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Thread: Checking what VT sugar makers are doing

  1. #621
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Thetford, VT


    My Father and I plumbed the vacuum today. We have to finish tying up the 1 1/2" vac line and plumb the releaser. We also have to finish extending the 1" mainline to the releaser and wire the vacuum. Hopefully we can get a good jump on the 1" mainline and some work on the releaser done on Sunday. As much as I would like to see warmer and great suger weather NOW, I am happy to have the extra time to get ready.

    Tapping since 1985 (four generations back to early to mid 1900s). 200-250 taps on buckets and then tubing in the mid 90s. 2013- 275 taps w/sap puller 25 gal. 2014-295 taps w/sap puller 55 ga. (re-tapped to vacuum theory) 2015-330 taps full vac. 65 gal, 2016-400 taps 105 gal, 2017-400 taps 95 gal. 2018-additional 800' mainline and maybe 400 new taps for a total near 800 taps. 2x6 Leader WSE (last year on it) supported by a 250 gph RO.

  2. #622
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Bristol, VT


    Almost done with my new tubing installation. Some saddles and a few mainline fittings left to install. Finished modifying my releaser with a 1 hp 3 phase well pump and vfd. It should work real well. 27.5" 24/7

    Waiting on tapping until it warms up a bit. Spending the cold days finishing plumbing for the new ro in the heated room.

    Looks like we won't be sugaring until march.
    About 750 taps on High Vac.
    2.5 x 8 Intens-O-Fire
    Airtech 3 hp LR Pump
    Springtech Elite 500 RO
    14 x 24 Timber Frame SugarHouse
    16 x 22 Sap Shed w/ 1500 gal. + 700 gal. tanks

  3. #623
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by GeneralStark View Post
    Almost done with my new tubing installation. Some saddles and a few mainline fittings left to install. Finished modifying my releaser with a 1 hp 3 phase well pump and vfd. It should work real well. 27.5" 24/7

    Waiting on tapping until it warms up a bit. Spending the cold days finishing plumbing for the new ro in the heated room.

    Looks like we won't be sugaring until march.
    Couldn't agree more general, hopefully March brings better weather. This below zero stuff is getting old
    filter press
    auto draw
    New leader oil fired


  4. #624
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Was able to get 400 tapped today but then my back started giving me problems. Taking tomorrow off and then hope to be back at it for the weekend. I have close to 5000 tapped so far.


  5. #625
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Newfane, VT


    Finally got into the woods on Wednesday. Replaced all the old 1/2" mainline with 3/4". Still need to extend the mainlines and tie into the lower bush with a sap ladder over the driveway. Hoping to make some headway on that this weekend.
    300 on vaccum
    300 gravity tubing
    200 buckets

    100 hilltop acres
    16x20 timberframe sugarhouse built in 2010
    3x10 Leader max flue & revolution pans w/ Inferno arch - 2013
    1998 Kubota M5400

    Northwoods Farm and Forestry on Facebook.

  6. #626
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Looks like the first of March it's going to start warming up. I'm all set to go if it warms up enough Sunday im going to wash the RO. Made up a few more drops so I got to find a place for those. Thank you breezy for the great conversation the other night.

  7. #627
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Duxbury, VT


    -10 to -20 today with the wind. Sure makes it hard to work in the woods. My friend was telling me this morning that the frost is deeper in Winooski this year than anyone can remember or is on record (3 water main breaks this past week alone). I am sure the extra deep frost applies to the whole state. What will the deep frost do to the trees I wonder? maybe make it hard for them to run until it warms up a lot? Does anyone remember a season with real deep frost and how it affected production?

    My guess is it will take the season a while to get going and will extend it well into April.


  8. #628
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Barrington, NH


    I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that only applies to frost in the streets. Frost gets a lot deeper there because the roads are kept plowed. Just before we got all this snow, I was driving fence posts in the woods and didn't hit much frost. We've gotten a ton of snow since, so it's kept the ground insulated from all this cold weather, and if anything, some of the frost should've come out. Please correct me if I'm wrong because this is my understanding.

    What I don't know is how this deep snowpack affects how well the trees run. If there isn't much frost in the ground, and we have the right temps, but there's 3' of snow the ground, will the trees run???

    2009 - 370 on vac. & 16 buckets
    2010 - 377 on vac.
    2011 - 590 on vac.
    2012 - 620 on high vac., 170 buckets, 110 on gravity tubing
    2013 - 830 mine + 800-1000 others
    2014 - 870 mine + 800-1000 others
    2017 - 920 mine + 500-700 others
    2018 - 902 mine + 500-700 others
    2019 - 902 mine + 700 others
    2020 - 902 mine + ???? others
    Atlas Copco Pump
    2.5'x8' 802maple Special with Dallaire pans
    H2O Innovation 600gph RO
    Spring Harvest Website

  9. #629
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Chatham NH


    I have to say where I live in the Conway Nh- Fryeburg ME area there is frost in the ground where people have not traveled , I.E. the woods & meadows. I think that it will take 3-4 days above 40 to get the sap to run.

  10. #630
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    The frost in Burlington (in the roads) is 3-4 ft deep. 3 water breaks today in Burlington. Water department has been putting a lot of long hours. Where there is snow about a foot of frost.

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