View Full Version : Not yet

03-30-2015, 06:46 PM
Thought it was but just Collected 75 so just going to finish this 325 gal batch and start over tomorrow with 125 hope that's it but the 3/16 was overflowing YOU CANT BELIEVE ME THATS TO BAD THE 3/16 won't quit!!! 5 trees 8 taps 25 gal n overflowing!!!

03-30-2015, 10:02 PM
I went through 150 today, just bottled up 3.5 gallons. Been amber all season, no light, no dark, just amber. i've got enough wood for one more run, then it's game over for me.

03-31-2015, 05:36 AM
Just finished 4.5 gallons. I let it settle and pour off to filter, so it'll probably give about 4 gallons of finished syrup. There's another 120 gallons of sap getting boiled now and I'd guess I'll get that much again in the next few days before shutting it all down.
I finished one gallon in school yesterday on a hot plate with a special needs class. They thought it was great until I had them outside transferring 40 gallons of sap by hand into barrels on a trailer. :)

03-31-2015, 02:30 PM
That's awesome! About the same here just finished 4.5 gal a
Little darker but not dark by all means what flavor! Now 160 to boil now