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03-23-2016, 07:15 PM
Did a great visit out to Mapleland Farms this weekend out your guys way in Washington Co. Heck of a showing they had but Dave Campbell said it was their last weekend of boiling...kind of wonder if this weather changed their minds with 18k taps out on the line...

Good luck to all you other small guys like me, I'm seeing my sugar content creep back up here in Saratoga.

03-24-2016, 08:58 AM
2 of my 3 lines are still running clear. Maybe one more boil left if I get anything good. 29 gallons so far this year. Closing in on my record 35 1/2 last year.

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03-24-2016, 08:23 PM
Going really strong getting my best runs of the season over the past two days. Hit a record of 407 gallons of syrup so far with 3000k taps and looking like great sugaring weather for next week. Still getting clear sap but low sugar content this year. Best reading was 2.1 this year. Niter is starting to build up finally. Sugar maples are holding strong the reds buds are looking pretty swollen.

03-24-2016, 09:00 PM
Going really strong getting my best runs of the season over the past two days. Hit a record of 407 gallons of syrup so far with 3000k taps

3 MILLION taps, holy smokes! :confused:

03-25-2016, 06:29 AM
Got 200 gallons from 200 taps. Not that bad in my book. Low sugar content is making it tough to keep going wood pile is dwindling. Booked my room for openhouse weekend in VT. 2 days of all maple allright...................

lakeview maple
03-25-2016, 09:50 AM
I made 8 gallons yesterday, down to the last of the firewood, enough for the weekend and Im calling it good. Out of the 8 gallons the first 3 were a not quite dark robust a little on the light side the last 5 gallons went back to a amber rich, really nice flavor . Saps not running today ,going to collect what I have looks like around 600 gallons and boil like crazy tomorrow morning.

03-25-2016, 10:14 AM
3 thousand taps lol

lakeview maple
03-25-2016, 08:36 PM
3 thousand taps lol I was getting nervous that you guys were going to try and compete with Crown Maple with 3,000,000 taps ! My final boil probably tomorrow and then Im done for the year. Have a good one ,Allen

03-25-2016, 08:47 PM
Fat lady is singing here. Back pan let out some off smells tonight and syrup has a cooking grade taste. It's been a good season for what we were dealt. Let the cleanup begin......

lakeview maple
03-26-2016, 09:09 PM
Same here today Comstock, finished out the season , tanks are empty, woodshed is empty and 107 Gallons for the books. It was really awesome the last 10 gallons today was all light Amber rich. The sap was really getting cloudy , so I called it done. I ran it all out then flooded the pans with about 6 inches of sap and Ill let them soak for a couple of weeks the power wash out. It was a great season , take care all and God bless ,Allen

03-26-2016, 09:34 PM
Same here boiled 5 gallons of Amber rich. Woodshed is empty sap is still decent but pulling taps tomorrow. Ended up with 40 gallons for the year. I target 30 gallons each year and beat that so I am happy.

04-05-2016, 07:56 AM
Cleanup is almost done. The evaporator is all unbricked and ready to come out of the shack. Pans are at the fab shop and arch is headed there this weekend for some modifications. new steamhood is going to be a nice upgrade for next year and pre-heater. Going to need more taps for next ........

04-05-2016, 11:22 AM
I made 2 barrels of off flavor then made a barrel of DR good tasting. Leaving most of my taps in for this freeze thaw hope I can make 100 more gallons. Even if it is off flavor it's coinage.

lakeview maple
04-05-2016, 04:38 PM
Good for you guys , keep it going . I would still be boiling if the wood pile held out. It wont happen next year , Im going to stockpile so I can boil until the leaves pop,LOL.

lakeview maple
12-25-2016, 07:28 PM
Merry Christmas to all, great day , started with the grandkids in the morning , cooked breakfast for everyone then off to the mtn. Spent a few hours with my son on the hill running new 3/16th lines. I had cut one section out last spring when I was pulling taps and got a chance to replace them today. We got about 1/2 of it ran , ill finish off in the next couple of weeks , then go back through and cut in the drops. Its amazing running the lines and removing over half the mainlines and a third of the saddles.Take care all ,Allen

01-27-2017, 05:28 AM
Seeing whats going on in Washington county. So far i got my tanks and evaporator clean. Ended up adding 1000 taps of 3/16th tubing this year. About 30 cords of wood stacked and ready to go. The filter press is setup and ready to go. I have the Amish coming out on monday to start drilling holes. Heres to a great 2017 season

02-06-2017, 07:44 AM
Ran some 3/16 Saturday and tapped 35 of them and they filled the lines by sunday night. I'm thinking its too early for go time. Still need to plumb new head tank to the preheater, And all the other odd jobs to get ready for the season. Hoping for a couple weeks of cold and snow, we need it here. Good luck everyone on the 17 season. Take care.

lakeview maple
02-06-2017, 09:10 PM
Hey Derrick , its getting close . I'm holding off for another week or so then I'm all in. Ive changed over about 300 and added another 100+ to 3/16th this year. So total this year almost 600 on 3/16th , its could be a busy season, I gotta get down and check out your shack this season. Take care all and may your sap be at 2%, Allen

02-08-2017, 12:20 PM
LVm, you still running the sap puller?

