View Full Version : New December Journal
12-10-2008, 10:14 PM
Ok everyone, I'm sorry, in deleting many posts in this thread I accidentally deleted the whole shabang... it's only the 10th of December so lets start fresh!!
Again I apologize for the lost posts, but for the most part it wasn't much to read.
12-11-2008, 05:24 AM
Guys- I like to hear what everyone is doing new before the season becouse sometimes you get good ideas from it and its fun to kind of share in the excitement of it when season comes. Anyone wants to post what there doing new for the year, tinker on the evap, more taps, streamline something, I like to hear about that kind of thing. Also what you have left to do before season. Maybe itll make me feel better about all the work I have left to do. Just fun to hear about that stuff. If anyone is just trying vac thats fun to hear about becouse I can tell you from experiance last year thatll be exciting. Theron
Gary R
12-11-2008, 05:47 AM
Only a few days left for me to hunt. Then I got to get my act together. I still have a few details to clean up on the rig. Mostly, supporting my steam stack so it doesn't blow down. Plan on tapping the first warm spell in Feburary.
Anybody in western PA have about a 100 gal. poly tank? I'm thinking I could use a little storage:)
12-11-2008, 05:57 AM
TTHHE(NOTGONNAHAVEENOUGHBARRELS)RROONNN- This ought to make you feel better about where you are at,,,I have to get another 16 cords (of dry wood) in the sugarhouse,,rebuild the airtight front I want to put on Marvin and install, havent been in the woods since september, I am sure there is a weeks work just to fix what I had last year,,set up the 5 600-1200 gallon feed-storage tanks I have above the sugarhouse and build covers for them-plumb the together,,,think there is some other stuff,,just cant think of it now,,,,,we will get it-in one form or another-always do,,,
Amber Gold
12-11-2008, 07:48 AM
I've been a member of this forum since March or so and never realized there were monthly journals until yesterday. Interesting reading seeing where people are at each month.
I have to finish running laterals and drops, 2-300' of mainline with wire; transport, cut, stack 4-5 chord slab pine; build barn doors, finish getting my evap. ready, build shelving and a bench, wire, and etc. I figure I'll be done just in time for maple season. Perfect.
I am installing vacuum for my first year of sugaring. Looking forward to sap ladders and having everything end up in one tank. It's going to be great having a 15 min. collection time and never mind all the BIGSAP I'll get.
Dave Y
12-11-2008, 08:33 AM
Its been a while since i posted anything in the journal. So here goes. This summer I cut and split 31 full cords of sugar wood. yes 3968cu.ft. 90% by myself. I also have hung 1900 ft of trunk line and 3,200 ft of 3/4 mainline. when it is finished I should have around 1500 taps. I am adding 500 this year, and will add the rest next year. Which sould bring my tap count to some where near 2400 taps. I have sold all my poly tanks except for my transport tanks. I have added an 500,800,and a 1000 gal milk tanks. With all of them together with out the buckets i should have over 5000 gal of storage. I have the same plan as last year and that is to always have sap waiting on me. Except for a few glitches it worked well for me last year and I am in the process of ironing out the wrinkles.
Dennis H.
12-11-2008, 08:36 AM
Hey Dave Y good to see that your still around, Sounds like you were busy this year.
Dennis H.
12-11-2008, 08:44 AM
I gave a maple sugarin' talk at my parents Grange Meeting last night, I think it went quit well. I found that they were all surprised that I can make syrup around here, and that they didn't know you can tap almost any kind of maple tree.
It was pretty cool seeing their amazement.
I did get my name out there, that way if I have enough syrup I would like to sell syrup locally.
I had one quy walk up to me afterwards and told me that he had some maples and if I wanted I was more than welocme to tap them, wow. For as much as I would like to do that this year I will have to wait till next year.
I even got the word out there that I was looking for some milk tanks and a dairy pump, I had a lady tell me that I was a few months late they just sold two for almost nothing, but I got my feelers out there now so I sould be able to come upon a tank by next year.
Dave Y
12-11-2008, 08:54 AM
Dennis H.
Congrats on the presentation. There is nothing more important to a suucessful business than public education. And not the kind you get at the public school!
Dennis H.
12-11-2008, 09:38 AM
I am not the kind of person to get up in front of people I don't know and talk about something, even if it is a fun hobby like Sugarin'.
I was asked while I was there if I would like to talk at a Lions Club meeting in the spring! I told them I would hhave to ponder on it. I mean for-goodness-sake this is only my second season making maple syrup. I am far from an expert. But I might have to take one for the team and do it to get my name out there somemore, right??
12-11-2008, 11:27 AM
Dennis- Thats nice your doing that. What goes around seems to come around. We had the kids whole third grade out last year to my place while we were sugaring. Wasnt my idea but I went along with it. I was glad I did the kids loved it. Especially seeing the releaser dump. I was a little worried about someone sueing me into nonexistance over a cut or something then I figured you cant really live like and its not fair for the kids. Im assuming a new batch will be out this year. Teachers thought it was neat too. Theron
12-11-2008, 12:05 PM
No wonder you haven't been on here for a while with all the maple work you have been putting in. Sounds like you have plans for an RO in the near future with all the expansion of taps??
Dave Y
12-11-2008, 12:50 PM
An Ro is in future plans along with vacuum a new sugarhouse and about twice as many taps or more. I am hoping to retire i a few short years. I have to have enough taps to live on.
Dave Y
12-11-2008, 12:51 PM
I forgot a bigger evaporator!
Russell Lampron
12-11-2008, 03:12 PM
Dave get the RO first. You may find that your evaporator is big enough.
Jim Brown
12-11-2008, 04:41 PM
Hey Dave nice to hear from you again. Russ is right that rig of yours would run3000+ taps with an RO up against the front of it. Who would have thought that you could run 1000+ on vac on a 2x6 we do it with time to spare.
see you in Jan at the meeting
12-11-2008, 05:24 PM
Dave- Do you think you might have some of the taps on vac this year possably? Ive been going to get a hold of you too to let you know I have some barrells of yours that Jerry gave me the other day. Anytime you want to get together to get them will be fine. Im going to take a bunch back to Richard too so maybe if you want Ill run yours up there at the same time to save you some drive. Theron
white mt
12-11-2008, 06:25 PM
Big sap with vac or ro first?
Gary R
12-11-2008, 06:27 PM
Maple Barron, good to see you made it out of the woods:) I stopped in to see Dave Y over the summer. He told me he hauled a bit of that wood out by wheel barrow. He was just firing up his brand new splitter. He asked if I wanted to help and would pay in beer:D . Unfortunately I was on my way home from work. I would have made out great on that deal.
I'm headed to Kane first thing in the morning. Do alittle work at the hospital then find a deer in the ANF.
12-11-2008, 06:37 PM
gary r i could get you 2 poly 55 gal drums
Russell Lampron
12-11-2008, 07:34 PM
Dan if your evaporator is big enough do the vacuum first then the RO. If you are already stretching the limits of your evaporator get the RO first. I got them both at the same time.
12-11-2008, 08:31 PM
Dennis nice job supporting and spreading the maple news!
Dave Y
12-11-2008, 09:19 PM
Guys , no vacuum this year. My money tree has a blight. I hope to do an RO and vacuum the same year. And by the time I have 5000 taps get a bigger evaporator. That way i can do 10,000 taps. all BS aside. I am dead serious about making my living off of maple when I retire. I plan to have enough taps that I will survive even if the bottom fall out of the market
12-11-2008, 09:27 PM
DAVEY you should have your fortune made when you retire
Gary R
12-12-2008, 05:44 AM
I may take you up on that. I have to stop next week at an amish place that has a small sugarshack that has not been in use. Going to see if there are any goodies he wants to part with. TSC wants $250 for a new one. Most used ones have probably been used for ag "spray":( .
Thanks, I'll be in touch.
Dave Y
12-12-2008, 05:59 AM
Who is talkin a bout a fortune? Im talkin pay the bills!
12-12-2008, 07:53 AM
people usually dont retire until the bills are paid
Dave Y
12-12-2008, 08:02 AM
30 years is long enough regardless. Plus I would go nuts If I wasnt working or in the woods doing something. So it may as well be something I enjoy and can gain a little finacially. Besides I plan on living till I am 100 and not slowing down untill I am 99, and I am better than half way there.
12-12-2008, 08:58 AM
DAVEY You are right, its nice to have a hobby that gives some pay back, also im holding you to your word no slowing down till 99
I hope to be able to do this sugaring into my 60's and 70's anyway. I am approaching the big five-oh and have a tweaked back today, so I feel like I'm 99 today. I think I'll take the weekend off from stringing tubing. When I'm back on my feet I'll be back at it.
Dave Y
12-12-2008, 10:47 AM
The big five is in my rear veiw mirror. I dont ever want to quit. yesterday I strung 4 roll of tubing after work and installed the saddles that went with them. I like to put it altogether as I go then it is done. After supper I cut up a speed beef before sack time. Came to work at 4 am this morning to plow snow. No rest for the wicked.
12-12-2008, 11:44 AM
Gary the ones i have have only had water in them they will need cleaned out they have been sitting around for a while
12-12-2008, 04:58 PM
Spend this morning making cream, sugars, and bottling 1/2 a case of pints. This afternoon was cleaning ditches to keep water out of the house and saphouse, some fun!
As sugar makers we all have a responsibiltiy to spread the word. I am going up to 150 buckets this year. I'm also a one of the directors for my county. It's not because I have 1000's of tap but because I volunteer and feel that maple is a big part of Vermont. My boy's think we make the best syrup ever.
I feel we make the best family ever.
We all have the responsibility to provide the best product we can.
Now that I'm off my soap box. Sugar makers in large are still the best group of people I've ever met.
Hope your not snowed under.
12-13-2008, 07:15 AM
Great to see you back on here. Bet those boys are getting big!
12-13-2008, 04:47 PM
Spent the am running the generator and bottling syrup. Maybe enough to get past Christmas but I have a feeling the guy who usually buys 15 1/2 gallons with about 2 hours notice will call when we least expect it! Power finally came on about 2 pm today, about 36 hours here on generators. Haven't been to the woods yet. Did not see much damage other than no electricity most everywhere I went the past 2 days. Hoping not much happened to the sugarbush.
12-13-2008, 05:37 PM
That was one heck of a storm!! I went hiking today and the distant mountaintops still glitter with ice!, we only had the rain... tons of it, in my cellar too!
BTW fuel Oil around here just around 2 bucks... amazing!
12-13-2008, 08:53 PM
That was one heck of a storm!! I went hiking today and the distant mountaintops still glitter with ice!, we only had the rain... tons of it, in my cellar too!
BTW fuel Oil around here just around 2 bucks... amazing!
Boy, I hope nobody pre-purchased their oil this year. We shopped around in October and they wanted $4.75/gallon. One of the saleswomen was wispering under her breath "don't do it". Glad we didn't. I wonder what she knew a couple of months ago?
Brian Ryther
12-14-2008, 04:04 PM
It was a good weekend despite the cold. Sat was spent in young five acre lot thinning. It will be a very productive area within ten years. It feels good to make improvments that will pay big in the future. On Sunday we worked in the barn plumbing in the new 3000gal sap buffer storage tank. I now have 2 gal per tap storage at the barn. If I am working it will be nice to have the day buffer if I cant boil. Walked all lines, not even a single branch across a laterial, but plenty of red squirrl and deer damage. The deer use it like chewing gum, and the squirrls chew the fittings right off lines. This summer I removed a porcuupine that was on a 30P diet. I bet I will have to replace around 30 taps this year from animal dammage.
