Spud- You are making syrup now? I thought you sold sap.
I would never in a million years suggest that I could or would tell anyone else what they should do or how they should do it. If someone wants to make syrup until the leaves come out...that is their choice. Just sharing an opinion on a public forum.
Have you ever been to a workshop given by a bulk syrup buyer? Well I have and they always say the same thing. Don't keep making buddy syrup. Simple as that. The buyer I have sold commercial syrup says the same thing as well. He doesn't make any once the bud run starts despite having a market for it.
Sure we all make some but there is a big difference between making off flavored syrup during the season and continuing to intentionally make off syrup once the bud run has started. Sure packers buy it because that is part of the deal, and they find a market for it. I do too. But it is not good syrup and the suggestion that it is a key component of the maple syrup market is off base. Why do you think the Federation is trying to get rid of thousands of pound of it at super low prices?
I know several bulk producers that also sell retail and they all say the same thing. I set aside the best syrup for me and the rest goes to the packer. There is a difference between retail producers' perspectives than those of bulk producers.
The suggestion that people can't "afford" to not make off flavored syrup baffles me. Where do you get this idea? If you can't make your operation work making good syrup then you have a serious problem.
An interesting read on the subject: