View Full Version : Cleaning the underside of pans & sides of SS evaporator?

04-05-2023, 05:12 PM
I've to date failed to come across what to do about the thick black coating on the underside of my flued pan. In the past I've used Easy Off Oven Cleaner with moderate success. I've been told that I shouldn't bother with the underside, just a pressure wash. Any opinions on how best to clean the underside of pans, if at at all? Additionally, I have black sap splatter on the sides of my stainless steel evaporator. It was nice and shiny initially and I'm not sure how to deal with these thick spots all over the sides of my evaporator..........any suggestions are much appreciated

04-05-2023, 05:32 PM
End of season clean ?

Turn the flue pan upside down and add hot water with pan cleaner.
Works for the inside/ should also work for the outside.

04-05-2023, 06:04 PM
You can use the copper scrub pads. since the copper is softer than the stainless it doesn't scratch it. I wash mine with hot water and white vinegar. I have used bar keepers friend a time or two on stubborn spots with good success. Make sure to rinse it real well with water.

04-06-2023, 06:16 AM
Yes, clean the underside the best that you can i use commercial oven cleaner. The black "carbon" spots on your pans suck up heat and create hot spots in your pan which 2 factor screws things up by creating niter build up and uneven heat. For the black sap spatter on the outside only (not where it touches sap) use AutoSol Metal Polish and elbow grease.

04-06-2023, 06:54 AM
I have found a good prep before power washing is to mix a batch of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and dawn dish soap into a paste. Layer it on the whole underside and leave it for 15 minutes, then power wash. This should take care of all but the most stubborn buildups upon which a scratchless scrub pad, barkeep's riend and liberal amounts of elbow grease til they are at best just dots.