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Posts: 347
Registered: February 2012
Location: Raymond, NH

Ceramic Fiber Blanket - Imported and Name Brand


Quantity Views Date Posted
1 1106 Fri September 27, 2013


Asking Price Shipping Amount Condition Distance from you
$75.00 None Excellent
Enter Your Zip Code



I have full rolls of ceramic fiber insulation.  I live in Raymond NH and work in Wilmington, MA and I am happy to do local transactions.  Shipping can also be arranged for those lucky enough to live in a more remote area.  Please provide your zip code if you want me to figure it up for you.  My best estimate is that it'll be about $20-$25 a roll to ship if you are in New England.  You guys in WI and whatnow would probably be in the $30 to $35 area.

Imported: Chinese stuff.  These rolls are usually not quite as long as stated.  Sneaky little chinese.  Product is not quite as uniform, but I have really had no issues with it.  It's what I use in my evaporator.  But hey, I'm a cheapskate.

Domestic: Made my Morgan Thermal Ceramics.  Name brand stuff.  Very consistent gauge and looks real nice.  I have never used this but I have no doubt that it probably works better.  These rolls are as long as stated or slightly longer in my experience.  So that is nice.


1" thick - 8# Density - 2300 F rated - 24" wide x 25' long.  CHINESE = $75.00/roll

2" thick - 8# Density - 2300 F rated - 24" wide x 12.5' long.  CHINESE = $80.00/roll


1" thick - 8# Density - 2300 F rated - 24" wide x 25' long.  Morgan Brand = $100.00/roll

2" thick - 8# Density - 2300 F rated - 24" wide x 12.5' long.  Morgan Brand = $100.00/roll


I also have fast access to the 2600 degree materials for those of you that like overkill.  I would be happy to quote.  If you are interested just shoot me a message on if you want 1" or 2" and if you want chinese or Morgan stuff.  Thanks, Jason

Keywords: Arch Board Ceramic Blanket Kaowool Insulation Thermal Ceramics



lakeview maple

Registered: January 2011
Location: Adirondacks NY
Posts: 491
Comment Date: Sun November 3, 2013
send me an email for 2'' 24 8lb Chinese shipped to 12819 mt email is thanks

2011 2x6 leader and 125 taps and 30 buckets 2012 another 200 taps on line and an addition to the sugar house 2013 hoping to hit 400 taps on line and 25 buckets and adding a sap Guzzler 2014 Brand new D&G 3x10 traditional evaporator and going to 450 2015 D&G 3x10 and kicking the door on 500 on line My wife Marci who puts up with me buying "Maple Stuff" 1 65 yr old father inlaw who is priceless And the good Lord above Amen Lakeview Blueberries/Maple Syrup on Facebook
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