Quote Originally Posted by ADK_XJ View Post
I just came back to the forum to say this same thing...not really sure what to expect from here on out! It's gone like gangbusters for a little over a week but finally tapered off yesterday morning and has not come back online yet. I did "invest" (they were a few cents more a piece) in the check valve taps and my hope is they may salvage a few more weeks of the season by protecting the tap holes from the warm weather bacteria growth.

Still, it's been in the mid 60s a few days in a row during the day and this morning it was 52F when I woke up. No bueno.

Looks like we may hit high 20s Monday night, a 50/50 shot at just below freezing Tuesday and then some colder temps by the weekend. I would be pretty bummed to only get one good week out of the season, but we've made some really good stuff and a decent amount of it since I took the last week off work. Crossing my fingers!
I honestly don't know what to think! I'm not giving up yet though. I'm just worried that it's been so warm during the day and the nighttime temps are also quite warm that we would really need a couple good days of a deep freeze to reset the trees. Who knows though, I'll never figure out mother nature!