View Full Version : Washington county NY
03-06-2014, 08:19 AM
checking to see whats going on around the area?? 72 in so far few more to put in Friday LET IT FLOW !!
2013 10 taps needed better plan !!
2014 100 taps 2x6 custom with preheater better plan in place!
Greenwich Maple Man
03-06-2014, 08:26 AM
checking to see whats going on around the area?? 72 in so far warm days to get things running.
2013 10 taps needed better plan !!
2014 100 taps 2x6 custom with preheater better plan in place!
Fully tapped in Greenwich ! Have been for a bit. Hoping to be able to fix leaks this weekend and get the vacuum super tight. Not sure if it will be warm enough to get much sap to boil .
03-06-2014, 08:32 AM
sounds good good luck to you
lakeview maple
03-06-2014, 02:16 PM
Hello Comstock , I'm a little farther north of you and we are punching in tomorrow , work crew will be here at 9am and hopefully get it all done in 1 day. Glad you could join us on Maple trader,Al
03-06-2014, 02:25 PM
is this allen from Dresden ??
03-06-2014, 02:29 PM
Sap hasnt started flowing yet up in whitehall where you the guy i met by chance at the whitehall mcdonalds a few days ago?
03-06-2014, 02:31 PM
Lakeview i drove by your sugarhouse today very nice!
03-06-2014, 02:40 PM
yes it is hopefully get a chance to stop by in the next couple of weeks
lakeview maple
03-06-2014, 03:13 PM
is this allen from Dresden ?? Yes it is,have we met?
03-06-2014, 03:15 PM
stop up anytime you would like always enjoy people over checking out the operation.
lakeview maple
03-06-2014, 03:15 PM
Lakeview i drove by your sugarhouse today very nice! Thanks ,the guys have been working really hard the last couple weeks with me supervising from my chair. Im hoping we get all in tomorrow and let her rip ,I cant wait to light the fire on this new rig, see you all soon ,Al
03-06-2014, 03:17 PM
Yes last year I stopped by one afternoon and talked with you for acouple hours. My name is Derek. Glad to hear you got the bigger evap you told me about.
03-06-2014, 03:18 PM
Im going to have to stop up when your boiling would love to check out the new rig
03-06-2014, 03:26 PM
Adirondack sap what road did you tell me you are located on??
03-06-2014, 03:28 PM
My sugar house is on winters road in whitehall i will pm you my cell just call to make sure im up there but i live in the village of Whitehall
03-06-2014, 03:34 PM
ok thanks again
03-08-2014, 06:32 PM
All taps in 110 is the final # running good today. Hope to fire the evaporator tomorrow.
2013 10 taps not much syrup needed better plan
2014 110 taps in 2x6 custom evaporator better plan in place
03-10-2014, 09:47 AM
how's everyone doing out there ran alittle yesterday boiled for three hours last night
close to syrup but not quite. sweetening the pans I guess :lol: let me know how your all doing Thank you
03-10-2014, 11:59 AM
not enough here,drips a little,no where enough to boil
03-10-2014, 07:46 PM
Adk1 where about you located at ?? Looking to maybe check out some other setups.
Good luck to you !!
03-11-2014, 04:38 AM
Ok thank you. Maybe stop over that way looks like a few guys over that way.
03-11-2014, 05:30 AM
Even though i live in Northville,my operation is in Ephratah,west of J'town off rt67,headed there ths morning around 7am,get in the area ,stop in,be around sugar house
03-11-2014, 06:27 AM
ok sounds good Good luck to you this season!!
lakeview maple
03-13-2014, 08:39 PM
Hey all Washington County Maple people , I just wanted to post to keep our Washington county thread going. We got buried here in Dresden, we got 16 inches of snow, Im really glad we tapped last Friday .The guys didn't get them all in ,but they got around 500 in which is more than last year. We had a small run the other day and collected around 200 gallons ,Im hopeful for Friday and Saturday this week. If you see the steam at the sugarhouse stop by the coffee will be on .917991809181
Flat Lander Sugaring
03-14-2014, 05:53 AM
Hey all Washington County Maple people , I just wanted to post to keep our Washington county thread going. We got buried here in Dresden, we got 16 inches of snow, Im really glad we tapped last Friday .The guys didn't get them all in ,but they got around 500 in which is more than last year. We had a small run the other day and collected around 200 gallons ,Im hopeful for Friday and Saturday this week. If you see the steam at the sugarhouse stop by the coffee will be on .917991809181
get me your address Lake, if you boil this weekend maybe I can get over there.
03-14-2014, 07:02 AM
Had a small run the other day boiled down 400 gallons sweetened the pans alittle bit everything stil froze solid.
03-14-2014, 11:20 AM
I've been looking to see if your boiling Allen hope to stop on by and see it up and running.I plan to boil everything I got Saturday. Checking for storm damage in the morning. Then fire it up!!! I hope this weather will straighten up.
03-16-2014, 07:23 AM
Did real good last night. Nice smooth boil with the new rig. Boiled what I had for sap and hope spring starts Wensday. How's everyone else doing ??
Hey all Washington County Maple people , I just wanted to post to keep our Washington county thread going. We got buried here in Dresden, we got 16 inches of snow, Im really glad we tapped last Friday .The guys didn't get them all in ,but they got around 500 in which is more than last year. We had a small run the other day and collected around 200 gallons ,Im hopeful for Friday and Saturday this week. If you see the steam at the sugarhouse stop by the coffee will be on .917991809181 lvm that is a great pic of you standing there with your crutch. Defiantly one to be framed. You have had the start of a bum year in 2014 with all u have been through and I applaud you sir for keeping a good spirit and positive attitude. Great job buddy!
03-18-2014, 10:17 PM
WINTER IS NEVER ENDING !! got to be a couple more Washington county locals on here hows it going. any change ??
03-19-2014, 06:21 AM
2 countys west of ya,not much going on,drizzles for 1-2 hrs late afternoon,early evening,and not every day.
lakeview maple
03-19-2014, 07:17 AM
Today is the day, I can feel it .The mother of all sap runs ,its going to happen . Well maybe it will and then I can finally light a fire in a my arch ,its like getting a great Christmas present and no batteries to run it . I have the pans filled and about 200 gallons in the tank so I am firing around noon today. Ive got to run to Rutland and get a cv for the Guzzler ,we tapped 50 more trees yesterday. We are creeping up on 600 , and a friend called and asked if I wanted his sap from his sugarbush ,they didn't think they would have time to boil, HECK YEAH , another 300 on top of what I got ,bring it on. So say a prayer , the weather looks good for the next 3 days ,even with the kinda nasty weather coming , I don't care Ill boil in a darn hurricane if I have too , I just want to make syrup. Have a good day all ,and may you all get 3% sap until your tanks flow over, 9271Allen
03-19-2014, 07:56 AM
Sounds awesome allen headed home from ti around 2:30 maybe i'll stop in LET IT FLOW !!!!
03-19-2014, 08:00 AM
hello sugarman3 GOOD LUCK TO YA !!
