Originally Posted by
Scribner's Mountain Maple
I would be pretty happy with GMP. I'll trade you my WEC (Washington Electric) for your GMP anyday. WEC has some of the highest rates in the state, and they want an arm and a leg to install new service. they want 4K for 300 ' over head. It's 1950 for 1 pole, and 200 per guide wire. ASk GMP what they charge. Like 1300 a pole and they are negotiable on new service installs.
WEC Charges me a "member ship" fee. GMP doesn't charge a member fee. That's right, WEC charges a fee to be apart of their over priced club. Again, I'd take GMP anyday. WEC has motivated me to seek renewable energy. Paying them makes my skin crawl.
If you can tell I really like WEC.
The sap unloaded yesterday. I'd guess I collected near 6-7,000 gal since 10 AM yesterday on 2300 taps.