12-14-2008, 05:06 PM
well i got the evaporator built need to run the chimney throught the roof. do any of you guys know if a 6'' pipe will handle a fire big enough to make a 4'x5' pan boil. i got a 4ft section that is 6'' pipe and the pipe that goes out of the roof is 8''. its probably about 5-6' long. thanks in advance... nate
12-14-2008, 07:37 PM
I would go with 8" and I think this will make you happy since it is only 5' long!
Dave Y
12-15-2008, 06:43 AM
After wrapping up Deer season with two of my brothers on Saturday, I went to the woods yesterday and put in an 8 hr day. Installed over 150 drops and then tied off 800 ft of 3/4 line. Wore out two labs and then went home and watched the Steeler/Ravens game. Not a bad day.
12-15-2008, 10:36 AM
had a snow day on friday, slep in woke up at about 8 and warmed up the old deere and headed into the woods. put up abunch of wire and about 150ft of 3/4" and 100ft of 1/2", ran out of wire ties and main line wire,. i have to go down to NY and go look at my evap and pick it up. ITs an older grim arch with (4x12) with an 8ft stainless raised flue and 4ft stainless syrup pan. for 4500. guy says the pans dont appear to have seen much sap at all. Do you guys think its a good deal, oh also he has ordered a complete new stack for it included in the price. Also there is a 3 1/2 x 14 on craigslist. isnt 14' too long for only a 3 1/2 ft arch????????????????? i thought the smallest width u could go for 14' was 4x14 with out loosing efficientsy its 3500 w stainless pans and 3 cross flows wich is better???????????
12-15-2008, 10:43 AM
i think its funny all you guys who are gunna try to sugar until your 99 im 16 and am already sugaring and plan to start a dairy farm and sugar when i finish high school and collage so how long do you think i will last for? 35 40? maybe 45 befor im shot completely. HAHAHA
12-15-2008, 11:13 AM
they say sugaring really starts at 50
Dave Y
12-15-2008, 01:22 PM
If you are completely Shot at 45 you have done some mighty hard living. And I have And I can out last any of the young bucks that help with my operation.
Dont sell your self short
12-15-2008, 02:30 PM
well i think i will go for a while as long as possable or until i fall over dead.:p
I can keep up with my uncle in his sugar bush and run right around in deepsnow and up hills. i may be a small kid but im pretty rugged. Theres only 1 kid i know that can ram and jam through the woods like me and hes a farmer to. i can handle my ol' 61 husky saw pretty well i might need to if this wind keeps up, It blew my grill over today and is shaking signs and the telophone wires some thing feirce. i wouldnt doubt it if 1 of those 3-4ft maples in my bush desided they had lived long enough!
12-15-2008, 05:30 PM
Guys- What does this dream mean to you? Last night I woke up screaming and swearing from a dead sleep and I can remember the nightmare vividly. I had a bulktank buried in the ground and it had gravity line running into it and I went out the next day and it was full and running over. My first thought was it was ground water running into it but it was sap and it was running right over the top. Thats when the screaming and swearing began. Also and this is no joke about a week ago I had a dream that Marmaduke was running around and he had a 7/16 spile and drop sticking out of him. Does this mean its going to be a real good season or does it mean that I need some kind of intervention or a psychiatric evaluation of some kind? Theron
12-15-2008, 05:34 PM
There must be something you can do in the sugarhouse to relieve the fear!! it's only a few months ... go sit in a chair and stare at the stainless.....hey theres plenty to do up here!!!too tired to dream!
12-15-2008, 05:39 PM
Jim- I have a ton to do too. I think I drank too much coffee last night before I went to bed. I think it means we are going to have a humdinger banner season. Im an optimist and thats how Im reading it. I think were having the best season in years. BIGSAP EVERYWHERE!!!!! Theron
12-15-2008, 05:41 PM
DaveY- You better cut more wood you have the power of the buckets on your side. I still question if 27" will beat a bucket on the right day. Definitely will on the wrong day though. Theron
12-15-2008, 05:43 PM
I wish you were right. with the storm that hit, many will be scaled way back on taps...IF they even tap at all this year. I'm getting some rough reports from some Ma. members and it's not good.
Please anyone post your thoughts on your future tapping this year after the damage, keep us updated.
Theeeron, lets hope the BIGSAPPPP happens for sure!!!
12-15-2008, 05:51 PM
well if the season is going to be what you guys are saying, maybe i shouldn't put the vacuum to my super maples (18"-4ft) that are spaced properly and havent been tapped in 45 years!!!!
i might have to borrow some of the mexicans from my friend davey Defreest from his farm to run my rig 24/7.
12-15-2008, 05:52 PM
Im really sorry to hear that. Weve got some bad Ice here before and it makes your heart sink bad. Hope the best for everyone. Theron
12-15-2008, 05:56 PM
Dano- That vac is your best friend. We usually get bad years here and that really saves the guys. If you can do it make it happen, best thing you ever do if you want sap. My buddy came buy first run last year and hes sugared all his life and looked at my releaser running and I asked him if hed ever seen anything like it. All he could say was no. He bought a ring pump the next day and thats no joke. Just before season he told me he didnt think the vac payed. He was totall flabergasted as was I. Coolest thing you ever see. Theron
12-15-2008, 05:56 PM
here in waitsfield we had a little ice on the trees for a day but you wouldnt have seen it if you werent looking at the trees. we hardly got any ice, its windyer than you can believe right now, i didnt go into the woods after school because of it, im worried about walking up there tomarrow and seeing the damage. probably not to bad the bush is pretty prottected a burm at the bottom w hemlock hemlock on the 2nd side and some soft maple then hemlock and pine on the 3rd side and on the forth a small stretch of hard woods before it turns to you guessed it hemlock.but there are fields on 2 sides beyond the hemlock so idk until i get up there Wish me luck! and good luck to the people who were affected by the ice.
We had a bit of ice up by our sugarhouse, but none in town. I noticed that there was ice on one hill, and none on another.
Ice storms are awful, but they sure are beautiful. The sun shining through the trees on Saturday was amazing.
We still have 50 taps or so to install over X-mas, and then we're ready.
I don't plan on having as many buckets this year. Everyone else is very enthusiastic about tapping, but not as enthusiastic about collecting.
We'll have one little loop of 10 or 15 taps and the rest on tubing.
I love doing a little collecting.
12-15-2008, 09:28 PM
Either of those evaporators should work for you. The 4x14 is more common. I have friends that make a lot of syrup on a 4x14! My thought would be go with what will best fit your budget. With maple equipment you can always upgrade when you find something better. At 16 you've got a couple seasons to make enough syrup to pay for college. LOL You were planning on college right???
12-16-2008, 01:26 AM
here in nw pa no ice it is kinda looking like spring some rain and a 40 degree day almost all the snow is melted witch was good cause all the snow came off the sugar house roof and blocked the door the snow was all most to the roof
Dave Y
12-16-2008, 06:13 AM
There would be more wood at my place if ihad anywhere to put it. Ran out of room to stack it. I left about 6 cord in the woods that I had cut. I'm not sure on how to get it out either, as the Forest Service has blocked my only way in.
12-16-2008, 06:51 AM
Dave- Too bad about that wood. Can you get slab wood from a local mill for free maybe to hedge your bets? I think I can here and I think Im going to do that. I cant wait to see how you do when you put vac on those trees of yours. With as good as they did last year on gravity youll have all the sap you want then I bet. I told a local guy what I was doing this year with my 3 by 10 yesterday and he was a little concerned for me. Hes not running a whole lot more than me and he has all kinds of equipment. I like your attitude about it. Too much sap is a good problem just buy more tanks. Theron
12-16-2008, 07:56 AM
With the price of a new evaporator, both of the evaporators sound like a good deal. I would think the 14' wouldn't be a problem on your evaporator. I wish my 2x8 was a 2x12 with a 9' syrup pan. I bet Leader would growl if I ordered a set up 2x12 pans thinking I was crazy.
The 4x12 sounds like a good deal if the pans haven't been used much and with new stack.
12-16-2008, 08:28 AM
Either of those evaporators should work for you. The 4x14 is more common. I have friends that make a lot of syrup on a 4x14! My thought would be go with what will best fit your budget. With maple equipment you can always upgrade when you find something better. At 16 you've got a couple seasons to make enough syrup to pay for college. LOL You were planning on college right???
yea i do plan on collage uvm and vtc for Dairy management, mine as well get some extra schooling on farming cause right now its a hard buisness to stay afloat in.
Im going to call the guy with the 3 1/2 x 14 and go look at it, its only an hour away, and the 4x12 is 5 1/2 hrs away, so it would be worth the trip to at least look at the rig.
Dave Y
12-16-2008, 09:00 AM
I have enough wood to do around 600 gal of finished syrup. That will require colecting 30,000 gals of sap. I have a source to get some kiln dried wood in season if I need it. I am hoping to go to vac and RO next year. But that is going to require a lot of things to happen. If it does I will have to work 12 hrs a day till I tap. Also the main line I installed this year has the potential for an other 800 taps. then I Think I sould run an other main and add another 1500 the following year. that would give me 4500 on one bush. then there is another 25 acres across the creek that I could get 2000-2500 on. They could be brought to the same location as my bush that I am currently working. I have all kinds of growth potential.
12-16-2008, 09:21 AM
hey i want a bush like that, there is only 1 in waitsfield thats unused that big well 3000 taps but the guy wont let any one tap it , my uncle taps 300 of his trees but he only let u put 1 per tree no matter the size, he let another farmer tap it all and the tank ran over once and the guy made him pull all the pipe out in his first year using the bush
12-16-2008, 11:12 PM
Dave, glad to see you've reconsidered and are thinking about an RO in the future! Certainly a necessity when you start adding all those taps, no matter what size evaporator you get.
Did you get to do any trapping this fall?
Dave Y
12-17-2008, 05:11 AM
I almost got an RO this fall but decided that it would be better to wait at least one more year. as i am sure you know how difficult it can be to lay out that kind of cash.
I haven't done any trapping yet this season. things have been kind of complicated for me of late., and have been working thru it. I plan on doing some beaver trapping after Christmas. I ma even set some canine snares not sure. If i can get every thing ready ,and we have a real January thaw I my try to make syrup. I still have a ways to go to get to that point though.