I am with sugarman3 although mine haven't even so much has dripped
lakeview maple
03-19-2014, 09:00 PM
Well heres hoping for a run tomorrow , I thought that today was it but.......wrong answer. Its almost getting depressing but it will all work out , if anyone sees CP maple on the forums send him to the thread,he is close enough to Washington county to post here. Take care all ,Al
whitetail farms
03-19-2014, 10:32 PM
nothing really happening in warren county looks like season wont really get going till next weekend now, to bad I have a newspaper writer coming to the sugarhouse this weekend and the only sap I have to boil is a big frozen block :mad:
03-20-2014, 03:28 AM
Hello Lake view maple I stopped by the pump yesterday in hopes of sap running nothing I started the pump and no vac. So I came home got my son to help find the leak and bang mainline pulled apart 100' from releaser. Then the motor wouldn't stay running torn that apart blocked fuel filter fixed that now waiting on sap. Gonna start the pump at 5am before I head to work hoping for a run today so I can boil tonight when I get hope I will keep you updated cpmaple
03-20-2014, 05:11 AM
hey nick
boil water and put some syrup,don't need much and at least make steam and the syrup in front pan will let off an aroma
whitetail farms
03-20-2014, 07:07 PM
HAHA...Vern sounds like you've done this a couple times.
lakeview maple
03-20-2014, 07:29 PM
Had our first boil of the season and our first on the new evaporator , it worked great , went smooth as glass and boiled like crazy. We ate up 200 gallons in 2 hours like nothing and I was running it at about 1 1/2 inches. Once I get the hang of it Ill lower it down to about an inch . The sap run wasn't as good as I though it would be ,the sun just never popped out ,but it was still running slowly but surely when we shut it down, just not enough to keep up with the arch. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day for sap ,and now the guzzler is all dialed in it should help put sap in the tank. Take care all and may your sap be 3%. Al oh yeah side note I checked the sap today and it was a solid 2.75 awesome.929292939294
super sappy
03-20-2014, 08:21 PM
37 degrees here at 9:20 pm and pump is pulling 23 inches . Got almost 1.5 gallons per tap since noon today and still going will definately fire up the ro in the am - ss
03-21-2014, 08:31 AM
That's awesome Allen . I checked to see if you where boiling at 1:00 must to be start little later. I boiled up what I had. Made three quarts. HOPING THE SAP FLOWS!!
03-21-2014, 07:13 PM
SEVERAL TIMES YOUNGESTER,GOOD LUCK TOMORROW,WE GOT ABOUT 500 GAL,5% instead of 14%,needed sap,these open houses are getting to be a pain in the you know what.
03-23-2014, 09:11 AM
Nice run yesterday and Already started today. Checking over all the lines this morning then fire it up around 2:00 or so. LET IT FLOW !!
SEVERAL TIMES YOUNGESTER,GOOD LUCK TOMORROW,WE GOT ABOUT 500 GAL,5% instead of 14%,needed sap,these open houses are getting to be a pain in the you know did u make out Vern? Was cold but u have enough sap to make some steam both days?
03-24-2014, 08:09 AM
Ran out of sap again last night. other gallon so I shouldn't complain I guess.. Allen you been up and running over the weekend ?? LET IT FLOW !!
lakeview maple
03-24-2014, 10:30 AM
We got our fist boil in the other day , went through 200 plus ,I got the pans all sweetened and we are ready roll, Im looking at Wednesday as our next fire up and the rest of the week looks really promising , I got the guzzler all dialed in pulling 20 inches of vacuum so bring it on.
03-25-2014, 11:16 AM
Allen I'm hoping to stop in and see that bad boy roll !! temps finally getting better.
03-25-2014, 11:27 AM
made steam both days,sun was boiling the old way,never concentrated 400 gal i had,but made16 gal A DK syrup,with great flavor
03-25-2014, 12:01 PM
Hey doody Thats some pretty sweet sap I gave you. 26to1!!!!!!!!!
03-26-2014, 08:58 PM
Allen how did you make out today? Seen the steam and wanted to stop by but had something to tend to. Hoping sap rolls next few days !!
03-29-2014, 07:24 AM
Well looks like the start to fast and furious!! Can't wait to see what the rig can handle I know I'm ready !!
lakeview maple
03-31-2014, 06:07 PM
Had a really descent run today about 300 gallons total and still going strong, going to light the fires tomorrow and see what we can do to make some syrup. The Guzzler pulled in about 40 gallons today on 50 taps ,it was pulling 22" of vacuum and dumping on every turn. I am hoping this is a sign for the rest of the week and hopefully the next two weeks. Take care all ,AL
03-31-2014, 06:57 PM
Just got home and a gallon a tap and still going. Hope to stop by Allen. LET IT FLOW !!
Mountain Winds Farm
03-31-2014, 07:06 PM
after changing out vacuum pumps this morning, upgraded to a Busch dry claw , we have been pulling 200 + - gallons an hour since about noon time.Now we can get cooking!!
My 175 on gravity finally starting to break loose. Even after what has been the best day weather wise this season my trees still aren't producing at 100% yet. I did pick up about 70 gallons I am guessing. Tomorrow I will fire up
03-31-2014, 08:53 PM
Never turned the pump on today thinking the wind was gonna shut things down got home took a nap and then at 6pm went to work on pump for tomorrow when I got there the tank was running over because the valve to the second tank was shut. still hauled home 400 gallons and still running I cant bet the pump will be on in the am with the second valve open. Its go time let your sap run 3% mine has been.
Yup bring it on! We all been able to get sleep, time to lose some now mr!
04-01-2014, 03:47 AM
Adk1 I hear that now its time to push our rigs to the max an make what we can. Hoping for another 600 gallons today but time will tell see what I have when I get home from work. I need a job that I can take sugaring season off then I would be in heaven.
lakeview maple
04-01-2014, 09:48 PM
I made 7 and 1/2 gallons today of a medium amber , great day we blew through all the sap we had in a very short time. We started at about 1:30 pm and we shut down at 5:00 pm . It was awesome the new arch really eats up the sap and I cant wait until next season to add another 300 taps . Great time ,lots of stop in guest and good friends to help out . Take care ,Al
04-01-2014, 10:26 PM
Sap finally started running for me today ended up with 1300 gallon when i checked my tanks tonight and they were still running like crazy. Time to test out the new RO finally.
04-02-2014, 06:59 AM
running good here!! stopped by at 7:00 pm and you where gone home allen hopefully get another chance to see it run. hope to start boiling Thursday and Saturday Good luck to everyone!!!!
