View Full Version : Interesting Experience with Batch #4
04-07-2008, 07:36 AM
Remember, Im so new to this "my paint hasnt dried yet" so bare with me- though I managed to get into my 4th batch this weekend!
But had an interesting experience today with my buddies batch He brought it over to finish on my stove- specifically about using my hydrometer vs thermometer which I was using for the previous batchs.
As planned and done with previous batched, I got the batch up to 218 and tried the hydrometer- it sunk to the bottom. I let it go to 219- did the same darn thing. At 220 it was barely about to suspend itself just off the bottom of the cup and it wasnt even close to that top red line. At this point I started to get nervous that I was going to overdue the batch so after one last test (again it was 220 for a while and the hydrometer was just off the bottom of the cup) I cut the heat. I imagine this is just the rookie problem of being too scared about overdoing a batch you spent 8-10 hours on.
In theory (and by way of the hydrometer) I pulled it way to early right?
Still tasted darn good, but its really not as thick as some syrup I have had (but never made of course).
Thanks to those who guided me on the hydrometer purchase and all of my basic questions about them!
Dave Y
04-07-2008, 08:03 AM
You jumped the gun. I will always trust my hydrometer over my thermometer, as no two will read the same. And unless you are at sea level water will never boil at 212. trust you hydrometer!
04-07-2008, 10:10 AM
Dave, OK- Yeah I think I must have gotten scared- you know, I didnt want to ruin the batch and as I got to 220 Im thinking about all of the horror stories I have read on here!
SO- Ok, now the question is...Is it worth uncapping the 5 quarts I bottled and re-heating till that hydrometer starts bobbing at that top red line (because, that is what my optimal goal is right;top red line??).
I am sitting here at work thinking about how sad that syrup must feel sitting in those cans being underdone :)
Thanks again!
Al Makwa
04-07-2008, 10:20 AM
Dave are you still collecting? With temp the way it is here in Marienville, we aren't sure if we should continue to collect sap. Drove by your place yesterday, didn't see any activity.
Al & Laura
04-07-2008, 10:56 AM
I would re-boil and re-can the 5 quarts, I've done it before. You'll have to use new caps with a fresh seal.
My hydrometer does not usually reach syrup until between 220-221 on the thermo. I was convinced my hydrometer was off last season, but compared it to another hydrometer and it was spot on.
Yes, top red line for syrup between 212 and 219 and bottom red line for cool syrup. And you need a brix chart for syrup temps inbetween. I know Brent put a nice one on the Trader a few weeks back.
04-07-2008, 11:03 AM
Thanks Danno. I think I WILL indeed uncap those 5 quarts and re do them. Maybe I will wait until the season is over- something to keep me occupied after the collecting is done and the taps are out. BUT I wont make that mistake this weekend!
Russell Lampron
04-07-2008, 11:06 AM
The boiling point changes with the atmospheric pressure. It can change even while you are boiling. Constant checking and rechecking of the density with a hydrometer is critical.
The syrup that you have canned needs to be reboiled to the proper density to keep it from spoiling.
Jim Brown
04-07-2008, 11:37 AM
MapleMe; we us a boil comp. meter to set our temp on the Marcland draw off. Some times we adjust the temp 2-4 times a day depending on the weather.
Us the hydro. it does not change
Our two cents!
04-07-2008, 11:44 AM
Glad to see you made some syrup. Just remember that when it is at the temp of 219 things happen fast. If you stop a little before the red line the steam coming of will bring it the rest of the way.
04-07-2008, 01:32 PM
Thx Lou. Whats this weekend look like for you?
Mike Van
04-07-2008, 04:52 PM
There you go Josh - Good answers here - One more thing to add, any thermometer could be off a degree, but that hydrometer should never lie!
Eastside Sugar Shack
04-07-2008, 05:37 PM
This year I have new a thermometer in my syrup pan. At the start of the season we adjusted it to 7`over the boilling point in fresh sap. Then fine tuned the 7` with the hydrometer and always test with the hydrometer befor drawing syrup. We have always been in the mid-range of the thermometer adjustment when we made syrup untill yesterday. The adjusting lever was all the way to the left and we had to go to 8 to get syrup. Thanks for letting me know there is nothing wrong with my thermometer just Mother Nature doing here thing.
04-07-2008, 07:57 PM
Give me a call to make sure I will be home. Plans for sat for sure all day, Sunday may look good.
How is your sap doing MapleME?
04-07-2008, 08:35 PM
Ok, ill shoot you a call towards the end of the week. Id love to check things out before the season is over!
Today was slow day even though I thought it was fairly warm. Only about 10 gallons. Lets hope for a good flow tuesday!
04-07-2008, 08:36 PM
Ok Mike. Im going to trust that hydrometer this weekend and hope I can get closer to "true" syrup!
I will let you know how I make out. thx again for the assistance.
There you go Josh - Good answers here - One more thing to add, any thermometer could be off a degree, but that hydrometer should never lie!
04-07-2008, 08:43 PM
MapleME Pics are in post 163 in Captains thread. Some day I will have a site to view pics from. One thing at a time.
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