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Thread: Checking what VT sugar makers are doing

  1. #1021
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Bristol, VT


    I don't think the pumps CDL is using in those releasers are really adequate for the job. If it were me I would get in touch with Clayton at MES and look into one of his electric releasers. I am using one of similar design and it has been awesome. http://www.mapleexperts.com/

    We had a marginal freeze here last night and it was enough to pick up the sap flow a bit but not enough to bring up the sugar content. Down to about 1.4 and sap quality is dropping off. Its getting too warm to store sap and I don't want to make ropey syrup. I'm going to keep the pump on through the afternoon so I can make some permeate for cleaning the RO, but tonight will be my last boil of the 2015 season. I'm going to chase the sugar out of the rig with water and let it soak for a couple days. I'll start pulling taps tomorrow. It's time to get ready for other projects including building a house this summer.

    It has been a great season for me. Good luck to everyone still at it!
    About 750 taps on High Vac.
    2.5 x 8 Intens-O-Fire
    Airtech 3 hp LR Pump
    Springtech Elite 500 RO
    14 x 24 Timber Frame SugarHouse
    16 x 22 Sap Shed w/ 1500 gal. + 700 gal. tanks

  2. #1022
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Pembroke, Ontario


    I wish we had a similar rebate program up here in Ontario. People complain about subsidies for maple in Canada, but those are probably in Quebec, though I have yet to see any hard facts on those supposed subsidies. Here in Ontario the provincial gov't. Is way behind when it comes to supporting the maple industry. They are on pace to be the last in line to put the mew grading system into effect. I wonder if the advertised RO rebate program will be available for purchasing Ray Gingrich's ROs, since the info. Sheet states ROs must be commercially available and not homemade.
    Help relatives every year:
    A few hundred taps on 3/16 into 3/4" mainline
    Can't stop thinking maple, more fun, than work.

  3. #1023
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    We have a CDL 20 x 48 with two pumps in the bottom with 9000 taps. When things let loose we have to babysit the releaser for same issue. Its rated for 15000 taps, hate to see that rodeo when 15k let loose.

  4. #1024
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Lemington, Vermont


    After complaining for the past month about all the cold mornings, glad to see they are still coming. Down to 24 degrees this morning, took until almost 10am to thaw lines. Plenty of sap coming in, late night boiling. Next ten days look good, cloudy most days and most nights around 32 or colder. Just might be an ok season for us if things work out.

    8400 gallon tank nearly full.

    3x10 Leader Inferno Arch
    14,200 Taps
    2 - 14 HP Indiana Vacuum pump
    1800gph Lapierre RO
    10" Lapierre filter press
    2 - 25,000 tap Lapierre releasers
    3 - SS 1500 gallon tanks
    1 - SS 8,400 gallon tank
    8x8 Argo ATV
    50k John Deere generator

    24'x32' sugarhouse

  5. #1025
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    [QUOTE=sjdoyon;281973]After complaining for the past month about all the cold mornings, glad to see they are still coming. Down to 24 degrees this morning, took until almost 10am to thaw lines. Plenty of sap coming in, late night boiling. Next ten days look good, cloudy most days and most nights around 32 or colder. Just might be an ok season for us if things work out.

    8400 gallon tank nearly full.

    Thats a nice tank you have. I am looking to due away with my 4250 and my 3250 tank and buy something in the 9000+ range. I am glad things are going well for you. My sap ran today and will run all night. I think tomorrow I will be done. Overall it was not a great year for me. Between the defected CV2 spouts and the poor weather I only had about a 60% season. I will be planting apple trees in a few weeks. The kids have next week off from school so they will pull all the spouts for me.


  6. #1026
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Northern Vermont


    We're still plugging along here... closing in on 2300 gallons made so far, the majority of it Golden Delicate. Started making some Dark Robust yesterday and the day before but both days it lightened up after awhile. The filter press is plugging up quicker thatn it has been we'll boil tomorrow then see where we go from there.

