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01-26-2008, 11:22 AM
W.Vamapleler I am in Northern Pa. Butting up against NY state. My secretary has family down where you are.

01-26-2008, 11:29 AM

I thought you were in Pa, but hadn't checked out the names to see exactly. I usually tap around Feb 10th, so I was curious as you were talking second week in Feb.

01-26-2008, 11:40 AM
I have been watching the accuweather every day. There is some warm days coming up but not enough in a row worth an early tap. Every year it's different so I just keep watching. Last year we had a long run the 13th thru the 15th of Feb then it froze hard.

01-26-2008, 12:33 PM
How long does it take you to tap and how many helpers do you have?? I would guess you can average at least 500 taps per day per tapper??

01-26-2008, 12:40 PM
Most years we have had 9 to 13 tappers. this year I am alittle worry. a few of my guys got called back to work so I'm short tappers. If its a good day my guys can do a thousand taps a day, barring any problems they have. Also these guys have been doing this most of their lives and they are young!! Not like us "old" guys that have to go alittle slower. I am very lucky to have them.

01-26-2008, 02:31 PM
Do you use gas tappers or some other type??

01-26-2008, 02:36 PM
We have replaced all of our gas tappers with 18v drills. an assortment of brands. Most work the same. My ramrod fix up a battery charger in the back of his truck so the guys wouldn't have to come back to the sugarhouse when the batteries gave out. They get about 250 to 300 holes per battery.

01-26-2008, 03:18 PM
What kind and size of drills are you using to get 250 to 300 taps per battery and what speed are you tapping on??

I get 140 to 150 taps on my 18 volt Hitatchi cordless drill on low speed.

Dave Y
01-26-2008, 03:55 PM
the reason I was asking, I talked to Jack the other day and he said that you were thinking about it but you need a few more degs on those days coming up.
I plan on presidents day week end. I have a 3 day weekend from work and I think I can get every thing in then. My hired help wont be in school then either. I used them to collect buckets last year. This year they are going to help put them out. they just dont know it yet.

01-26-2008, 04:07 PM
To WVAmapleler Most of the drill are Makita, acouple Crafman, and something that is red?? Probably onHIGH speed if I know those guys. Batteries have to be replaced about every 2 yrs.
To Dave Y Yea Jack like to instigate stuff like that. Gets him going. Like I said I will just keep watch for now. I will post as soon as I think we are ready so you guys are up to date with what I an doing.

Dave Y
01-26-2008, 04:13 PM
Sugarmaster, He likes to be on top of things. I am going to get tapped the help him get his taps out.

01-26-2008, 04:31 PM
just got back from 9 hours in the bush i got 20 more taps up and i brought my camra and toke 60 or so pic's i just finished putting them on photobucket pics of the new mainline pics of the older one pics of the slope on of were i an working the slope is like every 100 feet out it drops 60 feet it make for a really hard job walking in 6"of snow climbing up a 35 degree slope cover in branch under the snow if you slipe on one you go all the way to bottom and start going back up again so my leg are very tired but can't wait to do it all over again tomorrow

01-26-2008, 04:34 PM
ws ay one noticed tht this is the longest journal that we have ever hade

01-26-2008, 05:24 PM
I guess leaving the rocks and dirt in would give it more of an earthy flavor. So might be closer to orgainic.

Just got back in the house. Had to run the head lamp to finish up. Glad I dug it out this morning before I left. As luck would have it my snowmobile's head light is out. That is always a trick to hammer out of the woods in pitch black. Got the 1 1/4 pipe all tied to the wire and started doing some side tying of the wet and dry lines. Man that 1 1/4 pipe is a bugger when it's cold. It does not want to give in, but I won.

Its starting to shape up down there. Tomorrow I'll have it all side tied and hopefully right to grade and put that to bed. THen onto some latteral main lines and start adding on the taps. Certainly putting on the miles. Its about 1/2 mile from start to finish on this new wet dry line. I've been walking up and down it like 6-8 times a day. I know toughen up Matt.