12-17-2008, 05:12 AM
Update from BIGSAP INC- Got quite a bit done over the weekend. Added two lateral mainlines on my side of the road. One was needed to pick up some taps and reduce some real long lats and the other was just to reduce some long lats that were real nice trees and the lats were just not doing those trees justice. I think I have an evenings worth of mainline connections to do. Then an evening of saddles and maybe a day misc and I should have my side of the road done. Then across the road I have mainly drops and saddles to do so that should be pretty easy. Bunch of clamps too. Put in a releaser. Hope to be all done end of month hopefully. Im hoping to get some money and maybe go up to the bush I was going to run the bucket line and just tube it in for gravity. I just wont know if I can till I see on the money. That could give me another 700-1200 taps on tube if I could. If I do Im naming the bush from this day forth the Brandon bush becouse Im stealing his Ideas on the long loaded laterals. I know hes right on the performance running it gravity that way and itll be easy for me this year to just run the long laterals and just cut in drops. Ill do it catering to how I want it to look when I change it to vac but it would give me some more sap easy for now. Do you guys think I should get an exact tap count when I get done? Like how many honest taps, cull trees, ones on gravity, ones on vac, buckets, etc when I get some time so we can see how stuff performs or to heck with it and just fill barrells? Theeron
Thompson's Tree Farm
12-17-2008, 06:09 AM
In the interest of proper research and learning all we can about procedures for sap production etc, it is absolutely necessary that we have a complete and accurate count of taps. We need definitions of what a "cull" tree is. we need to know how many of each kind of tap are at what elevations on the slope and in which direction the slopes and taps face. We will need to know the complete weather from last May 1 through the entire sugaring season. You will need to keep records on an hourly basis of how fast the realeasers are dumping. We will need to know the depth of the tapholes on the various tree types. What do you mean Barrels? Your job is to learn the ins and outs of making Big Sap!!!! Oh, don't forget to keep an accurate record on vacuum fluctuations.......:)
12-17-2008, 06:22 AM
As long as you have good slope, it should work good. I like the long laterals better for me as I have seen a significant increase last year in sugar content and sap quality over the black mainlines as it keeps the bacteria levels much lower in the lines. No, I should sap when the sap is running, it is running so fast it scares the bacteria to death. LOL!
12-17-2008, 06:39 AM
Brandon- Im a vac man through and through but I like the idea of running that bush that way for this year for ease of installation and money etc. I would definitely run my tube differently if I had no ideas of running vac. I read a bunch of those studies the governor had posted and there is definitely something to the long loaded lats on gravity. Our problem here is without vac some years we just get totally skunked so ill always run vac but Ill let you know how that bush performs if I can get it in. Im thinking Im going to run 50 taps per lat. Im just going to hook up trees. Has to be easy if I do it becouse my shoulders and elbows are killing me. Hey, it wont cost too much and whatever I get is all bonus. Doug- Ill get you some numbers to some extent. Itll just depend on how up against the clock I get. Main objective is a lot of full barrells. I know your just giving me crap anyway. It would be neat to see how I average across the board with the different stuff going on. One thing Im curious to watch is the difference in the saddles Ive installed. Last year I ran all cdl clip on ones and this year I have a bunch of the older style cdl ones with the two tilewraps. Brandon- Your going to be famous now up here with a bush named after you. Ill even keep the name once I put it to vac. Theron
Dave Y
12-17-2008, 06:56 AM
Theron, I realize you are trying to put in more new taps than the Canadians this year. But, A steady Controled growth plan will serve you better than a "I have to tap every thing in sight because I can't stand to look at a maple tree in March without a tap in It" Plan. This bush that you are wanting to run long laterails in, would serve you better if you did every thing by the book. When you put vacuum in it will have cost you less, and have less work and a greater reward. Any job worth doing is worth doing right the first time.
12-17-2008, 09:24 AM
definatly do every thing by the book, wheni was learning last year and i did some things by the book and others i didnt, i ended up replacing things in the middle of runs it was a pain, i learned to just do it right the 1st time especially if you plan to do vacuum,
3% Solution
12-17-2008, 09:43 AM
Hey PA,
I agree with DaveY, if you can't do it right the first time, hold off until you can. That first attempt is is just wasted $$$'s.
Don't look at the # of barrels, look at what mother nature will give you and call it good.
We made 37.5 gallons last year and we would like to make 40 on the same # of taps, but if we make less than last year, oh well!
Anyway, you no doubt are doing it right and you would like to make a living at sugaring.
Kodos to you and I wish you the best doing it!! :-)
Snowing here, 3" on the ground and still falling.
12-17-2008, 10:56 AM
Guys- I agree with you guys a 100%. I figure the stuff at my house on the pump is my main setup and that is 100%. Whatever those trees are capable of will be gotten. My thought on the other bush is something that will be deliberately tubed to cater to the vac setup maybe next year. The lats will run such that they can be halved and run into mainlines. It may not end up quite as perfect but Im waying that out. I know my business model seems a little unconventional but I cant help the feelings of extreme anxiety and mental anguish I have when I think I may have forgotten a tree somewhere. These syrup prices are cause for desperate measures. Im still picking up buckets too. Ill have to see what happens. I dont even know what Im going to do half the time so theres no telling whats going to happen. I do have a question for you guys though. ON gravity do you think a used 7/16 plastic spile will out perform a new 5/16 one? Theron.
Dave Y
12-17-2008, 12:17 PM
Breath, exhale, think, repeat!
12-17-2008, 01:11 PM
Yes. Try to relax and think of those untapped trees as room for future expansion.
If you use them all up now, how can you obsessively add taps in the future! You will be bored if you just have to live with the status quo.
12-17-2008, 03:30 PM
Dave- I appreciate you guys giving me good common sense advise and I know you guys are probly right but Ive never made any claims to be rational. Im going with Parker on my business plan. I think him and I really connect somehow. He says you gotta WAAAAAAAANNNNNNT IT!!! BIGSAP UPDATES and BIGSAP weather alerts right around the corner. Theron
Jim Brown
12-17-2008, 04:10 PM
Theron; from our limited experence I have found that there is not a noticable diffrence between 5/16 and 7/16 on natural flow.
12-17-2008, 04:21 PM
what is this BIGSAP thing all about??????
Dave Y
12-17-2008, 04:33 PM
When you get Bigsap you will know it.
Russell Lampron
12-17-2008, 05:55 PM
DaveY BIGSAP is spelled with the caps lock on so that it stands out on the page.
Dano BIGSAP is when the sap is coming into the releaser full pipe and it is dumping at a very fast rate.
Theron keep up the good work. You are an inspiration to us all.
12-17-2008, 06:11 PM
I almost have my new sugarbush ready for tapping. Another two or so days of running tubing, and then a day getting tanks in, shelter for the vacuum pump, etc.. Going out in the woods tomorrow, but I have two markets this weekend. So friday is bottling syrup and making sugars and cream. Had a close call monday. I was on the mountain when a good gust blew down a dead tree 15 feet from where I was standing. If a hooked connector hadn't come off of the mainline wire I would have been standing right where the tree came down. A couple seconds between smushed or not smushed!
Dave Y
12-17-2008, 07:00 PM
Van, you cant be too careful in the woods. Sometimes there is nothing you can do. It doesn't hurt to be lucky.
Russ I have never been able to use that caps key. my finger wont press it.
12-17-2008, 07:08 PM
i wouldnt know as ive never had a vacuum
but iwill find out this year with my super maples cant wait
12-17-2008, 07:18 PM
Dano- Last year was my first year at this and I was all excited and I told everyone I wanted to get BIGSAP. I never was around vac and I couldnt wait to see how it ran. Then during the season I would get on and do BIGSAP updates. Like this is a test of the emergency BIGSAP system. Tomarrow the temperatures in the southern Maine will be condusive to a very heavy sap flow. Please be alert and be sure to have clean tanks ready and whatever you do dont spill any. Stuff like that. Ive just got a good line of bs. Jim- I was wondering about that becouse I dont think Ive ever tried both ways on gravity. When I ran buckets I always got the most sap and they were 7/16 and I think running the gravity tube I used 5/16. Never really remember trying both on the tube. Theron
Clan Delaney
12-17-2008, 08:01 PM
.... would serve you better if you did every thing by the book.
definatly do every thing by the book
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!
There's a book?
It's true. I learn something new here everyday!
12-17-2008, 08:07 PM
You know Clan, the book you used to build your sugar house.
12-17-2008, 08:50 PM
Ok you guys give Theron a break. You know if he don't tap the trees and satisfy his desires, he will be kicking himself all year saying why didn't I tap those trees. Let him have a go at it and see what happens. Of course the bush will probably do bad because he is putting my name on it. I can't hold a light for Theron or most any other guys on here even thought I may have been making syrup longer than a lot. I work full time, live close to 1/2 hour from the sugarhouse and have 2 small children, so with a busy work schedule, it makes it hard to keep up and make syrup like I could if I had more time.
Either way, we do the best we can with what we have and let the chips fall where they may.
I hope you don't throw the book at Theron!
I haven't recieved a copy of the book either.
Dave Y
12-17-2008, 09:11 PM
There is a book on everything. Some of us go by it, some don't. It can work either way.
Brandon, you know Theron is full of youthful exuberance . Some time it needs to be reigned in a little, slow down before you get a head of your self.I know he's capable of producing more maple than Canada. But he needs to work into it or he wont last long. Theron pace yourself
12-18-2008, 07:42 AM
BIGSAP when you are pumping the water out of the swiming pool so you can use the pool to hold sap BIGSAP
12-18-2008, 08:16 AM
filling the wood shed today finally
12-18-2008, 11:15 AM
I do like his exuberance but normally when someone goes into anything like he is, they get burned out pretty quick and I know where you are coming from. I hate to see him sell everything and give up hunting and his other hobbies, but to each his own.
Either way, I hope he does great. Wish I had a setup like he does at his house vs 1/2 away. I could make a lot more syrup and have a lot more fun not being away from my family so much during syrup season.
Dave Y
12-18-2008, 11:26 AM
Pesonally I dont care what other people do as long as they are not hurting anyone. I just like to give theron the rasberries from time to time and make him think about what he is doing. I am sure he will be fine. Right? Theron.
I know people sometime think I am going to fast also, but we all know when we need to slow down.
12-18-2008, 04:10 PM
I know you guys like to give me some rubbing from time to time. I dont blame you. I actually like it. My motto on the syrup thing is nobody needs to be wrong. I listen to what everyone else does and go look at their stuff and just kind of go with what works for me. Steal everyones good ideas. Brandon- I think that bush I was telling you Im naming the Brandon Bush may be a real serious producer. Very good exposure and I think it may do very well just on gravity if we get much of a season. Ill go back to the hunting more when this wears off probly. Ive taken my boys hunting quite a bit this year and theyve got lots of stuff, their only 8 and 10, and the stuff Im selling I dont care that much about anyway. It allows me to pay for more of my syrup stuff cash. Im having fun and I dont care much about material things anymore. I want to set this syrup thing up as a nice business for me and my family. Good way to keep track of the kids down the line. Plus I want the BIGSAP. If I do get the other taps in think how much fun you guys will have laughing when Im swamped. At least I have an ro. Dave is the tough one. He made a ton of syrup last year without any cheating. I cheat. Theron
12-18-2008, 04:20 PM
We enjoy giving you a hard time from time to time as you don't mind and you have a good attitude about everything and I think you have a good perspective on things. Good luck with the young ones and spend as much time with them as you can. Making syrup will teach them how to work and values in life. Before you know it, they will be gone.
12-18-2008, 04:41 PM
Brandon- We have a great time together. Im lucky to have a very happy family. Were a good team. I was thinking today about you posting that you couldnt hold a light for me with the syrup thing and its funny how people think. I actually consider all you guys the experts. I rarely post when a new guy has questions becouse I consider the rest of you to be more knowledgable. When I came on here a year ago you guys treated me like family and I really appreciated it. I didnt know squat and mostly what I know now is from the people on this site and my buddy Richard locally. I really like it a lot coming on here every day and seeing what everyone is up to. Theron
12-18-2008, 04:44 PM
Got up on the mountain to see the sun rise, and worked long enough to see it set. I finished retrofitting the older part of the bush and found more trees that I didn't run tubing to.