04-04-2014, 07:13 AM
Another gallon and a half made last night still med amber but almost dark. Not looking good for sap runs in neck of the woods sap down to 1.5 now. I think the meltdown is happening way to fast!!! GOOD LUCK !!
lakeview maple
04-04-2014, 10:40 PM
I had 150 gallons to boil off ,I didn't want it to spoil so I called some help and we ran it through today and made 2 and 1/2 gallons of a nice dark amber. 10 gallons for the year so far and it was running ok when we shut down. I went and picked up 120 gallons at a friends place and took another 75 out of the small bush at the house so we will be boiling tomorrow morning .The weather doesn't look great but Ill take what we can get right now. Good luck all ,Al
04-05-2014, 06:03 AM
Hello Al, Sap run here yesterday was great pulled in 1100 gallons as of 4pm yesterday. got to get my butt going and start boiling so far this season I'm at 16 gallons. Glad to hear all is going well chat at ya later cpmaple
Burnt sap
04-05-2014, 06:45 AM
My large trees still cold the smaller ones are really letting go now. Made 4 gallons of nice med amber so far another 220 gallons to boil in the holding tank.
lakeview maple
04-06-2014, 09:09 AM
We started with about 300 gallons yesterday and finished the day with 5 and 1/2 gallons of dark amber. I'm kinda confused here ,I never started with a lighter syrup .Our first boil we drew off a light amber and its been that or dark amber from the start. I also noticed there is a ton of niter this year, when I clean out the cone filters at the end of the night its really heavy with niter, all I can figure is I'm running the evaporator a little deep and we are pulling it a little slower because of the depth I'm running ,I'm going to try and run a little shallower next boil . I'm at 1" and a half, Ill drop it down and see if it changes the grade, I'm also going to drain the front pans, filter and clean and refill before we start again. Take care all ,Al
04-06-2014, 11:43 AM
Same thing here lots of niter also keep changing filters a lot. I guess it the year for it??? Not getting very good runs of sap temps not the best. How's your taps going Al ??
Flat Lander Sugaring
04-06-2014, 02:00 PM
Boiling tonight Al, if your not come over check out the Tsunami
lakeview maple
04-08-2014, 05:14 PM
I could sing the blues and it wouldn't do any good , and plus I cant sing for nothing. I haven't seen a descent run in at least 5 or 6 days. Im thankful that I have the guzzler going on the one small sugarbush as that is the only sap we have had. This is crazy weather, two nights of below freezing and 50's the next day and not a drop, nothing ,like the faucet is shut off. I do have a thought , if the sap isn't running doesn't that mean that the buds wont pop? I mean don't the trees need sap to make the buds open, if that's the case I m good for at least another week or better, we still have a foot or better of snow in the woods. The new evaporator is an animal and no sap lol. We have made 15 gallons so far and if you had asked me January 8th about maple season I would have laughed at you , so broken leg almost all healed and PT going really well, Im thankful for the 15 gallons that we have made. Well all, my rant is over ,it doesn't make the trees run ,but it does make me feel a little better . Take care all ,Al96119612961396149615
Al, I ran my evap deeper last boil as wel. I had almost 3% sap and I ended up making a dark amber. It was close to being medium but still graded dark. I can only think it was because of running a deeper sap depth
04-08-2014, 10:36 PM
Not much of a season for me either i collected 275 gallons tonight. I walked my woods this morning looking for any damage. I think the guys with vac are getting all the sap this year. I have only got one decent run all year this weather sucks.
04-09-2014, 03:43 AM
I hear all your pain about this season if it wasn't for vac I would still be at a few gallons. but with the vac on I have made 40 gallons some med. but mostly dark better than nothing for sure but great tasting and everyone is loving it. Hoping to get one more run Thursday but then I maybe pulling the taps will have to keep track of the weather. wish you all luck chad (cpmaple)
Flat Lander Sugaring
04-09-2014, 11:45 AM
I could sing the blues and it wouldn't do any good , and plus I cant sing for nothing. I haven't seen a descent run in at least 5 or 6 days. Im thankful that I have the guzzler going on the one small sugarbush as that is the only sap we have had. This is crazy weather, two nights of below freezing and 50's the next day and not a drop, nothing ,like the faucet is shut off. I do have a thought , if the sap isn't running doesn't that mean that the buds wont pop? I mean don't the trees need sap to make the buds open, if that's the case I m good for at least another week or better, we still have a foot or better of snow in the woods. The new evaporator is an animal and no sap lol. We have made 15 gallons so far and if you had asked me January 8th about maple season I would have laughed at you , so broken leg almost all healed and PT going really well, Im thankful for the 15 gallons that we have made. Well all, my rant is over ,it doesn't make the trees run ,but it does make me feel a little better . Take care all ,Al96119612961396149615
50+ Gallons boiling tonight Al come over have 275 to get rid of, after ro prob 100 .
Any one else is more than welcome fire in the hole around 6
super sappy
04-10-2014, 08:56 PM
We had the raddish here > Boiled last night and made something like syrup ( jury still out on that one ) , slightly buddy , pulled in 150 gallons on vac today( looked like skim milk) filtered off the flies and moths and ran thru the ro dumping the concentrate on the ground . clean up started tonight . Frogs are singing . poor season at best , your fellow washington county tax payer to the south -super sappy
04-10-2014, 09:45 PM
All done too. The last gallon I'll keep it has that little off flavor but still good. Pull taps and clean up starts tomorrow. Thanks to all the people that posted to this and all the threads here. It is a big help to gain this knowledge about this awesome addiction. Thank you !!!!
04-12-2014, 10:26 AM
Clean up done now pull taps. Last gallon was grade b and buds are popping like crazy here.
lakeview maple
04-13-2014, 05:49 PM
I finished yesterday, all the buckets were yellow sap or bone dry. I ran the last 150 gallons through the evaporator and chased it with 200 gallons of water and pulled 5 gallons and 3 quarts out of it. Gives us a total of 26 plus for the season, not what I had planned 5 months ago but I didn't plan on snapping my leg either and relying on all the help to do all the work. I am eternally grateful for all the help , the leg is almost healed just in time for planting . I am already getting things lined up for next season, talked to 2 land owners about tapping them and got the ok, hopefully I don't break another leg and I get all the mainlines ran this summer to add another 750 to 1000 taps. Go big or go home ,lol . Take care all and hope you all have a great summer, Al
Al, you are really expanding! Good job
lakeview maple
04-15-2014, 08:59 PM
When I had finished boiling the other day ,I drew off all the left over concentrate in my front pans into 2, 5 gallon buckets I was going to make wine with it, it taste awesome. well I saw the weather report and said the heck with it . I emptied out the water out of my bulk tank and threw the mainline back in and Il see what I get the next 3 days. Worse case a mess of ropey sap or worse , best case another 3 days of a good run . Ill filter the concentrate and refill my front pans . Ill see what happens ,just couldn't let this good weather go by without trying, heres to hoping,Al hope Im not crazy,lol
I am doin the same. Buds haven't even really started to pop yet, good cold snap tonight see what tomorrow brings..Thursday too
whitetail farms
04-15-2014, 10:29 PM
guess I pulled to early, I would try to keep going if I didn't already have all my tanks cleaned and my evaporator all cleaned up to maybe I could of made more than the 20 gallons I have :(
Bentley Wood Maple
04-24-2014, 08:09 AM
I made less than 10 % of what we made in 2013. Approximately 350 taps all on lines, no vaccum. We made 5 gallons this year.
Ladies next door still hang about 100 buckets and their best day was a few 1/2fill buckets.
Few guys around me were around 20 - 30 % crop.
Anyone else localy have simmilar yields?
If anyone had 30-40 gallons I expect I could sell it..
