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Father & Son
12-31-2007, 11:06 PM
Happy New Year to everyone!


01-01-2008, 07:30 AM
ah yes a new year of higher priced maple equipment and i HOPE the current price of syrup hold thru the new season to maybe match the sharp increase since september

andrew martin
01-01-2008, 02:44 PM
my wife decided to come home a day early, so I didn't get as much done as I would have liked - I am glad she's back though. I cleared a 4-wheeler trail 150 yards long and gained access to about 40 more taps this morning, then I set my sap tank, and my evaporator pans this afternoon.
It actually snowed here this afternoon and the temperature is supposed to drop the rest of the day with a good 3-day freeze. I am looking forward to a good cold snap, just wish it was a week long instead of three days. Have fun everyone.


01-01-2008, 04:11 PM
Happy New Year as I awake to 9 inches of the heaviest wet snow possible. Nine driveways later I'm back in the house. Only to get 50mph gust tonite to dry the snow and plug all those drives back up. And I have to go to work tommorrow. Rain and 40s for the weekend. That means all this snow and rain will be in the doorway of the barn. First set of lambs were born yesterday only 15 more ewes to go hopefully they get it done before we need to tap and boil, but oh I'm home anyway. Six weeks to sugar'n and more taps than I should have.

01-01-2008, 06:25 PM
got all the tubing done and all the buckets cleaned and ready to go. i cant wait much longer i see all the sugarhouses prepping. ive seen the steam stacks in the cupolas and sugarmakers getting buckets out and putting tanks out. i hope i can pull off 20 gallons this year. im definantly going to be pulling some all nighters thats for sure.im still trying to get pictures i will post when i get some on the photobucket...

01-01-2008, 06:31 PM
Just Got In The House From Plowing 16 Inches Of The White Stuff Since 4 Am This Morning. Weather Man Has Had 2 In A Row Right.


01-01-2008, 07:16 PM
I just looked at accuweather and they were forecasting a bunch of warm weather and now it looks like its just warm the 5th through the 11th. Thats nothing. Just enough warm weather to finish up my outside work and wont even effect our record breaking sugar season. Therons spring forecast is coming true. Theron

01-01-2008, 09:18 PM
...and by the time the 5th gets here, it will probably be all cold. No need to worry, it is much closer to normal this year.

01-02-2008, 03:37 AM
Brandon- Your exactly rigtht. When they were first looking at the warm weather it was for quite a while. Changes every day. I do think this winter is way better. Only thing here is no frost in the ground but itll get cold here shortly with feb coming up. Theron

Russell Lampron
01-02-2008, 05:11 AM

That is called the January thaw. On a normal year the thaw will last for about 5 days, not the whole month like last year. Everything is looking good for a good season so far.


01-02-2008, 04:47 PM
well up wear i am located there is frost. Today it was on of the coldest days so far -20 c and i had to clean some 6 50 gallon drums today that was fun

01-02-2008, 06:23 PM
Started digging tanks out of the snow at the saphouse, even got a couple out in the woods. By the end of the day my pants were frozen solid from the knee down. I'm looking at the weather forecast with increased interest. I still have not decided to tap next week. Staying in by the woodstove tomorrow and adding everything up from last year.

Valley View Sugarhouse
01-02-2008, 10:07 PM
Mountain where are you located??

01-03-2008, 08:49 AM
well i woke up this morning and the temp - 27c that was at 7:30 now at 9:48 it is -22c i hope it gets a bit warmer i got to finish my main line i got so much to do

01-03-2008, 09:41 AM
Monday we recived 10" of snow tuesday was a beutiful day wed. we recived 20"+ and today it -30 (-20F) dosen't look like i will be in woods or a couple of more days but the weather supposed to break next week and be above freezing. so hopefully i will get the rest of my main line run. Happy New year to all.

01-03-2008, 04:59 PM
We have over 3 feet of snow on the ground, and I think it will stay around 35 or 40 for only a few days. That will give us a nice respite, and mels the banks a bit so we have some place to pile the snow. I hope we can get our taps in during February vacation and have a normal year this year. It would be nice.

01-03-2008, 05:17 PM
Took the truck for repair work today, it was rattling and scrunching so that I could not stand it any longer. After 2 stabilizer links, and upper and lower ball joints, on the drivers side I escaped for just over $600. At 32,000 miles it seems like they should last longer than that!
I drove by some of the tubing lines that have been up for a week or so and they still look good, as far as condition. I have them set at 5% grade and it is quite a bit of slop that really shows the fall of the sap to the tote. I had some to flat last year.
(We were finishing up deer hunting early today and did a drive by the roadside sugarbush on the way home.)
Well we don't have to skin one tonight! But we will be out there bright and early again tomorrow in search of the Wiley whitetail.

I feel a little older today,56 years young and looking forward to maple and honey season, like a little kid:)

Like some one else mentioned I am doing the end of the year books for the maple and honey business while I have some time off.

Weather is supposed to hit mid 50 next week that will be great for the bees to get out and stretch their wings!

Last night I went to another local sugarmaker with Jim ( Father and Son) to get their maple products ready for the PA State farm show. All the product looked excellent and looked very deserving of prizes. We will let you know next week.


Father & Son
01-03-2008, 05:57 PM
Is today the anniversary of the day you were born?


01-03-2008, 06:09 PM
Sugarmaker; isn't 50 the new 40 or did I miss something?

01-03-2008, 06:57 PM
VV I'm in the Catskill mountains, ulster county, NY. Spent today crunching numbers, not my cup of tea, but a farmer has to be businessman too. My sales last year were very good, over 3,000 containers of syrup sold. Still up min the air about tapping, I'm waiting to see what it will be like in 2 weeks. Got to go kick my wifes butt at guitar hero!!

01-03-2008, 07:17 PM
like my dad said it is his 25th year of being 20

Dave Y
01-03-2008, 07:35 PM
3rd of January was a good day to be born Chris. Hope it was a happy one.
My fathers father was born on yesterdays date 1898. He was quite the man. Not a sugar maker tho. I'm the first in my family.
I have all my droplines in except for a few stranded trees that i will work on next week. As I am off to the NY maple conference tomorrow about noon. If any of you folk would like to say howdy I will be the only Dave from Marienville Pa there. I plan on stopping on the way home sunday to look at some stainless to put in the woods. Six weeks till the season starts. I can smell the maple already.

Dennis H.
01-03-2008, 08:24 PM
Hey Chris are you taking anything to the Farm Show?
It looks like this is going to be the second year in a row that we will not have typical Farm Show weather(Rain, sleet, snow, ice, all the above).

If you are taking something to the show I will have to stop in to take a look, I work less than 1/2 mile form the show, and with working nights I can swing in right after work.

I was thinking of stopping by to look at a small grain auger to help speed up transfer of the coal from the pickup to the coal bin in the basement.

01-04-2008, 05:09 PM
well we spent the hole day in the bush running main line we got 300 feet up today and we got the barrels in place so tomorrow we got 200 feet more to go then we got to go back and run 5/16th line so much to do and so little time till school starts again

01-04-2008, 07:32 PM
patheron, theron and matt, royalmaple came to visit today stayed three hours and helped me a little THANK YOU. had a great visit!!! good luck on your season with your new vac systems. i think we all learned something today.

220 maple
01-04-2008, 10:48 PM
Eastern West Virginia,South of the Mason Dixon
Less than a month to syrup season, just a reminder. "There is only two seasons, Syrup Season and Getting Ready for Syrup Season". That is one of favorite quotes from a fellow syrupmaker who past away last year. Mr. Garnett Whetzel of Mathias, West Virginia.

Mark 220 Maple

andrew martin
01-05-2008, 02:11 AM
Getting colder here in Central KY with a little warm up expected this coming week and then back colder again. I may tap next week, looks to be 4-6 days of good suagring weather ahead during next weekend. ONly problem is my wife is going away next weekend which leaves me with the kids (3 years and 16 months). I do not know how they would do collecting sap for three hours. I may enlist the help of some youth from our church to help for the weekend-I don't want to miss the first big run of the season.

ON another note, our local paper called (Jessamine County Journal) and they wanted to do a front page story on our syrup business. They are coming out to watch us tap one day, and then will come back another day when we're gathering and boiling. This will be great PR and free advertising - I'm hoping this will bolster our sales in the local area.

I love the anticipation - my drill is still charging.



01-05-2008, 03:37 AM
I was reading somewhere,,,cant remember where,,mabey in the Nearing's book,,that quite a bit of syrup used to be made in the south,,,suprised me,,good that some are carring on the tradition,,(south of the Mason Dixion line),,is there much hard maple down there or is it very rare?

01-05-2008, 06:02 AM
Bottled syrup yesterday, first batch for the new year, too bad I had to buy bulk. Cleaned out my tanks for the ro, and got my vacuum pumps sucking good. I've got two page list of fittings to get today from lowes and tsc. Going tomorrow to get another releaser, defoamer, filters, etc.. This time of year money goes out pretty quick. New tires for the truck, another gas engine and quick couplings from northern, money money money. Plus gas yesterday. Weather here looks sunday to next saturday for sap flow. Still thinking on that.... but after paying for syrup! If I get much syrup to sell bulk this year I'm holding on to it at least till fall.

01-05-2008, 07:56 AM

Why would you want to sell bulk when you are selling so much in retail??

01-05-2008, 08:00 AM

I think many years ago, WV used to be one of the big producers back when they had little way of keeping track on all the statistics. I am in the southern part of the state and would be close to as far south as they make syrup. There are a few farther south than I am, but very few. Andrew Martin may be a little south of me in KY, I haven't checked his position and VA Maple Guy too. I am almost too far south, but the area where my sugarhouse is in sometimes 10 degrees or more difference this time of year from where I live 25 minutes away. 6 to 8 degrees difference is normal, and this little 10 to 15 square mile artic zone is great for syruping. Larry Harris' syrup operation is only about 2 miles from me the way the bird flies, so he can take advantage of it too.

There are not a lot of rock maples where I make syrup, but quite a few and small sections here and there that are mostly. I have about 225 taps in one bush and that is the most. There are some areas around that have a lot of maple trees and a bush to die for and they haven't been tapped for probably 50 to 100 years if they ever were and will never be tapped again. Up in higher elevations 4,000+ plus, there are some nice bushes. These are north of me and even colder. 220 would know where I am referring to in Pocohontas County.

andrew martin
01-05-2008, 08:21 AM

We have all hard maples where I live, some trees close to 150 years old, and a handful that are pushing 200+ years old. A large drought wiped out a bunch of maples 10 years ago, but there is still a viable bush where I live. I looked at a bush this summer that had about 250 trees on it. Potentially if I had all the time in the world, I could have about 600-700 taps here on four separate but adjoining bushes. There is a farmer down the road who has lived in the same house since he was seven years old, and he remembers a time when there was a viable sugarbush on his property. He has 125 tappable trees on his farm. THe problem in Jessamine County is that it is developing so fast that so many farms are getting plowed under in order to put in malls and movie theaters, and Jessamine County has been a hub of recent development - I am afraid that suagr maples may become an item of the past in this area if such rapied development continues.
I think KY is a viable syrup state, it just certainly is not marketed by the state or Extension services all that well. We have great soil composition with lots of minerals (they don't call it the Bluegrass State for nothing) that lend itself to great tasting maple syrup.
Another KY syrup maker contacted me this week, and I think he is by far the furthest south. He lives in Metcalf County, KY which is near Lake Cumberland , perhaps maybe 45 minutes from the TN border. He is part of MapleTrader, and maybe he will chime in here and share with us about his operation. He is already tapped and said it was running well.


super sappy
01-05-2008, 09:19 AM
Just had a hot air balloon drop into the yard. It was filled with half frozen folks from Arizona. I tried to get them to hop a hedge row and put it right over the sugarhouse but once they got up 100 feet the wind shifted and it started to go to the power poles,so they set it down. Not one of them had boots or snow clothes so my wife and I and some guy that stopped towed them to a spot near the road. It would have made a good christmas card for next year had the wind cooperated. this is the third balloon in 3 years Now I am late for work but needed to thaw out myself have a good day all -SS

01-05-2008, 01:56 PM
I tapped one tree today to use as a barometer for this week, the forecast is for 9 days of Syrup weather. i know its early but if it flows hard we could make some serious syrup early. We'll see how this one sucker pours out and i'll keep you posted on the volume and sugar content for this early around here. I just don't want to miss it i like i did last year. Van, did you decide to tap or not? I was in litchfield county, CT and i noticed a large producer there had all his taps in already.


01-05-2008, 02:45 PM
Brandon, grade c is what I sell bulk. Tapping tomorrow, I'm leaning in that direction. Went to town and got all my fittings, vac. oil etc. Getting ready.

01-05-2008, 03:28 PM

As good of an operation as you have and as fast as you boil and stay on top of it, I doubt you make much C unless it is when everyone else has quit.

andrew martin
01-05-2008, 05:19 PM

I may tap next week as well, current forecast shows 5-6 days of good sugaring weather. A little early for me, but not by much. Like you, I don't want to miss the first good run, especially if it's going to be several days long.


01-05-2008, 06:13 PM
Congratulations to all the local Northwest PA Maple producers that entered the PA Farm show, ( in progress in Harrisburg PA this coming week).

Special Kudos to Jim and Chase Bortles (Father and Son) from Linesville PA winning first place in the entire state of PA for Jim's maple sugar candy! I saw the product and tasted it, Awesome!
Jan Woods, Dennis Northrop and Burton Kimball also placed well in several classes.
The guy that bought Jim's evaporator take note, those pans are something special:)
We will be watching Jim and Chase as they break in that new shinny evaporator this season.

Finished the day deer hunting in the rain and drizzle. Don't have to skin one;)
Sat in my sons deer stand which faces into a young sugarbush, 70% reds, but probably could have 1000 + taps. (Should look into buying it) But after tallying up the sales vs expenses for 2007 I need to get serious about just making and selling product:o I put a lot back into the operation last year with all the tubing. Probably in the range of $4 to $5 per tap.

Should work on setting up more tubing tomorrow, since Monday will be back to the old grind:(


01-05-2008, 06:35 PM
well we spent 8 hours in the bush to day we put up the last of the main line and almost got all of the 5/16th line up we also checked last years line and found some down trees but its all taken care of. we are up to 250 taps now 150 more than last year

01-05-2008, 08:44 PM

You should be ok if the temps stay cool for the next 2 months. Very many warm days and you may miss most of the last 30 to 40 percent of the season tapping too early. I am not too familiar with your weather, good luck and go for whatever you decide. Might want to open up half of your trees now and the other half 3 weeks from now if you have trees in different locations. That way you can extend you season until the first of March and when the first half is slowing down, the second half is kicking into full gear.

01-05-2008, 09:12 PM
Thanks for the compliment Brandon. Got my 24volt batteries charged, good for 600+ taps. Plugged in my 19.2, good for another 400. That's enough for tomorrow afternoon! I've been studying my records from last year, tapped early and used alcohol on the spiles and the bit, and the taps from Jan. were still running into April, after reaming, but I like a challenge. I still have to hook up and rinse the ro, vacuum the evaporator, and then I'm ready for sap! Andrew, if you read this go get some isoproply/rubbing alcohol and dip your spiles and bit in it, it will add time to the life of the taphole. Tap shallow now, 3/4 to 1 inch, so latter in the spring you can ream the hole and tap down to 1 1/2 ".

01-05-2008, 09:35 PM
I bought a new 325 gallon poly gethering tank today to replace the tank that was in the way of a falling tree clearing for the bigger sugar house last year. I didnt need that tank last year but will be going back to 100+ roadside taps that I havnt tapped for a few years. Going back to these roadside trees will put me over 400 taps for this year. I will be using liners in the buckets this year and hope it works out well enough to save all the bucket scrubbing. The price of 1000 bags was way cheaper than a day of washing buckets. With mild temperatrures for the next few days it will be a good time to get the sugar house in order and rebuild the trailer I use to haul the gathering tank.

220 maple
01-05-2008, 10:28 PM

We have alot of Hard Rock Sugar in WV, The West Virginia State Tree is the Sugar Maple, The area Brandon refers to in Pocahontas County is loaded with Sugar Trees. That area of the state is the coldest and usually gets plenty of Snow. I know I don't have trees like my friends in Somerset County,Pa. Some large producers are located there. My friend Ivan Puffenbarger of Highland County Va. has a large camp with around 11000 taps. If I could get my cousins in Pendleton County to open their trees they would probably have the largest camp in WV. On their 450 acre farm 75% of the trees are sugar, the sad part of the story is the other 25% is Red Maples. I have one sugar bush in Pendleton County, It's 98% sugar 2% Red, a 593 acre property that borders it is for sell. It is loaded with sugars, almost half of them could be hooked into my system. Unfortunately I don't have a extra 2.1 million laying around to buy it. However I do have another cousin that does and is working on the deal now. I've been told I could tap the trees if he indeed does buy the property. My grandfather owned that property at onetime, he bought it for 1700 dollars and sold it for 3500 dollars. Doubled his money from 1942 to 1947. Now his grandson will pay 2.1 million if he wants it. That my friends is Inflation

Mark 220 Maple

H. Walker
01-06-2008, 09:40 AM

It is inflation, but it is more supply & demand. Population keeps growing and "they" stopped making land years ago!!

01-06-2008, 10:37 AM
The test tree i tapped today is running... slowly right now but the sugar content is 3.5% which for that particular tree is about 1.7% higher than it was last year. Perhaps this will bode well for the season. Still on the fence on whether or not i want to tap the rest of them.

Van, let me know how your tapping situation went over there! i'll be excited to hear if you'll be boiling tomorrow. I'd anticipate that they will run well tomorrow.

01-06-2008, 12:16 PM

You are right about our state tree being the sugar maple, but it is defninitely not in all areas of the state. I live in Raleigh county and sugar in Greenbrier county and you can't hardly find a sugar maple unless it has been planted in someone's yard in Raleigh county. Maybe it has to do with temperature, the colder the areas, the more sugars there seem to be. In Highland county, VA where you were referring to, there are tons of sugars everywhere and they like a lot of Pocohontas are 3500 to 5,000 feet in elevation. There are areas in WV like that too, just not this far south.

01-06-2008, 07:35 PM
Hung tubing on the roadside sugarbush today, about 50% complete (219) and ready for tapping. With trimming brush and working alone it takes about 1 hour to hang tubing for 20 taps. If I take it down and re hang it next year hopefully it will not take that long. I am using black spray paint above and below the tubing as it crosses each tree to record the elevation. Looks like I have plenty of slope on all lines.

I did get these 219 taps on about 700 feet of 5/16 tubing.

This week I need to get some more 5/16 tubing and try to finish the rest within the next couple of weeks. I am going to try not to hang any buckets this year. Big change for me:o Every one I had talked to about tubing said that it takes longer to set up and tear down I agree so far. Looking forward to easier time gathering.

Dennis, I did not enter anything in the PA farm show this year. My syrup is almost all gone, and I have been to busy hunting and hanging tubing:)

Dave Y, Hope the maple event was fun, how far is Verona from you?

Jon, as you see I am going the other way. Moving from buckets to all tubing. I will even be passing up some fairly good trees that I could hang buckets on.
We will have about the same number of taps (400+). I have a 325 gal leg tank that I like real well for the truck. I may pump direct into the tank this year since I will not need the dumping station.


Dave Y
01-06-2008, 07:43 PM
Chris, I got back from Verona about 3hrs ago. It is a 5hr trip. I took the Mrs. with me. We both enjoyed our selves. I ran in to Dennis H. It was nice to meet a fellow trader.We enjoyed some good conversation. I picked up some supplies while I was there. I stopped in Troy Pa. and looked at some tanks Patheron put me on to. I plan on picking them up next weekend. I will go tho the woods tomorrow after work and try to finish up the tubing.

Dennis H.
01-06-2008, 07:59 PM
Hey Dave good to hear you made it made it back safe and sound, I think I should have stayed over also. The first 2 1/2 hrs was through a mixed bag of crap, rain sleet, snow. Made for some real terrible driving, I knew I should of put the winter tires on the car before leaving, BUT the weather channel was calling for a very low chance of rain. They are never wrong right.:rolleyes:

Anyway it was great chit-chatting with you up at the conference.

I will have to plan ahead for next year so I can get the other seminars that I could not attend.

01-06-2008, 08:13 PM
45 degrees and rain today, really knocked the snow down. was able to string more wire today. i got about 300 feet of main line on 1% slope hope it will work??


Dennis H.
01-07-2008, 04:54 AM
Sitting here hard at work, really I am at work, looking for anything good and dreaming of what is to come.:D

01-07-2008, 11:11 AM
working today putting up a setup that gets taken down after the seasons
over. Great day for it! Snow is soft; no coat required. Winter will return soon.

01-07-2008, 08:33 PM
Called AndyP tonight just to chat. He is working on the sugarhouse and dreaming of steel head fishing.
I canned some honey tonight (just 20 1/2 lbs plastic bottles).
Also moved the 325 gallon sap collection tank closer to the driveway and rinsed it out.
Sure feels like tapping weather as it reached near 60 today. I would have liked to have been home to check on the bees. They should have been flying well today.
My son Eric just closed on a house today. It was built in 1880. I have a feeling I may have several projects to help with:) All the more reason to get my tubing working as I may lose him as a gather also.
I have a lot of cleaning to do in the sugarhouse, to get ready for syrup season. Several years ago I did tap on Jan 22 and had a good season. Will probably wait till mid Feb.


01-07-2008, 09:48 PM
Just got home from taking a little trip up to my buddies in Maine, Vermont, and New Hamshire. Wanted to see how the big boys make syrup in the far North. I wasnt dissappointed. Checked out Royal's, Russ's, Parkers, and Jeffs sugarhouses. Had a good time, learned a lot, and appreciated everyone's hospitality. Did freeze my %&# off though. Bad climate that far north. Rode around with Matt, Russ, and Parker and all I could think was how lucky I was that sugarmakers of that calibre would let me hang with them. I tried to listen up and learn what I could and now its going to have to be go time. Hope to be ready in about three weeks and hoping to tap early next month. Good luck to all. Theron

01-07-2008, 10:00 PM
Theron - just curious, where in NE PA are you. Close to Binghamton?

01-07-2008, 10:03 PM
Danno- Im just south of Elmira NY. Im about an Hour to an hour and a half from Bingahamton. Theron

01-07-2008, 10:50 PM
Theron - bought many of my supplies in your backyard - my 30x8 came from horseheads and all my mainline just outside of corning.

Russell Lampron
01-08-2008, 05:17 AM
Theron it was a pleasure to be a part of your maple tour. I am glad that you learned alot while you were up here. You have every sugar makers dream down there. Lots of nice trees on a hill that runs down to the sugar house, a new evaporator, vacuum pump and RO. I am sure you will be able to figure out how to run it all and we are here to answer any questions.


01-08-2008, 06:10 AM
We are feeling pretty good here in the Champlain Valley---just finished the total replacement of 500 taps. All repairs have been made, just need to put sugarhouse together! We will put the releaser and vacuum pump together this weekend. Looking forward to the Maple school this weekend in Bristol. The last time I was this ready for sugariin', we got 3' of heavy snow in March. I remember shovelling lots of lines that year!

01-08-2008, 06:11 AM
well yesterday i finished the main line for this year. i figure that i will be lucky to fill in all the trees that will go to those lines, the bright part of this is it will all run to the sugar house.

3% Solution
01-08-2008, 09:49 AM
Matt, Russ, Theron, and Parker,
Sorry you guys didn't make it through Newport area until late Friday night, would have liked to have met you guys!
Well maybe next time.
If you guys ever come over this way, don't be afraid to give a holler.
I have a good idea where Parker is located so I may swing over that way sometime.
If you guys take a run to Bascom's and you come ths way, let me know if you want a passenger over and back.
45 degrees here right now, I'm thinking of last year, right after this it got some cooold till the first of March.


PA mapler
01-08-2008, 03:01 PM
Hi all! Sounds like everyone is busy during this nice thaw! I was up on the hill most of the day too, fixing lines and doing a little re-engineering here and there. I checked the temperature when I got back down to the house, and it was 65 degrees! But if this year is anything like the last two, winter will lock down soon for real, and I won't get tapped until March.

01-08-2008, 03:51 PM
Finished up checking all my lines and making repairs. My biggest bush has close to 50% of my taps and the squirrels ate it up this year. The other two bushes they only bothered each bush in 1 seperate place and that was it. There were a bunch of fox squirrels around the one bush and they ate it up. I have never seen this much damage. Definitely won't use any chlorine in the future. I had used it for years and hardly had a problem, but they must have got on to it this year.

Sugarhouse is nearly clean and about ready to go and just waiting for tapping time. I have about 2 or 3 more hours of just putting finishing touches on the inside of the sugarhouse and I will be ready to go. I have the largest supply of wood I have ever had this year and it is nearly all seasoned for 2+ years and has been in the woodshed drying for 6+ months. I did my 50 hour service on my Kubota last month the last day of the 2 year warranty as it took me almost 2 years to get 50 hours on it and it is ready to go also.

I did invest in a Craftsman shop vac a couple of months ago when they had a good sale and it definitely was a good investment for keeping everything clean. Since my entire sugarhouse is concrete floor, it definitely helps keep it nice and clean and would work good for anyone looking for something to help keep things a little cleaner. They have a floor brush that is about 16" and it was extra, but works great to keep the floor clean. Sure beats a push broom that stirs dust and it is wet/dry and sucks up to 9 gallon of water.

Dave Y
01-08-2008, 04:20 PM
I just came in from the woods. I am putting the finishing touches on the tubing. I have 30 drops to install and tie some mainline and it will be complete. Except for the tanks and I plan to have them taken care of in the next two weeks. Theron I will be out your way on Saturday. Send me a pm w/your address and Ph# an I will look you up.

01-08-2008, 06:30 PM
Dave- Im sending you the address and number, see you sat. 3%- Sorry we missed you. I wish I could have stayed longer but had to head back. Ill be sure to look you up next run up. Theron

andrew martin
01-08-2008, 08:41 PM
Well, the daffodils may start blooming soon here. I am putting in 200 taps on Friday, and will take Brandon's advice, and put the additional 150 taps in about 10 days later - depending on the weather - after getting back from Georgia for a 3-day family event. Thanks for the advice Brandon. Long range forecast (15 days) shows it to be very favorable sugaring weather. I hope to have syrup by next Tuesday. I will keep you posted.


01-08-2008, 09:05 PM
Boy, I always hate the January thaw, but sure is great weather to get good work done. Took the day off from work - cut new holes in the sugarshack roof to accept the new stacks, washed out all the holding tanks and ran laterals for another 100 taps. Jumped a nice buck on the way out of the woods. Good day!

Not sure if it was the nice weather or closing in on tapping season, but it sure in nice seeing the Trader "come alive"!

VA maple guy
01-09-2008, 01:18 AM
Ok the old Leader 2x6 is up and ready. I had a new stack base made for it
and changed it from 7" to 8".The blower I installed on it is 4"diameter and came out of a computer. I'm not real happy with it because I don't
think it moves enough air. I have a small squirrel cage fan I may try. I did a test
boil last Sunday to get a feel for the rig, seems like it whent pretty well.
I chicken out on putting a preheater in the fire box. I went ahead
and wrapped copper pipe about eight or nine times around the stack.
It worked pretty good on my old evaporator so this will have to do for
now. The water temp ranger from about 175 to 190. If I can figure out
how to make my camera talk to my computer (blue tooth stuff) I"ll
post some pictures. Gerry

01-09-2008, 09:13 PM
VA Maple Guy,
Spent several nights leaning over that rig at Jim's, visiting with them.:) about making syrup. I fact I think you might have the front pan that I sold to Jim for that rig? I think you will like the way it boils. Seems you may need a bigger blower? But try it you may be surprised?


01-09-2008, 09:36 PM
Chris - I just took a look at your website and photos. Wow! Very impressive and attention to detail is remarkable. Excellent job rebuilding that arch! I rebuilt mine, and it came out fine, but yours looks fantastic. Sugar house is real nice as well.

Father & Son
01-09-2008, 11:17 PM
Glad to here the test boil went well. The blower I had on that was a 265 cfm Dayton that I ran at about half speed or it would blow ash between the doors. I have been told that running those blowers on a dimmer switch is not good for them, makes them wear out quicker. I was told the better method is to put a damper in the plenum, run the blower wide open, and adjust air flow with the damper. Those blower motors are made to run against alittle back pressure, keeps them from turning too many rpms. You are further along than me. I still don't have the new rig set up.


Father & Son
01-10-2008, 12:04 AM
Got back around 8:30 pm Wednesday evening from the PA Farm Show in Harrisburg. This was my first visit to the Show and I'm sure I will be going back. 24 acres under roof with everything farm related you can think of. It's billed as the largest agricultural show in the country. Spent 8 hours between Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning trying to take everything in and I know I didn't see it all.

One of the most impressive sights was the 900 lb butter sculpture. The picture was too big to add here so I will try to load it in photobucket.

We submitted six entries in the maple competition and I found where we can make some improvements for next year. A real learning experience!


super sappy
01-10-2008, 05:18 AM
I took the day off on tuesday and did the test boil on my new rig. I think that I did some things right this time like raising the evaporator high enough so that I can use hot water to rinse collection barrels eliminating any kind of funnel and bucket set up. It is small things like that that make life better. All buckets are rinsed and ready. All collection barrels are ready and waiting. Most of the tubing is up ( still some work to do). I do need to re calibrate my feed tank and sight tube. It said that my rig boiled off 35 gallons of water in 45 minutes. This seems a little high for a plain jane 2x6. My wood is real dry and I was doing the timer routine. Overall it was a good day and for once everything worked well.-ss

01-10-2008, 05:52 AM
well i was in the bush yesterday cleaning line and found some fallen trees from that wind storm we just had and some broken lines so im back there again today

01-10-2008, 06:30 AM
I've got over 3000 feet of mainline wire up to carry the new wet and dry lines in the bush down the road. Bringing in couple thousand feet of pipe today to start stringing up. Couple more wires to run to get more dry and wet lines and I will have at least gotten the sap out of the woods and pretty close to the paved road & electricity. I should be able to get the wet line run, part of the dry and hopefully some more wire. It should start coming together nicely now. Then got to weave the maze of blue, but at least I'll have 500 coming to the road. Can't wait to see how many are in that bush, or at least the 1/2 I am setting up to tap. Lots that is for sure.

Ramona is thirsty, got to make sure I got enough to quench her thirst.

PA mapler
01-10-2008, 07:35 AM
I've put about 45 new taps on reds, and removed quite a few extra taps off my sugars, and still have half the bush to go. I wish I'd kept track better, because I've already lost track on how many total taps I've got now.

I also bought some neat cast iron health spouts for buckets, and will put more trees on buckets around the house.

01-10-2008, 05:36 PM
Looks like those runs are a bit longer, the wet was 1700 feet, and dry will be the same so that's 3400 feet wet & dry. Got the wet in decent shape. Shot some more videos this morning on running tubing and splicing mainline. I'll see what they actually look like and see if they are worth posting. Kinda hard to hold everything and film at the same time.

Should be one priceless moment, when I am walking backwards and showing off my new tubing unrolling trick, and a log jumped out and clipped me behind the knee's and on my A$$ I went still filming.

There's ton's of nice trees in there, I bet I'll have 1500 easy, if I can keep up the pace.

01-10-2008, 08:31 PM
You guys reminded me, I need to get out and check lines (roadside drive by) after our big wind storm two nights ago. May have pruned some of the old dead maple limbs?
Can't wait to hear about the farm show. Sounds like you had a great time. Any food down there? How about tractors?


01-10-2008, 08:40 PM
well i went out and check are bush today and all that main line we just put up was never touched but the other side of are bush were we have not tapped yet there was like 3 trees that fell. we also cleaned more lines and found a broken line that had been eaten and we also found 4 spit taps know i have never heard of split taps has any one else ever had this

01-11-2008, 10:36 AM
Worked on 1/3 of the bush last weekend! Took down trees off the lines fixed sagging lines and put helpers on the saddles....Replaced some old drops and shortened some....Will start the other 2/3s this comming week....Hope to get it done in 2-3 days....Will start adding the other 500/600 new drops on the new mainline we put in earlier.....Its about 500 ft long with maples on both sides.....Put a rail system on the preheater hood to make it easier to clean the back pan.....Took barn door track and bolted it over the hood....Put chain from hood to door rollers with turn buckles to raise hood and then slide it out of the way.......Works real good..........

01-11-2008, 02:35 PM
having a major ice storm here, not as bad as in 98 , but bad enough, lot of damage to maples. a few old trees on the ground from the weight of the ice. alot of broken off limbs every where. nice mess to clean up now.with a few weeks from tapping

01-11-2008, 02:57 PM
That sucks. Hope you're trees are ok. After seeing the north country after 98 I cringe when I hear ice storm. My thoughts are with you and the trees.

01-11-2008, 05:43 PM
If anyone is interested, I posted a few more video's I shot the other day working on the mainline. Shows splicing the mainline with the tool and also a neat new way to unroll your tubing. At least I've never seen it done this way before.

Pouring rain here today, no work got done in the woods.

Just click the youtube link below to see the videos.

01-11-2008, 06:23 PM
Guys- Ive been watching the weather and its going to get cold next week. Any of you guys seen any kind of projections of the weather after that? Theron

Dave Y
01-11-2008, 06:45 PM
I got all my tubing in and all but one mainline tied. would of finished it tonight ,but spent yesterday evening rehanging 600 ft of main line that came down in the wind storm tues night. I also lost half the roofing on my barn and it dropped a 60 foot spruce into my yard. I am sick of the wind !I am going to get tanks for the woods tomorrow.
Theron, I think it is going to be cold the next 2 wks.

01-11-2008, 07:05 PM
Hey Matt!

I just watched your video on rolling out Mainline. Nice job. Your unroller looks like it works well. I was just at Tractor supply on Wed buying more mainline. Should have grabbed one while I was there. I have seen the unwinders used for PEX tubing for main line but yours is simpler and definately portable.

For the $279.00 do we get choice of colors?? LOL Nice Idea Matt

01-11-2008, 07:55 PM
Nice video's royalmaple.

01-11-2008, 08:09 PM
royalmaple that is a very neat idea

01-11-2008, 08:18 PM
Mark, for 279.00 I will go pick one up for you, paint color of your choice, and deliver it to you. Now how is that for service!!!

If you need more pipe let me know I have an account with portland plastic pipe and get some pretty decent prices. I have 2000 feet of 1 1/4 coming next week and 2500 feet of 3/4. Already got 2100 feet of 1 inch last week.

If anyone is looking for wire spinning Jenny's tractor supply has one for 33 bucks and holds the 4000 ft rolls of 12.5 hitension wire. Wish I knew that before I tried making one. Got one now though.

I need to bring my tripod and get serious about these videos, and up the standards. Might even need the cue cards or something. I'll do better in the future, just working off the cuff. They are fun. Too bad the part where I fell on my butt wasn't on the video. That would have been funny.

01-11-2008, 08:27 PM
do you mind telling me how much it would be 3/4 inch per foot of pipe please
im just comparing prices

01-11-2008, 08:35 PM
.14/foot for 3/4

01-11-2008, 08:42 PM
is that black water line??

01-11-2008, 08:45 PM
wow that is a lot cheaper then im getting im getting 0.18/foot from home depo and .23/foot from Atkinson

01-11-2008, 09:09 PM
Yup, black 100 psi waterline. Prices are very favorable.

I about (S.M.P.) S..... My Pants when I called to get some prices on pipe from some dealers. I just did it for kicks. Only Glenn was close on price, but still a bit more and alot further for me to go pick it up.

A drive to NH would have cost me about 1000 more for the same pipe I am buying.

01-11-2008, 09:26 PM
Anyone got any leads on a stack thermometer that would read up to 1,200 or 1,400 degrees.

Breezy Lane Sugarworks
01-11-2008, 09:51 PM
Brandon I don't know who you could get one from in your area, But I'm using a Pyrometer(exhaust temp.) gauge off of a wrecked dump truck. I need a new probe for mine, but it wrks great and is quite accurate.

01-12-2008, 03:39 AM
Guys- This is a little update on my progress. Im going to try to finish my ro room/closet today. Ive got a little work on my line left, maybe a day and Ill have that done. Im pretty much to the point where Im just hooking things up. Ive got to get a permeate tank and thats all ive got left to bring home. I hope to have everything operational in two weeks. I should then be able to run the vac pump anc check everything and fire up the evap and play with the floats etc. If I get done a little early while its cold I may put a few more taps in. Should be somewhere between 1200 and 1250 on good vac right to the sugarhouse. Getting pretty excited to see what happens first good day at that releaser. Ill put some new pics on as soon as the inside of the sugarhouse is done. Should be soon. Good luck to everyone as they tap. A lot of people have expanded this year and itll be exciting to see how everyone does. Theron

01-12-2008, 03:58 AM
TTHHHEEEERRRROOONNNNNNNNN- Got your dry lines in with valves to isolate leaks?,,Might not get much of a run on your first day,,takes a while for the trees to get going sometimes,,,looking forward to hear about your season as it unfolds,,,good luck,,

01-12-2008, 06:52 AM

The pics of your face that first day may be something to see also!!!!!

01-12-2008, 06:58 AM
Matt usually I get my black plastic at Portland Plastic Pipe. I only needed about 500' and I had to get mineral blocks and Ivermec at TS. Portland Plastic Pipe usually has very good prices on poly tanks as well. Haven't checked for a couple years but they always did.

If anyone wonders about the black mainline. A few years back i grabbed 800' or so at Bascoms while I was there. I need a bunch more when i went to install it so I went to Portland Plastic. Same exact pipe the only difference was the manufacture time stamp.

PA mapler
01-12-2008, 07:25 AM
Royalmaple- what an awesome tool! Sure beats my method: ducttape one end to patio post, then unroll up the yard by walking backwards and "flipping" it around (I'm not a big girl. That stuff is heavy!), then tying the other end to a tree until it relaxes, then pulling up the hill thru the woods to where it's needed. Great exercise, though.

01-12-2008, 07:26 AM

And you forgot to mention the price difference.

Yes they have great prices on poly tanks. I am picking up a 1550 there next week with more tubing.

Anyone find a place to get galvanized wire ties circumventing the maple dealers?

Beth, I could have tied the tool to my dog to have him unwind the roll. it unrolls super easy and no more messing with those darn coils. Even with two people doing the uncoiling method, few loops this way, rotate then flip off the other, you always get some 1/2 a$$ed twists in the pipe. THis way none.

I like to find ways to accomplish things without beating my head in the ground. Don't try it for wire, you will have a super dooper mess very quick. Use a jenny for that.

01-12-2008, 07:52 AM
Try any masonry or construction supply dealer in your area for the ties. if you dont have any luck that way get back to me I will get you a price on those ties.

01-12-2008, 09:33 AM
any steel dealers and or masonry place will have them. Saco brick had them a few years ago.

01-12-2008, 10:05 AM
Brandon - For the stack temperature monitor you might try an ebay search for "thermocouple thermometer" This one looks interesting:

http://cgi.ebay.com/Brand-New-Type-K-Thermocouple-Thermometer-with-sensor_W0QQitemZ230211121429QQihZ013QQcategoryZ509 74QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

01-12-2008, 10:18 AM
We completed our line repairs and sanitizing during the short warm days this week, Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. Temperatures were in the 60's. One area where cattle run much of the year we roll up the tubing and hang it it trees. Two bundles got knocked down and dragged around by, possibly a bear. Had lots of damage including a 5/16" line pulled into. It looked like it had heated and melted. The evaporator is boiled out and cleaned. We are ready to tap.

01-12-2008, 10:48 AM
I've checked around already and no one has the galvanized ties. Just steel, which I don't want to use. Best I've found is plastic dipped ties but were pretty pricey.

01-12-2008, 11:18 AM

Thanks for the link. I found one at a local stove and pool dealer with some help from tapper.

01-12-2008, 11:51 AM
For the ties try Gagne I think they have a location Bidderford? also Westbrook.. Paris Farmers Union might have them as well.
I can't remember where I have seen them and thought next time I need more I'll remember who has them. I have seen Galv., steel and copper on store shelves, somewhere! I'll keep thinking.

01-12-2008, 03:30 PM
Went to the farmers CooP the other day and got a price on fence grippers..Around $25 for a bag of 20 versues around $3.00 each at the dealers.................What a RIP OFF !!!!!!!!!!1

01-12-2008, 04:46 PM
whats is the down side to useing steel ties???


01-12-2008, 05:53 PM
Parker- Im on it buddy. Lines done tomarrow. Then im going to get a box of valves and gages. Im thinking about gaging every main. I cant let you guys show me up. Im going to walk that line every day and if I find that I have a major vac loss, say down to 24", its going to be treated as an emergency becouse that is going to be totally unacceptable. If my wife leaves me, my boss fires me, the kids forget who I am thats just going to have to be how it is. Im looking for bbiiiiiiiiiigggggggggggg ssaaaaaaaaaaaapppppppppppp. Theron

andrew martin
01-12-2008, 07:10 PM

For some reason I have it in my head that this is your first year tapping,and it seems you have gone all out this first year doing 1200+ taps. If so, way to go man, hope all goes well. I' m like you, when it's sugaring time, nothing else really matters - six weeks of pedal to the medal. I would rather survive on two - three hours of sleep than dump sap on the ground. Good luck.

We will collect our first batch of sap tomorrow, looks like a great run so far, and I will either boil tomorrow night or Monday morning.


01-12-2008, 07:20 PM
The steel ties rust out.

01-12-2008, 07:35 PM
Andrew-Nice job catching the first run. I bet youll make some real nice syrup. This is my first year at this level. I usually run 100-150 taps gravity. Ive been doing that for a long time. Ive kind of got the basics down but ive never messed with vac or actually ran a real evap. My rig was a homeade one that my father had made for me when I was probly 12 or so. Been using it all thes years making 25-30 gals syrup a year. Its been good to me. Had a lot of fun doing it. Theron

01-12-2008, 07:40 PM
I was thinking the ties I've been using are galvenized. Went and got some out of the truck and they sure looked galvenized to me . If you cant find any let me know I can ship some of these to you or check with my supplier on Monday about getting some.

Valley View Sugarhouse
01-12-2008, 08:50 PM
Has anyone ever used a tier like the phone co. uses to tie their lines??? Has anyone ever seen them?? They wind the phone wire onto the hugh tin wire as they move them along.. Would this work??? You alll have me wondering.


Breezy Lane Sugarworks
01-12-2008, 09:08 PM
I don't know how common it is but I have seen in some of the catalogs where they sell large spools of mainline with the wire already stranded around the mainline. I haven'r heard where lots of people do this, but your idea doesn't sound bad, but I'm trying to think about repairs in the future. if a tree was to come down and break that small gauge wire that is stranded around the wire and mainline, all the mainline comes loose, unless I'm misunderstanding how the little wire wraps around. But if you tie individual ties every 20" or so, then you can just cut in and fix where needed and re-tie a section, rather than a whole length of mainline.

andrew martin
01-12-2008, 09:17 PM

Sounds like sugaring runs deep in your veins and you have some great childhood memories of making syrup, especially if your father helped make your first evaporator. Those are great memories to have. Theron, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?

I took my three year old with me to finish tapping, and he loved it - he's old enough and big enough to negotiate the terrain without falling too much, and he loves to help put the buckets on the trees. My 18 month wants to do nothing except hold the drill and wear down my battery.


01-12-2008, 09:24 PM
I can get the galvanized from a dealer, I was just wondering if I could save any by buying from another source. Outside the maple industry, and save 300 percent.

