Divided Pan divider calculations?

03-27-2023, 05:27 PM
Wrong time of the season to be asking this but does anyone known if there is a proper formula for calculating the amount of space to leave at the end of a divider strip to allow the gradients to flow properly to the next section?

2nd question.
What actual cause the sap to separate into gradients? I'm thinking it must be density but maybe it's temperature or both?
Inquiring minds needs to know.


03-27-2023, 05:55 PM
The addition of sap at one end and the evaporation of water is what causes a gradient to form. I think the holes between the partitions don't really need to be that large. The flow between them is quite slow.

03-27-2023, 05:58 PM
Wrong time of the season to be asking this but does anyone known if there is a proper formula for calculating the amount of space to leave at the end of a divider strip to allow the gradients to flow properly to the next section?

2nd question.
What actual cause the sap to separate into gradients? I'm thinking it must be density but maybe it's temperature or both?
Inquiring minds needs to know.


Not sure what you mean by allowing the gradient to flow properly. The gradient is simply created because sap is flowing in from one end. So that end is always fresh sap. The other end gets more and more condensed as the water evaporates. And in the middle is... something closer to one end or the other.


maple flats
03-27-2023, 07:20 PM
I've seen passages from one section to the next in a wide range of sizes, from quite small to quite large. I vote for middle range.

Super Sapper
03-28-2023, 07:11 AM
If you want a good reading, search gradient and Haynes. The gradient is the density and the longer it is in the pan the higher the density. As water is evaporated off it is replaced with liquid from the previous channel. The first channel is replenished with the lowest density sap and is in the pan the least amount of time.

03-29-2023, 12:19 PM
Thanks for all the suggestions and comments. I think I have a good grasp of the hows & whys of the divided pan now.
I'm running a 2x2 divided pan, after about 1/2 hr I see the gradients forming and when I get 2-3hrs in the boil the middle and draw off sections seem to be the same color and the feed section is about half clear as expected. This was at 1-1/2" depth. Net boil I'll go to 3/4-1" to try getting the syrup drawn off faster.
I may not be able to get it to work properly due to the limited qty of sap I can collect (walnut) and boil before the sap spoils.