View Full Version : Todays work

02-15-2017, 08:15 PM
Well after two years of boiling on propane with grill side burner and a turkey fryer. I found a deal this past summer.
Got 90 blocks for $20. Picked up two stainless pans that are from a closed restaurant that are five gallons each.

Threw all this together and this was my first boil on this thing.


02-15-2017, 09:17 PM
It'll make some fine syrup!

02-15-2017, 09:17 PM
Well after two years of boiling on propane with grill side burner and a turkey fryer. I found a deal this past summer.
Got 90 blocks for $20. Picked up two stainless pans that are from a closed restaurant that are five gallons each.

Threw all this together and this was my first boil on this thing.


Snappy....I tried the same thing last year and it worked great, but then the blocks started to crumble from the heat! It only lasted for 3 or 4 boilings. I was afraid at the end of losing all my sap. I boiled with a 2' x 2' x 12" deep stainless pan. This year instead of foundation blocks I use 4"x8"x16" solid blocks hoping they will stand up better to the heat. I was going the use my fire ring but didn't have what it took around here to make it work. Hope it works out for you.


02-15-2017, 09:22 PM
I made a lot of good syrup on something just like that! As you inevitably want to go even faster.....Stick on a taller stack, put a grate under the wood if there isn't one yet, split your wood a little finer, block air over the fire and make it come in under the grate.

And if you don't do any of those things, have fun with what you have!

02-15-2017, 09:28 PM
If you can fill the blocks with sand they will hold up to the heat better

02-15-2017, 09:39 PM
Plan is for picking up some more blocks for next year. Then I will build a base and build and cement the blocks together. Then add Fire Brick to the bottom, sides and back. With some rebar for more support for the pans.

Thanks everyone.

02-15-2017, 09:50 PM
Constantly working on mine. I picked up 8 foot of single wall stove pipe and an elbow for the chimney today. I am hoping the solid blocks work out better. I had a grill made out of bricks and mortar a couple of years ago that worked well. I sold the house and it went with it.

02-16-2017, 07:00 PM
After boiling again today. I confess. I may not be cut out for this wood burning boiling method.
Past two years I got up started the propane burners put sap on and went into the house, had coffee, helped wife around house and did things inside. Computer games, research or gosh knows what including watching a movie and such.

Two days of watching pans, adding sap, watching fire, adding wood, sitting and watching steam and smoke and I honestly am contemplating saying screw it I would rather pay the money for propane than stare into the great nothingness all day. Finishing what I boiled right now. Will see how it tastes. If I don't like it I will be using the rest of this wood for summer fires.

Nope not lazy I was fine yesterday when I had wood to cut and split. But today :o I was contemplating all kinds of unacceptable things to get out of sitting there any longer. Not sure how some of you do it. :lol:

Too Tall
02-16-2017, 07:09 PM
A beer in one hand helps keep me entertained. Friends to talk to help too!

02-16-2017, 08:28 PM
I still do all those things. I just add wood to the fire every hour or so and go about my business. With a deeper pan you don't have to watch it as closely. After a few boils you know when you need to stick around. My boiling pan is 24"x24"x12" or about 30 gallons. At a boil rate of 3 gallons per hour.....well you are boiling a long time!

Cedar Eater
02-17-2017, 10:31 AM
This is why I like my electrical evaporators. Cheaper and more convenient than propane. Shut them down and start them up with the flip of a switch. Very consistent boil rate. I can set the alarm on my phone or the timer on my kitchen stove and go away for an hour.

02-17-2017, 11:03 AM
Cedar you have my interest now. Okay tell me more, show me pics guide me I have a new idol. :lol:

Oh for the record I don't drink so beer and alcohol is out of the question. Friends? Hey most people I know work and think I am crazy for doing this. Even my wife thinks I am nuts. She says I will help with stuff here and there but I am not sitting outside in the cold with you. :)

Cedar Eater
02-17-2017, 12:25 PM
Cedar you have my interest now. Okay tell me more, show me pics guide me

The words "electrified kitchen sink" and "electrified steam table pan" in my signature lines are links to threads here where the two evaporators were featured. There is also a thread in the homemade equipment forum by Fyreaway who had a custom pan built that outperforms both of mine. He uses a water heater element in the sap and I use spa heater elements.

02-17-2017, 06:24 PM
And for everyone to get a good laugh.

Its a good thing I prefer Maple Candy to maple syrup. :emb:

Yup brought all I had boiled over two days in and put on the stove in the finish pans. Boiled it down. Was getting close however I needed to get out before dark to collect.
So I turned it down to simmer. Went out came back in after done and went hmm stirred it and instant foaming bubbles. Ah boy likely overcooked it. At least it hadn't stuck to the bottom. So I check temp hmm temp is only about 212 walk away get dinner then go doh I had it on simmer its not going to hit temp right it will just simmer away. Go back stir it and its almost as thick as log cabin. LOL

So I simply keep cooking and stirring until it got to the thread stage and stirred it as it cooled to add the air to it. Poured it into a large glass pan. Now will let it cool and begin the drying stage to turn it into dry sugar candy. Ah well only about two gallons of syrup that is now about a gallon of sticky candy forming. LOL

Good news its delicious.