Turned out the sap we collected over the weekend was ropey and unable to be completely processed. One of the drawbacks of measuring every drop of sap (for research) is that we are unable to fully drain some collection tanks. Once ropey gets in there, that section is done for the season. Final tally is just over 2,000 gal, or 0.37 gpt, which is the lowest by far since 2004 when we retubed. That is 62% of an average crop for us. Combination of very low sap sugar content and poor weather.
Sap still running fairly well due to good vacuum and good sanitation, but definitely way slowing down. With the dry soils we can't collect enough to prevent sap from going sour in the lines....so we are DONE!
Gotta go...it may have been a poor season, but still lots of data to go through.