lakeview maple
02-08-2017, 05:18 PM
LVm, you still running the sap puller? Probably not this year, Ive changed over 3/4 of my main woods to 3/16th and added at least another 100 on my main woods that I might not tap the woods where I use the Guzzler. If things get slow or I don't get the production from the 3/16th lines that I anticipate then Ill tap it. Its a nice little piece with about 112 taps but I have to transport it ,where as the other woods all run to the sugarhouse.

lakeview maple
02-14-2017, 06:06 PM
Hey everyone, this is it the big push to get it all done . I'm going all in starting Thursday and Friday, hopefully I get it all done with the extra snow we got. If not Ill hammer away at it , cant wait to see what the new 3/16th lines are going to produce, 100 ft drop on some of them average of 20+ per run. Good luck to everyone ,Al

02-14-2017, 08:10 PM
Nice lvm how it goes smooth. I am holding out for another couple of weeks.

lakeview maple
02-16-2017, 05:37 PM
I got about 300 done this afternoon ,quit when it got dark. The good part is I got almost all the new 3/16th done. Going to hit it early tomorrow morning and try to get all the taps that go to the main bulk tank done first , then Ill work on the other lines. ADK1 why are you waiting the next week looks really good ,your weather isn't much different than mine. Hope it works out for you. Good luck all ,Al

02-16-2017, 08:51 PM
Heading to leader this weekend to pick up my new stainless stack. Way behind the 8 ball this year

Flat Lander Sugaring
02-18-2017, 04:42 AM
Heading to leader this weekend to pick up my new stainless stack. Way behind the 8 ball this year

see you there hopefully hey still have taps for sale

02-18-2017, 05:51 AM
Hard saying if they will. I bought all my taps at the open house last spring. The only thing I am picking up is my stainless stack and some between the pan gasket

lakeview maple
02-18-2017, 06:51 AM
I had a nice stream of sap from the mainline yesterday afternoon, Ill be at the sugarhouse this morning reinstalling the head tank and cleaning up the post construction mess. Ive got about 200 taps along the brook line to do . I finished the mtn yesterday , let it run ,I'm ready to go.

02-18-2017, 05:42 PM
put out 35 taps on 2-15-17; 65 on 2-16-17; 99 on 2-18-17

02-19-2017, 07:09 AM
see you there hopefully hey still have taps for salewhat time were u there

Flat Lander Sugaring
02-21-2017, 04:56 AM
what time were u therearound 8 I think

02-21-2017, 07:30 AM
Finished some plumbing to the headtank last night. Got all setup and started a fire 7:00 pm and kicked off the 2017 season for us. Loving the hood and pre-heater, warm condensate will be awesome to have on hand. The new upgrades to the evaporator seem to be working great. Let the sap flow.... It's good to be back at it again.

lakeview maple
02-21-2017, 08:12 PM
Hey all , had a great day, the new 3/16th lines performed awesome, the sap was flowing really well. Finished the day with 8 gallons of Amber rich . Not a bad way to start the season, emptied the bulk tank and washed it out. Checked it 20 minutes later and there was almost 20 gallons of sap back in it ,and that was at 730 at night. Cant wait to see whats there in the morning, ive got some general cleanup and maintenance to take care of then back to firing wood. Have a great season all ,Allen

02-26-2017, 05:58 AM
How's everyone doing out there?? This weather is odd to say the least..... 72 degrees here on Saturday and Sunday morning it's 28. I finished up everything Thursday night and cleaned out everything yesterday hope to start fresh today. Putting out some buckets and adding some taps today. 3/16 was running at 5:00 pm last night could not believe my eyes. Let the sap flow!!!!

02-26-2017, 03:20 PM
Good to here Derick. We have boiled everyday for a week straight. Saturdays syrup was dark but had great flavor. The weather sure is whacky. From 70 degrees to snow in less than 12 hours. The warm weather had some of the red maples swelling. Should be another week of great sappin. Take care Dave

lakeview maple
02-27-2017, 07:33 AM
I checked the tank yesterday and had about 150 gallons at 4pm,it was still running then. I headed down with my new to me stainless tank and I'm tapping the brook run this morning. Adding another 200 taps into the mix, looks like some descent weather so lets bring on the tsunami of sap!!! Good luck all and may your sap be 3%,Al

lakeview maple
02-27-2017, 08:38 PM
Great day today, tapped the brook run around 2:30 today and collected 150 from it as of 9pm tonight. The 3/16th lines are still flowing ,that's 150 gallons from 200 taps . I boiled of 6 gallons tonight , nice amber rich . I'm headed back down tomorrow morning still had 250 to go, it was flowing pretty well all afternoon. Awesome syrup weather ,hopefully it keeps up for a few days.

lakeview maple
02-28-2017, 08:20 PM
Just an update , 26+ gallons so far , all Amber rich , gotta love the bubbler. Tanks are empty and Ill do a cleanup of them tomorrow getting ready for the next good freeze.

Flat Lander Sugaring
02-28-2017, 08:42 PM
24 gal since sunday.

lakeview maple
03-07-2017, 05:55 PM
WOW, its been slow ,nothing running . Pans are cleaned , tanks are cleaned now the waiting game. I went and checked the bulk tank tonight had about 25 gallons in there . It looked pretty gnarly from the ice cleaning out the lines so I dumped and rinsed. Hoping it runs all night or at least tomorrow. Hoping for better weather coming soon but it doesn't look good the rest of the week except maybe one day. We shall see, maybe Flat Lander needs to do the Arizona sap dance?

lakeview maple
03-10-2017, 07:48 AM
Flat lander must have danced, we had a really good run Tuesday into Wednesday, collected and boiled like crazy for 2 days. 16 gallons + all dark robust, I cleaned the pans after the first day of 7 + and it still was coming off DR . Lots of niter as well , it has a great flavor and it was a good run . Ill take another 5 or 6 days of runs like that ,
44 + gallons for the year so far ,what a blessing.

