I'm late in recapping the insanity of Tuesday...our sugar bush was deluged in sap (and then later rain) and, with the help of my neighbor, I worked until 12:45am Wednesday hauling in loads from the overflowing buckets at the top of our property and two separate IBC totes at the bottom of the property that were actively overflowing from our 3/16 lines.
It was an astonishing amount of sap and strange to be handling it when it was 62F. I had anticipated this somewhat and filled ziplock freezer bags with water and froze them the day before, which I then chucked into our big collection tank in the barn since I won't be able to boil this all down until the weekend.
I also finally admitted to myself that my homemade, four membrane RO system simply can't keep up with our needs and I bought the single-post 4x40 kit from ROBucket (which they managed to ship to me in a single day). I did the drilling and tapping of mounts on the hand cart in the wee hours of the morning Wednesday and finished it last night.
One thing I really like about this system the ROBucket guys developed is that its SO quiet to compared to a vane pump and also it can run dry without burning out...which is helpful when most of your boiling time also involves imbibing with the neighbor!
2015: 8 bucket taps (7 red, 1 sugar) on DIY barrel evaporator
2016: 13 taps (bucket and tube) on block arch and hotel pans
2017: SAME
2018: 25 taps on 2x3 flat pan and resurrected barrel arch
2019: 25 taps...same setup plus DIY 3x150gpd RO filter
2020: 50 taps, all buckets..."new" oil tank arch setup
2021: 100 taps (50/50 buckets/3-16 tubing) on 2x4 divided pan
2022: 150 taps (50/100 b/t) on 2x4 pan with sap warmer pan
2023: SAME
2024: 150 taps, added single-post 4x40 RO system