04-24-2014, 11:20 AM
pretty much same here made 8 gallons. I just started making changes for next year. looking to add 150 taps for next year.
lakeview maple
04-24-2014, 07:05 PM
I finished off with 30 gallons total for the year ,far short of what I thought I would make but it is better considering how my season started. I am already making plans for next season and hopefully adding more taps. I was offered a really nice piece of land to tap 33 acres all on a nice grade and easy access that Im going to scout out this spring and maybe start running mainlines on it. I got the evaporator all cleaned and put away for the season , I usually use white vinegar to clean my pans , but walmart had cleaning vinegar on the shelf next to the regular vinegar so I tried it. it worked great , I didn't have a lot of niter but I let it soak for a couple hours and it all wiped out with minimal elbow grease. Im headed to the open house's up in northern VT Saturday , maybe Ill see some of you there, Ill be wearing my Lakeview Maple hat , take care all and have a great summer ,Al
12-28-2014, 01:43 PM
Might as well get this going again for 2015. I haven't put a tap in yet, but just wondering when guys around me start ? just walked lines three days ago and have a couple things to fix but nothing major. Thanks in advanced
12-28-2014, 06:20 PM
presidents week in feb
12-28-2014, 08:11 PM
Here in western new York I have 300 tapped on tubing and have boiled yesterday we ended up with nice lite syrup
12-28-2014, 09:06 PM
Are those just fall taps or collect off them in couple of months too?
Usually around Valentine's day for me but I don't actually start making consistent syrup till mid March...minus the 2014 season that is
12-28-2014, 10:02 PM
I'm tapped for the next couple months I have 1000 more taps on lines I'll wait for a couple weeks and 2000 buckets to do around second week of February I think were gunna have a short season around here so the guys that don't tap till end of February early March are gunna get only a couple weeks I may have jumped the gun a little but I have syrup made and I'm that much closer to making my crop and I'm hoping by jumping on it early I'll surpass my crop and pocket some money this year I hope lol
01-04-2015, 12:01 PM
I think I'm going to tap two weeks earlier this year. Around first of February so I don't miss any runs, the weather lately has been very unpredictable. But the weather man still has a job.:lol:
01-14-2015, 03:45 PM
I like the cold, but man this is a little extreme. -20 is to cold to do anything outside. Need a good snow storm to make it worth it. Nice using the snowmobile to work the sugarbush. But trail is rough. Counting down the days now.
Bentley Wood Maple
01-30-2015, 08:06 AM
Gonna rinse lines this weekend , if weather cooperates. Start drilling holes next week.
01-30-2015, 10:52 AM
I already have half my taps put in roughly 1500 so far. I have all my vac systems and releaser ready to go on the tanks. Just waiting on the warm weather to start up the pumps and let the sap flow. I dont want to miss one drop of sap this year thats why im tapping early with the cv2 spouts.
02-03-2015, 08:13 AM
Glad to see the snowpack finally arrived. Hope to start tapping this weekend and finish next week. Then back to setting up the sugarhouse. Looks like I will have to buy a cord of firewood this year. My fingers are crossed for a great season.
lakeview maple
02-04-2015, 08:28 PM
I finished off the new mainline , cut in all my drops and Im hoping to put out all my tanks on Friday. Im holding off on tapping for a couple more weeks, I picked up cv2s last 2 weeks ago to do the whole sugarbush . Good news is I got registered for the NY maple weekend the last 2 weeks of March, it will put Lakeview on the tour map,woohoo. I had to replace the diaphragm in my guzzler , I got a black one its supposed to be a heavier duty one, she is all set and ready for the season to go . Everything is coming together slowly but surely , I have some final cleanup in the sugarhouse to take care , install a new head tank and a few other things ,all small stuff. Im getting really excited to get the season going , especially on my own two legs. Al 10572
02-05-2015, 05:57 AM
Congrats AL sounds awesome, that will be a couple of busy weekends. I'm doing the same kinda prep here wont be long now. let it flow!!!!!!
02-13-2015, 02:59 PM
Arctic cold ohwell tapping tomorrow anyway. Going to tap the top of hill first then bottom half next weekend LET IT FLOW in March hopefully :lol:
02-14-2015, 03:47 AM
looking at the long range forecast nothing gonna run till mid march. Gonna be another year like last year by the looks. Work is putting the hurts on me don't think I will be tapping all my trees this year due to work load. I would never get any sleep and be a crab for sure. working 5/10's right now and talking about going to 6/12's thanks to IP going to natural gas. But there is always next year for sure gonna tap just not the whole bush.Best of luck to all an let your sap run at 3%.
Flat Lander Sugaring
02-14-2015, 05:54 AM
looking at the long range forecast nothing gonna run till mid march. Gonna be another year like last year by the looks. Work is putting the hurts on me don't think I will be tapping all my trees this year due to work load. I would never get any sleep and be a crab for sure. working 5/10's right now and talking about going to 6/12's thanks to IP going to natural gas. But there is always next year for sure gonna tap just not the whole bush.Best of luck to all an let your sap run at 3%.
just dont get burned up like the last guy at IP
02-14-2015, 06:20 AM
nope that was very sad day he was a great guy. from what I hear it was about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. very very sad for sure
lakeview maple
02-14-2015, 06:49 PM
I spent a couple of hours in the woods today , I finished tying in to the mainline I ran last year, I had disconnected part of it due to a tree down on the upper part and I couldn't cut the tree while on crutches . So the tree is off and its all tied back together , I was wondering if there was a way to check for vac leaks prior to tapping , any ideas out there. I used my guzzler on this piece last year and did real well ,I just added another 50 taps and want to check the system for leaks . Take care all and hope for it to warm up a little. Al
02-22-2015, 05:34 AM
Tapped fifty yesterday. Snow is finally starting to pack alittle. I'll tap all this week till there all in. Then the real wait is on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lakeview maple
02-22-2015, 07:17 AM
Comstock , Im looking to start Friday tapping mine, if Im a little early its all good ,I use cvs so I im not worried about dry holes, the weather still doesn't look good for a while , but I have seen accuweather change in the course of a week so heres hoping, keep your fingers crossed.
02-24-2015, 02:04 PM
Had a small run sunday rinsed the lines a little. One more small one, then put the lines in the tank and hope weather comes around and get things started. The waiting is killing me !!!!!!!!!
lakeview maple
02-24-2015, 08:26 PM
Im hoping it warms up a little before Friday, spent the day outside and it never got any better. I have to run a partial mainline to get rid of a Y in the line near the sugarhouse ,about 80 ft from tank so not a big deal just easier to unroll when its not -10. Also helping a friend tap about 100 , so hopefully he made the drops tonight and we can start tomorrow. Let me know what your run was Comstock your getting me excited about some sap in the tank! Good luck all and may your sap be 3%,Al
lakeview maple
02-27-2015, 10:25 PM
I started today, packed my backpack with what I thought I would need , and what I probably didn't, strapped on my snowshoes and headed up the mtn. The snow is really deep and the hard part was breaking trail. I worked my way to the top and started tapping, it was a balmy 25 degrees with no wind and the sun was out. I was tapping and noticed the sap was running from some of the trees , what a great sight for any syrup maker. It wasn't a gusher but it was dripping .I put in about 150 plus and had to call it quits for the day, back at it tomorrow and again on Sunday .It was nice being out there that's one of the best parts of being a syrup maker, time in your sugarbush , seeing the fruits of our labor and the squirrel damage as well, lol . Hope you all have a good season and be safe,Al 10779
02-28-2015, 04:08 AM
Sounds like a good day. Did same here all day on the hill. I got 100 more in and only have buckets left to hang. Had some drops full of sap within a few minutes of being tapped. A real nice couple of days to work in the woods and then let's hope it runs like crazy 😄. take care
03-03-2015, 08:33 AM
Got home yesterday and the lines were dripping, good sign to me that it is around the corner. Today there going in the tank, got to get an iceberg started sometime :lol: Few more taps and hang some buckets and LET IT FLOW !!!!!!