Flat Lander Sugaring
03-10-2017, 10:56 PM
I did the dance, last couple days we have gathered close to 700 gallons. I have filled all three kegs, 3 gallons in quarts and a couple gallon jugs. I still have about 7 gallons in a couple milk cans. So right around 50 to 55 gallons. Tapping gravity lines this weekend.

03-11-2017, 07:23 PM
Wow what a busy paat couple of weeks. Went to Bascoms this morning and picked up some bottles. Will be jugging up syrup all weekend. Wicked wind storm but this cold is just what we needed.

lakeview maple
03-18-2017, 06:12 PM
WOW !!! what a morning , first we were having an open house then I cancelled due to lack of sap then I was having it due to a good run on Friday afternoon. So I went down with the intent to boil what I had and not put out the open house sign. I got there and everything was frozen HARD!! So I started the unthaw process and in between I had 6 cars of people stop, we tapped trees , drank cocoa , sold a little syrup and finally after being there since 8am at 1:30 pm I got it all unfrozen. I boiled for 2 hours , had a couple of oh SH_T moments , urgently carried in buckets from the bulk tank and then things were good. The head tank let loose and the sap flowed. It was all good, some kids found out about Maple syrup, we tapped trees and made a little syrup. It will all be there tomorrow, came home to corn beef and cabbage and a keg of Switchback, life is good. Ill be there tomorrow after church around 1pm and we will see what happens.

03-20-2017, 06:45 AM
After an 11 day break in the action due to the weather I finally started again yesterday. Ice is gone sap is flowing great and looking to make a lot of syrup. Up to 23 gallons so far with a good ways to go. Lots of wood left in the wood shed too. First year using 3/16 and its performance is so fantastic that everything is getting switched over.

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03-20-2017, 01:40 PM
Been pretty busy here on the hill. Sugar content is running low. A lot of wood burned = not a lot of syrup made. Running the little RO constant now is helping with that. Overall not a bad year, just crazy swings in the weather. Hoping to save enough sap for the weekend tour. I hope the temps will hold out for a couple more weeks of good sap. Let it flow....

03-20-2017, 07:31 PM
We boiled today. Great tasting amber syrup. Sap was flowing hard today to. Will be boiling tomorrow looking like a great year. Within last years numbers.

lakeview maple
03-21-2017, 06:01 PM
Finished off the bulk tank today, everything but 20 gallons left. Made 12.5 gallons today season total now at 75 gallons for the season, right on track for another 100+ gallon season. Going to empty the pans tomorrow ,get everything cleaned up and hopefully get ready for the next run . Looks like Thursday might be it. Good luck all, Al

03-21-2017, 08:20 PM
Small run today in Whitehall only collected about 90 gallons off of 247 taps. I was expecting more with the the temps we had. Waiting for the next break in the weather

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03-21-2017, 10:38 PM
Had a pretty decent day collected 2800 gallons of sap. Syrup is amber still. Cold for a couple days. Should get another reset for the weekend

lakeview maple
03-27-2017, 06:16 AM
We boiled off the 200 in the tank on Saturday , made 4 gallons of vdr . I cleaned the tanks and the pans getting ready for this week. Checked the tanks at 7pm last night and it was running hard , had about 450 gallons so Ill be lighting the fire this morning. These cold wet days are a tough one to boil in , seems like the arch doesn't want to get going even with the auf. Could be the end is near, the trees aren't budding yet but the temps are sneaking up fast. Have a good week everyone ,Al

03-28-2017, 11:57 AM
Had a good weekend at the shack. Had a good turn out on Saturday, but Sunday was a lot slower. Made a couple gallons of dark which is a lot for a tour weekend. Looks like maybe some more sap in the forecast but the end is near. Good luck to the rest of the season. Let it flow.....

03-28-2017, 06:11 PM
Collected 220 gallons today off of 247 taps, on a 36 hour run. The sap is down to 2% now. I have officially made more than I ever have before, surpassing 35.5 gallon mark set in 2015. I am hoping to make it to 45 gallons and the weather might just cooperate with that plan. I ended up with 6 3/4 gallons for the day.

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lakeview maple
03-28-2017, 09:14 PM
Started out yesterday with 600 gallons in the main tank and another 200 in the brook run tank. I boiled off 7.75 gallons of vdr and called it a night with 150 left in the tank. I got a kinda late start today, got to the sugarhouse loaded the cage tank and pump and went to the brook tank. It was an inch from the top, 400 gallons and it was running pretty descent. Pumped it out and went to the sugarhouse and couldn't unload. The main tank was full , so a GREAT day for sap. I had around 875 to start the day , I boiled until 4pm, I had a commitment to make, but the good news is made another 7 plus and I had room for the cage tank in my truck. Ill be there tomorrow at 7am lighting the fire ,going to try and finish it all off . It just makes me shake my head at times, on the days you would swear that your going to have a gusher you get nothing, on the days when your not expecting anything you get the flood, Good luck everyone.

Flat Lander Sugaring
03-28-2017, 09:43 PM
Sorry Allen 500 gal sap,15 gal syrup 4 hrs all done waiting for more 93 as of tonight.

