I’m planning on tapping Valentines Day weekend. Mid-February has worked out well for sap production on a northwest facing hillside. My wife delivers flowers, so Valentines Day is big work day for her. Only 250 taps so that can be done on 1 weekend.
I’m planning on tapping Valentines Day weekend. Mid-February has worked out well for sap production on a northwest facing hillside. My wife delivers flowers, so Valentines Day is big work day for her. Only 250 taps so that can be done on 1 weekend.
2013 Started with 6 used buckets, 6 sap sacks, concrete block fire pit in the woods and a 20g Agway galvanized tub for boiling - made 8 quarts campfire grade syrup and got hooked. Over the years I acquired or built a 2x6 Leader evaporator, 20x30 barn/sugar house, home-built RO with 1-4x40 membrane and Kubota L3200 with log winch. In 2020 I was certified by VT Audubon as a bird-friendly producer.
2021 250 taps on 11- 3/16" lines hoping for 80 gal.
Out of control hobby, not a business!
we usually tap the week of the feb 18th... where ever that falls. historically my first boils have all been around feb 20th. i've been working on re tubing 3/4 of my bush and putting it on a wet/dry system and having it all come in on 2 lines... and grabbing another 100 or so taps. should make my life easier with maintenance and better vacuum transfer. other than that, i gotta clean up the sugar house a little and i'm ready to go!
Awfully thankful for an understanding wife!
“The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.”
- Vincent “Vince” Lombardi
Good luck to all!
We installed 1700' of 1" mainline in a new section of our woods. We replaced about 300' of older mainline with new (stepped up from 3/4" to 1" to help avoid frozen pockets). We finished side tying the new mainline on Monday. Today we ran about 1500' of new sap line, adding about 65 new taps on one mainline run. We have plenty more to go. It would be nice to finish those runs up next week so we can start drilling by the second week in February.
Tapping since 1985 (four generations back to early to mid 1900s). 200-250 taps on buckets and then tubing in the mid 90s. 2013- 275 taps w/sap puller 25 gal. 2014-295 taps w/sap puller 55 ga. (re-tapped to vacuum theory) 2015-330 taps full vac. 65 gal, 2016-400 taps 105 gal, 2017-400 taps 95 gal. 2018-additional 800' mainline and maybe 400 new taps for a total near 800 taps. 2x6 Leader WSE (last year on it) supported by a 250 gph RO.
Started tapping today, thankfully only 14-16 inches of snow in the woods.
3x10 Leader Inferno Arch
14,200 Taps
2 - 14 HP Indiana Vacuum pump
1800gph Lapierre RO
10" Lapierre filter press
2 - 25,000 tap Lapierre releasers
3 - SS 1500 gallon tanks
1 - SS 8,400 gallon tank
8x8 Argo ATV
50k John Deere generator
24'x32' sugarhouse
Made my way through Bristol yesterday for work and saw some very clean woods and set ups along RT. 116. I did check to see if GeneralStark was close to the main road but it appears he's a bit further off the paved path but nothing saying those lines weren't his given his set up. I'll be curious to see if he replies here!
Wanted to run more lines this weekend but looks like given the temps I'll be checking more items off the wife's to-do list inside in hopes that the next few weeks I'll have her help out in the woods. (We can all dream can't we?!)
Mead Maple "It's for the kids..."
Paul Cerminara
2019 - First season ever
-Goal: 3 gallons
-Season Total: 7.5 gallons - pulled taps after running out of firewood and time
Built 2'x8' Oil Fired with Thor drop flue pans
-Goal: 20 gallons
-Season Total: 55 gallons
We finished tapping Thursday after a beautiful two days! It’s our 1st year with 143 on vacuum, 9 on gravity, and 7 on buckets. Really enjoyed being in the woods, quiet and peaceful, the other woodpeckers and me 🍁. Only lost one bit, tore up an old pair of gloves getting used to the one-hand ( um maybe next year🤣tubing tool, and took 3 snow dives. Now working on getting the shack organized and watching’, waiting’, hoping’. Good luck everyone!
Finishing up our expansion this week. Looking at another tank, making a cover for a current tank, and plumbing it into the old tank.
Remember to keep on ticking while the sap is dripping.
2016- 50 buckets. Made 4 gallons.
2022- 3750 taps + Smartrek! Made 1300 gallons.
2023- 3750 taps after removing a pump house and connected two woods. Made 800 gallons.
2024- 3750 taps 1384 made.
Looking like a small bump in temps end of this next week, may see a couple drops of ita a warm 35 vs a cold 35 degree. Funny how there can be a difference must have something to do with inverted temps in the atmosphere.
Looking like it will cool right back down after next weekend for who knows atleast a week though. If you pay attention we happen to get these swings quite often where you'll have 5 6 7 days of cold then moderate for 3 to 4 days sometimes without freezing nights, then right back down again. I presume this year will be pretty similar to last year except hopefully a lot more sugar in the sap!!
At any rate if it takes you a week or two to tap in, it is looking like the time has come, right on cue as the second and third week of February should start seeing some things loosen up. That is for those of us under 1000-1500' elevation
18x30 sugarshack
5100 taps high vac
3x10 inferno with steampan
7'' wes fab filter press
10'' cdl air filter press
D&G 3 post reverse osmosis w/recirculation
About 750 taps on High Vac.
2.5 x 8 Intens-O-Fire
Airtech 3 hp LR Pump
Springtech Elite 500 RO
14 x 24 Timber Frame SugarHouse
16 x 22 Sap Shed w/ 1500 gal. + 700 gal. tanks
Dr. Tim Perkins
UVM Proctor Maple Research Ctr