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Thread: Checking what VT sugar makers are doing

  1. #1461
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Hinesburg, VT


    It's trickling in at my place this afternoon - it is 38°F but with some wind and not a lot of sun. The sap that is coming in is mostly stuff that has been sitting frozen in the tubing (it's pretty cloudy).

    I have a feeling it will take it a while to thaw out and start running.
    2015 - 110 taps on hybrid pump + 3/16 natural vac
    - releaser posts every release event on twitter: https://twitter.com/ryebryesreleasr
    2014 - 30 taps on 3/16 gravity

  2. #1462
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Barnet, VT


    Same here ryebrye. I think my single vertical has dumped twice all day. lol
    950 taps
    3 X 12 Thor pans on a Brian Arch
    CDL 600 expandable

  3. #1463
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Hinesburg, VT


    Quote Originally Posted by wiam View Post
    Same here ryebrye. I think my single vertical has dumped twice all day. lol
    It's like February behavior all over again! (Tomorrow it will run for sure) I think it's supposed to warm sightly overnight so I'm leaving my pump on in case the trees wake up and dump sap in the middle of the night
    2015 - 110 taps on hybrid pump + 3/16 natural vac
    - releaser posts every release event on twitter: https://twitter.com/ryebryesreleasr
    2014 - 30 taps on 3/16 gravity

  4. #1464
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by ryebrye View Post
    It's like February behavior all over again! (Tomorrow it will run for sure) I think it's supposed to warm sightly overnight so I'm leaving my pump on in case the trees wake up and dump sap in the middle of the night
    Same here, pumps stay on until next freeze
    filter press
    auto draw
    New leader oil fired


  5. #1465
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    poultney vermont


    Quote Originally Posted by GeneralStark View Post
    It's not just about wasting time....for many of us it is about making a quality product we can stand behind. When you sell it direct to the customer, they know who to come find if it isn't what they expected. If you just put syrup in barrels you may not think as much about the final consumer of the syrup and what they think of it, you may just see the paycheck you are going to get. Hence the desire to fill as many barrels as possible regardless of the quality or flavor.

    Just because a producer is "small" doesn't mean they don't rely on the income. And just because packers are buying off syrup doesn't mean it should be made. There are lots of barrels of crap syrup sitting in warehouses that will likely never be used.

    yes agreed we want a great tasting product, and you will always have that, however as the season changes the flavor/color does as well. id put my best in a taste test in comparison to yours anyday. thinking about the consumer?? like I said someone has to supply for ice cream, donuts, oatmeals, etc. THEY DONT USE FANCY. they want dark dark dark-commercial- it takes less to flavor their products. I would be very interested whereabouts all this crap syrup that is going unused you talk about is at??? honestly that isnt true, obviously you've never personally talked to Bruce Bascom. furthermore no one makes fancy and some amber then calls it quits, that's foolish. actually it wouldn't surprise me if some do-they in my book are called idiots, just like folks saying this year "ahh derr im not tapping there was no snow" well you morons don't tap and miss one of the best seasons ever-- sick of these pecimistic folks who think if theres not ten feet of snow theres no sap- haven't we learned its not what happens the off season its what happens during sugaring. don't get me wrong snow is good but not neccasary- I would have loved to see some but not going to not tap due to the fact
    18x30 sugarshack
    5100 taps high vac
    3x10 inferno with steampan
    7'' wes fab filter press
    10'' cdl air filter press
    D&G 3 post reverse osmosis w/recirculation

  6. #1466
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    poultney vermont


    also these packers, like bascoms, are in it to make money they wouldn't be buying something that had no market
    18x30 sugarshack
    5100 taps high vac
    3x10 inferno with steampan
    7'' wes fab filter press
    10'' cdl air filter press
    D&G 3 post reverse osmosis w/recirculation

  7. #1467
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Barnet, VT


    26 here. Froze for the night. Did not really thaw. We got a quick inch of snow. Should run tomorrow.
    950 taps
    3 X 12 Thor pans on a Brian Arch
    CDL 600 expandable

  8. #1468
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Westminster, VT


    I think there is definitely a market for Commercial syrup but I also think it might be a tougher market bulk buyers than say good quality syrup. By that I mean more work on their part, between blending and sales. I thought the price was around a dollar a pound for off tasting commercial? If so that tells me the bulk buyers are trying to discourage producers from making a pile of inferior syrup. My 2 cents

  9. #1469
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Northeast Vermont


    i got nothing yesterday. I think it would have ran a little if my laterals weren't froze solid! woke up to 34 this a.m at 530 with 3+" of snow... should run good today! i'll be boiling up tonight and tomorrow evening, then it's clean up on Saturday for me! the wife and I are building a house this summer, so it's time to get on top of that. it's been a great season so far! by the looks of my trees, I could and should go another week minimum... but I guess you gotta have priorities! a happy wife, being one of them!
    Awfully thankful for an understanding wife!

    “The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.”
    - Vincent “Vince” Lombardi

    Good luck to all!

  10. #1470
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    5 inches of snow this morning. Going to hit 52 degrees by noon. Pumps are on and ready to roll. Lets hope we all get a ton of good quality sap. Good luck everyone.


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