03-29-2017, 06:01 PM

I hope this part of the season is behind us. This was a few weeks ago but I finally figured out how to post photos.

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03-30-2017, 02:05 PM
Running very well today. Approximately 250 gallons off of 247 taps. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170330/32b0a2f41d9800a0ef4dcb5254ce4c79.jpg

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04-02-2017, 12:40 PM
Off to a fantastic start today almost 350 gallons to boil down https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170402/7e9bbf9132f1900a0730bdf8dc573974.jpg

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04-02-2017, 08:08 PM
I was watching the buds come out here in Whitehall today and the sugar content evaporate on me. Last boil and will make just over 50 gallons. Fantastic season

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04-02-2017, 08:20 PM
Please God give us another week lol

04-10-2017, 07:16 AM
Had a good year here on the hill. The weather was odd again for sure. The syrup this year was darker than usual but has a excellent flavor to it. Clean up is almost done and taps all pulled. Have a few things to do for next year. I think I'm going to start cutting more under growth this year and clean up my woods more. Good luck to everyone that's still going.....

lakeview maple
04-10-2017, 04:58 PM
Ive been done for about a week now, the sugar just dropped to low for it to be worth boiling. Looking seriously at an RO for next season, I dumped at least 2000 gallons that was below 1% or at that level. I wont dump it next season. Had a good year , topped last seasons totals and your right on track Derrick, the syrup turned darker at my halfway point and no matter what I did it wouldn't come back up, its got great flavor but all DR .Looking to build a preheater as well with a hood , very happy with sap totals with the 3/16th lines I ran . Kinda cool when I tap less and get more because of the 3/16th lines. Good luck all and have a great summer.Al

04-10-2017, 06:16 PM
All done had my last boil today. Had my best year ever despite the weird weather. Glad everyone did well this year. Next time Allen give me a call i would have gladly taken the sap.

lakeview maple
05-20-2017, 07:38 AM
Next season Dave you and your dad need to give me a shout ,I'm adding taps and I'm going to add selling sap as well as making syrup.

lakeview maple
01-15-2018, 07:36 PM
Hi all, been a busy year with the bee hives and the farmers market. I walked the mtn today checking lines, had a lot of trees down but thankfully nothing drastic on the lines. I had a few branches here and there and 1 broken line looks like a deer chewed it between trees. I'm looking to punch in here very shortly and let the lines run the crud out. Sugarhouse looks great and I'm excited for a new season, let me here from you all.

lakeview maple
01-20-2018, 09:21 PM
Spent the morning on the Mtn replacing lines. I had cut down a bunch of old laterals last spring ,replaced them with 3/16 th laterals today. Came home and worked in the barn for a few hours on bee stuff , then a couple hours in the living room making drops for the new lines. How's everyone else doing ,take care all, Al

01-23-2018, 04:35 PM
Crazy weather to say the least... Been up on the hill several times to remove branches and cut a few blow downs. Lost one good tree and had to fix some mainline that suffered that wrath. Hopefully temps will drop back down and build a snow pack in the next couple weeks. I'm going to hold out on tapping till last minute this year. I think I jumped the gun last year and taps weren't producing at the end of season. Good luck to all....

02-10-2018, 02:48 PM
All tapped out now, aside from buckets, in Cambridge area

lakeview maple
02-10-2018, 07:42 PM
I'm tapping in on Monday, hopefully I get most of them in depends on how deep the snow is. Looks like the season is about to start, bring it on I can't wait.Good luck everyone and may your sap be 2%

02-17-2018, 02:57 PM
Boiled 300 gallons of sap today

lakeview maple
02-18-2018, 04:32 PM
Finished tying up loose ends today, it ran very little collected maybe 100 gallons , good to flush the lines. I'm hoping to get a couple good runs this week to sweeten the pans . Everything is falling into place, Have a great season all,Al

02-19-2018, 10:52 AM
I’m waiting on a new stack taper and pipe from leader that won’t be around until March 2 but I hope to have everything in place by then if we can hold out another 10 to 14 days it would be fantastic. I hate to miss the early part but my hands are tied this point

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02-20-2018, 09:20 AM
Got 2/3 of the taps in so far. Nice to be back at it again. Glad it was running some to clear out the lines and then in the tank they went. That's a first for me to have happen in the same day. Hoping for a great year, some lighter syrup would be a pulse after last year. The 3/16 lines are very impressive to say the least. Been pulling anywhere from 14in to 18in on it. Well worth the money spent to change over. Looks like some very nice temps next couple of weeks to really get things rolling. Good Luck To Everyone.

lakeview maple
02-20-2018, 06:39 PM
Hey Derrick, good to see you here, I checked some lines this afternoon, 27,25,24 inches of vacuum. Awesome just awesome. I'm waiting for the flood this weekend. Have a great season everyone.

02-27-2018, 02:09 PM
Glad to be back at it. Had the rig up and running sat and sun for a few hrs each night and everything went great. Sugar is low 1.3-1.5 hope that comes around some. Thinking a bigger RO is on the list for next year. All in all was very happy with how its going so far. Looks like good temps for the next week and a half. I'm ready let it flow!!!!

lakeview maple
02-27-2018, 07:10 PM
I boiled yesterday made 5 + AR , sugar was running around 1.6 . I was expecting a typhoon today and nada, nothing ,5 gallons of sap in the tank. It was 30 degrees last night and 50 today. Weird season so far, hopefully it gets better by the end of the week.