01-26-2008, 06:38 PM
Spent the afternoon out in the woods working on tying in laterals and drop lines. Had a Piliated woodpecker hammering a way near me for an hour or two. He found a dead pine with something good in it. It was cool but one of the more comfortable days in a long time to be working out in woods. That extra daylight is beginning to make a difference. Had my wife watching a horse sale online this afternoon while I was out. The mare we wanted sold for $12,500. No we did not buy her!

That new vacuum pump came with a note book of instructions and a DVD. Everything spelled out clearly. Certainly a new trend for maple equipment. Some different then the standard "put in place and it'll work fine, simple, no one ever had any trouble yet, couldn't be any easier."

Dave Y
01-26-2008, 07:37 PM
Matt, I know what you mean by walking back and forth while putting up mainline.
It is always nice to have a helper, but you never do. you should have started your project back in october, you would be done by now.
I flagged about 3600 ft of new mailine today. Getting ready for the next season. You can never be to prepared

01-26-2008, 07:45 PM
Dave Y,
Take a breath:) Just love hearing you progress with your maple systems. Keep up the good work! Going to put Marionville Maple on the map!


01-26-2008, 07:45 PM
802 Maple and his wife stopped in today and had breakfast with us and checked out our setup. It was fun visiting with them and Jerry gave me some real nice compliments on my tubing setup which were some nice compliments for Sugarmaster as well becouse it was he and his men that designed my whole setup. Now Ill have to do my part and make it happen. Hope everyone is having good luck getting ready becouse I think the weather is going to be good this year. I just looked on the 15 day forecast and its mainly cold till feb 9th at least. Way better than all that early warm weather. Better have anything that will hold sap ready becouse Im feeling lucky. I think this is going to be a humdinger year. Theron

01-26-2008, 07:55 PM

That was my plan back in Oct. but some paying jobs came in at the wrong time. Right time for bills etc, but wrong time for maple schedule.

Then with all the snow and garbage trying to get that big barn siding job done that really ate into my available time. I'm doing pretty good now that I am devoting some time to tubing etc. I'll get there. Main thing is pump will be on electricity, sap is coming to the road.

Now just add taps till it's time to drill, then take a day of drilling then add more taps till I run out of season, trees, or money.

More than likely I'll run out of money well before I run out of season and the trees are certainly in no short supply.

Dave Y
01-26-2008, 07:56 PM
I did take a breath today at around 2pm I put a new flue pipe on the stove in my fur shed. then I went to the bush and Farted around. I am always planning.if you are not moving you are standing still and you cant gain on anything that way.

01-26-2008, 08:03 PM
Dave Y,
Agreed!!! Leave um in the dust!


01-28-2008, 05:34 AM
Guys- Better get anything that will hold sap washed up. Tanks, barrells, buckets, wifes pots and pans, kids swimming pool. Two weeks its going to start running and its not going to stop for 6 weeks. Full bore everyday. Gallon a tap everyday for 6 weeks unless it runs more than that. Theeeeeeeroooooooon

01-28-2008, 05:39 AM
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa looks like you are better at forcasting the wheather then some other professionals are at the wheather station i am praying to the maple gods that you are right

01-28-2008, 06:52 PM
40 Degrees Today Started Putting Up Latterals, Shot Grade On The Last Leg Of My Mainline And Pulled Wire. Putting Up The Rest Of The 1" Tomorrow. About 25 Days To Go


01-28-2008, 07:17 PM
Played hooky from work this afternoon and strung more roadside tubing. I can almost see the light at the end , or is that the maple train?
Several more hours and I will have all the tubing up (about 56 more to go.)
I decided not to tap 4 good trees due to the location which is in a blind spot on a heavily traveled road. It just was not worth it. So I just went to plan 'B' and tapped 5 trees at a different location which is much safer.
I have three routes set up with 8 stops on each route. 40 gallon containers at each stop. So If I would get everything almost full it would be about 320 gallons per route. This matches my gathering tank size about right. Also 900 gallons of sap would be enough to handle in and evening:)
Still need to set the containers in position and do the tapping. So several days of work before we have sap flowing. Will wait till the next warm stretch.


