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Thread: Checking what VT sugar makers are doing

  1. #871
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Bristol, VT


    Ran all night and still running though it has slowed down considerably from yesterday. Probably pulled in approx. 500 gal since 5pm yesterday so just over 1/2gpt. I'll let it accumulate and then boil tomorrow. It will be interesting to wee what this weekend's weather brings...
    About 750 taps on High Vac.
    2.5 x 8 Intens-O-Fire
    Airtech 3 hp LR Pump
    Springtech Elite 500 RO
    14 x 24 Timber Frame SugarHouse
    16 x 22 Sap Shed w/ 1500 gal. + 700 gal. tanks

  2. #872
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Lemington, Vermont


    Had over 10,000 gallons so far today, still running good. Supposed to get 5 to 7 inches of snow tonight.
    3x10 Leader Inferno Arch
    14,200 Taps
    2 - 14 HP Indiana Vacuum pump
    1800gph Lapierre RO
    10" Lapierre filter press
    2 - 25,000 tap Lapierre releasers
    3 - SS 1500 gallon tanks
    1 - SS 8,400 gallon tank
    8x8 Argo ATV
    50k John Deere generator

    24'x32' sugarhouse

  3. #873
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    I got 6000 gallons from yesterday and tonight so far. Still running but temp is down to 36 degrees. Spent hours yesterday pulling 100 more defected CV2 spouts. I think I should have all the defected CV2 spouts replaced by May 1st. Sugar yesterday was 2.5% I am right around where I was last year for gallons per tap.


  4. #874
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Poultney VT


    made another 20+ gal. finally will have new ro online today. still have 600 gal to process. think total is just over 100 gal right now
    Business Name
    Flat Lander Sugaring (who would think a guy from Az be making syrup)
    125 on Sap Suckers
    Close to 475 High Vac
    400 gravity adding more
    leader 2x6
    home made preheater
    1 7D749 for AOF
    New FLS Tsunami Arch
    4 membrane TR Industries RO 2HP 3 phase 601GPH 250 PSI
    PID Display for Arch Temp.
    Chumlee of the trader

  5. #875
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Barnet, VT


    Made 47 gallons yesterday. Total is 108 so far.
    950 taps
    3 X 12 Thor pans on a Brian Arch
    CDL 600 expandable

  6. #876
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Barre Vt


    The sap has stopped running. 660 gals from Fri. am until Sat. am. Not a great run but we will take it. After I boil today I should be at about 60 gals. of syrup.
    2001: 15 buckets and made 7 gal. of syrup on a turkey fryer
    Never stop growing!
    2013: 394 on vacuum and 101 buckets
    2015: 486 on vacuum and 101 buckets for sale
    CDL 600 RO

  7. #877
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Poultney VT


    hi vac still running!!

    ok all who care say a prayer for me going to start new ro with new HP pump, vfd, 3 phase and vfd all new hope i dont burn down the sugar house, all folks in NY look east for large black plume of smoke in about 15 minutes
    Business Name
    Flat Lander Sugaring (who would think a guy from Az be making syrup)
    125 on Sap Suckers
    Close to 475 High Vac
    400 gravity adding more
    leader 2x6
    home made preheater
    1 7D749 for AOF
    New FLS Tsunami Arch
    4 membrane TR Industries RO 2HP 3 phase 601GPH 250 PSI
    PID Display for Arch Temp.
    Chumlee of the trader

  8. #878
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Bristol, VT


    I hope it went well Flat Lander! Another good day here. Ran about 900 gal. thru the RO that was collected from 5pm Thursday thru some time overnight. It did freeze here last night and awoke to 1" of fresh snow and brisk north winds. Ended up with about 200 gal. at 10.5% and boiled for just over two hours and made 26 gallons of Golden Delicate. I kind of expected to go back to Amber Rich due to the warm temps yesterday, but it stayed light. Up to about 110 gal. for the season so far.

    The sap has been running pretty well this afternoon and it looks like tomorrow could be decent as well. It seems like the thaw loosened things up and we should really be into the season now. Hopefully this will be a busy week...
    About 750 taps on High Vac.
    2.5 x 8 Intens-O-Fire
    Airtech 3 hp LR Pump
    Springtech Elite 500 RO
    14 x 24 Timber Frame SugarHouse
    16 x 22 Sap Shed w/ 1500 gal. + 700 gal. tanks

  9. #879
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Montgomery Center, VT


    Filled 2 more barrels today from the 3,000 gallons that came in between 5:00 pm yesterday until this morning when the temperature dropped from 35 to 26 degrees between 6:30 and 8:30. As of today we have bade 15 barrels. Last year we had 16 on the same date, so hopefully we will equal or exceed last year's production.
    I guess we are official nowimage.jpgimage.jpg

  10. #880
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Poultney VT


    Quote Originally Posted by GeneralStark View Post
    I hope it went well Flat Lander! Another good day here. Ran about 900 gal. thru the RO that was collected from 5pm Thursday thru some time overnight. It did freeze here last night and awoke to 1" of fresh snow and brisk north winds. Ended up with about 200 gal. at 10.5% and boiled for just over two hours and made 26 gallons of Golden Delicate. I kind of expected to go back to Amber Rich due to the warm temps yesterday, but it stayed light. Up to about 110 gal. for the season so far.

    The sap has been running pretty well this afternoon and it looks like tomorrow could be decent as well. It seems like the thaw loosened things up and we should really be into the season now. Hopefully this will be a busy week...
    well went good for a while, but something happened to new hp pump, but when it was working I was doing 240GPH at 30 Hertz. 60 Hertz didnt work to well, it blew the top right off good thing I had another one. made another 15 gal.
    Business Name
    Flat Lander Sugaring (who would think a guy from Az be making syrup)
    125 on Sap Suckers
    Close to 475 High Vac
    400 gravity adding more
    leader 2x6
    home made preheater
    1 7D749 for AOF
    New FLS Tsunami Arch
    4 membrane TR Industries RO 2HP 3 phase 601GPH 250 PSI
    PID Display for Arch Temp.
    Chumlee of the trader

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