03-04-2018, 11:11 AM
Been going good so far. Even with this wacky weather. Sugar has came up some to around 1.7. The small RO has been working over time. Color and taste have been excellent this year. Take care.

lakeview maple
03-04-2018, 11:32 AM
Haven't had a sap run since 2/26 .Had a couple really small runs of 50 gallons or so, not enough to fire up the evaporator. The weather just isn't cooperating yet, I know its coming but I'm getting impatient. So Ive washed everything, cleaned it all ,walked lines and fixed squirrel holes. They have been really bad this year and now I'm waiting for the Tsunami to hit, bring it on ,flood me ,LOL .Hope everyone has a great season ,Al

03-07-2018, 06:29 AM
I just finished tapping 275 this year. 125 on the old 5/16 gravity and increased 3/16 up to 150 taps. This will be the last year with the older 5/16 it just doesn’t measure up to what the 3/16 can do. Once this storm rolls through I will be ready to boil. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180307/b42a024a194ae2d68aaa73db925ab462.jpg

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lakeview maple
03-07-2018, 06:31 AM
I had a great run yesterday, picked up almost 600 gallons. The brook run with 125 taps produced over 250 gallons itself , note to self tap that first next season. Boiling today in the storm,good day to be in the sugarhouse . Be safe everyone with the weather,Al

03-12-2018, 08:19 AM
Between 6 PM Saturday night and 3 PM Sunday night my collection tank filled right to the top I caught it just to the point where it started to pour over another 275 gallons of sap and running fantastic have to see what today brings in terms of sap load I’m probably going to be completely swamped. Running just shy of 2%

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03-13-2018, 11:06 AM
Kinda the same here. Flooded for a couple days. Finally got my parts and pieces together for a small RO build I'm doing, Hope to try it out on next run. Let it flow......

03-22-2018, 11:18 AM
Looks like It may thaw out today, need some sap before the weekend. Temps look real good for next two weeks and I hope its right. Be nice two get a little higher sugar content out of these runs, my fingers are crossed.....

03-24-2018, 07:52 PM

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03-24-2018, 07:53 PM
Started collecting again yesterday. Not running great but I got 250 yesterday an another 125 or so today. Running at two percent and can’t wait for the warmer weather to show up.

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03-26-2018, 06:05 PM
Collected 230 gallons today. No boiling however I’m doing some mid season cleaning. It’s amazing how much sugar sand I can get from just 20 gallons of syrup.

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lakeview maple
03-26-2018, 08:41 PM
Collected 700+ gallons last two days, made 15 gallons of DR . Cleaning pans and walking lines tomorrow. Ive got one main line that wasn't doing anything thinking it came apart . The season is still slow here , my sap is running low% , its all good, about 75 % of last season so I'm on track .

03-27-2018, 07:01 PM
I only collected 140 gallons today so I walked my lines and found a few adapters out of the taps so I got things patched back up and things should be much better tomorrow. I’m going to check the other half of my 3/16 tomorrow morning to make sure that is good.

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03-30-2018, 10:14 AM
If we can hold out thru this warm up the temps looking good for the next couple of weeks. Boiled some 4 percent the other night, have to be on your toes with that stuff. Makes it nice to keep up thou. take care.....

lakeview maple
04-01-2018, 03:42 PM
I checked the tanks today had about 200 of milky sap, I dumped it and cleaned tanks getting ready for this week . The weather looks good for the next couple of nights and later in the week. I'm at about 60% of last year, hoping to make it all up this week. Thankful for what I have so far.

Flat Lander Sugaring
04-01-2018, 04:02 PM
163 as of today, last year total 139. I have 200 less taps this year. Filled my 33 gal barrel today, only thing left is my 40 and 5 gal jugs.

lakeview maple
04-02-2018, 08:39 PM
I went and checked the sugarhouse tonight, it was 28 this morning and it hit 50 here today. I was certain I would have 500 plus in the tanks.......................... 40 gallons.
That's it 40 gallons total, I would be lying to say I'm not disappointed. I'm hoping tomorrow is a better day but if not I'm pulling the plug Sunday. Disappointing season here, never had a tsunami of sap , didn't have the oh crap day mu tanks are going to overflow like the last two years. Its all good tho, Ro next season, adding some more taps . Rant over, lol

04-02-2018, 10:01 PM
I feel you Lakeview i cleaned all my tanks in the sugar house and in woods Sat expecting one last good run today. Pumps were running at 9 am when i checked them went to bed at noon with visions of near full tanks when i got up for work. Checked my tanks and had about 35 gallons out of 217 taps. Shut the pumps off and came to work. Im going to figure up my totals tonight and boil the pans out in the morning with permeate. It was my best year so far with the lowest tap count ive had in 5 years.