12-18-2008, 05:03 PM
Here's an awesome update!! Oil Barrel, 38 bucks which means delivered oil UNDER 2 BUCKS LOCALLY !!!!! Now if I could fill 2 tanks up and NOT buy Xmas gifts I would be going oil FULL STEAM AHEAD!!
Gotta look at the funds and see if I can make the 1000 dollar Purchase
Save all the wood I cut to dry totally for 2010 season
I have around 10+cord and growing. free pine coming again, I'll take and burn what I can! it all burns
Just waiting for my Arch board and hoping to start bricking next week!
Power is still out, doesn't affect woods work though. hung some laterals today.
Funny how a day can disappear in a blink doing outside work, and the clock never moves when doing inside work.
12-18-2008, 08:19 PM
I feel Jim(mapleman) is getting really soft on us all of the sudden. What's he going to do when he gets old. All this nice wood split and drying and he wants to spend a grand to buy oil. LOL!
12-18-2008, 08:27 PM
Ahh Oil... flip the switch and bubbling goodness!! and more time to tweak and keep the quality control on the front burner!!
Soft? no but still a bit leary of more taps/more sap/bigger evap/WOOD?
When I'm so used to
Russell Lampron
12-19-2008, 05:25 AM
Jim you just want to be able on your computer while boiling. That won't be as easy to do when you have to fire the evaporator every 5 to 8 minutes.
3% Solution
12-19-2008, 06:46 AM
Baton down the hatches boys and get the plows hooked up!!!!
Here we go .......... some more snow!!
Forecast is for 6" - 12" here!
The problem is that there is still alot of folks out of power and this is not going to help the effort!
I have one appointment this morning and then I am going to come home and watch it from this side of the window!
Everyone stay safe out there today!!
It's going to be a "WHITE CHRISTMAS."
12-19-2008, 06:58 AM
Hittin the lines again starting tonight. Hoping to finish my side of the road. You guys need to cross your fingers for me my truck brings some good money. I want to get that Brandon bush in bad. Hope I can finish across the road by end of the month. Think there are between 7 and 800 over there. Talked to my good buddy Richard yesterday hes thinkin good season this year with the weather what it is. He upgraded his ro just so he doesnt have to worry about gettting behind. 6000 gallon per hour. You guys think Im a nutcase. Theron
Dave Y
12-19-2008, 08:26 AM
We don't think you are a nut case! We know you are! Hey good luck pulling lines. My work has come to a stand still. I am waiting on a few more rolls of tubing. Hope to get them this weekend. We are in the middle a snow and ice storm. I hope we fair better than our brothers in New England did last week end.
Dennis H.
12-19-2008, 09:18 AM
Theron it is cool to hear that you are going after those other trees, just make sure you have your swimmies on come Feb!
If you do get that bush done for this year how are you going to get it back to the sugar shack? Use the 4wheeler?
Or are you going to put a tank in the back seat of the car!!
I hope I can make it up your way once my season is over but before your season winds up. I want to see the tsunami of sap coming into that sugar shack.
12-19-2008, 09:25 AM
Of course you are a nut case. Just about everyone on here is! Who else would be talking in August about making maple syrup ?
You do take it to a new level, however! Shall we nominate you as chief squirrel?
12-19-2008, 09:57 AM
Funny how Richard can make more syrup in ONE HOUR than 90% of the trader members can make in an entire season of work! LOL!
12-19-2008, 10:42 AM
Brandon- Its amazing to watch that guy make syrup. He just stands there and it just comes off and through the press and into barrells. Im going to have to figure out how to do that too. I think at some point Im going to get an autodraw and a new press maybe that will run continuously like that. Its air powered. Make it a lot easier than the way I do it now. Fun to go see. Dennis- I think for little runs Ill use my four wheeler and make some trips. Its so close to the house wouldnt take long. If I get some big runs maybe Ill get dads tractor. I could haul a lot that way on good days. What I need to get soon is a real beefy truck. Ill figure out what to do with it when I get it. Theron
12-19-2008, 01:59 PM
Its not that hard to make huge amounts of syrup per hour, as it is to pay for the equipment to do it. When I used to boil on 17000 taps and a 5x14 oil fired with 4000 gallons an hour of RO we made 130 to 140 an hour. Of course it was going in a about22 to 24 percent. It makes a huge difference.
Dave Y
12-19-2008, 02:16 PM
I see you have changed your signature . You are around my age. And I am far from over the hill just near the top.
12-19-2008, 03:44 PM
Yeah right I am on top looking both ways, I think I will go back to the other side, I liked it better there. Not so many hip replacements and Back surgeries on that side.
12-19-2008, 03:55 PM
802, when you made that much , you must have a warehouse full of barrels with syrup in them!! where do you put it all during the season??
12-19-2008, 04:07 PM
man auto draw off [I]new[I] filter press ahhahahahaha im getting a new evaporator i dont need all that fancey technology ahahahahah:D
but that doesnt mean i dont want it...................:(
12-19-2008, 04:55 PM
If you have a truck of any size or a tractor and the going is easy, you can't beat a small trailer. If you have a 5x8 or 5x10 trailer or even larger, you can easily haul 400 gallon of sap in one with a 5,000 lb rear end. Easy to step up in, doesn't wear out the truck/equipment nearly as bad and you can pick up a good well built trailer like that for under $ 1,000. Even a bigger trailer, you could haul even more pending your truck would handle it. A 5x10 with 400 gallon of sap would go less than 4500 lbs fully loaded with sap including weight of trailer, so wouldn't be to difficult for about any truck to handle and the trailer would outlast 2 or 3 trucks and more than pay for itself in the wear it saves on the truck. Bigger HD truck, more sap hauling capacity.
Wish I could pull a trailer but all my tanks are in the woods and hard to get to. I could pick up my sap quicker.
Auto drawoff, that would be nice in the future pending I keep making syrup.
12-19-2008, 05:52 PM
I'm actually doing that this season, I can't afford to buy a several thousand dollar farm truck so I will run 2 trailers, one behind the wifes van for the roads and one behind my 4x4 dakota for the sugar woods road, they plow it, but I want my 4wheel drive just in case..... I figure the 500 gal on the trailer and a 200 gal in the bed of the truck but not fill them up!!!
12-19-2008, 06:16 PM
Brandon- You just gave me a great idea. Im selling my truck becouse its antique and its worth quite a bit of sap line but I pull a trailer with my car all the time to haul my riding mower. Ill use that. Its an 01 lincoln continental, got a hell of a radio too. Drink holder, ash tray, thatll work great. Ill get you guys a pic. I think my good trailer is 2000 lbs and I have a woods trailer I could use thats heavier. I only have to go up a dirt road about a mile. Theron
12-19-2008, 06:20 PM
Lincoln sapcar.... a new model !! see ford doesn't need to be bailed out!
12-19-2008, 06:24 PM
Haulin sap in style! It is a big car, wonder how much I can haul. Its front wheel drive. Theron
12-19-2008, 06:31 PM
Wonder if I put an orange tractor triangle on the back of it if Booy and Brother could do it? Thatll get mom fired up. Theyd do it though, they already think im the coolest dad ever. Theron
3% Solution
12-19-2008, 06:48 PM
You are definately a "REDNECK", holly crap, gathering with a Lincoln.
Yes we need pics.
How's the weather in your neighborhood?
12-19-2008, 06:53 PM
lotta snow today. 6-12 Id say. That is pretty redneck but whatever works, huh? Parker will love that, he ever comes down here he wont want to go home. Theron
3% Solution
12-19-2008, 06:56 PM
Yeah we're getting it now.
Maybe up to 5".
Yeah, Parker will love it!!
12-19-2008, 06:57 PM
Ill have to put the BIGSAP sign on the car for him. Theron
3% Solution
12-19-2008, 07:00 PM
Is that your car or mom's car?
12-19-2008, 07:12 PM
Thats my ride. Thats all I drive. I bought it used and nobody seems to want the old folks cars but I love them. Runs like a sports car, real big and safe, radio something like Ive never heard in anything and 25 mpg on my way to Matts. Love it. Goes good in snow too with the front wheel drive. Theron
12-19-2008, 07:25 PM
you came to ME and didn't post it!!!!!!!!
Dave, can you see PA with a team of horses and the reigns around his neck that would be a PA redneck alright.
3% Solution
12-19-2008, 07:32 PM
No that's a vision!!!!
Come to think of it, he does have a team of horses under the hood!!!
And he's got um right by the steering wheel!!!!
How's the weather in Me.??
12-19-2008, 07:50 PM
Same as the rest of New England snow( poor mans fertilizer). We have about 4'' on the ground and still coming. Cold 5 degrees
12-19-2008, 07:55 PM
Dave,where's the team of horses? He did say caddy sack right.
12-19-2008, 08:00 PM
I believe I would put all the sap in the trailer and balance it out. Will be less wear on the truck in the long run pending the trailer will handle all of it. Key is to balance the trailer load perfectly where you are not pulling up on the truck or pushing down on it. Besides, a lot easier to get in and out of the trailer too. Your Honda Oddessy Van will tow 3500 lbs as it is the same as mine, just a year newer unless they increased the towing capacity on your van.
Dennis H.
12-19-2008, 08:43 PM
Hey Theron, take out the back seat and put a tank in it's place. That will keep the weight more centered in the car so those front wheels keep digging in to get all that sap home!
Or you could sort of set up the car like those old southern boys dig when running moon shine. A small tank in each door, under the seat, oh heck pull all the seats out and just sit on the tank to drive.
When Theron took me over to see Richards place, all I could say for the longest time was wow. I mean he probably spilled more onto the floor in one day then I made all year. And his sap storage tanks, they are the size of a stinking swimming pool.
12-20-2008, 04:33 AM
The neat thing about Richard I think is that he started no different than any of the rest of us. He was a farmer and his folks did syrup to some extent out back and he just really liked doing it. That whole setup is his creation. I think originally there was just a small shed with a dirt floor. He built that up with ambition and a just a lot guts to try to do something at that level. I dont think there was ever any big money behind him or anything like that I think hes done that from nothing on his own. Theron
12-20-2008, 05:50 AM
AAAHHHHHHAAAA!!!! THe Lincon SAPMOBIEL- front wheel peel to boot!!! It just does not get any better than that!!! Is that the same car you were in here??? LOVE IT!!!!
A foot of new fulffy white stuff outside with another foot on the way here! I havent walked any of my lines after the ice storm-been busy logging,,I am sure there are plenty down!!
Gary R
12-20-2008, 06:08 AM
Theron, I think your best bet is to buy a used 4X4, 3/4 or 1 ton. They are cheap right now. Be careful with trailers. Most utility trailers come with a 3500 GVW axle. You would have to find a HD (dump type) that had heavier axles. In PA any trailer over 3000 GVW must have electric brakes. In the last couple years a few high profile accidents have occured. Inocent people have been killed due too utility trailers coming loose from the tow vehicle. I'm sure the police will not go easy on anyone caught overloaded.
It would be neat to see pictures of the lincoln pulling sap though:)
Gary R
12-20-2008, 08:50 AM
Just placed an order with the Mapleguy's. A few extra's. Filter's, hydrometer. and a few huh... taps. Made 12lbs. of maple breakfast link sausage last night. Down to our last quart of syrup. Hope the season starts soon!
12-20-2008, 09:59 AM
To answer the question about storage of barrels, by the end of sugaring we would crawl over barrels to get out of the sugar house. Of course most of them were 55"s so they didn't take up as much room.