01-28-2008, 08:05 PM
Sugarmaker- When you thinking of tapping? Im thinking 16th but im starting to get an irrisistable urge to start drilling holes. I wont be ready till then anyway. I want to see how much sap I get coming out of my lines. Theron

Dave Y
01-28-2008, 08:18 PM
Just be patient. there aren't enough warm days in a row to get your panties in a knot. you will collect enough sap to maybe make 5 or so gallons and then it will set for a couple of weeks. you want to be still boiling come middle of April!

01-28-2008, 08:33 PM

I didn't know you were making maple wine and beer already?? Must be some pretty strong stuff you're drinking.

01-29-2008, 07:39 AM

I've never met a sugarmaker like theron, I was amazed when he told me he wears thongs. Not much material for a knot in them.

I guess he thinks it gives him for agility when working in the woods.

ha ha.

Dennis H.
01-29-2008, 08:06 AM
I hope you are talking about the kind of thongs you wear on your feet!:!:

Dave Y
01-29-2008, 08:29 AM
I dont think they would cover much no matter were he wore them!

01-29-2008, 08:52 AM
what the Indians would have had thongs on when tapping ...lolnot hot pink ones though

01-29-2008, 03:24 PM
Real funny, must be pick on Theeeeeron day. You genetic defects keep talking smack, we'll see who the sugar maker is in a few weeks. Ive gotta run, picking up another bulk tank. Later, Theeeeeron

01-29-2008, 03:37 PM
Theron- the only tank you need is in the little heated room to the right of your evaporator. If you have the kind of run that the r.o. won't handle, I will be down to see it.

andrew martin
01-29-2008, 05:33 PM
Oh my, sounds like the tractor turn a wrong turn some where, and........ended up on a Florida beach.

THeron, if your anxious, just come to KY and help me collect my buckets - averaging 1.5 - 2 gallons of sap per bucket, and today it rained so much we couldn't get in the woods, so they will have to sit for a day until the water gets out of the fields. We hit the mother lode the last two days.


01-29-2008, 07:30 PM
Andrew- One of these springs Ill be down and do a southern maple tour. Right now I have to keep on keeping on. Two gallons a tap is awesome your going to make a ton of syrup. How much have you made allready? Im still not ready but Im getting there. Jerry, the tank I was picking up is the permeate tank. I was going to use a couple totes but I found a good deal on another bulk tank. Im kind of collecting them. Never know when another one may come in handy. Maybe Ill put a few more taps out someday. Theron

01-29-2008, 07:32 PM
...all some men need is thongs.......

01-29-2008, 08:07 PM
Tapping? HUUUUMMMMM? Maybe my sons birthday Feb 12 or Valentines day or maybe the 16 th? I am not to picky. I am usually a day or so behind the neighbors. Cant let them get to far ahead:)

Better check those buckets Usually rain is what turns on a good run. Not good if you cant get to them buckets! My bet is when you do they will be running over!

Still fiddling with Draw off systems! But getting closer thanks to all the traders comments!

I have to get some additional roadside containers and other odds and ends. But IF I didn't do any thing else, I could stop getting ready, tap the trees and make syrup.
Friend of mine says best way to get ready is to go tap. Then you have to make syrup!


01-29-2008, 08:32 PM
Chris- Ill probly have to do that too. Ill get myself ready to death. Weekend of the 16th unless its frozen then its when it thaws. I think ill be pretty much all ready this weekend. Put my permeate tank in place tonight. All I have left is too hook a few more things up and ill be ready. Making syrup is going to seem like im on break after building all this stuff. Theron

01-29-2008, 08:35 PM
Yes after the marathon that you have run standing in one place for several hours will seem just down right relaxing and enjoyable! Man that is a nice looking sugarhouse that you have!


01-29-2008, 08:49 PM
I thought it was time to have an avatar.