01-12-2008, 09:29 PM
well i was out side all day today working on the evaporator got the fire brick in and the pans all nice and clean got all the tanks cleaned and ready to go all i need to do is wait for the time to tap and collect

01-12-2008, 11:40 PM
Has anyone ever used a tier like the phone co. uses to tie their lines??? Has anyone ever seen them?? They wind the phone wire onto the hugh tin wire as they move them along.. Would this work??? You alll have me wondering.


We've used one - but it makes your mainline REALLY heavy. Lots of sags and extra side ties or posts to keep things flowing downhill because of how much stainless wire it uses. You're better off using the usual galvanized ties that everyone else uses. We've also used plastic zip ties and black electrical tape. The zip ties are OK but if a limb goes over the mainline dozens of them on either side of the limb will break. Electrical tape lasts a few years and then becomes brittle and falls off.

Theron - I like the update on your pics. I took a bunch of pics of our finished tank house but had some memory stick problems and lost them all. I should have more to update everyone on our progress in the new bush after the 20th. I noticed you're using the insert plugs at the end of your mainlines. We've used them for years but we're planning to use a ball valve at the mainline ends in the new bush. The insert plug will leak after a few years of removing it to wash your mainlines.

01-13-2008, 02:45 AM
Andrew- Ill be 38 in a couple of months. My grandfather got me started with a homeade barrell evap he used in his lawn in town. My dad and he made it and I can actually remember them doing it. He had some big old sugarmaples in his lawn. My grandfather had a large syrup operation when my dad was a kid on the farm. When gramps got older he sold the farm and moved to town. Thats where I got introcuced to syruping. Ennis- I think im going to use the valves there too. Ive just gotten so overwhelmed that I stuck them in there just to make things operational for this year. I figure I can fine tune after season. It looks like I may be done a little early with my stuff but I wasnt sure how close to season Id be when I got stuff ready to go. Im hoping to be pretty much done in a couple of weeks maybe three. Everything takes longer than I think it will. Im looking foreward to seeing pics of your tank house. Theron

Dave Y
01-13-2008, 06:46 AM
I took a day off yesterday from the bush and went on my own Pa Maple Tour.
I went to troy Pa. to pick up a couple of tanks for the woods. We visited with four different sugar-makers. The first stop was at Shiloh Maple In Ulysses. A beautiful 3 story timber frame building. The next stop was at Sugermasters operation. Everyone should have such a nice operation as his. Two rigs in a row and a very nice sales area. Plus more stuff than an one man should have. the next stop was to pick up the tanks in Troy, the main reason for this road trip.This gentleman has a small shack with a 4x12 . plus something everyone should have, a band saw mill. The last stop was at Patheron's. The photos of his sugarhouse does not do it justice. Theron has done a very nice job building his operation from the ground up. It was a very enjoyable day meeting nice people that are excited about showing you there operations. Each operation is the same only different. Every one is making the same product, but approaching it in a different way. It was a great trip! Now back to work.

01-13-2008, 07:27 AM
headed out yeaterday tubing tool in one hand and chainsaw in other, on the east and north side the ice was still on the trees. woods littered with branches. walking was impossible on the ice [forgot ice creepers]. was still sawing after dark. will finish today. my arms and feet never hurt so bad from sawing and carrying everything. decided to get a [turkey slicer] saw for days like that, that is light weight. problem with those little saws is i will cut my self. these swings in weather temps and the high winds and ice are doing my trees in more than global warming temps in the winter months. that causes the thunder storms and high winds and ice.

01-13-2008, 07:45 AM
Mapleking has a buddy that wraps his mainline with one of the gizmos the phone company uses the best I can remember. He has a little canyon to go over and uses it in that location if I can remember correctly and I think he is happy with it.

01-13-2008, 08:16 AM
I have used lashing wire from the utility co. to make my own wire ties. Usually do it while watching tv. Makes me feel like a lady who knits while watching tv. I also make my drop lines while watching tv.
But any ways the reason I like using lashing wire is it is stainless steel wire and will never rust. The galv. wire ties are ok but tend to rust a little where the wire twist together.
I looked into a lashing machine that the utility co uses but are pretty expensive. It would be nice to know somebody that would let you borrow one to use. All you need to do is pull the lashing machine along as you walk.

3% Solution
01-13-2008, 09:21 AM
Good morning everyone,
Just thought I would post an update.
Stopped by the metal shop yesterday, the major parts of our evaporation enhancement unit are all soldiered together.
Just need to find a day to get with Ken to put it together and pipe it up, check for leaks and bring it home.
Oh yeah got to pay for it!!!
I know my updates are pretty much small compared to some of you folks, but they're updates to a small addictive hobby!!!!!
I can think of worse hobbies though!!!!!
PATHERON - nice looking sugar house and setup. I can tell you take a lot of pride in what you are doing and how things look and that is appealing to the customer.
What your grandfather did for you I am trying to do for my grandson and I think it is working!!!!
Ibby- how are those Amish folks doing, are they going to give you a hand this year?
A few more weeks and we'll be tapping here, can't wait!!
Get your snow shovels out, here it comes again!!!!!
Everyone stay safe and keep in touch.


01-13-2008, 11:27 AM
Dave and 3%. Thank you very much for the compliments. 3%- Im very interested to see how your steamaway works. Keep me posted. It will be very interesting to see how much it speeds up your boil rate. With the cost of a new equivalent unit it would be great it it speeds up your boil for a fraction of the cost. Those lashers you guys are talking about we use at work for telephone/communication type work. The one we have is extremely heavy. Ive had the same thought but I think A guy would have to see about a lighter weight one. It would be real fast but only problem is if it breaks like you guys are saying it would unwind. Have a happy Theron

01-13-2008, 12:31 PM
ok every one i just added more photo's of my evaporator and more

01-13-2008, 01:23 PM
Those lashers you guys are talking about we use at work for telephone/communication type work. The one we have is extremely heavy. Ive had the same thought but I think A guy would have to see about a lighter weight one. It would be real fast but only problem is if it breaks like you guys are saying it would unwind. Have a happy Theron

Bingo - we used it on one section of mainline and when we've had to make repairs it's been a royal PITA! A 4-wheeler works great for pulling the lasher and the one we've got you can use either one or two strands of stainless wire. It's OK but we won't use it again.

01-13-2008, 04:31 PM
i just finished adding another 100 photo's to my photbucket so take a look and tell me what you think

Uncle Tucker
01-13-2008, 04:55 PM
I finished bricking my new arch yesterday. My friend who helped me fell on the ice on the way to the sugar house. He fell on a 3 lb sledge hammer and he thinks he broke a rib. That didn’t stop him from bricking though. We finished in time to watch the PATRIOTS kick ace! Again. I updated my pictures if any one is interested.

01-13-2008, 05:07 PM
jemskline how many gallons can that boil off? nice pics

01-13-2008, 05:42 PM
30 gph going full steam with a blower

01-13-2008, 07:10 PM
Well we just finished sealing the sugarhouse this past week. Got all the batton board nailed on. The cracks were getting pretty wide between the hemlock siding. Now we will have to find some windows to put in but that will have to wait till next year.To many other things to do before the sap starts running. Need to find some material to build a grate and a new door for the fire box. We are also wanting to make some short tubing runs into plastic barrels or totes if we have time. The two crazy old men are tired of carrying the 5 gallon jugs it will be easier to pump it.


01-13-2008, 07:22 PM
Welcome to the world of crazy old men (and a few young ones too:))
I made my forced air grates from 3 x 3 x 1/2 inch thick angle iron. They have a little sag to them after 6 years but will hold a fire for another couple. Let us know how the short run tubing works. We can compare notes.

The Steel-head should be ready for you up here!


Dave Y
01-13-2008, 07:30 PM
It is amazing the more work you do the more you have to do! Stacked a load of wood that has been sitting in the dump truck since before Christmas. Went to the woods and tied up some main line and dug 8 holes with the post hole digger.I am building a platform to set the bulk tanks on. I want to get them high enough to drain them into the 550 in the dump truck. that way i wont need a pump. I hope to set the tanks on sunday. I will either get a boom truck or log truck to get them up on the bank . I decided it was to far up the bank to try and do it manually.

01-13-2008, 07:43 PM
that's one great post hole digger you have there Dave, I would like a couple of holes dug here in McFalls, would you like to try your luck? LOL

01-13-2008, 07:50 PM
Dave Y,
That is going to work very nice to feed into your truck tank. Sounds like quite a operation your getting. Take some pictures for us.

I worked a little in the sugarhouse getting materials for another 40-50 drops ready. I would like to have the sugarhouse ready for first run this year, which means cleaning out all the stuff that has accumulated since last year:o . Still more tubing to hang then to set the totes and tap. Thinking early to Mid Feb.


01-13-2008, 07:52 PM
How much space did you leave between the angle iron for the ashes to fall through? I'am sure the steelhead are biting like crazy but I have a hobby that is very addictive and it wont let me go right now. My fishing buddy is disguested with me. He said before it was work now its maple syrup.


01-13-2008, 08:06 PM
andyp how wide is your evaporator i might have an idea for you

01-13-2008, 08:42 PM
My grates may have a 1/4 inch between them. They have air holes for the forced draft. But with the forced air I get little ash. With the pallets I get lots of nails.


01-13-2008, 08:45 PM
see i used sewer grates and they work good

Valley View Sugarhouse
01-13-2008, 09:03 PM
Andy P I have a friend that is a well driller, I have found a piece of well casing cut into quarters with a torch and a few holes burned through work very well..

Dave Y
01-13-2008, 09:06 PM
Im sure your rock is harder than my clay. I use a Mexican dragline.
sugarmaker, I am starting to see the end. I will take some pic when time allows. I have tried to use all my time working when I am in the bush. Thought I would see you guys at the NW Pa meeting on Sat,however my son called tonight and he and his wife are coming for the weekend. I will have to get all my work done in the evening.

01-14-2008, 05:59 AM
3% - The Amish guy was a bit iffy about this year due to snow depth in the woods. His horses were struggling. Now that all the snow has gone bye-bye, he's getting more excited. It looks like we'll more than double the taps in his woods - maybe up to 500.

I'm hoping to put 1000' of mainline from his woods to a collection tank up at the house. He'll have to pump it up, but it'll save him from haveing to make multiple trips to the house with the team thru muddy meadows.

01-14-2008, 05:52 PM
thats a good idea

01-14-2008, 07:11 PM
Chris -

Do you have pics of the grates you made.

The 30x8 I'm selling has excellent grates (like brand new), but they are too short to fit my 3x10 arch, and the grates that came with the 3x10 are wooped.

I'm trying to picture how you're running forced air into the grates.

01-14-2008, 09:23 PM
Dave Y,
I understand about the meeting. well it sounds like you need a break from maple to visit with your family!

I dont have any pictures that I can think of. Here is a brief description:
I cut the angle iron ( 3 x 3 x 1/2 in) about 1 brick width short of the length of the fire box. I added a piece of angle ( I think it was 2 x 4 x 3/8?) to the front of each grate to allow a brick to set near the door of the arch. I punched a series of 1/2 inch dia holes in a staggered pattern in 2 rows along both sides of the grate to allow air to pass through from the ash pit area. The holes are about 2 inches apart.

So the grates look like this /\/\/\/\/\/\ when looking from the front of the arch. The points of the angle are pointing up. Ashes fall through the holes and also through the gap where the grates are about 1/4 inch apart.

These did warp after about 6 good firings.


01-14-2008, 10:04 PM
Thanks for the ideas on the grates guys. Jemsklein I'am not sure of the exact size of the fire box. I think its 26x36. I have a couple of pieces of mine rails that I will cut to length and there is a scrap yard about 15 miles from me where I think I might be able to find some angle iron or square bar. I will set the rail in length wise and weld the angle across it. I'll let you how it works out.


01-15-2008, 11:54 AM
Chris - grates warped after 6 years of firing or after 6 firings?

01-15-2008, 08:21 PM
Sorry if I was not clear. and thinking back it may not have been six firings but I think the grates were warped after the first season which usually is a dozen or so boils. They may have warped some more the second season. I think I will go to the sugarhouse take some pictures and post them. The old 1000 word thing. I will be right back in say 15 min.


01-15-2008, 08:48 PM
Grates ( one )
They may look a little crusty but they work:)


01-15-2008, 09:25 PM
Thanks Chris - going out to take pics was beyond the call of duty. Those "grates" have held up well. I may give it a shot. Makes me wonder if the previous owner of my arch was tossing grenades in - my grates, allot heavier duty than angle iron, are just mangled.

Valley View Sugarhouse
01-15-2008, 09:32 PM
Grate condition depends alot on the kind of wood you use... One year I used 3 year old hard wood and fired hard and my grates where junk (6" sag) and others I have used hemlock and or not let the ash build up and I have used the grates for 4 years and still no warpage...

01-15-2008, 09:48 PM
A blower will help extend the life of the grates also because it keeps one side of them cool. Also, cleaning out the ashes every day or two if you don't have an airtight arch also helps because it keeps the underside of them cooler and plenty of airspace for cooling. The hotter the underside gets the more likely they are too warp.

Dave Y
01-16-2008, 08:52 PM
I can't believe no one did any work on tubing or stacked firewood or lets say test fired a rig today! Well if everyone else was loafing I went to the bush tonite after work and finished my racks for my bulk tanks and tied up 500 ft of mainline.
another 150ft to go. I think i will scrub out the new tanks tomorrow night. One month to go. I believe that any syrup to be made this month has already been made. In this neck of the woods any way. Van is probably still boiling

Father & Son
01-16-2008, 08:54 PM
Everyone has been busy on the "Trader"

Dave Y
01-16-2008, 09:03 PM
Thats the bad thing about the Trader. Cant get any work done when your typing!

01-17-2008, 07:39 AM
I did nothing syrup related yesterday. I started my dutch lessons on the computer. Het meisje een onder en tafel! Got to get ready to start my maple syrup import business in the Netherlands.

01-17-2008, 07:55 AM
Okay okay I'll fess up. I went out and cut a few trails around a small bush. looked over a section that I haven't tapped and found a few tappable trees hiding among the pines and cedars. found some young trees that will need to be protcected and pampered for my son's future. was hoping to get out again today but it's really cold here. 16. bought some spiles on e-bay.

Dave Y
01-17-2008, 08:19 AM
Well I'm glad that we are not all laying around getting fat.
16 thats balmy. dont you have longhandles. I've checked beaver traps @-70 wind chill and caught fish at -30. put your coat on and go do some thing even if its wrong. (this is were I would put the smiley face . but i cant figure them out)

andrew martin
01-17-2008, 12:58 PM
Dave Y,

I remember those days - my buddies would go out and ice fish when the mercury read 10 degrees, coupled with a 15-20 mph wind whipping across Oneida Lake in Syracuse, and that ws fun. And all that was without a shelter because we were poor college students. We would play football and snag seagulls when we were bored. It's tough to reel in a seagull on six pound test and a three foot jigging rod. I miss ice fishing, those are good times.


01-17-2008, 05:40 PM
Well we finally got the grates in. I found a couple of end plates. I think they were out of a boiler or some sort of heat exchanger. They are 28 inches in dia. and 1 inch thick.They are full of 3/4 inch holes where the tubing went through. Should have lots of air flow. I used a torch to square them up and sized them to fit. We set the rails in the fire box and slid the plates in on top. It looks good. Now I'm getting excited, can't wait to fire it up to see how it will work.

Dave Y I thought I was the only one that couldn't get the smileys to go where I wanted them to go.


Dave Y
01-17-2008, 08:00 PM
Andrew, Yea ice fishing is fun, but i never seem to get to do it any more. I'm still out in all kinds of weather. Thats one thing I never let bother me. The nastier the weather the better i like it.
Andyp , Well maybe some body could give us some computer lessons :-)

I finished tying my mainline tonite and took some pics of the bush, let the Labs run thru the woods. They sure like going the the sugarbush. I cleaned my new tanks In the freezing rain. Man I must be stupid! Dang It was cold ! I even had to thaw out the water. I really wanted to get that job out of the way!

01-17-2008, 09:08 PM
Doing research Plastics and on FDA items that may relate to maple. If I find anything of value I will let you know:) Dave Y and Andy the : and the ) will usually work. Try it, then do the preview post to see if it worked.

Had a real nice visit with Paul form Turtle Maple about large maple sections (cookies) He is really into the educational aspects of teaching maple, we could all take note of some of his and Kathy's work.:)

Good positive maple news!!!!

Looking forward to the NWPA annual members meeting Sat Jan 19 at the Blooming Valley church We will have sugar makers for NEOhio as the guest speakers and will roll out the new NWPA brochure. The beautiful brochure was a result of a $15,000 state grant to promote maple now that's going in a positive direction for our hobby. Starn Marketing group of Meadville Pa did a wonderful job putting this together. 10,000 of these will be at road side rest stops for the public to pick up and 5,000 are for members to hand out. If you get to see one our little maple business is shown in several photos. I provided several other maple related photos too. Local Nature Center Asbury Woods (Erie) is featured making maple and also the Newbury book Miracles On Maple Hill gets a page since this was written here in North West PA.


01-18-2008, 05:06 AM
Guys- Sounds like everyones gearing up for the big season. Im getting closer to being ready. I keep on plugging. Should have the ro room done tomarrow hopefully. I have my gasket so I can setup my evap and get the pans out of the kitchen. Have minor plumbing to do with the tanks. Hoping to have most of the little stuff done this week. Ro comes next week. Getting there. I see on some of the other posts things get a little heated sometimes. For what its worth this is my thought, Nobody has to be right and nobody has to be wrong. This is just syruping. I should have the inside of the shed looking pretty nice in a week or two, Ill try to get some pics. Pretty exciting seeing people tapping allready. Have a happy, Theron

Dave Y
01-18-2008, 06:24 AM
Theron, Glad to see you are finally going to put those pans on your arch. I thought i was going to have to do that for you.

PA mapler
01-18-2008, 08:34 AM
Good Morning, fellow PA-ers! I have the day off and hope to get the bulk of the woods-work done. I got the tank cleaned and ready, and the mainline cleared of downed trees, but I still have to attach droplines to my new 50+ reds, and add a quick disconnect here and change a connection there and so on and so forth.

I was given an old stainless sink that I want to rig up by my steam-hood drip line, so I can use that hot water more efficiently. Then seal up some gaps around the bottom of the siding on the shack to get some of the worst of the drafts out. We're thinking COMFORT this year. Maybe a recliner, too, and a satellite dish! :)

01-18-2008, 09:05 AM
Hi Beth,
Careful not to get too much comfort going on there. Sattelite dish and recliner sounds like a recipe to fall asleep especially next to the warm evaporator hehe. I am mostly ready just waiting for the next warmup. Cleaned the evaporator and sugarhouse last week when it was warm and reconfigured and old woods cart for 325 gal. polytank to haul from roadside trees 6 miles away. I havnt tapped these trees for 5 years and with the poor volume of sap from the woods trees Ive been tapping figured the extra work and distance was worth it.

01-18-2008, 03:59 PM
I have tv in my saphouse, and a comfy chair, and yes I've fallen asleep in it a couple times while boiling. Nice to have a wood fired evaporator that stops itself after a bit. Went and looked at two of my other sugarbushes today. One had a ten foot section of tubing gone, something was hungry. The other is a mess. Mainline down, spiles came off of the t's and them darn wasps plugged them. A good morning of work in it.

01-18-2008, 05:53 PM
March is syrup season. March is also college hoops. I used to boil outside, often finishing under flashlight, while my wife sat in the family room watching basketball. No more - as soon as I moved into the sugar shack, I ran about 500 feet of cable from the house to the sugarshack.

Now we have a pizza delivered. Put the pizza box right on top of the steam hood, and pizza stays hot and we all (wife and our two girls) eat pizza, watch basketball and make syrup. Great times!

01-18-2008, 06:11 PM
For the past few weeks I have been putting in some time in the woods upgrading everything I can for this year. Ran 500' more 1" dry line and added two vacuum boosters to get better vacuum to the upper end of one section. Added more shut off valves to help detect leaks. Thinned and cleared out a few areas to add more taps. Finally ran new laterals to a couple sections that I skipped years ago and never got round to doing before. Have a couple short sections of mainline to run still and few more taps to add to them. Built and replaced drop doors for the cupola. Waiting for the new Vacuum pump to show up then will have to get that hooked up. Still have a bit more tubing repairs to make. At this rate I might even be ready this year. I have the new tapping bits already waiting, I haven't tried them in the drill yet. Trying 300 of the disposable spout adapters also this year. Construction is extremely slow so I might as well make use of the time!


01-18-2008, 07:10 PM
DaveY- Im going to try to put the pans on tomarrow. Got to get the ro room done first. Just got the gasket so I couldnt put them on before. Takes me a long time to do anything becouse Im kind of finicky. Bought enough ball valves today to to put a shutoff on every main. Parker told me told me high vac levels are abolutely critical to production so im not messing around. Gages everywhere. Tthhheeeerrrrroooooonnnnnnn.

01-18-2008, 09:08 PM
I've been getting things ready. It's about a month from the earliest possible start date here in Maine, but there is always lots to do. I fixed the mast that the electricity is hooked to, with the help of a friend who can do anything. I sent off for new plugs. The ones we had leaked and fell into the pan. It's not worth it to have things that drive you crazy. There's enough that can go wrong without that.

We have our wood ready, but have a lot of little fix ups to do up in the sugarwoods. I plan on using February vacation for that.

There must be 3 feet of snow in places, so we'll have to tap low so that the taps aren't all up there in the treetops by the end of the season.

Dave Y
01-18-2008, 10:12 PM
Theron, Nothing wrong with finicky. Your operation is real neat. that's something i have never been. I put the last touches on then tubing system this afternoon. It is done!!! The tanks will get set Sunday and then I can tap on Monday:)

01-19-2008, 07:22 AM
One thing that is not mentioned on here a lot is that this winter is about as close to a normal winter as we have had in 3 or 4 years. Been cold here for most of the past 6 weeks and the next 10 days look the same which will put us close to Feb.