Windy Acres
03-03-2015, 03:10 PM
good to hear! I am getting close to the finish line myself, won't be long!
03-03-2015, 06:35 PM
Its the final countdown !! hopefully turn on the vac pump tmrw hope to get some sap
03-04-2015, 05:58 AM
Good to hear your all set up Adirondack. I just boiled some water last night and brushed pans, now just need some sap, but it wont be long now. Still find myself finishing up loose ends in the sugar house :lol:
03-06-2015, 05:21 PM
So, I just walked some lines and many of the drops and lats Are full. Beginning of the week is going to hopefully bust it loose around here. Hope the snow pack doesn't go all at once. Let it flow!!!
I am tapping tomorrow. I expect it to be frozen. It was -17 here this morning and only a high of 19 today but the sun felt good. Tomorrow into the 30's and the same for Sunday. Mid next week mid 40's
lakeview maple
03-06-2015, 09:51 PM
I finished tapping in today, everything is in except a small bush near our barn. Ill work on it tomorrow after I help a friend run his lines. His mains are all up we are going to run the laterals and tie in the drops all at once and tap it as well. Its about 100 taps and he is just selling the sap . When he is all set ill come home and hopefully turn on the guzzler and watch it pour into the tank. Good luck all and may your sap be 3% ,Al
White Crow
03-07-2015, 08:15 AM
I am going to tap today, 28 below yesterday in Boonville, northern Oneida County, trees will still be frozen but a good looking forecast for next week, can't wait to try out the new sugar house after boiling outside the last 3 years, John
03-09-2015, 06:27 AM
Sap ran some yesterday, looks like the start is finally here. Hope the temps keep the roller coaster pattern for awhile. Let it flow!!!!
03-10-2015, 12:51 PM
Steady run today. Hanging some buckets today and hope that it keeps going. Let it flow!!!!
03-11-2015, 09:58 PM
Collected everything today and fired up the rig for a couple hours. Started to smell nice and sweet, even though sap tested out just a hair over 1%. It's nice to be back to boiling again hope the sap keeps flowing!!!!!!
lakeview maple
03-14-2015, 01:37 PM
Hello all , I was finishing up some work on the sugarhouse and remembered everyone talking about low sugar content. I grabbed my sap hydrometer and dip cup and checked my bulk tank, it had 150 gallons in it yesterday. It read today 1%, kinda disappointing to say the least, so I then checked the flow coming in from one of the mainlines. It read 2.2% ,and it was flowing in at a descent rate, great news so Ill let it run and Ill boil it off tomorrow. Ive got about 400 as of today enough to sweeten the pans and maybe a little syrup as well.
03-14-2015, 04:29 PM
Sap is running good again today. Boiled for little bit still sweetening pans probably be able to draw off tomorrow. Hoping for some light syrup to start. Take care........
Flat Lander Sugaring
03-14-2015, 05:13 PM
Hello all , I was finishing up some work on the sugarhouse and remembered everyone talking about low sugar content. I grabbed my sap hydrometer and dip cup and checked my bulk tank, it had 150 gallons in it yesterday. It read today 1%, kinda disappointing to say the least, so I then checked the flow coming in from one of the mainlines. It read 2.2% ,and it was flowing in at a descent rate, great news so Ill let it run and Ill boil it off tomorrow. Ive got about 400 as of today enough to sweeten the pans and maybe a little syrup as well.
when you boiling? like to come over
03-14-2015, 05:20 PM
Ya ,it's always low the first time,mine was 1.6 on it was 2,good luck this season
lakeview maple
03-14-2015, 07:09 PM
Flats it looks like Monday is the day Ill send you a message Sunday night if its a go, which it looks like it will be
Flat Lander Sugaring
03-15-2015, 06:35 AM
im going to clean up today so most likely not going to boil tomorrow sounds like a go
03-15-2015, 04:53 PM
Sap tested at 1.5 percent today finally made some draws today. Nice light syrup. Trees have nice wells around them so they should let loose now.
lakeview maple
03-16-2015, 08:20 PM
Boiled off 400 gallons today, didn't draw off anything but the pans are sweetened , had a great at the sugarhouse the sap was running really steady , good friends and family . I finished off with sweet pans and by the end of the day it was still running and Ive got another 400 gallons in the tanks ,might have to hoard it for maple weekend coming up this weekend.
03-18-2015, 06:59 PM
Think I finally boiled off all the 1% that I had. The tank at the sugarhouse tested at 2% tonight. Today's syrup graded medium, think the light might comeback after this cold snap ??? Good luck on your maple weekends Lakeveiw. Take care.
lakeview maple
03-18-2015, 08:34 PM
Thanks Derrick , stop by the coffee will be hot had a good time talking with you the other day.
lakeview maple
03-22-2015, 03:29 PM
We had a descent weekend , nothing really great but made 10 gallons of dark robust , lots of niter, a lot of niter ! Maple weekend was really slow , kinda disappointed in the turn out , hopefully next weekend is better . The weather looks good for next week, all I can say is bring it on! I checked sap % today and its running at 2.3% not to bad pretty happy with that. Good luck all , Al
03-22-2015, 04:14 PM
I stopped by Mike Grottoli's on Saturday and they said it was slow going. cold and windy doesn't help get people out and about. I boiled today and had a handful of people stop by. Hopefully be busy next weekend and have more sap to boil, temps do look good my fingers are crossed :lol:
The reports here for those who participated in maple weekend were good even with a lack of plentiful sap to boil
lakeview maple
03-24-2015, 05:57 PM
Looing forward to the next few days, the sap ran a little today but Im hopeful for tomorrow, took a video of the guzzler hard at work , it isn't much but thought you would like it. The weekend looks better for the second round of Maple weekend , hopefully see you all there,Al
Thanks lvm. Yours sounds different than mine, what is that loud clicking noise? I haven't had that much of a run yet!
lakeview maple
03-24-2015, 09:35 PM
I don't know what the sound is , it always makes it maybe the cv's im not sure but it will be busy tomorrow.
03-25-2015, 07:04 AM
Cool setup. I'd like to look into doing something like that. Does that pulls around 15" of vac steady?
lakeview maple
03-25-2015, 08:46 PM
Its now pulling 21" consistently , I found a leak today and it picked it up to 21" . Average day with sap , between the guzzler and gravity I got about 250 gallons , Im hoping for a flood tomorrow. Stop up Comstock and Ill show you the setup.
03-25-2015, 10:26 PM
Ok sounds good. My main still going some at 11:15 pm so may just go all night thru tomorrow. Let it flow!!!!!!!!
03-26-2015, 03:25 AM
I thought weds. run was gonna be good. Only pulled in 75gallons. what a unhappy feeling. Hoping to get some today but still 36 degrees here at 424am. getting ready for work then I will stop by the tanks on way in to see what ran over night hoping to have a few hundred gallons by the time I get home tonight so I can boil. LVM sounds like your having a much better year this season then past glad you healed and are back at it. cpmaple
03-28-2015, 07:34 PM
Had are open house today. Went real good. The new sugar house worked great way more comfortable than last year. The people stopping by was steady most all morning then slow in the afternoon. But it was a lot of fun seeing people enjoy watching the process and the hot coffee. Wish the temps were a little higher so the sap would run. Maybe this week it will let loose. :o
This weather has been unreal. Every time you look ahead a few days and it says high 40's and sun you get pumped up. Then once that day actually arrives, it ends up being 35 degrees and cloudy....
03-29-2015, 07:49 PM
Took my rig apart today cleaned syrup pan out and pulled some firebrick out. Then I took out the grate and cut it apart and went from 1/2 inch spacing to 1 inch spacing,and welded it out. Hope this will solve my ash build up after 5 hrs of boiling. I always have issues after about 5 hrs and the only thing that changes is the grates fill up with ashes. Hope this will fix that problem. Sap was running good today. It's here finally :cool:
I use a wood poker that cleans the grates out to allow for better airflow with the blower. I rake it about ever 6th firing. Makes a difference
Flat Lander Sugaring
03-29-2015, 08:29 PM
Took my rig apart today cleaned syrup pan out and pulled some firebrick out. Then I took out the grate and cut it apart and went from 1/2 inch spacing to 1 inch spacing,and welded it out. Hope this will solve my ash build up after 5 hrs of boiling. I always have issues after about 5 hrs and the only thing that changes is the grates fill up with ashes. Hope this will fix that problem. Sap was running good today. It's here finally :cool:
if i understand your problem correctly during your boil the spaces between the grates fill with embers and dont fall into the ash pit below?
If this is the case every time i fire i have a piece of 1/2 emt conduit i slide it up under all the wood in fire box and jiggle the whole stack at several different angles. this lets the embers that would be blocking the air from coming up under neath the fire fall down. Some times half way through my 5 minute fire times I will open door quickly and do it. it makes a huge difference for me.
lakeview maple
03-29-2015, 08:54 PM
Ive never had ash build up at all, maybe I have the auf going a little too strong and Im blowing the ash up the stack , but she sure boils like crazy. I run the blower at about 3/4 , it seems to me that it is dialed in right at that point, nice even boil , fire ever 7 minutes . Now you got me wondering Flats? Hope you all are having a somewhat descent start to the season. Im at the 21 gallon mark, the Maple weekend was a bust up until today when I took the front pans off to clean and filter the sweets and have 5 cars of people show up in the course of 3 hours. So here I am covered in soot and grime and I have to play host , it was great. Al
03-30-2015, 05:47 AM
Thanks for the input. Tried several times to clean ash out while firing and some of the spaces where only 3/8 apart. now all the spaces are 1 inch apart and my fire poker will fit in them and keep them cleaned out. hope to give this a try and keep the fire rolling......
lakeview maple
03-30-2015, 12:25 PM
I guess Ill never get this weather thing figured out, cloudy , kinda cold , snowing this morning ,37 degrees out and the sap is pouring out of my lines, collected almost 500 gallons this morning and its still coming. I am not complaining , just thinking out loud that just when you watch 3 different weather reports and have accuweather dialed into your phone , and you think its going to be one of those marginal iffy days , BAMMM . Hope you all are having the same run and may it all be 3% ,Allen
03-30-2015, 12:59 PM
Same story over on this side of the lake. Took the dogs out this morning and the snow was stiff and crunchy under my boots. Thermometer read 35 degrees. Windy with snow flying sideways. I took a peek under one of the bucket lids and it was dripping like crazy. Crazy.
03-31-2015, 08:32 AM
The new grate configuration worked out great boiling within 15 mins of starting the fire and got 20 gals an hour after that. sap was pouring in last night at 9:00pm when checked the tanks. LET IT FLOW !!!!!!!!
lakeview maple
04-01-2015, 05:30 PM
What a day started with 900 gallons , boiled like a mad man , made 13 gallons and I still have 700 to go for tomorrow. It was running like crazy , awesome day .Im headed to get more 5 gallon , halves and quarts tomorrow and a new bottle of defoamer . Ill collect when I get back, the guzzler is running like a champ , 25" today and pulled in over 100 gallons on 105 taps in 8 hours , Im pretty happy with it. Good luck all and may your sap be 3%, Al
04-01-2015, 10:31 PM
Nice to see the season is here. Ran good here too. sugar content dropped a little on me 1.7 % thinking the light rain and snow melt might be it :confused:. so i'm thinking of a small ro setup something that I can run while i'm boiling one pass just to help conserve wood. at 60 to 1 I'm firing three to four times to one draw would like to see it more like one to one ratio. Lots of cool setups on this site for small hobby ro the info here is priceless:cool: LET IT FLOW.......
lakeview maple
04-02-2015, 07:36 PM
The flood has started, boiled off 10 gallons of syrup and still have 700 gallons to start tomorrow with . Off to a great start , made 44 gallons so far , hopefully the wood pile holds out. The sap tested at 2.3% which was awesome ,and one of the remote tanks was testing at 2.9% .Great season so far and the weather looks great for the coming week , good luck all ,Allen
lakeview maple
04-03-2015, 08:09 PM
Day 3 of the flood and I finished off with 12 3/4 today for a total of 35 gallons in the last 2 days. I collected another 500 plus so let the fun begin again tomorrow. A great year so far . The next few days look iffy so it will be a nice break and cut some fire wood , the pile is getting thin , Ive got 3 cord to split so Im not worried about running out. Good luck all ,Allen
Flat Lander Sugaring
04-04-2015, 05:09 AM
Nice to see the season is here. Ran good here too. sugar content dropped a little on me 1.7 % thinking the light rain and snow melt might be it :confused:. so i'm thinking of a small ro setup something that I can run while i'm boiling one pass just to help conserve wood. at 60 to 1 I'm firing three to four times to one draw would like to see it more like one to one ratio. Lots of cool setups on this site for small hobby ro the info here is priceless:cool: LET IT FLOW.......
you need to build a small home made ro what a difference. I am taking 2% to 5% one pass.
probably around 1500.00 you could have a decent one built.
will see how my new one works out today, right now im processing approx 180GPH with undersized pump.
04-04-2015, 06:34 AM
Sounds awesome Allen. I hope to get caught up today. Was under the weather all day yesterday. My son said the tanks are getting pretty full. Temps at the end of the week not looking to good. Take care.......
lakeview maple
04-05-2015, 09:51 PM
I collected Saturday morning another 500 gallons , I pulled the front syrup pan off and cleaned the niter out, noticing its really bad this year, anybody else notice that? I was going to boil it all off Monday morning , spent the morning with family , went to church and the inlaws for Easter dinner. They live near the sugarhouse, thought I would check things today just for a piece of mind. Im glad I did , my 600 gallon bulk tank was 2 " from the top and the sap was running in pretty good. I had to use my transfer tank as an overflow , I took out 200 gallons to make room until I can light the fire tomorrow. I checked the two remote tanks on the way home and 1 had 75 gallons in it , and it was emptied yesterday, and the other one had 40. The one with 40 is near the house and I usually had the Guzzler on it , but not today. I forgot to charge the battery. I put the Guzzler out at 430pm and pulled it at 10pm with 100 plus , it gained 60 gallons in 5 and 1/2 hours on 105 taps . Man I love that little pump , pulling 25" all day! So bottom line is Ill be boiling like crazy after noon tomorrow . Im at 55 gallons for the year, best year ever, and its still going strong. Good luck all and may your sap be 3% ,Allen
04-06-2015, 04:00 AM
Allen I hear ya I didn't boil yesterday due to wind. Sounds stupid but sparks would be going toward the house so I held of till I get home tonight from work. Gonna be a long day since all my tanks are full. Removed 500 from tanks at pump around 3pm and still running strong pump still on for today. I have a 1200 GALLONS to boil right now and may get more today now im behind big time. I will start boiling when I get home tonight from work. Let your sap run 3%
04-07-2015, 06:54 AM
Southern facing woods have dripped a little but testing at 1.2%, so I'll start pulling those tomorrow. The north side ran some last two days so that might keep me boiling. Put together a small RO to help with the wood consumption and the low %. Seasons end is very near for me, but over all a good year and great times boiling. Take care.........
lakeview maple
04-07-2015, 08:52 PM
Been a great season so far, made 72 gallons , the best we have ever done , more than double of last season. Still have 400 gallons to go for tomorrow ,we have a tour tomorrow afternoon. Im hoping to boil off tank clean it and get a couple more days . The sap tested today at 1.75 % still descent but definitely not what it was a week ago. The wood pile is getting low , we will have enough for about 5 days which I think is more than we will get. Hope you all have a great end to this awesome season. Allen
lakeview maple
04-10-2015, 08:28 PM
Finished out today, boiled off everything I had and pushed out the sweet with water , ended the year with 91 gallons . That is the best Ive ever done, last year was 30 gallons so I am really happy with our totals . Now the hard part comes , pulling taps and cleaning everything and getting ready for next year. Its all good and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Good luck to all and God bless , Allen
04-12-2015, 05:39 PM
That's it for this year. Made just over 17 gallons, now the clean up begins. Had a fun season and really enjoyed the new sugarhouse and everything worked well. Pull the rest of the taps and clean the tanks then hope to put up all the fire wood by may 1st. Cant wait till next year.... take care everyone......
lakeview maple
04-15-2015, 05:01 PM
Well here is the end of another Maple season, it was an awesome season for me. 91 gallons for the year , its 3 times more than we did last year and I can already see were we can improve for next year. Im with you Comstock, I want to get the wood pile dome before it gets really warm, Ive already started to stock pile for the sugarhouse. The season is done and now its time for the gardens and the blueberries to take over, hope you all have a great summer . Thanks to all who posted here in Washington county , it was really great to see how everyone was doing . Take care and God bless ,Allen Anyone going to the open houses on April 25th look for my Lakeview Maple hat and say hello
lakeview maple
07-15-2015, 08:27 PM
11853Hey everyone , hope your all having a great summer and your woodpiles are done. Things are great here, our blueberry crop is off the hook ,we are picking gallons a day. I took a ride here a month ago and picked up 15 rolls of 3/16th and enough taps for 400 . Going to give it a try , with the slope we have it should be pretty awesome. 1 last thing , got a little ansty the other day and got some new advertising , thought I would share with everyone. Take care all ,Al
07-20-2015, 08:47 AM
Nice tattoo AL. slow going here with how busy summer has been. got a lot of wood dropped and some bucked up, just need to get splitting it. Picked up around 100 more taps on a pretty good slope thinking of 3/16 on that. Have a good rest of the summer.....
08-18-2015, 06:49 PM
Wicked cool tattoo Al
lakeview maple
08-19-2015, 08:28 PM
Thanks a ton, hope you all are having a great summer ,take care all and God bless
08-20-2015, 06:11 AM
In having a good summer. Would like to be in the woods more though. Congratulations on the blueberry crop this yeat
lakeview maple
08-22-2015, 08:02 PM
Thanks we had an awesome season, best we have ever had, looking to get into the woods here shortly for something besides cutting wood. I picked up 7000 ft of 3/16th line and another 250 plus taps to add to our sugarbush. Only thing Im missing is the mainline , hopefully in the next week Ill go to Webbs and pick it up. Ive had a busy summer , I picked up 2 more wood lots for firewood , just need time to get into there and get skidding. Take care all, Allen
08-23-2015, 01:49 PM
That's awesome to hear Allen. Im out in Michigan and there's a lot of untapped potential in this state no pun intended. I think im going to stay out here permanent. The economy is a lot better and more job opportunities. Maybe start a Maple Empire Lol. Plus land is a lot cheaper and less competition for trees. My father will continue to run the operation back home while I look for land with a good density of maples out here in Michigan. I got a job opportunity working in a steel mill. Plus taxes are dirt cheap and you can get a house out here for 100k back in Washington county that same house would be 250k with sky high taxes.
Flat Lander Sugaring
08-23-2015, 06:41 PM
That's awesome to hear Allen. Im out in Michigan and there's a lot of untapped potential in this state no pun intended. I think im going to stay out here permanent. The economy is a lot better and more job opportunities. Maybe start a Maple Empire Lol. Plus land is a lot cheaper and less competition for trees. My father will continue to run the operation back home while I look for land with a good density of maples out here in Michigan. I got a job opportunity working in a steel mill. Plus taxes are dirt cheap and you can get a house out here for 100k back in Washington county that same house would be 250k with sky high taxes.
Taxes and job opportunities in AZ the same but no Maples, ok well one maple down town Phx in a Atrium of a business.
lakeview maple
12-26-2015, 10:04 PM
Just a big hello to all the Sugarmakers in Washington county, Hope your all getting geared up for the up coming season , Ive been working on a bubbler for my front pans and my flue pan, Ive been doing some reading on it and I think it will be a good add on for the sugarhouse. Anybody else got anything there working on for the next season? Lets kick it off right Washington county and start 2016 right!! Al
lakeview maple
01-01-2016, 07:06 PM
Happy New Year to all you Washington county sappers!! Hope you all have a blessed New Year and may your tanks run over with 3% , Allen
lakeview maple
01-22-2016, 01:24 PM
I finished running laterals today, really steep slope with a 40 ft drop to the end. I had cut out all the 5/16th at the end of last season and replaced it all with 3/16th. I added a vacuum gauge on the runs , cant wait to see the results. It is the smallest bush that I tap with around 65 taps but its a nice south east slope and it always has produced in the past. Ill go back tomorrow and cut in all the drops and then just wait to tap. The air induction for the flue and front pans is installed and I just need to plumb in the blower motor , that's going to be interesting to see the results from that as well. Looks like a whole year of first's now all we need is the weather. Take care all ,Allen
01-28-2016, 09:12 AM
So this is one odd winter..... got another small bush setup near a creek bed, all good size trees some old growth too right around 100 taps. Ran 500' of new main line on the home property and changing drops and taps on that one. A few changes around the shack too. Got a ss tank setup for concentrate and switching the door on evaporator to open the other direction. That will make for easier and quick firing. :) Would like two see a few more good weeks of winter and some snow pack would be real nice too... hope everyone is ready and take care....
