View Full Version : Buckets, Brix and Basics

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  1. Bucket Sap Level Indicator Idea
  2. Lead in buckets
  3. Sugar sand and density
  4. Brix Scale
  5. Refractometer reading vs temperature question
  6. Tapping question
  7. Giving trees a year off?
  8. ? on a refractometer
  9. Tubing from the tap to the bucket size?
  10. buddy sap and when is it too cloudy?
  11. Nice bucket
  12. What do you do to clean your buckets and short tubing to store it for the year
  13. Keeping track of taps
  14. Making 3" Schedule 40 PVC sap bag pipes
  15. Multiple tree trunks
  16. Newbie question.....
  17. hand filter press
  18. 5 gallon buckets?
  19. When is too early to Tap???
  20. plastic 5/16th bucket spiles
  21. drilling hole question.
  22. Tapped to close
  23. 2 gallon buckets full and froze solid
  24. 4.2 from silvers?
  25. Tapping questions
  26. Red Maples not producing
  27. .5% sugar. Why?
  28. Calculating sap sugar content...
  29. Temps needed
  30. Disappointed plastic buckets
  31. Help with brix
  32. sap quantity
  33. Suprises in Buckets
  34. Long cold intermission
  35. How long to leave buckets hanging?
  36. Second equipment purchase thoughts?
  37. How long is too long to stay tapped?
  38. Refractometer questions.
  39. Washing pvc sap sak holders
  40. Disposable Spouts for Bags
  41. Sugar Married to a Buckeye?
  42. Recommendations needed!
  43. soft maples vs. hard maples
  44. Testing a sap hydrometer at home
  45. Fully frozen sap-cubes
  46. Buckets being used last/ later in year?
  47. bit size
  48. Leaky spouts
  49. Picture of buds — is my season over?
  50. Stainless spout dripping onto bucket hook problem.
  51. Sap "life" in buckets
  52. Asking to tap
  53. sugars running silver not
  54. 5/16 drops to buckets
  55. Oops, found two taps in trees from last year. Pull or leave?
  56. I think I have been tapping too hard!
  57. cold night after mild spell
  58. HELP!! Sap stopped running
  59. Boiling my measly (under) 5 gallons
  60. Sugar Content?
  61. Wind Chill
  62. Powder coating galvanized pails
  63. Frozen sap bags-how long will it keep?
  64. Cats check my buckets for me--photo
  65. galvanized bucket repair
  66. Sap Sack dimensions
  67. Frozen buckets
  68. Kitty Litter Pails for Sap??? :)
  69. Frozen Sap Buckets
  70. If you've gone to bag or tubing can I buy your old buckets/spiles?
  71. Critter knocking over bucket
  72. hydrometer
  73. Need help using the refractometer
  74. Sugar Bush Not Supplying Sap
  75. Going to use plastic bags in my buckets - high vs. low density?
  76. Couple Questions
  77. stainless taps.
  78. Time to pull the buckets?!!!
  79. Spile Size
  80. Clear check valve spout
  81. Taps per tree
  82. 5 gallon plastic bucket residual smell
  83. Stainless Weldless spouts
  84. Cleaning spiles
  85. What refractometer is most loved?
  86. Flow from spiles after long cold snap???
  87. old tyme bucket hook
  88. Tapping twice on the same tree
  89. 5/16 spiles for buckets
  90. Brix Reading Help
  91. Collapsible sap bags/buckets
  92. Bad wood?
  93. Dead and dying trees
  94. How to clean a Home Made RO system
  95. CDL pressure control valve and concentrate valve leeking
  96. Sap Gathering Basics - a quick guide for beginners
  97. Batteries and Bits, how long should they last?
  98. Ideas on how to keep bucket and lid together
  99. Accuracy of refractometer?
  100. Making a switch!!!!
  101. Drop Tubes into Buckets
  102. Off flavors from Aluminum buckets?
  103. Cleaning buckets after dumping spoiled sap?
  104. Buckets produce next to nothing
  105. Simple green cleaner
  106. Murphy compensating cup vs hydrotherm
  107. 30+ taps per bit
  108. End of year cleaning cast iron and aluminum taps
  109. Hanna Digital Refratometer all over the map
  110. 2019 Kentucky Maple Syrup School
  111. Trust the thermometer or hydrometer?
  112. Bush vs Tree Line/Laneway (Sugar Content, etc)?
  113. New sap buckets
  114. Tree Health Question
  115. Red Maples
  116. Back Pressure/Vacuum on Buckets
  117. 66 Brix
  118. Food grade buckets $3 donation
  119. Leaking Spiles
  120. First time problems
  121. Identifying Trees in the Winter
  122. Minimum Brix in relation to spoilage potential
  123. optical refractometer technique
  124. Blue Plastic Lids For Plastic Buckets
  125. Poll: 2020 Sap sugar content
  126. tree size
  127. sap sugar content
  128. Anchoring buckets on 5\16 drops
  129. Tap Hole Viability
  130. North or South
  131. Is there an actual formula for determining amount of sap to a specific syrup density?
  132. colored spouts
  133. Buckets - when too far gone?
  134. 3/16” taps and tubing into 5gal
  135. Tapping to early?
  136. I have opposite trees for sap brix
  137. testing sugar content from bottom of collection tank
  138. Guidelines for multiple taps in multi trunk trees?
  139. Enlarging bucket holes
  140. broken brix hydrometer for sap
  141. How best to sanitize drill bit, spiles, and (possibly) taphole?
  142. Forgive me for noob question about home ro and brix
  143. Did I crack the sap hole, or...?
  144. Tips for removing shark fin cast alum taps
  145. Temperature compensation for finished syrup refractometer
  146. How are you getting 2 GPT??
  147. Best practice for sap yield with buckets over several seasons
  148. Beginner filtering. Hate it.
  149. Surviving a warm spell
  150. Yield for buckets 5/16” vs 7/16”
  151. 5/16" straight seasonal spouts with retaining ring (shipping cost)?
  152. cheap buckets
  153. Tapping reds with broken off branches
  154. Liberty drill bit
  155. Cleaning spouts midseason???
  156. Frozen / cold sap longevity
  157. Drop lines into bucket
  158. sap hydrometer
  159. Poor sap flow
  160. Sap Brix taste test ?
  161. Degree days before tapping….
  162. Screwing a hook to maple trees.
  163. Swapping out spiles
  164. Sap hydrometer question
  165. at what sugar % do you stop running sap?
  166. Calculating the best tapping date
  167. Cleaning HDPE Buckets
  168. Data help
  169. Bucket Blowout Syndrome
  170. Brix vs density
  171. I Give up on Hydrometers... Better options?
  172. Higher early concentrations
  173. Arc Barb-Spout on Gravity
  174. thought experiment - tapping 30' above ground level to produce full natural vacuum
  175. larger sap buckets