- Make some of the best!!!
- Tapping today 1/27/2013
- Boiling 2/3/13
- Today 2/3/13
- 275
- 275 now
- Taped in Johnsonburg
- Tapped on the jersey shore.
- Tapped in Hardwick
- Tapped in sussex
- Boiled
- Morris County - Tapped & boiled
- 102 gallons of sap
- Boiling Today
- The flow is back
- Nice!
- My First Time
- New Corona Dark
- 185 gallons collected today. 170 taps
- Sad and Happy
- SAP and HAPPY!!
- Season called for bear damage
- Still Sap N Happy
- Done
- Syrup Bottles Wanted!!!
- Tapped in Hardwick , NJ today
- Waiting
- Gonna start
- First timer tapped in Sparta
- What's happening?
- First syrup
- 6 weeks
- Boiling again
- Finally some gold!
- 60* n running
- Overflowing!!!
- Keepin up ??
- 19 more
- It's rippin
- Finally finished!
- I see the caboose
- Red means stop
- Getting close
- What r u doing?
- Who's drilling?
- Tapped in West Portal
- not happy with test boil today
- Nothing!!!
- Brown sap
- Snow fleas
- slow start for me
- Not quite enough
- Not a lot but 1 3/4* or better sugar!
- What gives?
- Food
- It's here!
- Tapped in Stimes State Forest and High Point HS
- Maple SNOWCONES here we come!!
- is anybody else getting dark syrup
- Good weekend
- 3/16 vacuum can't believe
- Thunder syrup
- long boil yesterday
- Another good weekend
- This is the end
- pulled my tap today
- Not yet
- Last boil
- This is crazy 3/16
- Still not the end
- Almost done
- What this year was for me!
- My final picture
- I lied!!i
- getting ready
- Finishing sap
- Otsego County 2016
- started tapping yesterday
- Who's tapping?
- Who's BOILIN !!!
- Sap Flow
- Newbee Done & Happy!
- From 100:1 to 30:1 !!!!
- My 5 batches so far
- My 6 batches for 2016
- Another Newbie that is happy and has some questions
- Looks like the season is done
- 2017
- NJ Leader Dealer
- Getting ready
- Free to good home
- South Jersey
- Tapped in north N.J.
- Tapping has begun for us
- 2/12/17
- Valentine's Day
- 2/15
- Visit from John NJ
- A little late to the game
- 2/19
- Tasting
- Is the end near?
- First boil.
- Free sap
- My season so far
- Peeper are singing
- Who's still tapping?
- Restart the season?
- New season
- Wow I'm RO happy!!
- First run
- Tapped in Warren County NJ
- Getting sap down south
- The Magic Machine the RO!
- Anyone in NJ area interested in getting together after the season is over
- The choir was rehearsing to night!!
- Syrup is Red not a good sign for me!
- 24* here this am still hope!
- Winters back?
- Sap is still running
- One last try
- Pulled my taps today...
- Tapping
- Strong run
- How is it going?
- Thoughts on tapping
- Tapping 2021
- Ready For 2022?
- Tapped the 3 yard trees today
- 2023 Season ?
- Tapping 2024
- Tapping 2025