01-19-2008, 08:08 AM
DaveY Nice job on the lines. Are saying you are going to tap monday of next week? Ive got at least two weeks to go to be ready but that would put me first of feb and Im hoping it gets cold for a little while. Im going to watch my buddy Richard and tap when he does. Pans are on the evap and I hope to finish ro room today. Theron

01-19-2008, 08:33 AM

Upload some of those pics so we can see what's going on.

01-19-2008, 04:44 PM
Worked on my pump house down the road today, just have to put the front door on and it's good to go. Might put on the meter box and electrical panel and some circuits tomorrow and call Central Me power and get some wattage in the cottage.

Then solid work on just tubing. Sap will be to the road, pump on electricity, big tank by the road, just need to run some more pipe. Miles ahead of last year.

Suppose to be seriously cold next week, theron you'd never make it next week here.

01-19-2008, 04:59 PM
Big sugar-makers event in NWPA today. Our annual members meeting was very well attended and we also had several dealers, and a good pancake and french toast lunch. Great job by President Gary Bilek and his board of directors.
Check us out at www.pamaple.org

I am going to try a auto draw off this year if I can get it plumbed wired and rigged up! So bear with me I will need some help and ideas from folks that have them in place. As usual I will want to make some mistakes along the way:)


01-19-2008, 06:27 PM
Matt- Your right, too cold up there. When I have to cuddle up with Noah to get my core body temp back up above frostbite levels its too cold. Ive got my potbelly running in the sugarhouse today. Just right in there. I think its going to get cold down here tomarrow too. Keep up the good work we need to see the big sap. We dont want Parker showing us up. Theron

01-19-2008, 07:28 PM
You better not say that too loud Theron. If marvin ever heard that, he'd fire up now with anger. And parker would be out in your back yard with the husky even'in up the competition. Slay a few of your rockies and settle the score.

I need a bit more sap before I am a contender, just enough for slickers. I want chestwader sap this year.

01-19-2008, 07:50 PM
I am going to try a auto draw off this year if I can get it plumbed wired and rigged up! So bear with me I will need some help and ideas from folks that have them in place. As usual I will want to make some mistakes along the way:)


So, you mangaged to talk Cheryl into another purchase? Dad and I ordered one before we left the meeting as well. We'll have to share stories on setup and figuring out how to use the drawoff, though they appear pretty simple!
~ Andy Kinter

01-19-2008, 07:57 PM
Had our winter association meeting today nice crowd good speakers, talked about R O s and vacuum tubing


01-19-2008, 08:15 PM
Yes it was a very informitve meeting. I thought tubing and vacumm systems might be in my future,but I like the K.I.S.S (keep it simple stupid) method. Maybe when I have to go to a woodlot we will consider it again. Also KUDOS to trader member Mark Schaefer for his 1st place med amder syrup entry. Rich I wish I knew you were going to be there we could have done a face to face hello. Maybe on the fall tour in the Sault,nice weekend get away with the Mrs,s ? I'm glad you made it home safely Herb.

01-19-2008, 08:22 PM

i am putting up vacuum this year so i dont have to fight the mudd again. it has been a real challengewith the flat land here. royalmaple has been walking me thru the trouble spots. he has been very helpful.


01-19-2008, 08:48 PM
Guys- Just picked up my tools and took them in the garage. Shed construction is done. Got some more wiring and plumbing but all the building is pretty much wrapped up. Started the whole project last January around this time, took a full year. Pretty happy with everything and pretty happy its done. Just have some plumbing a bit of wiring and misc and I should be all set. Only thing I didnt do is the kitchen counters but I might say the heck with it for this year have to see how the time goes. Going to shoot for just being ready to make syrup. Ro comes next saturday. Starting to look like a real sugarhouse. Gotta get a new coffee pot for the shack and ill be ready to make syrup. Ill get some pics in about two weeks and hopefully everything will be complete. Maybe if I get done a little early ill put out a few more taps. Thats the part I really enjoy doing. Theron

01-19-2008, 09:15 PM
Almost finished the bush up the road, need a couple mainline fittings. Went across the road and fixed a couple spots in that bush. Three more to check on, and then finish getting the vacuum system set up down the road. Sold a good amount of syrup today, at least my wife did. Looks like the beginning of Feb. maybe when I put the rest of my taps in.

Dave Y
01-19-2008, 09:38 PM
Theron, I'm not tapping monday that was a joke.
Matt I am still working on the Pics.
Chris, you will have to fill me in on what I missed at the big meeting.

Dave Y
01-19-2008, 10:25 PM
Ok guys I have some pictures posted of the pipeline. I will try to take some more tomorrow when we are setting the tanks. Just click the link in my signature. you will sell them there.

Russell Lampron
01-20-2008, 05:09 AM
Dave Y,

The link to your pictures only brings me to the main page. There must be some sort of sharing feature that you have to enable for everyone to see them.


01-20-2008, 06:37 AM
Link should be:


01-20-2008, 08:11 AM
found out do not have enough power to run new r/o. power company here friday to stake two new poles new service 200 amps at the sugar house same time 200 amp gen switch hook up.maple school yesterday long talk with glenn and bruce on prices. the bottom fell out of the dollar as we all know. projections of 2 dollars a pound comm.but sales of supplies up 10 percent.hit the 5000 tap mark this week more to go. now vac pump problems to solve will keep me busy this week

Dave Y
01-20-2008, 09:33 AM
ok Russ try it now.

01-20-2008, 09:43 AM
Wow Dave! you've got a lot of work done there! Looks like your sugarbush is along a forestry road? How far away from home is the bush? The time you spent gathering last year you will spend boiling this year.

Russell Lampron
01-20-2008, 10:13 AM

It works now. You have some nice looking trees there. I like the bulk tanks too.


01-20-2008, 12:35 PM
DaveY- Nice looking woods. Trees are awesome. Im going to have to take a ride out sometime and check it out. Is the woods on a side hill or is it kind of flat to where you had to slope your lines? Its always hard to tell from the pics? Looks very nice. Theron

01-20-2008, 05:02 PM
The pictures are great. Made me just realize what I need "SUSPENDERS".
Great looking tubing set up in the bush and good sturdy rests for your tanks.

How much did that beaver weigh? 50 lb?

The NWPA Maple meeting was very good, only I could have used the whole 6 hours to flap my gums to everyone. Including some names from the trader.
Tappin and sappin, Gary R, Father and son, Sweetwood Maple Jim Brown
The big news was the unveiling of the NWPA maple brochure. This is almost to nice to give away.
I am stuffing 50 of them with our price list and business card and they will really show off our maple industry. This is the results of a $15,000 state Ag grant.

Looking for help setting up a auto draw off for 2008. The old 3 x 10 gets a new friend. ( New toys are nice!):)


01-20-2008, 06:58 PM
so yesterday i was in the bush putting up some more drop lines i got a deal on 350 for $50 wiches is not bad but any way i got 40 more up on in a little area on top of a hill and got it running in to the main line 50'-75' below so there is a big drop there i was going to go out today but it was just to cold
-30 with wind chill but i got other stuff done i got more photos on the link below of the work i did and the landscape and of some freshly fallen trees

Dave Y
01-20-2008, 07:31 PM
The bush is on a township road. It runs down hill and is tilted away from the road it has a bench that is kind of wide. some of the laterals are flatter than I like but you have to work with what you have. I posted some pics of us setting tanks today. For those of you have never meet me I'm the one with the fur hat. It was 5degs when we set them.

01-20-2008, 08:09 PM
DaveY- Tanks look like they are going to work good. Those trees look like some serious runners. Hopefully youll be trying them out soon. I hope you put vac on that woods someday. Id like to see what would come out of that tube then. Im betting youll be getting all the sap you want. Theron

01-20-2008, 09:33 PM
Wow Dave - you've got good friends or good connections - boom truck! Nice!

Nice looking woods for sure!

01-20-2008, 10:19 PM
I've been so busy at night making stainless wire ties and drop lines that I can't keep up with the trader. Sounds like most every one is trying to get ready also. I'm adding atleast 400 taps. So far I put out 4200' of mainline and still some to go.

Dave Y
01-21-2008, 05:12 AM
I hope to put vacuum on next year. and add some more trees. You should see the expansion in those woods. I will have to add some boiling capicity also.
Danno, My brother is a contractor. He is the one with the connections. It took all of 30mins to set the tanks. thats fom the time the truck got there un til it left. That is the only way to set tanks. effortless!!!

01-21-2008, 05:25 AM
or you could use a tractor and it works fine we made a 12 foot boom for are tractor and it pickes up 1500lbs no problem

01-21-2008, 10:31 AM
Finished all the work on the lines, replacing bad drops,putting hook lines on the saddles and cleaning out dead trees.......Will start running new lines in a week or so........Hope to have 500 new taps added........Might be selling a 200+ new SS tank with aluminum frame at the end of the season.....Make a great feed tank........Let me know if you interested and ill keep you in mind.....

01-21-2008, 08:57 PM
Dave Y,
Nice work on the tanks! You will like that for gathering! I Like the boom truck! Nice hat too:)


Dave Y
01-22-2008, 05:42 AM
Chris, I can get you a hat like that, all you have to do is catch the muskrats.

01-22-2008, 10:31 AM
Dave Y, Nice set up! Do you put your bulk tanks out and take them back when done? How was your deer season ?

Dave Y
01-22-2008, 11:09 AM
This is my first year with the bulk tanks. I plan to leave them out. I dont have much choice. I would not want to hire the boom truck every year. It would be impossible to drag the tanks up and down over that bank by hand.
Deer season was fun saw lots of deer. Matter of fact saw deer every day I was out. which was about 10 days. no legal bucks. and no doe tag. My son shot a nice doe though. which made me happy. He doesnt get to hunt much since he left for college and got married. Thanks for the completments on the set up. It has been alot of work , but it will be worth it.

01-22-2008, 11:49 AM
Dave Y,
So that's why they call you Old muskrat head? I never made the connection:) HeHeHe:)

Whats this about additional boiling capacity in the near future??? No RO? The maple gods may not be happy:)

Boy you sure have out grown that little 210 gal. tank you came up and bought from me!! Looking forward to watching you grow!


01-22-2008, 04:47 PM
Just got back from the supply house again.

1800 feet of 1 1/4, 2000 feet of 3/4, and 1550 gallon tank. my truck and trailer were nutted.

Is march still 3-4 months away?

Shooting for BIG SAP, no whammies, BIG SAP.

Dave Y
01-22-2008, 05:44 PM
I have passed the 210 on to another sugarmaker that could use it more than me. It was too hard on my Ranger. As far as boiling capicity goes I would like to get a set of Max pans for my Rig. Then a steamaway. I need to be in a bigger sugar house before i can even think about an RO.

Dave Y
01-22-2008, 05:45 PM
you better get off the Trader and get to work!

01-22-2008, 05:56 PM
It's tough when I am working on the computer, trader is right there taunting me.