And as far as a automatic drawoff, I had a nice Marchland but I hated the thing. I like being in control of the drawoff and not some machine, ofcourse there was a stream coming off all the time so maybe that is why. It always was telling me the truth at the drawoff but it wasn't telling what was going on back further in the pan so I had to be there anyway. Just my opinion.
3% Solution
12-20-2008, 06:01 PM
Hi all,
Everyone in New England and NewYork ready for round 2??
Got about 9" here.
Tomorrow for us is supposed to be 10" - 16".
Guess I'll watch it snow and checkout the trader tomorrow!!
Stay safe out there, only drive if you have to!!!
Clan Delaney
12-20-2008, 06:04 PM
Hi all,
Everyone in New England and NewYork ready for round 2??
Got about 9" here.
Tomorrow for us is supposed to be 10" - 16".
Guess I'll watch it snow and checkout the trader tomorrow!!
Stay safe out there, only drive if you have to!!!
It snowed ALL. DAY. LONG. today. All day! Not as violent as the night before, but WOW! On the upside... kids stayed out all day playing in the snow.
3% Solution
12-20-2008, 06:12 PM
They will definately sleep tonight!!
What did you get for total?
12-20-2008, 06:50 PM
Funny, it was 60 here yesterday and 40's today and no precip. Amazing what difference a few hundred miles makes. It has been a bad winter here so far as we have had 14 days with measurable snow fall of aprox 1" or more which is as many or more than we have gotten a lot of winters. Appears we are in for a long one if the way it has been the past 6 weeks is any indication. All the snows we have had at least where I live have been 1 to 4 inches, so no deep snow but this week has been a welcome break. We got a ton of rain from Sunday thru Thurs, so if it had been a little colder, we would have snow up to our eyeballs.
12-20-2008, 07:02 PM
Left this Morning at 6:00am to meet up with Cardigan99 at Bascom's to purchase his oil evaporator. Bad driving most of the way but couldn't be stopped. was going to spend the evening with friends in Concord but Wanted to get back with my new toy. roads were better coming back, but still snowed most of the way back. Ever try to get a 1/2 oil drum with what felt like a ton of angle iron out of the back of a Caravan. It sure went in Easier. anyway after much pulling and pushing we got it close to where we want it. Bought some stuff, how can you go to Bascom's and not. I feel the disease taking over. OH NO.
12-20-2008, 07:15 PM
yep... ready but not willing!! Guess I'll be on the roofs doing a bit of shoveling.. hate having lots up there on my few flat roofs.
More now with power so that's good, but still thousands without... Wish them the best!!
Clan Delaney
12-20-2008, 11:00 PM
They will definately sleep tonight!!
What did you get for total?
Total? You mean total time spent on the couch with a heat pad after throwing my back shoveling? Hmmmm.... Judging by that I'd say 8-9 inches.
12-21-2008, 06:09 AM
Round 3 has started with heavy east winds.
12-21-2008, 06:16 AM
Let it snow!!!!my ZR 700 don't mind:D
Thompson's Tree Farm
12-21-2008, 06:26 AM
Enough snow and everything minds, even my team of Belgian's. And, when I get to the woods, I have to be able to move around. Frankly, there is too much left for me to do before March 1 to be bogged down too much. Still, I am doing something every day. Yesterday was only a few droplines. Today, I will probably try to finish getting the evaporator torn down for it's move to the new sugar house. Snow is just starting. Another foot predicted and high winds with whiteouts. We have 16" on the ground now. Gonna be mostly those Belgian's working for a while.
Dave Y
12-21-2008, 07:35 AM
Went to the woods yesterday and found the working conditions to be favorable.
The inch or 2 of slush we had on Friday was frozen solid. like walking on concrete.
Finished puling laterals. have enough for 600taps. Have 3 mainlines down the screw anchors are broke I had just finished one when it popped. I guess i must be straining them to much. It is snowing again.not what NE has but it is snowing. I going to put up the main lines to day and some drops the come back and watch the football game.
3% Solution
12-21-2008, 07:44 AM
Yup snowing and blowing here!
Cold, 10 out there.
Well it's fluffy snow anyway.
Russell Lampron
12-21-2008, 08:18 AM
It's only 7 here and snowing and blowing as well. I won't be getting anything done in the woods today.
Just got in from filling the outdoor wood furnace. It went 16 hours on green pine just cut last weekend after the ice storm. I'm heating 2 houses with it and there was still a layer of wood in it.
Clan Delaney
12-21-2008, 09:06 AM
Woke up this morning like this"
Me: "(grunt) snowing again.)
wife: " yup."
wife: "so, did the kids put the shovels away yesterday, or leave them laying down in the yard?"
me: "Fine. I'm up."
12-21-2008, 09:12 AM
That's my thought too the kids sleds and shovels already buried thru the night. I sucked up a snowboard into the snowblower last year!!
I have more work than I thought, in back of my barn I have 2 sap ladders the raise a total of 12 feet to the releaser, well the first ladder is onthe ground now under that snow.the mire broke, I'm assuming from the wind and the small tree where it's tied too pulled it apart.
I noticed last night running the snowblower towards it.
What do you guys with your tanks in the snowy weather? just unbury them from the snow and Ice? I try to keep them up on blocks upside down but the still get dirty and sometimes frozen to them.
3% Solution
12-21-2008, 09:31 AM
I thought you was tough??? :-)
I'd put money on it that those shovels could be anuwhere!!!! :-)
Been there, done that!!!
Skateboards don't do snowblowers any good!!!!
Haynes Forest Products
12-21-2008, 12:48 PM
My favorite things to try and get threw the blowers are dog chains and frozen newspaper. Ask Joe Sakic from the Denver Aves about uncloging them with your hands OOOPS
3% Solution
12-21-2008, 02:29 PM
Dog chains, now that sounds like fun!!! :-(
Frozen newspapers, now that's got to stop things pretty quick!!
Still snowing here.
Haynes Forest Products
12-21-2008, 02:53 PM
I used to run the snowplow dept for a tree service in town and we did condos and we would start at about 5:30 AM and the papers were thrown at about 3;00 AM and you didnt know whare they were people were mad and wanted there papers and all we could say was look in the snow pile.
12-21-2008, 06:00 PM
Got 10 x 14 tarp today that I had covering some stuff, boy did that go in fast, alot faster than it came out.
12-21-2008, 08:13 PM
12 maybe 14 inches on friday then yesterday another 4 inches now today 25 mph winds and 0 degrees. winter has arrived
3% Solution
12-21-2008, 08:41 PM
Now that doesn't sound like fun at all!!!
About 9 yesterday and another 9.5 today that you sent this way.
Still coming down.
Jeff E
12-21-2008, 11:22 PM
I got bit by the cold up here last week, with sub zero temps tightening my lines so much I had 3 mainifolds break apart on me. Anyone else have that happen? Whats the fix so I don't have a repeat in the future?
12-22-2008, 12:08 AM
I always have slack going into any manifolds, not much but enough for shrinkage. I hardly ever use pvc fittings also for the same reason you have had.
Thompson's Tree Farm
12-22-2008, 06:01 AM
Just getting daylight. We got about ten more inches. Well over 2' on the ground now. Pitch is good on the new sugar house roof. It keeps sliding right off. I am going out to plow out as soon as I finish this coffee. Looks like this round is about over. The temp is dropping fast. Has gone from about 20 at 4:30 to about 10 now.
I finally got all the brick and sand out of the evaporator so as soon as I can assemble a crew, it can be moved. Be glad to have that out of the way. Too many jobs, not enough of me. Parker would probably say it is because I don't waaaaant it bad enough. I think it is because I'm slippin' down the wrong side of the hill.
3% Solution
12-22-2008, 06:22 AM
Good morning Thompson's,
Yeah sun's peeking up here too.
Got 9.5" from this storm, I'd say about 20" on the ground.
Got to get the snowblower cranked up in a few minutes.
It's 9 here, I have always noticed the temperature always drops right at sunrise.
Hey your not slipping down the hill, your organizing and prioritizing.
Parker is a young buck, he just wants to hammer, hammer, hammer.
Now you and I, we go at our own pace and we still get there.
Ok, enough of this, got to clean the neighborhood.
Have a good one!!!
Stay safe!!
12-22-2008, 06:30 AM
Doug- Your a go-getter. You cant fool us. I finished walking the lines this morning up back. My side of the road 100% other than adding about 3 new laterals which will only take a minute. Pretty happy to see one bush all done. Gotta go get some more 5/16 tonight and start hammering out drops and saddles across the road. Gotta just keep on keepin on just like Joe Dirt. Theron
12-22-2008, 06:47 AM
Got alot done yesterday after it stopped snowing. Already put in about 50 more taps than I thought I would get to and finished my dry line to where I am going to set up my releaser. Vacuum pump is coming in the next few weeks and plan on piping the evaporator feed line and test running that this weekend.
Pretty cool, I had my 9 year old son following me from tree to tree putting in drops. After a while he figured out how to use the two handed tool by himself. thought it was so cool, he showed his 7 year old brother how to use it when we got back to the house and they made up another 60 or so drops! Anyone need some cheap labor- may open a mail order drop line business. LOL
We got about 18 inches here, but it's hard to tell because it drifted so much. We're going to have to get plowed out. There is a big berm by the road at the sugarhouse now. It will discourage trespassers, unless they're wearing snowshoes.
We are planning on adding a bunch of new taps after X-mas. It is really cool to be adding new trees again.
12-22-2008, 07:12 PM
after xmas?????????????? why not xmas day??????????? open presents be done by 10:00am and out in the woods by 10:15,,
hehehehe i did it last year exept i was in the woods by 9:15, i gues im a work o holic, oh wait no a mapleholic
12-22-2008, 07:18 PM
i wasnt feeling to hot this morning, had a pounding head ache and my belly didnt feel to great al though it didtn feel like i was gunna hurl so i stayed home from school, mom said i could so i did, she said try to get some sleep, and left, i had started putting the wool pants on right after i saw her get into her car, started the JD and off i went, finished puting up all the main line wire in the woods, what took 4 1/2 hrs should have only taken 1 ( i was sick remember was moving slower and the 3ft of snow didnt make it any easier) but i got really disy and tired and i remember sitting down at around 1:00 and woke up at 3:00 still sitting in my snow bed, just it was a little deeper now and i was a little wetter, called it a day , hobbled over to the tractor and headed home.
got home about 15 min before my mother pulled in, got lucky......hehehe
3% Solution
12-22-2008, 08:01 PM
Here's my take on your day today:
You skipped school!!!!
If you was good enogh to work on maple you was good enough to go to school.
Your schooling is more important!!!!
Don't get me wrong here, I did stuff like that too ( hunting, fishing, snowmobiling).
Now, your mom was right, you should have got some rest.
Hope your feeling better!!!
12-22-2008, 09:56 PM
I last visited on the 15th. Been to tired plowing snow for the last few days. Atleast it was snow this time and not ice. I got a section of my bush that I need to replace the drops this winter so I'll be doing that soon.
Christmas sales were actually very good this year. When I started making everything right after Thanksgiving I was sceptical but now I'm happy that it turned out so well.
