- Can't make sense of this weather!
- Ran overnight :)
- Tapped Some Test Trees
- Question on selling syrup?
- refractometer question
- Bulk syrup needed
- Putting your latitude in your signature
- Tapping 3 weeks earlier than last year
- when are you planing to tap
- Sugar Season Has Begun at Our Van Buren Co. Farm
- Upper Peninsula 2016
- NE Washtenaw county tapped today
- First good flow
- Tapping in Kalamazoo county MI
- Tree Size
- How Many Taps is to many
- The fresh snow is so deep...
- 43 Taps this year...
- newbie questions... (Long)
- Will it flow all night??
- Selling sap retail
- Sugar content
- Slow Flow?
- Different Colors of Syrup
- Tapping Keweenaw
- Next weeks week long warm-up
- Keeping Sap Cool
- New member and newbe question
- Will tapping the north side prolong flow?
- Red Maple vs Sugar Maple
- Cloudy sap in Battle Creek
- I think my silvers have budded out
- say it's not over.......
- High Sugar Content, and Caramel flavored syrup
- Nitre? Sugar Crystals? Odd evaporation
- Not cold enough and too cold here
- Newbie 1st year results and observations
- Visual of Budded Out
- Help me ID This tree
- Slow warm ups
- Tapped some new trees Monday, 3/21/16.
- March snow storm
- How long before a tap hole dries out?
- Drawing off Syrup on Mason 2x4 XL with Blower
- 2016 results ?
- Ordered a new Mason 2 x 5 XL evaporator today! The Maple bug has taken over!
- Anyone in Michigan still going?
- Newbie questions for michigan
- Looking For Smaller Evaporator
- Fall update from Stroup's Sugarbush in Almont, MI
- Early tapping this season?
- Is anyone tapping in southern Michigan yet ?
- Preparing for the season.
- Looks good in the forcast!
- Rmg open house
- Tapping End of This week.
- U. P. Of michigan
- tapping ludington area
- Byron Center area tapping today
- Started our Season Today, Feb 12, 2017
- Tapping Northern Michigan? Traverse City area?
- Show us your latitude, please.
- Tapping on the Empire to Harrisville Line
- Next weeks temps concerning
- To mix or not? (Red Maple and Sugar Maple)
- Todays work
- 30 taps on Tuesday Grant Twp
- Future forecast setting up perfect
- Upcoming Warm Days
- First Batch
- Maybe dried up holes?
- Silver maples
- Seeing the maple trees bud out
- Do I need to wash the buckets?
- Got bored...
- Help
- Grand Rapids
- Lucky man I am.
- Feb 28 and I am done, I think
- Sap barrels (drums) eastern Michigan
- Considering upgrading to tubing, but need advise
- Best Day Ever
- Yoopers when did you or are you going to tap? How many gallons of sap per tap so far.
- Strong winds
- weather change
- Get ready for the next run.
- Silly Trees
- All done
- Buddy Syrup Yet?
- All done he
- Old saying
- Birch Season Is Here
- M.M.S.A. Fall Tour
- Lets get this thing started!
- Tell Us what is new (upgrades) for the 2018 season
- Hello
- lets put michigan on the map
- Newbie
- I'm thinking Friday
- Relax still early
- Taps Are In
- Rain!
- Tapping UP Michigan
- Still too early?
- Extended forecast scary in southern MI
- SE Michigan been decent flow...
- Season is on and have a great partner!
- S.W. MI. Sap is flowing as of this morning. 3-2-18
- Sap Flowing in the NELP
- Sap For Sale
- The NELP Report
- sap jugs froze solid
- On hold right now
- West End of U.P.
- Awesome Facebook page Michigan Maple Syrup Cookers
- a question on pricing syrup
- Best Flow Ever
- content labels in Mi
- done for the year
- Is my yield low?
- Done for the year
- Tree Identification
- West Michigan Tapping
- Free Sap in Southeast Michigan January 7, 2019
- Weather
- This years weather similar to the polar vortex weather of 2013/2014
- Allegan County headed to Sugar Bush Supplies?
- Is anyone tapping in southern Michigan yet ?
- Tapping Grand Traverse County
- UP tapping
- Who are my neighbors
- Michigan Bulk Buyers
- The time has finally come.
- The Sap is Flowing
- Looks like a great week of weather this week.
- 2019 sap sugar content
- An UnBearable early end.
- At Onto's
- MMSA 2020 winter Meeting
- Tapped SouthWest MI
- Tapping 2020
- Tapped Today 2/15/20
- Too much Sap?
- Northren Lower Tapping
- Tapped in Allegan County
- Tapping in Iosco county
- First boil
- U.P. Tapping 2020
- Sap to date
- Saginaw
- West Michigan 2021 season?
- Croswell - Sanilac County - East between Sandusky & Port Huron - Is it time to tap??
- It's starting. Midland County
- Tapping Livingston County
- Getting anxious
- Not liking this.
- Feb 5th and 6th
- Michigan
- UP Tapping 2023
- Tapping Northern Michigan
- Tough Sledding in West End of the U.P.
- 2024 Tapping Season
- Growing Degree Days for Maple Trees
- Tapped in Traverse City area
- 2025 Sugaring Season