Got home from a show last night at 12:30 and it was right about 32 degrees and sap was still running. This morning at 7 am it was 31 and sap was running lightly. Ice in the sap lifter and sap coming down dry line. Now it is pushing 50 and sap is running hard and ssc is back at 2.1% after going down to 1.8%. Buckets are even dripping. We did not get a hard freeze but it seems it was enough to get the trees dripping.
Running the ro now as two tanks are full as about 700 came in since 2 pm yesterday. Going out for a bit this afternoon so I need the tank space. Will finish ro'ing whatever we get today later and boil this evening. I think we still have several more days here. T0morrow will be warm but cool nights should keep us going.