Flat Lander Sugaring
04-05-2018, 07:46 PM
we shut pumps off tuesday, turned back on this morning. we had 20 gallons MAYBE. gravity doing better but it has not ran in a few days gather tomorrow boil raw sap or maybe one pass in RO. If no more by this weekend we might be done we are up to 170

lakeview maple
04-09-2018, 07:32 AM
Last boil last night, boiled off 180 gallons in the tank, I dumped the 40 from the other tank. It just never really ran here all week . I walked lines looked for leaks , did what I think is normal maintenance and it just wasn't happening. Its all good tho, I'm thankful for what I did get . As a side note to Flatlanders and I's conversation about 3/16th plugs. I have found on my steep grades there were no issues with gunk build up , but on a couple of long flatter runs it was there . Just makes me want to reconfigure the runs to keep them at a steeper angle. These are the 3 year old ones , the newer ones had no buildup. Ill just move those lines to catch a different mainline .Hope everyone has a great spring and enjoy the summer . God bless, Al

Flat Lander Sugaring
04-12-2018, 05:26 AM
made 5 gal last night of something, I say has different taste GF says its tastes good. does not smell sweet when boiling any more. I should be up around 185 now. Some one dropped off a coors beer keg out behind sugar house must have fallen from the beer gods.

04-16-2018, 07:29 AM
Had a good season here. The RO helped out a lot this year with all the low sugar sap. Worth its weight in gold..... Ended with 25 gallons of great tasting syrup so no complaints here. Took down two trees behind the shack to make room for the Tank/RO room. One thing I love the most is Expanding and making everything more efficient. Just got a store shelf out in Colorado so that's going to be a big step up for us to keep them happy with syrup. Let the clean up begin..... Have a great summer everyone...:cool:

lakeview maple
02-09-2019, 08:34 PM
Hey all, where are all the Washington county sugar makers at??? Its been really quiet here on Trader, I spent the afternoon in the woods setting up a new 200 tap bush, and ill be at the sugarhouse Monday getting it all ready for the sap tsunami. So give me a shout and let everyone know how your doing. Take care and hope for a great season.

lakeview maple
02-12-2019, 07:22 PM
Hi all, here we are again with another snow storm that's not needed. I finished the new bush and started working at the sugarhouse. I got about 175 on line down there with another 500 to go. Ill be there tomorrow after I plow out from this last mess. Things are shaping up well hopefully Ill be boiling in the next week or so.

02-12-2019, 09:00 PM
hey lakeview, glad that u are gearing up. yeah we have 10” on the ground and its still coming down. i have done some woods work vut thats about it. not very shipshape this year yet.

lakeview maple
02-18-2019, 07:37 PM
Im tapping on Wednesday, I spent the day at the sugarhouse on Friday cleaning and getting everything ready. I did a bunch of woods work last week also, really sick of the snow storms. So things are starting to fall into place hopefully it all goes well.

02-21-2019, 04:40 AM
Hello everyone. Been busy here finishing up some loose ends in the tank/ro room. Checked over the woods on Monday and start drilling holes tomorrow. Hope everyone has an awesome season. Take care.

03-04-2019, 09:56 AM
Looks like the cold weather is holding on. Got 220 in so for and should finish with about 300 altogether. Looked back in my notes the last several years and we have boiled atleast 2-3 times by now. Thinking its going to be a fast and furious kinda year. I'll clean the evap tomorrow and be ready to go. Most of the tanks have nice icebergs building so that a plus. Take care

lakeview maple
03-04-2019, 04:44 PM
Hey Derrick, ive got 300 to go and Ill be all in at around 850. I really cant wait for this season to finally get rolling, it does look like it could a short one. Ive got a little tuning up to do at the sugarhouse and I should be ready to go. Good luck everyone, hope you all have a great and safe season.

lakeview maple
03-13-2019, 07:44 PM
Hi all , well I'm short on my goal, I was shooting for 800 but I stopped at 630 taps. Its all good with time constraints and all but I did tap a new woods which looks promising. I checked my calendar at the sugarhouse and last season at this time I had boiled 7 times and made 35 gallons. First boil tonight sweetened the pans and drew off a gallon of Delicate tonight. It was still running when I left the sugarhouse at 8Pm tonight. So I cleaned the tanks and Im ready to see what tomorrow brings. Have a great night and hopefully the next couple of weeks gives us a great season.

lakeview maple
03-15-2019, 07:49 PM
Follow up for today, I had about 300 gallons to boil off , was not running today at all. I boiled it off and made 6 gallons of Light and Delicate. Really nice stuff, had a sugarhouse full of kids and adults, we tapped a few trees and hung some buckets. Great way to start the weekend, looks good for some colder nights coming up . Good luck all and God bless

03-18-2019, 09:58 AM
Finally got too boil Friday night. Great to be back at it for the season. Got the rig all sweetend up and made a couple gallons of amber on sunday afternoon. Sap started too roll in on Sunday around noon. Boiled everything we had and cleaned all the tanks. I'm ready for the flood LOL. Finished tapping on Sat morning puts us at 280 for the year. Hope they put out some sap because the 14 day forecast doesn't look that good for me high 55 and low 38. It will be fun while it last. Take care

03-27-2019, 09:53 AM
Been going pretty good here so far. Sugar started out at 1.8 then topped out at 2.2 and back down now at 1.5. So the RO is getting a work out, but working great for the money I have into it. Made all Amber so far with nice light color and great flavor. Thinking that the RO'ed sap helps get the syrup out of the pans quicker is a big part of the lighter color. I'm loving the new tank room it has been a big improvement for us this year. Hope everything is going well for everyone else. Take care

lakeview maple
03-28-2019, 04:30 PM
Hi all, I boiled yesterday made 8 gallons of DR, at 60 gallons for the year which is almost what my season was last year. Looks like at least another week of good sap weather coming up. Ive got 850 collected today , so ill be at it early tomorrow morning. The sap started out at 2.4 but has been hanging around 1.7 for the last week. Last year the high I had for sap was 1.7 so im happy with the good start. Have a great weekend ,Al

lakeview maple
03-30-2019, 09:32 PM
Hi everyone, boiled off the last of the sap today, made 5 gallons of VDR. Its taste great just really dark. The niter this year is crazy heavy, almost like mud in the pan. I emptied all the tanks today, scrubbed everything out in anticipation of this weeks run. Im at 80 gallons for the year ,which is better than last season, the sap is still running at 2.2 -2.5 you cant complain about that. Have a great weekend all .

04-08-2019, 07:21 AM
Been a crazy season to say the least here. 3 weeks of fast and furious. Had one small area that was a problem, but with some changes to the way the mainline and it should work out fine. Bottled 30 gallons this year, highest year so far. So on to the cleanup got most of that done yesterday. Should have a busy summer changing a lot of things in the woods. take care

lakeview maple
02-02-2020, 04:22 PM
Hey everyone, looks like ill start drilling the end of this week. I've been doing a lot of cleanup in the woods the last 2 weeks and the weather looks good. no upgrades except putting power in the sugarhouse versus tapping the power from the barn. The electrician will hopefully have it up and going in the next 2 weeks. Then maybe next year we can look at a RO. Hope you all have a great season, God bless ,Al

02-13-2020, 01:29 PM
Got a few hours in the woods last weekend, cleaned up some blow downs and added some more line. Good to be back at it for the year. Hopefully start tapping tomorrow, Keep up with the valentines tradition. Here's to a great season everyone.

02-23-2020, 05:12 PM
South east facing trees started running today.

02-26-2020, 11:02 AM
Lit the fire last night, awesome to be back at it again. Sugar was low ,but to be expected as the sap was getting some time sitting in the tanks. Got the rig all plumbed up and filled with sweet. Hopefully we are set to go full tilt now. Tap count is still unknow as we forgot to count most of the hill here. One thing I know is I have 60 on a remote spot, LOL. Good Luck to a great season everyone.. LET IT FLOW !!!!

03-04-2020, 09:55 AM
It's flowing..lol The sap has been coming in steady for over 48 hrs. The little RO will getting a work out tonight and tomorrow. Sugar is 2%, hoping the temps will drop down some to give a little recoup time.

lakeview maple
03-04-2020, 09:05 PM
Started boiling yesterday for a couple of hours just to make room in the tank. Lit the fire at 10:30 this morning and made 8 gallons of light amber. The sap coming off the mtn is at 2.5% the bush on Lake road gave me 250 gallons of sweet 2.6%. thank you very much. Im going to collect the brook run tomorrow and get ready for a long weekend of boiling. Great start to the season so far, hoping for bigger syrup days . Its been a slow start trying to get the sugarhouse wiring all finished , YEAH I got electrical service in this year. Who knows maybe next year will be a RO year, lol. Hope everyone has a great year,Al

lakeview maple
03-06-2020, 06:10 PM
Hi all ,another good day boiling. Made 10 gallons of a medium amber, seems dark for the beginning of the season . I'm going to collect in the morning, I have another 350 to collect from today. I'll boil it off and clean the pans. Hope everyone is having a great season.

03-06-2020, 07:38 PM
Put taps out last two days have 94 in with 35 more left to go. headed tomorrow to pick up some 2x6 drop flue pans then come home build an arch and boil the 84gallons i got today of 94 taps. Have a shurflow pump on the only line i have run with 35 taps and collected 45 gallons from it rest are buckets. got out of the sugaring thing for a few yrs due to confict with work hrs. Back at it last minute like normal. Everyone have a great season and enjoy i know i will.

03-10-2020, 08:08 AM
Welcome back CPmaple, and Good luck too you. Things got a little hectic for sure last couple days, But all in all keep up pretty good. Sugar has been tad low here with no real freeze to speak of. Hoping that it will come around some by end of week. Take care...

lakeview maple
03-20-2020, 08:41 PM
Hi all, boiled today , started by dumping the main tank at the sugar house.it had 300 gal of .5 %. I collected at the other 2 and averaged 1.5, about 300 gallons so I boiled off 5.5 gallons ,cleaned the tank and Ill wait to see what this week brings. Im at 55 gallons for the year so Im not for from last season. Hope everyone is having a good year, Good to see you back Chad.

lakeview maple
01-13-2021, 09:09 PM
How all, hope your 2020 is behind you and our next season looks good. I've got 500 taps ready and another 150 +to go. I'm not sure how this season is going to go as I've got 0 frost in the ground. Anyways a big hello to you all and I hope you have a great season.

02-16-2021, 04:16 AM
Zero frost here in crown point also. Hope to get some what of a season enough snow on the ground gonna make for fun gathering 156buckets. Hoping to tap in Saturday or Sunday this coming weekend.

lakeview maple
02-16-2021, 09:26 PM
Hey CP, good to see you back. I've got about 200 left to change out and I'll be ready to punch in. I'm looking at drilling in the next 2 weeks. It looks like a warm trend coming. The frost finally settled in here and I'm hoping the snow pack helps prolong the season. Hope you have a great season, Al

02-22-2021, 06:22 AM
Hello everyone, Here's to a great season. Tapped 150 yesterday and felt real good to be at it again. Need to fix a few more things in another section of woods. And we'll be tapping another 150 and that will be enough for this year. See the temps are starting to turn. Hope all is well with everyone. Let it flow...

