i have an older 3x8 wood fired evaporator with "leader special" tin pans ( 4ft syrup and 4ft flue) stack and firebrick. its an older rig that i started with and have out grown. pans are in ok shape front pan has been scorched and is warped in spots but i still made syrup lighter than fancy with it. still has a few more years of life left in her.
The 40"x12' is an oil fired rig includes stack and vermiculite. has a large Agway burner that turned over and sparked when i bought it. Preheater and hood. i never used this evaporator, bought it for the pans thinking i would rebuild the old wood arch at the farm and never got around to it. Pans need some elbow grease to clean up as the guy i bought it from didnt clean it the last year he used it. Also am going to throw in an older Auto draw off that came with the rig.
1750 for both. priced low because i need them out of my yard and college isnt cheap and my truck needs work!
call my cell 279-7667 for details and if you have a phone i have pics saved on mine i can text you.
thanks Dan 0