Decent sap run yesterday and overnight, although it slowed down quite a bit with all the wind. Guessing at this point that once everything is boiled we'll be right at our typical average production (0.59 gal/tap). Sap was down around 1.6-1.7 Brix yesterday. Waiting for the sap tally from the crew, so no solid numbers yet.
I think we did get a freeze, at least in parts of our woods. At 7-8pm some of the Smartrek sensors started dropping below freezing in the colder sections of our woods, and the vacuum started to tighten up a bit...a good indication of a freeze (trees stop producing sap AND gases when it freezes, so vacuum goes up a bit). Vacuum started a slight drop this morning around 7am, so they're starting to thaw out.
Forecast looking like a solid freeze Tues night/Wed morning, so that'll help a lot. a couple of 50+ deg F days towards the end of the week, but nothing real hot and some occasional rain to keep the soil moist. Flow still seems good so far. We'll get at least another week out of it, perhaps more if we do get some decent freezes.
I happened to remember yesterday that the float box on the incoming concentrate line might not have been drained and asked Wade by text to check it next time he was around the sugarhouse. He sent me a video of it...was like slightly congealed gravy...very ropey (not surprising), but the rest of the pan is OK. He fired up for 5 min to kill anything else that might have started in the pan (since we only boil about once a week).
RO will be running a good bit today for sure. Won't have numbers until late this afternoon. The crew will be boiling tomorrow.