View Full Version : Hard Freeze Temp and Draining the Pans
02-13-2024, 12:06 PM
Hi All,
I'm leaving town for a few days. The forecast has me at 17F one of the nights I'm away.
Is this too hard of a freeze for the pans (flue and syrup) or should I be fine?
What temp do you sorry about the pans freezing and associated damage?
02-13-2024, 12:39 PM
10% sucrose solution freezing point is around 25 F.
I put a small immersion heater in my flue pan on a simple inkbord temperature controller to prevent freezing if it's getting down below 28 or so.
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maple flats
02-13-2024, 07:29 PM
I suggest a incandescent light bulb under the pans, in fact 2 bulbs for insurance, in case 1 bulb blows. 40 watt or 60 watt will keep it luke warm while you are gone. If you will only be gone 1 day likely OK, a few, put a cover on the pans and have the light bulbs lit under the pan.
I did that my first year in my sugarhouse and it protected the pans perfectly (it was a 2x6 evaporator). Later on when I had a 3x8 I just lit a small fire for protection if ice slush formed on top, often it went 2 days before I needed a small fire.
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