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Thread: North East Ohio 2021

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by johnallin View Post
    This week was good with boils on both Tuesday and Wednesday. I'm pretty sure I have the new H20 Even Flow auto draw dialed in...

    First boil on Tuesday was up and down as I kept fighting foam in the pans and playing with the draw off temp by hitting two buttons which caused the valve to open and dump under-density syrup into my tank.

    Unknowingly I was calibrating the unit - and who knows what else - but the "manual" is a bit light on the details to say the least.
    Made me crazy until Wednesday's boil when I realized that all I had to do was hit either an Up or Down Arrow to adjust temperature.
    Once I had that figured out, I was able to adjust for density at will and set about 2 points heavy to correct what I had in the tank.

    Now very impressed with how smoothly it operates. When it senses syrup is at the set temp it cracks open just a bit, then more as needed to maintain that temperature - it's fun to watch.
    Also really cool to see the draw off temp adjust automatically with changes in barometric pressure - saw a 2/10ths of a degree change during Wed boil.

    Anyway, I'm at 10 gallons made so far and getting ready for more this weekend.
    Those auto draws sure are amazing, the best thing to do is just let them be and self adjust, biggest thing ive learned is not to adjust after first draw off. It will usually be heavy syrup. After the boil balances out then adjust if needed

    Otherwise it was a record week for sure boiled 6 times in 4 days and concentrated to 10-11 percent each time, sure does fly at level. Hopefully a good freeze will keep everything moving

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Ashtabula County, Ohio


    I have made around 21 gallons so far (I used to make that much or more in a day ). Waiting for a new ro membrane to come in the mail. Boiled raw 1.8% sap yesterday. Weather forecast looks good long term. Going to use my new 18" vacuum filter for the first time today.

  3. #93
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Lake County Ohio


    I ran the vac just long enough to pull about 20 gallons of yellow “junk” that had been sitting in tube from the 70 degrees we had Thursday. After about 1/2 hour, nothing came in, so I shut down.
    Looks great for today though.
    Hope your membrane comes in Jason- I think you’ll need it today
    John Allin

    14x18 Hemlock Timber Frame Sugar House 2009
    Leader 2x6 w/Patriot Raised Flue Pan 2009
    Leader Steam Hood 2014 - Clear Filter Press 2015
    Leader Revolution Pan and SS Pre-Heater 2016
    CDL Hobby 250 RO & Air Tech L25 Hi Vac Pump 2019
    06' Gator HPX to collect wood & sap
    14' Ski-Doo Tundra for winter work in the woods
    Great Family 3 grown kids+spouses and 7 grand kids who like the woods
    7th Gen Born in Canada - Raised in Chardon Ohio - Maple Capital of the World..<grin>.

  4. #94
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Lake County Ohio


    Just bottled up 5 gallons from Tuesday boil. Amazing taste Amber Rich. Still have another 4-5 from Wednesday and what’s coming in right now to boil off tomorrow. This is fun [IMG][/IMG]CD7E908C-AE7C-4396-B104-B09E7F373B91.jpg
    John Allin

    14x18 Hemlock Timber Frame Sugar House 2009
    Leader 2x6 w/Patriot Raised Flue Pan 2009
    Leader Steam Hood 2014 - Clear Filter Press 2015
    Leader Revolution Pan and SS Pre-Heater 2016
    CDL Hobby 250 RO & Air Tech L25 Hi Vac Pump 2019
    06' Gator HPX to collect wood & sap
    14' Ski-Doo Tundra for winter work in the woods
    Great Family 3 grown kids+spouses and 7 grand kids who like the woods
    7th Gen Born in Canada - Raised in Chardon Ohio - Maple Capital of the World..<grin>.

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    madison ohio


    Hoping for a longer season but I’ve had to pull a couple soft maples off of the tubing due too budding...anyone else seeing this?
    Matthew Cross
    Madison, Ohio
    400 taps on vacuum with surge sp-22
    200 buckets
    30 x 10 leader max
    w/ enhanced steam away and Pre-heater

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Lake County, Ohio


    No soft maples out here but what little came in today doesn’t look good. Heard the spring peepers the other day so the end is near. Getting some slime in the releaser boot already.
    Maple Syrup producer of 40+years
    320 taps on vacuum all hard maple
    3x12 Lapierre evaporator
    South Madison

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by CrossBroMaple View Post
    Hoping for a longer season but I’ve had to pull a couple soft maples off of the tubing due too budding...anyone else seeing this?
    We are on all red maples, buds are still pretty tight in the woods. Freeze last night brought in about 1500 gallons today alone. We make syrup all the way through flower buds which i figure id still more than a week away, hoping for a few more boils. The guys i used to boil with were on all sugars and we slways went as long as them. Think we are still good for a bit longer.

  8. #98
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by heus View Post
    Wow that's a short season.
    I am just doing it for a hobby. I give most of my syrup away. I had 55 taps and had to boil almost every day.

  9. #99
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Lake County Ohio


    Quote Originally Posted by Kh7722 View Post
    We are on all red maples, buds are still pretty tight in the woods. Freeze last night brought in about 1500 gallons today alone. We make syrup all the way through flower buds which i figure id still more than a week away, hoping for a few more boils. The guys i used to boil with were on all sugars and we slways went as long as them. Think we are still good for a bit longer.
    I’m with you Kevin.
    Don’t see trees leafing out for a while yet. Not enough warm weather.
    John Allin

    14x18 Hemlock Timber Frame Sugar House 2009
    Leader 2x6 w/Patriot Raised Flue Pan 2009
    Leader Steam Hood 2014 - Clear Filter Press 2015
    Leader Revolution Pan and SS Pre-Heater 2016
    CDL Hobby 250 RO & Air Tech L25 Hi Vac Pump 2019
    06' Gator HPX to collect wood & sap
    14' Ski-Doo Tundra for winter work in the woods
    Great Family 3 grown kids+spouses and 7 grand kids who like the woods
    7th Gen Born in Canada - Raised in Chardon Ohio - Maple Capital of the World..<grin>.

  10. #100
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    madison ohio


    Not seeing much sap this weekend so far either. Its really dry here too.
    Matthew Cross
    Madison, Ohio
    400 taps on vacuum with surge sp-22
    200 buckets
    30 x 10 leader max
    w/ enhanced steam away and Pre-heater

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