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Posts: 34
Registered: March 2011
Location: Vermont

MES Membranes


Quantity Views Date Posted
0 2647 Sun June 30, 2013


Asking Price Shipping Amount Condition Distance from you
$800.00 None Excellent
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I just wanted to make a post to let everyone know that the introductory low price on the MES membrane is close to expiring.  We are willing to hold the lower price until after the July 4th holiday.  We have had a huge positive reception to the membranes and lots of people have placed orders.  Customers range from small one membrane purchases to producers purchasing over 10 membranes in one order.  


More information can be had here:  You can send a check, cash, money order, or click on "buy now" to secure a purchase purchase and put a deposit down with paypal and use a credit card. The details are on our webpage, but we are taking a 20% deposit to reduce costs and not hold inventory.  We will of course have a few extra membranes to cover any warranty issues.  


A little about the MES membrane:



-The MES membrane is a true RO membrane and is not a nanofiltration membrane. 


-The MES membrane uses the smaller 1-1/8" permeate port plug not the 1-1/2" plug


-The MES membrane is not a rebranded membrane such as some of the Dow products and also the H20 products.  If you investigate those products you will find that Dow likes to rebrand and so does H20 with the CSM membranes (  Both of those membranes are available without the maple distinction, as a traditional membrane.


-The MES membrane consists of technology and is not just a rebranded membrane.  When you purchase the MES membrane, you are purchasing the MES advantage.  The advantage is a patented flow distributor that eliminates dead zones within the flow of the membrane.  Reducing and eliminating dead zones increases run times by decreasing fouling.  The MES membrane flows 10-30% better than competing membranes, side by side, depending on the RO machine.  Springtech and D&G machines see the largest increases in flows while the CDL and Lapierre see 10% better flows.  High flows mean more production, less down time, etc.


-The MES membrane has a 30% reduction in cleaning time.  The time from which the operator stops to wash and when the RO machine is back on line is generally in the 30% less time range.  Less down time means more time processing sap.  


I just wanted to put a reminder up here as many people have followed our membranes, our projects, and our custom RO's.  If you have any questions, feel free to email me from 


Tell your friends.  Don't miss out on this membrane.

Keywords: MES Membranes

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Registered: March 2011
Location: Maine
Posts: 824
Comment Date: Tue July 2, 2013
Just a reminder no dealers are supposed to post to the classifieds here but there is a dealer section over on sugarbushinfo and is he 800 for a 8 or 4 in membrane thanks.
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