Quote Originally Posted by DrTimPerkins View Post
Now it's time to sit down and collate all the data, analyze the results, and figure out what to say at the Leader Evaporator Co. Open House next Friday/Saturday.
Do you know if there will be any discussion about results comparing 3/16 on a combination of natural + mechanical vacuum vs 3/16 on gravity alone there?

I did 3/16 onto a mainline under 27.5" of vacuum this year and had what I consider to be very good results for this weather - 23 gallons of sap per tap on 107 taps - but I didn't do it in a scientific way (I didn't do any 3/16 only lines). Last year I got close to that in gallons of sap per tap using just 3/16 on gravity - but the season was much different last year.

I was achieving at least 27" on all the taps I measured throughout the season, and had vacuum readings at the top of my lines that were higher than 28" or 29" - the Leader catalog has a little chart that makes it sound like >27" should yield around 30 gallons of sap per tap - but I suspect that this year that would not be the case.

Since I trade/sell the sap, the gallons of syrup per tap is really just the upper limit assuming there was no processing waste - in that I hit 0.62 gallons per tap (calculating the syrup value using the "new jones rule of 88.2" in http://www.uvm.edu/~pmrc/jones.pdf ).