An earlier post got me thinking. Glad the wife let me take a picture. She cleans up nice.

super sappy
01-29-2008, 11:41 PM
Royal-Lets see the rest of the pics? What a day today, fixed the flats on the sap wagon, Cleaned up the mess from the homespun nascar event ( undelievable how much punishment an 92 escort wagon will take before it burns up, junk truck coming tomorrow to haul the body away) took the dog to town for coffee and a dog biscuit and get tires fixed. Then spent the afternoon in the woods with the chainsaw clearing junk trees out of a small wet area at the rear of the property. I have a ton of small 4-6 " reds that I started turning loose a few years ago. That next spring we got a major hail storm that really tore them up. I was suprised to see how well they have recovered,some more will have to come out but maybe someday that will turn into a nice wood lot. I finished the day off with a huge brush fire and a cold one. Some times a unexpected day off work is not a bad thing. We have also added about 100 or so taps on tubing this winter. I think that we are just about ready for sap, a few odds and ends and that is it. The plumbers and electrician will not be done at work until thursday so it looks like I will be able to play again on Wed. I have a bunch of firewood to skid out as well as a bunch of swamp poplar. I am not sure what to do with the popple I dont want to bonfire it and I am so far ahead on sugar wood It will rot before I burn it in the evaporator. Any Ideas? -Super Sappy

Dave Y
01-30-2008, 05:09 AM
Tap more trees and get a bigger evaporator. You cant let the wood go to waste.
I started power washing my sap tanks last nite. got 1/2 of them done. My little girl is home for a 3 day visit, so I don't want to work to hard. I still need to put the sugar house together. but I am getting there.

01-30-2008, 05:14 AM
Matt- we knew that all along, do you think that we came over to see you?

01-30-2008, 06:18 AM
Yeah I thought it was funny when she told me you called and talked for a while and asked if there was anything she needed help with while I was away working at the fair last year.

Your just that kinda guy, I appreciate it jerry.

3% Solution
01-30-2008, 07:11 AM
Good morning Mapletraders,

Royal; Now that's a nice pic, where do you live? Need any help with your boiling??

Super Sappy; how big is that poplar? If it's big enough turn it into some mighty fine boards or even some nice blanks!!

Theron; wish you guys had stopped in a while back, never met a guy that bragged about wearing a thong (I would have kept my distance). You do realize that in another month to 6 weeks you are going to be in the same boat as the rest of us thinking "When is this s@*t going to stop running, I've been here for 12 hours already!!" Hope you do well this year!!!

Well, tomorrow I go to Claremont to work on the evaporation enhancement unit.
We have to put it together and pipe it up, check for leaks.
Then to Grainger to get a blower and hook it up.
Then wait for a sap flow and send it on it's maiden voyage!!
I picked up a stainless steel sink (23x23x23) to go in the corner, just got to pipe that up.

We usually tap around February 16, our anniversary, seems to be agood time. We get a small run or two, then when the tidal wave hits we're ready.
Can't wait to see how this new arch and evaporation unit works, I hope they work three quarters as good as I'm hoping for!!!
I'll keep you posted!!


NH Maplemaker
01-30-2008, 08:13 AM
3%. I'm just over here in Cornish!! Would love to see evaporation enhancement unite work some time!! Sounds like it can't miss ! I love it when a plan comes together (for a 1/3 the price) .

01-30-2008, 01:54 PM
In yesterdays paper 3 sugar house where ripped off......One in Franklin and 2 in Fairfield.........I know the guy in Franklin......I heard they hit him pretty good......They need to hang the people who are doing it.......Selling it as scrap metal.............

01-30-2008, 02:33 PM
mike what do you mean

01-30-2008, 03:06 PM
Are they stealing stainless and selling it for scrap?

01-30-2008, 04:50 PM
James and Forester, From what I hear there selling it as scrap metal....I cant see them selling stolen equipment around here, there are to many people who sugar.........I hope they get caught........I use a engraver on all of my stuff and mark it in a bunch of different places....... I even mark the tools and stuff......

3% Solution
01-30-2008, 05:00 PM
Yup **** scum of the earth surfaces again!!!
I guess they have stopped stealing copper from sub-stations, time to hit the sugarhouses again!!!!!
Sorry to hear about this!


