View Full Version : Removing "Buddy"
Jim Powell
04-19-2008, 08:21 PM
This year, instead of throwing out three gallons of buddy syrup from last year, (I wanted the glass jugs), I decided to filter it through a carbon filter that was food grade and rated for use up to 180°F. I filtered it through once, and it tasted MUCH better, so for good measure I filtered it twice more. There was none of the “ziiiiizzzt” as Royalmaple so eloquently described. I wanted to try to use the same cartridge on the sap, to see if it would catch it there first. I did several runs that were NOT buddy yet. The carbon filter did not reduce the sugar content, and the final syrup tasted really good. However I had to shut down on the 16th and that was before my trees went buddy.
I have searched here for carbon filtering, but can’t find anything for fixing buddy sap/syrup. As a chemist, I am familiar with the use of carbon filtering for cleaning up reaction side products, as a homeowner on a well, I use it to clean up the rotten egg smell and as an enjoyer of Jack Daniels, I appreciate what it does for that fine product.
This is the carbon filter I used:
So, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!
Let me say again thanks to all of you for the valuable advice you give here to us rank amateurs.
04-20-2008, 08:09 PM
Jim, are you saying that these filters could remove the unwanted taste in the sap, like they do to get iron and magnisum out of drinking water? You could be on to something here if it works.
04-20-2008, 09:06 PM
Running dark syrup thru a filter press with a little extra DE will definitely help lighten up the syrup.
04-20-2008, 09:21 PM
Thanks for the suggestion. Can you describe the filtration system you used? What type of pump and how much pressure? If not thats OK. More curious than anything, I probably will not filter any syrup. But I did make some nice light syrup last year that had a woody metabolic flavor. and it went to bulk. If the flavor could be improved I could have used it.
As you say would be nice to filter buddy sap in to good sap!
Jim Powell
04-20-2008, 10:52 PM
The filter set up is described in the "homemade equipment" group, under filter contraption. If you click on the flickr link there or in my profile, you can see several photos of the filter set up. While I built this for filtering small batches of syrup (2 - 4 gal) I tested it with the buddy syrup from last year and the carbon filter instead of the stainless steel filter. The pressure is regulated at 10 - 15 psi.
Yes, the concept is that if I could filter it out of buddy syrup, maybe it would be easier to filter it out of the sap. Unfortunately, I had to shut down just before things got buddy here, because of an upcoming trip. I did learn that the carbon filter did not bind out the sugar in the sap. I carbon filtered the sap in my last three batches of syrup. They tasted just as good as the plain 25micron filtered sap.
I did a little search before posting this and found this article from last year that says that buddy flavors come from amino acids:
If that is the case, I don’t think it would be too hard to remove them and the carbon might actually do it. If not, there could be another approach, I’ll have to check out.
Are there any maple researchers that are members here and could comment on the contents of buddy sap?
04-20-2008, 11:28 PM
As a verified hater of buddy tasting syrup, I am exited about your project, Jim. It could increase the season a week or more. I had plenty of buddy sap that was dumped on the ground. To bad you had to leave town.
04-21-2008, 07:12 AM
Jim, if this works out then just imagine , everyone could extend there season and sell more great tasting maple syrup. Could add 2 weeks to a season and in my case another 10 gallons of syrup. That equals more money to add more to make more etc.
04-21-2008, 08:37 PM
I enlarged the articles enough to get the address and phone number of those folks in Sheboygan, WI.
Do you know if the Pentek people will sell direct to consumers such as us?
Jim Powell
04-21-2008, 09:45 PM
I pretty sure they do NOT sell direct. I didn't have any trouble finding a local dealer. is in the twin cities.
Also, jrthe3 in PA told me there are SS filter housings on ebay for even less than Pentek's.
I just did another google search on Pentek, and found these guys,
they have $1.99 shipping on orders over $50. What is is you were looking for?