lakeview maple
02-25-2021, 07:36 PM
Hi everyone, I've got about 2/3rds of my woods tapped, I'll probably have it all finished by tomorrow. Had a small run today, it was great to see the sap running out of the pipe line. Hopefully I'll be boiling in the next week, wish everyone a great season and may your sugar all test high.

lakeview maple
02-28-2021, 05:45 PM
Hi all, I finished tapping yesterday afternoon. Did some work around the sugarhouse and called it a day. I went and checked tanks today,I've got about 600 gallons of 1.4 to start boiling with tomorrow morning. I'm disappointed in the low sugar but I've got to start somewhere. Hope it gets higher with the cold weather coming Monday night.

lakeview maple
03-13-2021, 04:46 PM
Hi all, boiled last week and sweetened the pans
I boiled again last Monday and pulled off 4.5 light amber and did 6.75 gallons of light amber again today. The sugar has been running on the low side so far this season. Not a great start but it's a start ,hope everyone has a great season.

lakeview maple
02-12-2022, 07:27 AM
Started tapping yesterday,I got about 300 done but I've got a long way to go. The going was tough,the snow was really wet which made for slippery going on the side hills. I'm hoping to finish this week and be boiling by Saturday. Take care all I hope everyone has a great season.

03-01-2022, 08:42 PM
First year in Washington County - we were in Town of Saratoga previously. Tapped about a week and a half ago, 38 maple taps and 12 black walnut. Last week we got 40 gallons of maple sap, 15 of walnut. Boiled the maple first and got a nice light first run; boiled the walnut on Sunday, about 10 gallons of sap (tossed the ice), and got nearly a quart. First year with walnut and it's great! Went out and put in 13 more walnut taps to see what we can get. If anything, we'll be limited by wood to burn - don't know if we have enough after the move here...good luck everyone!

03-14-2022, 02:51 PM
Washington County neighbors,

Anyone in the area willing to part with 200-300 gallons of sap for the right price? I am just across the river in Schuylerville/Stillwater area. DM if you have any you're willing to offload, I'm worried my season is over without the infusion.

lakeview maple
03-19-2022, 07:54 PM
It's been an interesting season so far, I've had huge sap runs but all of it really sugar content,mostly around 1.3 . The highest I've had was 1.4 ,I'm really hoping for this cold weather coming this week to raise the content. I've been very blessed that last April I bought a D&G ro. It's a small unit ,takes out half the water. I'm happy that it's turning that low sugar into 2.5 or better. I've made 52 gallons so far and it looks like we have another week to go at least. Hopefully I don't run out of wood first, hope you all have a great season.

lakeview maple
03-19-2022, 07:56 PM
It's been an interesting season so far, I've had huge sap runs but all of it really low sugar content,mostly around 1.3 . The highest I've had was 1.4 ,I'm really hoping for this cold weather coming this week to raise the content. I've been very blessed that last April I bought a D&G ro. It's a small unit ,takes out half the water. I'm happy that it's turning that low sugar into 2.5 or better. I've made 52 gallons so far and it looks like we have another week to go at least. Hopefully I don't run out of wood first, hope you all have a great season.

03-20-2022, 04:47 AM
Lakeview glad you are having good runs. I've made 24 gallons to date. Sugar here been around 2.0-2.2 most of the season gonna clean tanks this morning hoping for a few more good runs before I call it quits. Mid April I'm off to order new evaporator going to order the 2x6 vision. My drop flue is already sold at end of season. Gonna be a huge investment for me but it's one of those things I love doing. Hope you have a great remaining season an sap runs at 2% for you. Cpmaple (chad)

04-01-2022, 05:42 AM
Hi everyone. Been a crazy season here as well. Lower side on the sugar content. Lots of trees down in the woods. But all in all a fun time. The short seasons always remind me of farming it makes you appreciate the bounty of your crop. Take care.

02-10-2023, 11:16 AM
Tapping our maples today, and they're running well already. Much less production on these maples than our previous home, but have an added bonus of a black walnut grove. They tapped well and we got about a gallon of black walnut syrup. Going to tap maybe 40-50 black walnuts this year and hope for good runs. Good luck this season everyone!

03-07-2023, 08:40 PM
Less than a month in, and already we have bottled 5 gallons of syrup. MUCH better than last year when we only got about 4 for the whole season. Trees have been running, and we have 60 gallons waiting to boil, and 20 gallons of walnut. Hope for ~8 gallons to get us through the year!

03-16-2023, 07:31 PM
Hello all. Been a great year so far. Saps been coming in around 1.5 normal for us thou. Wood was running low so went out hunting for slab wood. Looks like few more runs then time to clean up. 23 gallons so far. Take care all.

03-18-2023, 07:18 AM
Crazy to say, but looks like tomorrow will be our last boil of the year. We have a little over 40 gallons in storage bins, and this last boil will get us up over 10 for the year - most we've ever done!

Amazingly, we put in 40 walnut taps but have only made a little over 1/2 gallon of syrup - last year we needed it to get through but this year we're focused on maple.

03-28-2023, 06:58 AM
Waited one extra day and did our last boil last Monday. Finished up our best year ever - 11 gallons of maple, and 1 gallon of walnut. The walnut trees didn't produce as much sap as we hoped, but it didn't matter, as we put our focus on maple. Good thing we had split out a bunch of firewood! Looking at how to add air under fire on a block arch for next year or upgrading to an evaporator. Now onto cleaning the equipment!