Also I need to get out and make sure no lines and drops are on the ground before the snow turns into ice from the rain I got coming on the 24th
12-23-2008, 06:33 AM
32 inches of snow here after 4 days of non stop. finally plwed out. now have to find the snow shoes again
12-23-2008, 07:16 AM
It's almost Christmas, I see a lot of guests lurking about on the trader, I just want to say Welcome! hopefully your enjoying it :)
we love to have you here. also remember , Registration is free, we would love to get to know you and help or learn from you. make a New Years Resolution and register as a new and proud member of the family! we have a great time here, and so many have met some great guys and girls who enjoy Maple as much as you, there are even some gatherings and work parties that get organized.
Great to have you here.
12-23-2008, 12:08 PM
i was sick enough to stay home in the morning but i could have gone to school for the last half of the day, but hey ive got work to do, we werent doing much in school yesterday any way
3% Solution
12-23-2008, 01:32 PM
Just razzing ya a bit!!
12-23-2008, 04:50 PM
got back in the sugar woods today. snow right up to the pockets of my pants. had a few limbs come down. cleaned them up, got lines back up. then cut brush.dont like cleaning the snow away from the base of brush before i cut it. but do not want to walk on the sharp stumps later.
maple flats
12-23-2008, 05:32 PM
We have about 30" on the ground as I type. We have had lots more but it has settled to 30, of course there are drifts higher in places.
Tomorrow morning I am going to start adding my new tubing/expansion. I am designing it for wet dry with VAC but not putting up the dry this season. Next season I hope to add an RO and if I get that the VAC is next. That is when I will add the dry line, but everything except the dry line wire and dry line itself will be in place. I plan on adding 400 taps this year but will drop about 100 from another location, too much travel for too little sap once the bigger section is up and running. The bush I am adding in likely has enough for about 1000 taps total and is all on a side hill, uphill from the road. I think this will really be great when I get it done. If I have a per tap season near last year's I will have the funds to get the RO, might need a good blueberry year to add the VAC to or might even borrow for it. So far everything I have done in maple has been paid as I go, and I prefer that if at all possible.
12-23-2008, 06:37 PM
went up in the woods after school today, and unrolled a 100ft 3/4 line for a branch, MAN I MISS MY MAPLEFLEX the black water pipe is rigid as hell especially since it was about 10 degrees, i wire tied about 10ft and taught my self a new wire tying trick, then it just got harder and harder as the twisties in the coil just didnt wanna come out cause of the cold, so i said im done and stetchedit and wrapped the end around the wire hoping it would loosen up and be easyer to work with in the morning, NO SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope to get a crap load done this week and next week, all the main line is going up come hell or high water
talked to a farmer i know up by my dads he had to take pipe out of a piece of land a few years back cause the new owners wanted to ride their horses in the woods but i remembered he had a vac on it so i called him last night to see if i could buy the releaser cause the one i have aperrently the door sticks on it some times , dont know nover used it but dont want it to stick while im at school, but any way i asked him if he had the thing still and he said yea, when i asked him if he would sell it to me hesaid nono im not going to sell it, but im probably not going to use it this year so you can use it this year, i was like SWEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTT, he said to check in w him closer to sug season just to make sure he wasnt gunna use it.
but it made me happy to know that i might be able to use a blue gilles bernard rather than that 4ft tall ugly green lappiare with a strang door mechanism I am well on my way to many BIGSAP days!!!!!!!!!!:)
12-23-2008, 07:08 PM
Left this Morning at 6:00am to meet up with Cardigan99 at Bascom's to purchase his oil evaporator. Bad driving most of the way but couldn't be stopped. was going to spend the evening with friends in Concord but Wanted to get back with my new toy. roads were better coming back, but still snowed most of the way back. Ever try to get a 1/2 oil drum with what felt like a ton of angle iron out of the back of a Caravan. It sure went in Easier. anyway after much pulling and pushing we got it close to where we want it. Bought some stuff, how can you go to Bascom's and not. I feel the disease taking over. OH NO.
Glad to hear you made it home safely Michael. I got duped on rt 123 on the way out of Alstead and ended up in VT. I ended up getting that set of 2x6 pans I had been looking at. Now all I have to do is put my arch together. I also took a spin over to Tuckermtn's place on Sunday to pick up a couple of shirts and check out his set up so it was a good maple weekend despite the snow.
12-23-2008, 07:15 PM
This is how I run mainline tube. This is probly not recommended anywhere and probly isnt real safe but it works real good for me and I havent had one come down yet. I carry 3 tools, linemans pliars, wratchet handle and a yo-yo. I use a spinning jenny for the wire. Every end point gets a wratchet to eliminate connectors so first stop tractor supply for a 100$ worth of wratchets. Next stop sugarbush. Got a role of mainline on the jenny. I pull the wire out to the end tree. Then I pull off 6' extra wire and cut it off. Then I slip a little tube over the piece of wire to protect tree. Then If its good tree put couple wood blocks under it but try to pick nonvaluable tree. I take the wire and run it around the tree and put the wratchet on it. Then the majic happens. I tie a square knot on the wire. This eliminates two things I hate. crimps and crimping tools, or connectors you need tools for. Tools and I usually dont have a very long relationship together(on my third mainline punch). Then I take the wire and take a wrap starting the knot and take long tails becouse its hard to make the second part if you dont. Then being sure its a square and not a granny Ive got big ugly square knot but not for long. Then I hook my main in the wratchet and take a couple wraps. RUN back to the spinning jenny( this isnt a stroll in the woods weve got BIGSAP to get. I pull the line off the jenny to the start tree. Pull off 6' and do same trick. Now Ive got wratchets on both ends. Now crank her up good. RUN back to the other one making sure nothing hooked becouse working alone, looking good, now the wires nice and tight. Those big ugly square knots are now beautifull little square knots. Get it off the couple trees its on hard with some side ties. Take my tube and hose clamp it to one end. Pull it out to the other. I carry a 20' piece off light rope with me on a coil. Get to the other end I use the rope to pull it up so the slacks out of it. Then I real quick tie a few wire ties every 20' or so. Now its hangin from the wire. Go back to my rope and pull it up real tight and tie it off to the tree. Now you can clamp that end with a clamp too and go ahead and wire tie it in. Done. Anymore thats about all I do with not a lot of side ties. Then when I lateral it in they actually side tie it in just right and looks real good. Now a trunk mainline I will put a lot of side ties till its just so becouse there wont be any laterals on it. Like I said probly not recommended but thats just how I roll. Theron
12-23-2008, 07:32 PM
Great minds think alike Theron!! The only thing that I do different from you is to pull the pipe up tight with a comealong and a Kellum grip. I tie it loosely like you said, then put the brute strength and ignorance to it. I get no accordian effect at all. BIG SAP TO ALL!!!
12-23-2008, 07:54 PM
Mine comes up too Mike. What I do with that rope is I put a grapevine on the end of the tube a little ways in and run the rope around the tree and put a bowline on a bite on the standing part of the rope and pull it back that way. I know you know what that will do. I hook the grapevine on the end past the connection point if I want to get serious with it then If I fold the pipe dont matter. I just dont like lugging the hoist. Some of my taps are on dang cliffs almost and the rope will tie right on my belt loop. Theron
Dave Y
12-23-2008, 07:56 PM
Theron, Maplwrks,
I do pretty much the same thing with mine the only difference is I use electrical tape to attach a strap to my pipe and the hook a come along to it. you would be surprised how much torture that tape will stand.
12-23-2008, 07:57 PM
Nothing beats those kellums though like you say. Another thing ive done back in the woods far from stuff is put a clamp on the tube and put wire under it and bend it back and run it into a wratchet. That will work as a kellum grip on 3/4 or something but not on the big stuff quite as good. Theron
12-23-2008, 08:01 PM
Dave- Dont matter how you grab it like you say as long as it holds long enough to clip it in. I found on the 3/4 it would stay quite nice with the ends clamped or tied real good. Not my 1.25 though. I had to regrab that stuff with kellums becouse it snaked on me. I think that stuff Ill alway put the kellums on and leave them. Besides you dont run a lot of the big pipe anyway. Theron
Dave Y
12-23-2008, 08:25 PM
With my mainlines I will go less than the distance of a coil and stretch it and tie it off the move on . I do not get any accordion effect do in that. I also clamp it to the wire, seems to work.
12-23-2008, 08:43 PM
You electrical workers do it about the same way as us redneck farmers. It doesn't matter as long as it goes on the wire tight and stays there, all ways work good if you come out with the same result, nice and tight and leave the accordian home and the sap in the tank.
i wasnt feeling to hot this morning, had a pounding head ache and my belly didnt feel to great al though it didtn feel like i was gunna hurl so i stayed home from school, mom said i could so i did, she said try to get some sleep, and left, i had started putting the wool pants on right after i saw her get into her car, started the JD and off i went, finished puting up all the main line wire in the woods, what took 4 1/2 hrs should have only taken 1 ( i was sick remember was moving slower and the 3ft of snow didnt make it any easier) but i got really disy and tired and i remember sitting down at around 1:00 and woke up at 3:00 still sitting in my snow bed, just it was a little deeper now and i was a little wetter, called it a day , hobbled over to the tractor and headed home.
got home about 15 min before my mother pulled in, got lucky......hehehe
DanO, play sick when you stay home sick. There will be plenty of time for stringing mainline when you get to X-mas vacation. You will get sicker sleeping in the snow and you will lose time.
Dave Y
12-23-2008, 08:44 PM
who are you calling an electrical worker?
12-23-2008, 08:52 PM
Mike the Vermonter and old Big Sap himself Theron. They both like sticking it to us poor old mountain men when it has anything to do electricity so they can expand there operations.
Dave Y
12-23-2008, 09:07 PM
I didn't think you was referring to me. I do electrical work but I am not an electrician. But I am an old billy goat.
12-24-2008, 05:41 AM
Dave- Your a jack of all trades. I did a lot of thinking yesterday while I driving around at work. I ran about 4 scenerios around at length in my mind how I can get more sap and hit some more of those trees and came to the conclusion that realistically Im probly done here at the house for this year. Everything takes so long. Im going to have everything perfection here but I dont think Ill have time to do anything away from the house so I guess those other trees will have to wait. So the cull tree stand will be done and the bush across the road on the bank will be done so I guess Im going to be at a two hill operation for the year. So tap counts looks like its two hills for this year. Knowing those other trees are there is killing me but time and money what can you do? At least if any of you guys come down here youll have to give me a, "I guess he tried anyway". I gotta go get ready for work. So many trees so little time. Theron
12-24-2008, 05:43 AM
I somehow knew that. Hey did I tell you that your barrels were down to Therons or did he tell you. May be he is planning on keeping them for himself.
12-24-2008, 07:14 AM
You are just 4 to 5 weeks away from tapping. Better take a break for 3 or 4 weeks and get the batteries recharged to the point that you are wanting to make syrup so bad, you are like a dog with rabies drooling everywhere from the withdrawl for 3 or 4 weeks. It will make a more enjoyable season than working like a mad man right up until the day you tap.
Thompson's Tree Farm
12-24-2008, 08:08 AM
I didn't know you could make syrup without working like a madman right up until you started to tap. Do you mean it is even more fun when I don't do that?????:)
Dave Y
12-24-2008, 08:08 AM
802,Theron told me he had my barrels. I figure he'll fill them then I will go pick them up.
Theron, Just remember one man can only do so much.
I was going to go put some saddles on today but I think i will stay home. I have to pack the pecans coated last night. Later today we are going to one of my brothers for dinner to start the holiday activities.