    Quick question.. how in the hell do I change my signature? When I go to my profile there is no little pencil thing next to it to click on in order to edit it...
    Last edited by chevypower; 04-17-2015 at 12:43 AM.
    Two Brothers Maple LLC
    6300 taps on vaccum
    D&G 5x14 with Lapierre pans
    1800 gallon H2O RO
    10 inch filter press


  7. #1027
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Poultney VT


    Quote Originally Posted by Randy Brutkoski View Post
    Last boil today.Couldnt filter yesterday. Only boiled on 5800 taps this year and i am at 2280 gallons before todays boil. not bad with all the problems i had.
    need a 20" press like thads.
    Business Name
    Flat Lander Sugaring (who would think a guy from Az be making syrup)
    125 on Sap Suckers
    Close to 475 High Vac
    400 gravity adding more
    leader 2x6
    home made preheater
    1 7D749 for AOF
    New FLS Tsunami Arch
    4 membrane TR Industries RO 2HP 3 phase 601GPH 250 PSI
    PID Display for Arch Temp.
    Chumlee of the trader

  8. #1028
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Bristol, VT


    I did officially pull the plug yesterday as the syrup flavor really started to drop off. Not too bad but definitely a hint of bud and it is just not worth the time to me to make commercial. It was also very difficult to boil with all the foam and the varying draw off temp. Almost scorched a pan once again due to the foam. I had to raise the level in the syrup pans to 1.5" just to safely boil the stuff. I also was only able to get about 7 gal. thru the press before a paper burst. I pushed the sugar out of the pans with water and drew off a total of about 20 gal. Going to try to get the rest thru the press today.

    Now it's time to start cleaning, pulling taps, and get ready for the market/retail season. I ended up at about 305 gallons for the season but still need to crunch the numbers. Looks like I will end up at about .4/tap which I am happy with considering the weather this season. Most of the syrup was Golden Delicate but I made some of every grade, even some Very Dark Strong which some customers will be happy about.
    About 750 taps on High Vac.
    2.5 x 8 Intens-O-Fire
    Airtech 3 hp LR Pump
    Springtech Elite 500 RO
    14 x 24 Timber Frame SugarHouse
    16 x 22 Sap Shed w/ 1500 gal. + 700 gal. tanks

  9. #1029
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    Go to setting and edit signature down on the left side.

    Quote Originally Posted by chevypower View Post
    We're still plugging along here... closing in on 2300 gallons made so far, the majority of it Golden Delicate. Started making some Dark Robust yesterday and the day before but both days it lightened up after awhile. The filter press is plugging up quicker thatn it has been we'll boil tomorrow then see where we go from there.

    Quick question.. how in the hell do I change my signature? When I go to my profile there is no little pencil thing next to it to click on in order to edit it...

    CDL dealer for All of West Virginia & Virginia
    3x10 CDL Deluxe oil fired
    Kubota M7040 4x4 Tractor w/ 1153 Loader hauling sap
    2,400+ taps on 3/16 CDL natural vacuum on 9 properties
    24x56 sugarhouse
    CDL 1,000 2 post RO

    WEBSITE: http://danielsmaple.com

  10. #1030
    Join Date
    May 2009
    UVM Proctor Maple Research Center, Underhill Ctr, VT


    Made some really nice dark/robust syrup yesterday. Not a hint of off-flavor. Today will be our last boil, although we'll transfer the sweet in the evaporator over to the finishing pan tomorrow and boil that off. Should end up with about 1,900+ gal off our 3,674 gaps this year, or about 0.52 gal syrup per tap. That's a little off our long-term average (0.59 gal/tap) , but pretty close....especially considering the equipment issues we dealt with this season.

    Now it's time to sit down and collate all the data, analyze the results, and figure out what to say at the Leader Evaporator Co. Open House next Friday/Saturday.
    Dr. Tim Perkins
    UVM Proctor Maple Research Ctr

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