Woods work coming up in a big way now. Going to set up my electric panel and meter box tomorrow night at the new pump house, got to do some shipping then I can afford to go in the woods and do some maple work and not feel like someone is at my house repo-ing something.

Starting to get out of the deep freeze we were in, so kinda feels more like outside type weather. I didn't mind working inside as much when it was seriously below zero.

I couldn't believe how much 5/16 has gone up. I was calling around getting prices. Yikes, should have bought more last year.

Gotta go back out in the barn and work some more. Wish my days ended at 5pm.

01-22-2008, 05:58 PM
It's tough when I am working on the computer, trader is right there taunting me.

Woods work coming up in a big way now. Going to set up my electric panel and meter box tomorrow night at the new pump house, got to do some shipping then I can afford to go in the woods and do some maple work and not feel like someone is at my house repo-ing something.

Starting to get out of the deep freeze we were in, so kinda feels more like outside type weather. I didn't mind working inside as much when it was seriously below zero.

I couldn't believe how much 5/16 has gone up. I was calling around getting prices. Yikes, should have bought more last year.

Gotta go back out in the barn and work some more. Wish my days ended at 5pm.

matt what is the price of 5/16 for 500'

Dave Y
01-22-2008, 06:06 PM
When I bought mine it was 43.00 The next day it went to 50.00. I paid 55.00 for my droplines.
The price is fairly uniform across the maple region.

01-22-2008, 06:13 PM
well last year it was $77 hear and when i whaent to go get some last week it had gone down to $68 it must be cuz of the dollar

01-22-2008, 07:16 PM
$77 geese i paid 50 for rolls of 30p tubing. i get most of my tubing equipment at richards so it might just be the middleman trying to make an extra dollar

01-22-2008, 07:20 PM
bought a roll saturday 51.00


01-22-2008, 07:30 PM
Went down to Salisbury today to see Henry and get supplies. Syrup ought to be $80.00 a gallon. Everything is going up. Got bottles both glass and plastic and a roll of 5/16 tubing and some fittings, plus some other odds and ends. Now we have to find a couple of small tanks and a twelve volt pump.I hope we have enough time to get it all together for this year.


01-22-2008, 07:56 PM
Good to see your getting your stuff together. Yes all the prices are up. Probably $80 per gallon is about the price we should be at:)

Don't worry, be happy, the report is that all the steel head are frozen, waiting for you:)

Good thing you got the sugarhouse tightened up during the warmer weather.


01-22-2008, 08:09 PM
It seems from the prices I have seen that about all of the tubing north of the border is $ 60 to $ 70 per roll or more. If Leader is still selling 30p for $ 50, they are probably selling it way faster than they can make it unless it doesn't go across the border??

Anyone got any opinions on whether any of Leader's stuff goes north across the border on a regular basis, not smuggled??

01-22-2008, 08:13 PM
I must be too close to the manufacturers. Seems like everything I was pricing up was high 50's to 60's. That was maple flex and ipl 4 seasons. I might have to keep looking, I bought 14 rolls (4 seasons) the other day for 50 bucks a roll, I though I did well.

It would be nice if there was a little more competition in this market, not between companies but dealers. I wish I could just work of SRP, I don't even use that as a guage in my business. Just a number they pull out of the air. But maple it's srp and more in many cases.

I'll have to break out the press tonight and make some more jeffersons I guess. Even up the score a little.

01-22-2008, 09:29 PM

Maybe you are still buying it at 2007 prices and the dealers haven't gotten the 08 prices yet or paid the 08 wholesale price.

01-22-2008, 09:55 PM
Last week I bought some rigid Lapierre for $51.50 a roll. Up from 07 catalog. Lamb rigid light blue was still $50.00 roll.

01-23-2008, 05:17 AM
DaveY- I like that hat a lot too. Maybe next year Ill trap some rats with the kids and have one made. Im hoping to have everything mostly done this weekend. If I do its celebration time. Im thinking have everything hooked up and next weekend fire up the vac pump and start fixing squirrell holes. Probly put a few more taps out to get an even 1200. Once evrything is done im done for two years. Not doing anything more for a couple years. Going to hunt woodchucks with the boys as a full time job this summer. Not building anything. Getting excited to see what happens first good run. Never had vac and never had this many taps. Cant wait to see what happens. Hope everything is going well for everyone getting ready. Want to hear a lot of talk next month of BIGSAP. Theron

Dave Y
01-23-2008, 05:46 AM
I can hook you up with the folks that made it for me. I suppied the skins and the put it together. A+ quality. Glad you are starting to see and end to your work. I have a few tanks to plumb and clean the dust off of the evaporator and out of the sugarhouse and I am go to go!

Father & Son
01-23-2008, 06:14 AM
Being ready early might be a plus. The Accuweather extended forecast looks real good for Feb 1st in NW PA. Check it out. Might be able to start 2 weeks early.


01-23-2008, 07:02 AM
Did the price go down on tubing in '08?

Mark send me a pm on who to go to. I'm gonna use up the tubing I just bought first then look for more if I got time. Main thing is to get the old system 100% to the road and on electricity. Then worry about adding more taps as I go.

01-23-2008, 11:23 AM
It seems from the prices I have seen that about all of the tubing north of the border is $ 60 to $ 70 per roll or more. If Leader is still selling 30p for $ 50, they are probably selling it way faster than they can make it unless it doesn't go across the border??

Anyone got any opinions on whether any of Leader's stuff goes north across the border on a regular basis, not smuggled??

I can't say I've seen Leader (or Lamb) tubing in Ontario which explains why I have no idea what you're saying when someone mentions 30P! The big 3 are Dominion & Grimm, Lapierre and CDL. We paid just under $60 per roll for our 4-seasons and that was a deal because we ordered 30 rolls! D&G doesn't list prices on their website or in their catalogues anymore but Atkinson's has it listed for $71.75 / 500' if you buy less than 10 rolls. The $CDN vs $USA argument is out the window now that they're pretty much equal. Sounds like we're getting the shaft...

01-23-2008, 11:47 AM
I can't say I've seen Leader (or Lamb) tubing in Ontario which explains why I have no idea what you're saying when someone mentions 30P! The big 3 are Dominion & Grimm, Lapierre and CDL. We paid just under $60 per roll for our 4-seasons and that was a deal because we ordered 30 rolls! D&G doesn't list prices on their website or in their catalogues anymore but Atkinson's has it listed for $71.75 / 500' if you buy less than 10 rolls. The $CDN vs $USA argument is out the window now that they're pretty much equal. Sounds like we're getting the shaft...

our family has probably close to 70,000taps (Four Camps) all 30p we pay 50.00 a roll and buy it by the pallet (50 rolls) there’s is a lot of lamb tubing in my part of New Brunswick but I would have to agree its mostly ipl and DG (CDL and Lapieree use ILP) I was talking to the Lappieree dealer the other day you can get 4 season for 62.00 that’s only up 4.00 bucks from last year but still I agree that prices are sky rocketing but I think with the price of oil dropping we may see the plastic price drop. Has leader put there price up on 30p? I haven't talked to anyone down there in a couple of months.

01-23-2008, 12:07 PM
Guys no prices listed anywhere for tubing. I ordered tubing on the 8th of jan at 1 price and 5 days later order the same thing went up $4.00. That is the pitts!! Even if you look in the new books when you call up the prices are not what you saw.

01-23-2008, 09:38 PM
I like the Lappierre tubing and it is all $ 60+ per roll on the maple guys website. It was close to $ 40 aprox 2 years ago.

01-24-2008, 04:50 PM
well i was out in the bush for 4 hours today and put up the last of the main line for this year just need to finish the 5/16 line and put up more taps we are at 303 right know but i recently bought a skid of 5/16 tubing 1800' and 500' of 3/4 and 1/2 mainline and 350 droplines 30 in -60 in long all for $50 but i got to get as much taps out a possible

01-25-2008, 03:04 PM
finished hanging mainline today, got 3 sap ladders built. hi temp today 20 last night 0. 25 days to go


01-25-2008, 04:28 PM
As of today...All of my sugarbushes have been inspected and repaired. Ready to tap and just waiting for the right air. Fired up big Bertha today. Had alittle trouble getting her to start, but by afternoon the steam was chuggin' out the stascks. What a pretty site! R.Os are flushed washed and ready. OK "Mother Nature" lets roll!!!

Dave Y
01-25-2008, 05:07 PM
When do you plan on tapping.?

01-25-2008, 06:16 PM
well i was back out in the bush again got 20 more taps up then i ran out of 5/16 line so i whent back to the house tyo try this pump i just bought and it don't work so i got to figure out why

01-25-2008, 06:56 PM
Cheryl and I are planning to attend the NE OHIO Maple Producers meeting tomorrow, 1-26-08, to give a seminar on making Maple Mustard. This value added product helps turn the good flavored grade B and C syrup into additional sales dollars. Hopefully meet some new friends in Maple.


01-25-2008, 07:46 PM
Made up more drop lines today waiting for the new vacuum pump to show up.
New pump from Indiana Vacuum is impressive. Gonna have to be carefull not to pull roots and all into the releaser! LOL

01-25-2008, 07:50 PM
Yea when you see the tree roots coming in to the sugarhouse, the vacuum may be a tad strong:)


01-25-2008, 10:25 PM
Dontcha just love sap ladders! I've added a couple hundred taps the past few years with them. Previously we could only look at those maples that were too low and wish we could tap them - now they're hooked up and producing along with the rest of our bush. I realize they might not produce as much sap per tap as "normal" taps but it's definitely worthwhile!

andrew martin
01-25-2008, 10:28 PM
It's too bad a lot of these maple conferences are smack in the middle of my syrup season, else I would think about possibly attending one some time. I look forward to attending one someday to meet some people, fellow traders and learn some new ideas and techniques.


01-26-2008, 07:25 AM

you F'er. You got a ring pump this year.

Oh boy. Who's the king now....

I'm Jealous. Good for you. Take the roots and all. Might have to put a water filter cartridge on the incoming line so you can get the dirt and rocks out of the sap too.

01-26-2008, 08:41 AM
You filter out the dirt and rocks???? I was thinking organic this year.

I ordered the pump who is supposed to order good weather for a change this year??

01-26-2008, 10:07 AM
To Dave Y Can't tell you excact what day to tap I am waiting for the right air. My guys laugh at me and say when Richard comes out one morning and sniffs the air and says today is the day!! Then we hussle!. No really I think about the second week in Feb.
To GMCooper Nice move on the vaccum pump. I had 2 of the Indiana last year and bought 4 more this year. They worked great. Last year the ones I didn't have on vaccum didn't run good but the vaccum did. The rule of thumb for us is 2 cfms or more per 100 taps. That gives you a leway for error. The teaching of vaccum is 1 cfm per 100 but we have found that s not enough. Steal a lace curtain from the house like I did??.... that will filter out all rocks, dirt, and roots LOL then advertise Home made, Local, and all natural. That costs alot less than organic!!!!!!!

01-26-2008, 11:17 AM

What state are you in as I don't recognize any of the names??