View Full Version : Will Bear, Rodents, Coyotes... Bother an Outside Evaporator?

04-04-2023, 09:46 AM
I'm about to move my new evaporator to an outside boiling location. It will stay there until the end of this season.

Will animals bother the evaporator?

Bucket Head
04-04-2023, 11:29 AM
Coyote's, probably not. Bears, maybe because of the scent of sweet? Rodents will enjoy pulling apart any exposed ceramic blanket or other type of material. They love that stuff for home building.


04-04-2023, 05:33 PM
And racoons too.

You should obviously securely cover the pans and float boxes.


04-04-2023, 08:06 PM
how is your season going? How is the new rig working out?

04-05-2023, 08:20 AM
Ken; Thanks for asking.

Things are happening very slowly.

Sap collection: Although I have seven people on call for sap collection (Sap Saks to tote), I'm finding that a crew of 2-3 are not as available as hoped when I need them. Sap collection is a weak link in my 2023 plans. We have collected about 540 gallons and fortunately, it's been cold enough to prevent spoiling but I need to evaporate soon. I've got more totes and will check the sugarbush today to see if a Thursday sap collection is needed. I'm finding that at least this year, my sugarbush hasn't thawed out as bushes more south.

Evaporation setup: Moved the evaporator from my garage / workshop yesterday to under the pipe-frame with roof tarp. Covered evaporator with its own canvas tarp. I need to install the smokestack and (2) sight glasses, perhaps today, and I should be ready to evaporate. Since I will be boiling in batches, I've recently become concerned about bear disturbing my evaporator between boilings.

Filtering / bottling syrup: Syrup coming off my evaporator will go into five gallon plastic containers, taken to my garage / workshop for pressure filtering and bottling (water-jacketed bottler).

04-05-2023, 07:08 PM
That sucks. I hope you can finish off the year with a successful boil on your new rig.


04-06-2023, 07:41 AM
I'm finding that a crew of 2-3 are not as available as hoped when I need them.

One reason farmers used to have 8-10 kids. Available work-force. :o