12-24-2008, 11:00 AM
I think that is a great idea, I think I will take some of my barrels down and do the same
12-24-2008, 05:31 PM
Brandon- This is my final plan I think and your going to love this. Im going to finish up everything at the house bush 100% high vac. Then Im going to make sure Im all set in the sugarhouse with the streamlining on the pressing etc. Just tap and hit the switch and ready. Then Im going just down the road to some hedgerow and road side trees. Theyre cool becouse there is a lot of drop 50-100' and theyre in line. Im going to Brandon them in. Im going to take a roll of 5/16 and run it top to bottom each run. Theres about 180 taps total with about 90 per run. 90 taps per lateral 5/16. Natural vac levels that should suck in small animals at the top of the run. I can run that literally in a day and whatever I get I get. Put a tote at the bottom and send Boo and Brother down there and see what we have. Theron
12-24-2008, 07:01 PM
That would be awesome to see in action as you are more brave than I am with that many taps. One thing I can tell you, you had better not put a tote one each one unless it is at least 100 gallon each or more. If those trees start running good, it would fill a tote in no time flat.
12-24-2008, 07:09 PM
Brandon- I think they are pretty good trees and out in the open. I doubt Ill ever put a pump on them as few as they are so thats why I think I may do that. Be fun to see what they do. I was reading a research paper from the 70's and they were advocating up to 80 taps and claiming up to 20 max inches of vac. Im not a gravity man whatsoever but I consider that a fun experiment to see what they do. Plus its quick and easy and more sap. Well see what happens. Theres another 130 tap spot I could do the same thing with but its just a gentle slope with them all together. That would be just several normally loaded lats but the hedgerow one is something that we could see what happens on. They said the vac levels on the natural arent consistent like a pump, different at differant points depending on how good the run etc but it all helps what the heck. Theron
12-24-2008, 09:47 PM
Theron with 90 taps on one 5/16th tubing you had better anchor the end of the line where it enters the tank. That much pressure and it will be screaming thru the air like a fire hose gone wild! Might be a good way to keep the tank pressure washed! LOL
Keep us posted as to how they work out!
12-25-2008, 06:49 AM
One thing is for sure, it will be good sap quality as bacteria won't stand a chance inside that line. That is one of the reasons I did away with most of my mainlines. I have all my taps on just lateral lines except 170 taps that are on 1/2" mainline and the mainline is only about 100 yards long and I have 3 sections coming into it with aprox 45 taps on lateral lines and the lateral lines are 500 to 700 feet long with many branch lines coming into each lateral so the total length with all the branch lines would probably be 1000 to 1500 feet. The main 5/16" line in each of these 3 sections that dumps into the black plastic mainline acts as a mainline. I used the "Y Forks" for all my entrances. This keeps the lateral lines very nice and tight and I bring them in 12 to 24 inches above the lateral mainline and this way I maintain slope all the time even where it connects to the lateral mainline, it just drops downhill from the "Y Fork". I had my best year ever last year and the highest sugar content I have had in the past 3 years since I started keeping close to exact records. It took 8.5 gallons less of sap compared to two years ago to make a gallon of syrup and the most syrup I had ever made last year.
In my other two bushes, I have 5/16 on my 9 gauge mainline wire with 30 to 40 taps on them and in one bush, I have 2 sections of 5/16" on the same wire. LOL. I use small plastic ties to secure it as the wire was aleady in place where I had black plastic mainline and this keeps the slope constant. I had aprox 80 taps on the one last but, but I didn't like it because I felt it was restricting sap flow too much due to not having but about 1% slope on the mainline section of lateral tubing even though all the taps coming into it had 7 to 10 percent or more in some places. I think it will do better with aprox 45 on each line this year vs 90 on 1 line as I added 7 taps to them.
It's fun experimenting to determine what works best. One a "y" on the farthest tree and a "Y Fork" where it comes into the lateral mainline, it makes for nice snug lines.
Brian Ryther
12-25-2008, 09:22 AM
What is your syrup / tap ratio?
12-25-2008, 01:12 PM
you take the gals of syrup made that year and divide by # of taps, so if u made 50 gal of 200 taps u made a 1/4 of a gal of syrup per tap
12-25-2008, 09:13 PM
I had 500 taps last year and made 97.5 gallon of syrup all on gravity and my sugar content was 48.42 to 1 sap to syrup which is the best I know of since I starting checking. I usually run 50 to 1 and year before last it was 53 to 1 and 2 years ago it was 57 to 1 or vice versa, I can't remember which. I just know I don't like boiling that much sap to make syrup. I am sure my sugar content would be better if I didn't hold my sap 1 to 4 days before boiling, but working full time and living 1/2 hour away with a family and 2 small kids don't leave a lot of extra time. Besides, I have no sap coming to the sugarhouse and it all has to be gathered with a tractor in 6 different locations in three seperate bushes all different directions and aprox 15 buckets.
12-26-2008, 05:27 AM
Brandon- Does holding the sap have an affect on the sugar content do you think? I can see where it would be real hard to do that away from the house like that with having kids. Thing is you have to use the resource you have access to. Im pretty lucky to have everything here becouse I can be in and out of the house all the time and still get a lot done. If anyone needs me they can just yell of whatever and I can stop. Plus if you want to work for a few minutes you can. I would do it the way you are if thats what I had I probly wouldnt do as much though for the same reasons youve said. Theron
Thompson's Tree Farm
12-26-2008, 05:45 AM
I think Brandon is right. If sap sits it loses some sweetness. Bacteria grows and is feeding on the sugar, thus lower %, my understanding anyway.
12-26-2008, 05:46 AM
Update from BIGSAP central- Time of year has got me nervous- Yesterday put 100 and some drops in across the road after it got dark and Christmas was over. Gonna try to put maybe 600 more drops in tomarrow if thats possable and then all the saddles sunday Im hoping. Then I have a few lats left to run over there and thats pretty well done. All that will be left is to do a few mainline connections and hook up the releaser. Then theres three more lateral mains to run. One above my neighbors driveway and then another run I may do above that. I was scouting that out yesterday and theres maybe 150 to 200 good taps on that. That would go directly to the house releaser and with that I think that will max that releaser out on raw numbers. That should be fun to watch if I can get those others in. That releaser is right in the sugarhouse. If its real impressive Ill have Matt do a youtube video of it. If I dont do much away from home this is how sugaring is going to go HOPEFULLY. Wake up, go make coffee, tell the kids to quit fightin, walk out to the sugarhouse on my new concrete sidewalk, climb up the ladder and check the sap level in my big tanks, walk into the sugarhouse and make sure vac gage is pretty well pegged out, Make a new pot of coffee in the sugarhouse, fire up the potbelly and kick back and watch the releaser dump right there next to me. Thats livin. Probly a fantasy too. Lot of stuff to go wrong but Im sticking with the nice fantasy. Theron
12-26-2008, 06:13 AM
BELIEVE IN THE DREAM!!!! When are you tapping?
12-26-2008, 06:36 AM
Parker- Last year I think I tapped first week of feb so Im kind of going with that for now. Id tap in January If I was ready and we had a serious january thaw but Im not really hoping for it. Have to wait and see I guess. Im in full weather watch mode as of now. Probly Feb. youd love the lincoln right now. Got 300 drops and rolls of mainline in the back seat and all my tools. Were in full syrup mode now. Theron
3% Solution
12-26-2008, 06:40 AM
Hey PA,
That's what real stuff is made of .......... "Dreams."
Someone dreamed of going to the moon and , well you know the rest of the story.
It's 7 here as I type.
I figure there's about 51 days before we start tapping.
Hope Santa was nice to everyone!!!
Jeff E
12-26-2008, 08:47 AM
Isn't that what drives us? Last spring, I had the wife, 4 kids, a friend and I out with headlamps in early April, collecting sap from 350 buckets, 4 nights in a row, in the meantime, the 2x8 was running 14-18 hours a day for week, and when it wasn't running, I was at work.
This is the soil from which dreams sprout!!!
My new system is such that all the sap from every maple on my 40 is waiting from me in tanks in the sugar house, with the new RO just grinning at me, saying 'lets go!'.
Change from the 350 trees producing say 500 gallons of sap on a big day, taking 5-6 hours to collect it all, then 15 hours to process it. Please note this takes a total of 30 to 31 hours, for a 24 hour day!!!
New system goal is the 2000 taps produce 3200 gallons, delivered, (0 hours), with a 600gph RO/evap process, for 5-6 hour time. THE DREAM!!!
Of course working 20+ hours a week on the system all year long is there as well...
12-26-2008, 12:49 PM
I would guess I lose a little sugar holding it as I do, but you have to do the best you can do and that's that. I have a Wedco whole house UV and was running all the sap thru that after I pumped it out of the tanks on the tractor but this year I am going to try to let it recirculate thru the UV while I gather vs just the single pass. I also freeze 3 to 5 of the aluminum sap buckets full of sap and throw that in every day. The sugarhouse stays very cool and most of the time, cooler than outside temps as it is on the north side of the hill and the 625 gallon milk tank works good at keeping it cool. I have 3 different people that help boil and they do the majority of the boiling while I am working during the day, but I don't have them start up the evaporator unless they have at least 500 gallon of sap. I would boil a lot less than that myself, but this relegates them to a full day of boiling which works out good.
Haynes Forest Products
12-26-2008, 01:26 PM
JeffE I checked out your picks and I see that your sap ladder is very basic and thats what I want to copy. As I see it you DONT have any vents, valves, pin holes for air or hidden ways of making it work other than just the 5/16 tubes with stars?
12-26-2008, 04:46 PM
quick question, im new to the whole vac pump thing but i was wondering how much oil does a vac pump go through in a day? i finally found a container that would fit mine with some reducers and its a thousand island dressing bottle, is that gunna be big enough for 1 days use until i gather and can fill it again?
maple flats
12-26-2008, 06:14 PM
Somewhere on this forum in another thread there was a producer or two who had 75 taps on a 5/16 line on a steep hill. They said it flowed with good pressure out the bottom. 90 might be a record, but it might be line friction that may slow it down if 90 is too many. There's only 1 way to find out!
maple flats
12-26-2008, 06:23 PM
On the 24th I spent a few hours measuring and plotting my expansion for the needed mainline and branch lines. Today I installed the support wire, about 900 ft I think. Can't pick up tubing needed til Monday PM. Then on Tues I will start installing mainline and branch lines. On the 24th the snow was over 3' deep on the leeward side of the hill to the lee of the woods line, today it was only about 18-20" after some settling and melting. Didn't need snowshoes today but wished i had them 2 days ago but I left them at the sugarhouse and didn't go back to get them, at the end of about 4 hrs I realized it would havbe been smarter but I excell in doing things the hard way. Something about old dogs and new tricks!
Dennis H.
12-27-2008, 08:05 PM
wow no one posted since yesterday, well I just had to change that!
I hope everyone is busy getting ready, for me it is just about 1 month to go-time.
I think I have everything ready to go. I just added a steel plate to the door of the evap to help keep the door from getting so darn hot. I picked up a few jugs for syrup and a few more spiles.