04-22-2008, 08:40 PM
I was going to price the SS housing and a SS filter (5 microns?) and the carbon filter too.
The rest of the plumbing and equipment I can scrounge up around here.
Do you feel the air from the compressor is clean enough to use to push out the syrup?
Jim Powell
04-22-2008, 10:58 PM
If you go to the flicker site:
Then on the right select the "batch filter contraption" then select "slide show". In the first and fourth photos you can see the simple 5" filter I put on the air line. It has a fairly fine carbon filter cartridge. (Yep, I carbon filter everything around here ;) )
Jim Powell
04-22-2008, 11:15 PM
I filtered another batch today, my fifth so far with this system. It was 3 gallons, and I tried out the plan of filter first at lower temp, to get the majority of the sand out, then reheat to bottling temp, and bottle. The good news is the clarity was extremely good. The not so good news is that I had a hard time, getting it to stay hot enough for bottling, so just to be safe I put all the bottles in a pot and boiled them until they were 195°, then capped them.
I have been discussing this system with another fellow here, who has much larger production than I, and his concept was to pump it from his finisher, through two filters, the first one more coarse than the final 5 micron filter, and into his canner. Then bottle in the normal way. The air pressure while letting me avoid a pump, is difficult to control at the end, with generating lots of bubbles etc. I have two more multi gallon batches to give me a couple more 'learning opportunities", but I'm not liking the sputtering of the hot syrup, esp in the small necked 8 and 12 oz flasks.
04-23-2008, 09:49 PM
JimYeah, I thought of filtering the air just after I hit "post". I was thinking of using the pressure regulator/filter combo like auto body painters use.
Looked thru the fastfilter site about an hour last night. I find the carbon filter alright, but no SS filter. And the only SS housing was like $600, so there must be another one somewhere. I did see some plastic ones rated for 180 degrees, but most were 160 F. I assume all would be able to take 60 PSI, as that is about what many water systems are run at.
Will just the carbon filter take out all the gunk and give clear syrup or does it plug up too fast. I like the idea of being able to wash and reuse the SS filter cartridge. Seems like progressively finer filters in a series might be good too?
Keep posting your results--thanks--very interesting and usefull!!
Jim Powell
04-24-2008, 01:48 PM
I got the Stainless Steel cartridge at:
They don't stock filters, so you have to order through a distributor. If you look at my posts on the home made contraption, you'll see the links there. I am out of town for a little over a week, but am assuming you won't be getting this for this season? I can give you the part number that fits the Pentek 9.75" filter housing and who I ordered it through the twin cities.
03-25-2009, 09:04 PM
Has anyone done more experimentation with carbon filtering to get the buddy flavor out?
The buds are popping here already so I'm trying to be proactive.
08-29-2011, 11:59 AM
Hi Folks,
I wanted to be sure to add to this thread (for any that might come across it) that using carbon filtration (or ion exchange resins of any type) on either maple syrup or maple sap is ILLEGAL throughout the U.S. and Canada as it is considered adulteration.
220 maple
08-30-2011, 03:44 PM
Dr. Tim,
Would it be permissible to PM thru this site about what I heard about removing the buddy flavor from syrup, I suspect you know all the tricks that are used, I would perfer not posting the method on a open forum because it apparently works real well and the last thing we need is more producers copying the method.
Thanks 220 Maple
08-30-2011, 10:27 PM
220 I think it has already been posted on here if I think I know what you are thinking lol. Dr Tim made the post and I tried it a few times and it works very well.
Thad Blaisdell
08-30-2011, 10:52 PM
The best way to get rid of buddy syrup is to put it in a barrel and sell it.:lol:
08-31-2011, 07:46 AM
The best way to get rid of buddy syrup is to put it in a barrel and sell it.:lol:
Even better....don't make it.
08-31-2011, 09:19 AM
Even better....don't make it.
Thank you Dr.Tim, the best advice made this year, by anybody, point blank.
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