View Full Version : Pan Cleaning

03-21-2023, 04:58 AM
Hello All,

My pan is a Leader 2X4 from 2006 and it has some caked on niter on the sides of the pan. The floor of the pan I can keep nice and shiny, but is there any way to get the niter off the sides? I do a white vinegar/water solution and let that soak but it doesn't touch the stuff built up on the inside sidewalls. Other than not looking great, are there any issues with the niter always being there on the side walls?

Would the pan cleaner from Leader take it off? I recently upgraded my kitchen cookware to MadeIn pans and they have a stainless steel cleaner that I wonder if it is the same as the Leader pan cleaner? Edit - the cleaner from Made In definitely isn't the same but I wonder if it would work. I may try it on a small area.

Appreciate all advice!

03-21-2023, 06:05 AM
Following. I can never get the sides clean either.

03-21-2023, 06:47 AM
Following. I can never get the sides clean either.

Hoping we can get some resolution to our issue!

03-21-2023, 07:01 AM
Fill the pans with water, add pan cleaner a heat up some. You can let it sit for a day or two. Maybe heat up soe again. Usually the sides are easier to clean than the bottom but you need to put enough water in to cover what you want to clean. Also pan cleaner is recomened.

blissville maples
03-21-2023, 07:06 AM
Fill the pans with water, add pan cleaner a heat up some. You can let it sit for a day or two. Maybe heat up soe again. Usually the sides are easier to clean than the bottom but you need to put enough water in to cover what you want to clean. Also pan cleaner is recomened.

Take 3/4 copper pipe hammer one end flat, file a nice edge on it and scrape it off. You really have to lay into it but the copper will not scratch the stainless

blissville maples
03-21-2023, 07:07 AM
The good part is the bottom is the only important part to get clean sides aren't important when it comes to burning pans

Sugar Bear
03-21-2023, 09:26 AM
Have you ever considered using a product called Bar Keepers Friend. I have used it on stainless problems before and it seems to take pretty much anything off. Never used it on my pans however. Not sure if BKF will etch the steel and make even more niter want to build up next year. So use and try at own risk.

But BKF will clean anything from any steel and well if you work it well with a damp cloth.

03-21-2023, 06:12 PM
Have you ever considered using a product called Bar Keepers Friend. I have used it on stainless problems before and it seems to take pretty much anything off. Never used it on my pans however. Not sure if BKF will etch the steel and make even more niter want to build up next year. So use and try at own risk.

But BKF will clean anything from any steel and well if you work it well with a damp cloth.

I've read about it but have never tried it. I may have to look into it. Maybe someone here who has used it on their syrup pan can chime in.

RC Maple
03-22-2023, 08:27 AM
I've read about it but have never tried it. I may have to look into it. Maybe someone here who has used it on their syrup pan can chime in.

I've used bkf on my pan. Never had luck with it on the sides either. For the sides to come clean, like upsmapleman said, you'd have to fill the pan above that so it could soak too. Just vinegar does a good job on the bottom of my pan, but I haven't used enough to get to a 2 or 3 inch depth to see if it would clean that off as well.

03-22-2023, 09:51 AM
I've used bkf on my pan. Never had luck with it on the sides either. For the sides to come clean, like upsmapleman said, you'd have to fill the pan above that so it could soak too. Just vinegar does a good job on the bottom of my pan, but I haven't used enough to get to a 2 or 3 inch depth to see if it would clean that off as well.

I have my pan soaking with a 50/50 mix right now and the level is above the niter stuck on the sides. I may end up doing the copper scraper, or I might just say the heck with it since it doesn't seem to matter on the sides.

03-22-2023, 10:50 AM
I fill with water, add a decent amount of vinegar and let it set for a few days/weeks depending on my schedule and memory. It generally wipes off if I give it enough time.

03-22-2023, 12:39 PM
First year using milk stone releaser to clean my pans. I did did it once mid season. I had a few little hot spots in the syrup pan, and the normal about of buildup on the sides...soaking in 110 degree water/releaser cleaned right off. I'm a believer now. Tractor supply carries it, so do the local dairy suppliers. it's a mix of phosphoric and sulfuric acid, great for cleaning anything that is stainless steel. Label says one ounce to 10 gallons of water, and to wear gloves if it bothers your skin, i didn't wear gloves(to see if it bothered me) and my cuticles were a little sore, but some baking soda water and lotion and they were fine.

03-22-2023, 01:06 PM
I fill with water, add a decent amount of vinegar and let it set for a few days/weeks depending on my schedule and memory. It generally wipes off if I give it enough time.

This is what I do. I have a 2x6 and fill it with water and vinegar and let it sit. I then drain it and use a pressure washer to finish cleaning. I store the pans upside down and when I re-assemble early in the season a wet sponge is enough to clean off any dust.

03-23-2023, 05:31 AM
I use vinegar during the season and that keeps everything on the bottom up to about a couple inches shiny. That's what matters most. The sides are the worst ever. It was a very heavy year for niter here.

At the end of the season, I go as high as I can with the vinegar and also add the leftover acid wash from the wash tank on the RO. Then I top it off with permeate if needed. My boxes are a little lower than the dividers, so I can't go all the way up. It gets the niter off pretty well, but the scale has been there since day one and I can't get it off. It's only cosmetic so I live with it.

I also have a flattened copper pipe. That's a handy tool. I might try the milk stone remover this year. Thanks for the tip that it's at TSC.

03-23-2023, 06:46 AM
I'm not familiar with milk stone remover. I assume it is safe to use as long as the pan is thoroughly rinsed after using it?

03-24-2023, 12:20 PM
I'm not familiar with milk stone remover. I assume it is safe to use as long as the pan is thoroughly rinsed after using it?

I have seen it recommended by some others, like anything you use to clean, afterwards you want to rinse, rinse, rinse, and maybe rinse again with lots of clean water.


03-26-2023, 10:07 AM
Just made a copper scraper, wow! Does a fantastic job. Was able to chip away at the niter that's been caked on the sides for years. Not a scratch to the pan either.

04-01-2023, 07:48 AM
Not only does the copper scraper work great, these Chore Boy 100% copper scrubbers are awesome as well.