12-28-2008, 05:56 AM
Update from BIGSAP country. Worked all day across the road and should have all the laterals in and drops in this morning over there. Then all I have are the saddles and the tubing is done. That should be complete on thursday. Then both sides of the road are complete as far as everything Ive started. All that really leaves is hooking up the tanks and releaser over there and the tanks at the house. Talked to my other neighbor the other day and he said green light on tapping on him so its off to the races. I think I can get MAYBE 400 more taps in that way that will run into my setup. Thats it if I get them becouse itll be tapping time. Thinking it may be pretty likely that my house double releaser may not take it and so we may be doing something to help that out. I should be able to get some real good videos for you fellas this year. I think as soon as we hit Feb hopefully its frozen up and Im going to tap in. Then its just wait for the temp and hit the switch hopefully. I should have all my lines 100% and then I think I better do some more wood. Thats about it here. Fun to hear about all you guys talk about cranking up for season. Hope its a good one for everybody. Theron
12-28-2008, 04:22 PM
quick question, im new to the whole vac pump thing but i was wondering how much oil does a vac pump go through in a day? i finally found a container that would fit mine with some reducers and its a thousand island dressing bottle, is that gunna be big enough for 1 days use until i gather and can fill it again?
poping this question again...........
3% Solution
12-28-2008, 04:48 PM
Hi all,
So, the way I see it, it's only 48 mores days till tapping!!!!
Hey, who's counting!!!!
It was warm here today ..... 50 degrees.
Gary R
12-28-2008, 05:08 PM
Finally with hunting season and Christmas over, I got some work done. Cleaned out some shooting lanes and brought in about a cord of '10 sugar wood. Added a hinged door to my new hood. Cleaned the new pan and preheater. Welded up a frame to hold a head tank above the sugarshack. Moved the mobile sugarshack by the house, leveled it up and ready to go. Only need to wash buckets, taps and storage tanks. Then I'm ready to go. Not near as many taps as the rest of you guy's. But, it sure tastes great! It was in the 60's yesterday and today after single digits earlier this week. Hoping to start in a month:)
Good luck all.
maple flats
12-28-2008, 05:19 PM
dano2840, I am not sure about your oil question but which size salad dressing bottle is it? One of the types of bottles I pack syrup in is 8 and 16 oz salad dressing bottles. If you get an answer to your oil question which indicates you need larger, I could send you a 16oz or you could buy a larger salad dressing and eat healthy to empty it before the season. I have also seen a few bottles in stores of that cap size that hold even more dressing. I have seen 20 oz and occasionally a 24oz on a promotional special size.
12-28-2008, 05:45 PM
hanging in Syracuse with the inlaws this weekend...went and spent a few hours this morning talking with Harry Komrowaski, and long time sugarmaker from west of Syracuse. Has a really nice oil fired leader 3 x 8 with hood, etc...last year he made 250 gallons of syrup off 501 taps...nice average. Was primarily looking at his almost 20 yr old Sap Brothers RO. Its similar to the one "ryan" has for sale on craigslist...considering it, but also realize with the extra tanks needed, insulation and heat- not to mention 220 power at the sugarhouse- make it probably out of my budget this year. when we start getting up near 600 taps then we will see about it...
none the less, nice few hours walking and talking maple with a super nice guy and very good sugar maker...
12-28-2008, 06:33 PM
Hey Eric, you were about 15 minutes due south of me. Actually, 5-10 minutes from my new bush where I was all day. I try to stop in and see Harry a couple times during the season. He's usually ready and tapped in before me.
Brian Ryther
12-28-2008, 07:16 PM
I know it is not 09 yet, but I bet I am the first to put a tap in. I put up two buckets today. Last spring I sold 400 gal of sap to the local brewery. They made a very good dark beer called "Tappin" from the sap. The brew master asked me for a sample of sap to further develope the formula before next sugaring season. With the temps in the mid 40's, I took two small out of the way trees and hung two buckets this morning. By 3pm I had a quart of sap to give to the brewmaster. I am going to geep the two buckets up. They will be a good indicator as to when to actualy tap. I was also able to put out another 45 taps this weekend. I am looking good for my 2000 tap goal for 09.
Happy new year
12-28-2008, 07:47 PM
Brian- 1000 gallons of syrup here we come! Theron
Dave Y
12-28-2008, 08:50 PM
The holiday company is all gone now, I can get back to work. Set some beaver traps this AM. Went to the bush and installed about 150 drops this afternoon.
Don't know when I will be finished. Soon I hope.
12-28-2008, 09:40 PM
I can answer you question of when you will be done. In this business, never!
12-29-2008, 04:43 AM
Worked in the bush across the road all weekend. Few more taps than I thought. Some awefull nice trees on the bank with two taps in them. Should help the averages witht the cull trees. Bush is real neat allmost straight up and down in some spots. It was hard to run the laterals but with them in you can kind of help yourself get around holding on to them. Beautifull woods. Now Ive got to get the saddles in and do a few mainline connections and finetuning and hopefully done thursday. May have a neat deal worked with a guy on a tanker trailer. He has a 6200 gallon tanker trailer he doesnt use and he wants to hay my fields. I told him he lets me use the trailer Ill let him hay even swap. Hes thinkin about it. If that happens thats going to take a lot of pressure off me. I wont have to take quite as much time off work. Have to wait and see what happens. Hopefully All the tubing complete this week and then I can start on the next batch this next month. Im thinking if season holds off I can get maybe another 400 on the high vac. My dad is starting to wonder If theres something wrong with me. He can sense the BIGSAP I think. Theron
12-29-2008, 05:40 AM
sapman- I'll have to catch up and see your set-up next time in syracuse...when I drive around this area there seems to be just a ton of stands with really nice looking sugar maples untapped...driving down I-81 the other day near cortland it looked like some huge hillsides with nothing but sugars and a perfect pitch, etc...hard to say when your passing at 65 mph but man it looked pretty nice...
12-29-2008, 05:17 PM
Arrgg still waiting for my arch board to come in... the brick was at the building supply but not the board. got the pans and hood off the arch so I can start working on it. not sure how many bricks a 3x8 will take.
12-29-2008, 06:33 PM
I know what you're talking about. I notice those hills every time I go through there. There are some procucers in that area, of course, but still, so many acres of virgin forest.
You're welcome to stop by anytime!
12-29-2008, 08:54 PM
i like BIGSAP!
12-30-2008, 03:47 AM
Swung a little deal yesterday for some BIGSAP storage. 6200 gallon semi trailer. OH YEAH, BABY! THATS WHAT IM TALKIN ABOUT!!!! That should take a little pressure off. Farmer wanted to hay my fields and he has a nice trailer from when he hauled milk. I told him he hays the fields but he has to park his trailer at my house. No prob he said. Best deal Ive ever swung and he keeps the grass cut so we can payback woodchucks. Cant beat it. Gonna put a BIGSAP sign on it for Parker. Pictures in a month. Theron
Thompson's Tree Farm
12-30-2008, 03:58 AM
And I thought strapping 4, 275 gallon totes to the back of my Ford 550 was going to be "BIG SAP" capacity.
Dave Y
12-30-2008, 05:11 AM
I was back in the bush yesterday afternoon, I installed about a 100 more droplines. I have about 100 more to go. Then it is back though everything to pick up the stranded trees and finish tying off the main lines and that will be done. I went to tractor supply last night and picked up an extra portable pump and a 425 tank for my pickup. Now I will have two trucks to gather with.
12-30-2008, 10:42 AM
Well started getting frustrated that my arch board hadn't been delivered yet called and got a tracking # and found out it was delivered on the 17th of Dec.
Well no box at my house ! I live on a main RD how much you wanna bet that just after UPS left it on my front porch so close to Christmas that someone thought they scored on a good gift being delivered and stole it !! I actually have to laugh thinking when they opened it they said..... what the heck is this stuff???. but I'm n ot laughing thinking there's a thief taking parcels....
Well they will redeliver and ask for a signature this time. still I was hoping I would be bricking by now!!! grrrrrrrr.
12-30-2008, 11:34 AM
steeling= not cool
steeling christmas presents= REALLY NOT COOL
steeling arch board= HONEY GET THE GUN!!!
12-30-2008, 02:21 PM
when we where milking cows my dad got all the meds for the cows in the mail well some one was stilling them so he would fill a box full of cow s#!t and put it on the mail box in the morning on his way to the barn a few of them boxes getting stolen they left the others alone
Clan Delaney
12-30-2008, 06:16 PM
Well started getting frustrated that my arch board hadn't been delivered yet called and got a tracking # and found out it was delivered on the 17th of Dec.
Well no box at my house ! I live on a main RD how much you wanna bet that just after UPS left it on my front porch so close to Christmas that someone thought they scored on a good gift being delivered and stole it !! I actually have to laugh thinking when they opened it they said..... what the heck is this stuff???. but I'm n ot laughing thinking there's a thief taking parcels....
Well they will redeliver and ask for a signature this time. still I was hoping I would be bricking by now!!! grrrrrrrr.
Jim, after they resend, get the new UPS tracking # from them, then go to and you can set it up to email you when it's delivered. Curious... do you still have the old tracking #? I'd like to look at it for ya. We've been getting a spat of packages delivered to the store that are actually addressed to residential addys in Holyoke. We sign for the whole load, then find them later. The package shows as being "delivered" but unless you look close, you might find that it was "delivered" to the wrong address.
In a related story of theft... I worked in a freezer warehouse with a guy who was having his Mt. Dew stolen off his equipment while he was outside grabbing a smoke. One day he instead left a "specially prepared" bottle in the same place, ice cold any everything. When he came back it was gone, but it was the last time it ever disappeared. :)
And in the realm of maple at the moment I am doing.... nothing. It's sad, really.
12-30-2008, 06:30 PM
clan- how are you doing nothing? you have ur sugar shack all put up all ready? and the lines are ready to go? wow you can come over and work in my woods for a week and still not be i can keep u busy for 24hrs a day for a month, sugaring related or firewood related ive got alot of work to do
12-30-2008, 08:18 PM
I have it at work and will double check the address again.
ps it would be unfortunate if they delivered to a wrong address and then did it again
12-30-2008, 09:27 PM
Might be worth checking around with the close neighbors and just make sure they didn't get it and haven't been home or too busy to deliver it too you.
12-30-2008, 09:43 PM
Have been traveling and our computer took a digital dump. Just got the new one fired up tonight and guess what the first site I went to? Yeah right here!
HAPPY NEW year to all!
Syrup and honey orders are pouring in! I may have to buy some syrup!
Getting to late to browse much have early date with bunch of whitetails and the smokepole.
Hey Jim! Did ya have insurance on it??
12-31-2008, 10:56 AM
UPS provides free insurance on everything up to $ 100. Doubt if they would do anything with this since they say it was delivered, but might be worth checking into.
12-31-2008, 04:29 PM
i tried to wire tie mainline to the wire and it was a fight every step of the way, im never getting black wtr pipe again, im tired of dealing with it, thank god i only have about 250 ft left of the 1000 ft roll it i like the maple flex because today it was 5 outside and i know from last year the mapleflex unrolls just fine in the cold weather but not wtr pipe!! i cant wait to see what happens to the stuff i did get up today, when it warms up, its probably gunna be squigley and curly and all f'ed up, uhhhhhgggg i ended up saying to hell with it and working on putting up my new tank shed at the bottom of the bush, at least the ol husky works just fine in cold weather!!!, the nails dont like it so much, nor the lumber or pole logs, lots of splinters
12-31-2008, 05:41 PM
No neighbors, no insurance... new stuff coming next week no extra cost to me... just aggravating is all!!
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