View Full Version : Tapping-New Jersey 2025

  1. Make some of the best!!!
  2. Tapping today 1/27/2013
  3. Boiling 2/3/13
  4. Today 2/3/13
  5. 275
  6. 275 now
  7. Taped in Johnsonburg
  8. Tapped on the jersey shore.
  9. Tapped in Hardwick
  10. Tapped in sussex
  11. Boiled
  12. Morris County - Tapped & boiled
  13. 102 gallons of sap
  14. Boiling Today
  15. The flow is back
  16. Nice!
  17. My First Time
  18. New Corona Dark
  19. 185 gallons collected today. 170 taps
  20. Sad and Happy
  21. SAP and HAPPY!!
  22. Season called for bear damage
  23. Still Sap N Happy
  24. Done
  25. Syrup Bottles Wanted!!!
  26. Tapped in Hardwick , NJ today
  27. Waiting
  28. Gonna start
  29. First timer tapped in Sparta
  30. What's happening?
  31. First syrup
  32. 6 weeks
  33. Boiling again
  34. Finally some gold!
  35. 60* n running
  36. Overflowing!!!
  37. Keepin up ??
  38. 19 more
  39. It's rippin
  40. Finally finished!
  41. I see the caboose
  42. Red means stop
  43. Getting close
  44. What r u doing?
  45. Who's drilling?
  46. Tapped in West Portal
  47. not happy with test boil today
  48. Nothing!!!
  49. Brown sap
  50. Snow fleas
  51. slow start for me
  52. Not quite enough
  53. Not a lot but 1 3/4* or better sugar!
  54. What gives?
  55. Food
  56. It's here!
  57. Tapped in Stimes State Forest and High Point HS
  58. Maple SNOWCONES here we come!!
  59. is anybody else getting dark syrup
  60. Good weekend
  61. 3/16 vacuum can't believe
  62. Thunder syrup
  63. long boil yesterday
  64. Another good weekend
  65. This is the end
  66. pulled my tap today
  67. Not yet
  68. Last boil
  69. This is crazy 3/16
  70. Still not the end
  71. Almost done
  72. What this year was for me!
  73. My final picture
  74. I lied!!i
  75. getting ready
  76. Finishing sap
  77. Otsego County 2016
  78. started tapping yesterday
  79. Who's tapping?
  80. Who's BOILIN !!!
  81. Sap Flow
  82. Newbee Done & Happy!
  83. From 100:1 to 30:1 !!!!
  84. My 5 batches so far
  85. My 6 batches for 2016
  86. Another Newbie that is happy and has some questions
  87. Looks like the season is done
  88. 2017
  89. NJ Leader Dealer
  90. Getting ready
  91. Free to good home
  92. South Jersey
  93. Tapped in north N.J.
  94. Tapping has begun for us
  95. 2/12/17
  96. Valentine's Day
  97. 2/15
  98. Visit from John NJ
  99. A little late to the game
  100. 2/19
  101. Tasting
  102. Is the end near?
  103. First boil.
  104. Free sap
  105. My season so far
  106. Peeper are singing
  107. Who's still tapping?
  108. Restart the season?
  109. New season
  110. Wow I'm RO happy!!
  111. First run
  112. Tapped in Warren County NJ
  113. Getting sap down south
  114. The Magic Machine the RO!
  115. Anyone in NJ area interested in getting together after the season is over
  116. The choir was rehearsing to night!!
  117. Syrup is Red not a good sign for me!
  118. 24* here this am still hope!
  119. Winters back?
  120. Sap is still running
  121. One last try
  122. Pulled my taps today...
  123. Tapping
  124. Strong run
  125. How is it going?
  126. Thoughts on tapping
  127. Tapping 2021
  128. Ready For 2022?
  129. Tapped the 3 yard trees today
  130. 2023 Season ?
  131. Tapping 2024
  132. Tapping 2025