01-30-2008, 05:22 PM
3%- Are you definitely going to have your steamaway ready for this season? Itll be interesting to see how effective it is. Those guys stealing copper from the substation sometimes pay big. Every once in a while all they find is a pair of bolt cutters and a bunch of pieces laying all over the place. Some of those grounds are carrying a lot of current working its way back to the big substation transformers. A lot of the guys on here are running new bushes or equipment itll be fun to see how everyone does this year. Theron

01-30-2008, 05:30 PM
3% your welcome to come over anytime and I'll even put you up for the night. I'll make sure my wife is gone!!!


Dave Y
01-30-2008, 05:59 PM
Went to the woods after work today, My daughter is home visiting and wanted to see what the old man had been up to . What a mess if we have another wind storm this winter it will be too soon. Limbs and trees on the lines, got some of them pulled off. I will have to go back with the chain saw. The worst part is a 6in limb fell on top of one of my tanks and smashed the lid in. It will take some pounding to get it back in to shape. I am sick of this wind!

Russell Lampron
01-30-2008, 06:06 PM
Theron wears a thong! I thought he was one of those guys that wore long johns until July and put them back on in August.


01-30-2008, 07:09 PM
had 50 mile an hour winds last night and temp went from 45 at 2 am to -4 tonight. some limb damage but not bad nothing fell on my new mainline. tomorrow back to more latterals


01-30-2008, 08:13 PM
well i was in the basment counting the jugs that are left over form last year and found a mouse living in the bag with 12 of the 4 liter jugs but luckly if i store then in a baox i put the caps on lose but what i did is filled each on with boilling water and then boiled the caps and then dreid them and put them in a plastic barrel with the 20 inch open top and sealed it so no more mouse problems and set up some mouse traps

01-30-2008, 08:33 PM
Should be recieving the RO saturday. Sugarmaster is bringing it over and setting it up for me. Got my perm tank in place. Should have the plumbing, lines, and pump all hooked up saturday and Im hoping to fire up the pump sunday. Start checking vac levels and fixing leaks. Should be ready to rock and roll after this weekend and spend next week or two finetuning. Then its go time. 40's and 20's everyday from feb 16 to April. Gallon a tap every day unless we get a good run. Never underestimate the power of posative thinking, thats what I always say sometimes. Theeeeron

01-30-2008, 08:35 PM
Also, Russ is right I could never stay warm enough in a thong I dont think. I need a lot of heat in the winter. Maybe in the summer. If I try one Ill post some pics for you guys. Theeeron

3% Solution
01-30-2008, 08:37 PM
Hey PATheron,
Yeah I think I'm going to be ok, we don't tap until right around Feb. 16, weather permitting.
Don't usually get any good runs till March, so if we don't have it we're still ahead with the new arch.
That might be better too, learn the new arch get that down pat, then the other unit.
So we still got 3 to 4 weeks, however like I said we just need to put it together and pipe it. Then get a blower.
We'll see, that's all we can do!


01-30-2008, 08:48 PM
3% if you get anywhere near the performance of a commercial one your probly going to come out way ahead becouse Ill bet a new one is a lot more than what youll have in yours. If it does half what a new one does it will be a big step foreward. A new one is like 70% increase or something like that isnt it? Ive never really looked into one much. Theron

3% Solution
01-30-2008, 09:12 PM
Most folks seem to get around 60% which is quite an increase.
They say sap temps of 200 degrees, I can believe that cause it's just a preheater at that point using secondary heat.
If we get 40% to 50% I'm still going to be happy, 40% would be 8 gallons more. 8 gallons is 8 gallons.
Yeah I'll keep you guys posted.


01-30-2008, 09:14 PM
Shhhhhh! It's an enhancement unit, not a steamaway!

3% Solution
01-30-2008, 09:24 PM
Yeah, exactly!!!!
It's an EEU.
Thanks Brandon!!
They don't make them this size anyway.

01-31-2008, 07:26 PM
back in the woods today much nicer 20 degrees and sun .cleaned up limbs from wind then put up more latterals


01-31-2008, 07:46 PM
We have had a lot of good posts on here in Jan. as we prepare for the warmer weather just around the corner.:) Good luck as we enter Feb 08.