Flat Lander Sugaring
01-29-2016, 04:35 AM
Any one here from ALLGREEN Maple? (John Allen)
lakeview maple
01-30-2016, 07:42 AM
Well whats everyone's thoughts on drilling holes? Its really tempting to get the taps in and see what this week brings. I would hate to miss a good run ,but I wouldn't want sweet sitting around either. Any thoughts , it Saturday morning and the batteries are all charged . Allen
Joseph Siemen
01-30-2016, 04:57 PM
Ive been wondering myself. I looked on and you can see out 15days and after next wedensday it looks like its going to get cold again for a while so Idk. Would suck to have the pans sugared and no sap for 2 weeks plus trying to keep the sweets from freezing and hurting the pans.
lakeview maple
01-30-2016, 07:17 PM
Ive been wondering myself. I looked on and you can see out 15days and after next wedensday it looks like its going to get cold again for a while so Idk. Would suck to have the pans sugared and no sap for 2 weeks plus trying to keep the sweets from freezing and hurting the pans. Well ,I went and drilled one tree, a really nice sugar maple and it was bone dry. I'm glad I'm waiting , it wont be long Joseph . Where in Granville are you located and welcome to the Washington county gang.
02-02-2016, 06:09 PM
I'm with you AL I'm waiting it out till the normal time for me. It's definitely hard to do with all the other action in other areas. I got my evaporator door switched around last weekend and replaced 30 drops also. Few small items to take care of and tap during presidents week with my kids like usual. Take care.
Bentley Wood Maple
02-02-2016, 06:18 PM
I'm with you AL I'm waiting it out till the normal time for me. It's definitely hard to do with all the other action in other areas. I got my evaporator door switched around last weekend and replaced 30 drops also. Few small items to take care of and tap during presidents week with my kids like usual. Take care.
Thinking about 100 taps this weekend. See what happens, go from there. Gonna hang few buckets tomorrow real close to sugarhouse to eduacate myself...
Joseph Siemen
02-02-2016, 06:51 PM
Well ,I went and drilled one tree, a really nice sugar maple and it was bone dry. I'm glad I'm waiting , it wont be long Joseph . Where in Granville are you located and welcome to the Washington county gang.
Hi thanks. I'm over by the Granville - Hartford border on 149.
lakeview maple
02-02-2016, 06:55 PM I did it , I punched in 135 on Monday and it ran like crazy, I put my Guzzler pump on it and with the 2 sap ladders I am getting 18 inches of vacuum and it working great, I was going to tap the rest tomorrow but Im not looking to tap in the pouring rain. Im going for it, worse case Im 2 weeks early , best case Im boiling by the weekend. Good luck to all ,Al
Hey al, great vid. Did u use 3/16 for the ladder? U don't have much snow do you? I have a hard packed 4" maybe
lakeview maple
02-02-2016, 09:48 PM
Hey al, great vid. Did u use 3/16 for the ladder? U don't have much snow do you? I have a hard packed 4" maybe No I used 5/16th ,there around 60 taps on that line , from 180 ft away. I ran two short ladders to build up the elevation back to the tank, was pulling 18 inches all day , ended with just over 100 gallons , Im going to try and tap everything else this week depending on the weather.
Why 18" just because of the ladder?
lakeview maple
02-03-2016, 07:58 AM
yes ,I believe so. Still works great , and I have an extra diaphragm this year. Last year it tore 2/3rds of the way through the season.
I checked my diaphragm half way thru the year no tears I also have an extra for safety
lakeview maple
02-03-2016, 11:41 AM
I checked my diaphragm half way thru the year no tears I also have an extra for safety Have you hooked it up yet with the 5/16th like the dealer advised?
Nope gonna run it first without that just to see if I get better vac after spending allot of time in the woods replacing known leak areas. Then I will install that line
02-08-2016, 07:21 AM
How's everyone doing out there? Short freeze then looks like another warm up on the way. I'll be all tapped by Feb 16th. Should be near 275 this year. Take care and good luck.
lakeview maple
02-11-2016, 08:48 PM
150 plus on 3/16th , 135 on 5/16th with the guzzler and 400 on gravity , all in waiting for the weather to break. Tanks all in place new to me filter press and the bubbler is all plumbed in and ready to bubble,lol. Good luck to everyone ,Allen
Bubbler?? Lvm what is this about??
lakeview maple
02-11-2016, 09:08 PM
Bubbler?? Lvm what is this about?? search it on the site ,search under bubbler
Gotcha, air injection for in the pan. For a second I thought you were working on some kind of bubbler for in your saptank to keep sap from freezing
02-12-2016, 06:42 PM
ADK1 what do you mean about 5/16 line for the guzzler?
02-16-2016, 10:28 AM
My son and I put in 90 taps yesterday as the big mess started. Hoping the wind doesn't pickup. Be safe everyone.
02-22-2016, 06:44 AM
Got 150 in so far. Ran alittle over the weekend and cleaned the lines out. I am thinking it's going to be a very odd year for sure. One week freeze your a'' off next week out tanning in the sun..... Good luck everyone.
02-24-2016, 08:15 AM
Started the evaporator last night. Went very well, my son took the helm for a little while and did a good job. Just shy of drawing and decided to stop for the night. Glad to be back at in the shack again:)
was informed to add a saddle in my mainline just before the pump, and attach lateral tubing to in and directly into saptank so that pump always has sap running through it. Might have to adjust the amt of sap by a valve or something on the end of the lateral tubing. was told pump performs better when there is sap in it and will also not allow it to freeze as easily
lakeview maple
02-24-2016, 03:46 PM
ADK , I know what the dealer said to do but it kinda doesn't make sense. It sounds like he wants you to suck sap out of the tank and back through the pump, I would really like to see this in action , if it works then Ive been doing it all wrong . Im open to suggestions any time that might help. Back to business , we made 2 and a half gallons on the 22nd all light and delicate and 5 and half today, took forever to draw the sugar was at 1.5 % ,nice light amber . Im going to hopefully fire again Friday, need to clean pans first and I had 1 brick come loose in firebox, no big deal . Good luck to all ,Al
lakeview maple
02-25-2016, 08:56 PM
Just wanted to share this with you all, I have 2 mainlines , one with 5/16th and one with 3/16th. The 5/16th has 135 taps on a Guzzler pump. The other line on 3/16th has 104 taps , the Guzzler has 2 small sap ladders with total lift of about 6 ft and runs about 17 inches of vacuum. I emptied both tanks Wednesday and tonight the 5/16th line has 100 gallons of sap in the tank after 24 hours with a total of 14 hours with the pump on. The 3/16th line with no pump just gravity and 30 less taps has 150 gallons in the tank. Its awesome and it was a mediocre day for sap, it never got cold last night and to have that kind of run I'm glad I ran the new lines.
lakeview maple
02-25-2016, 09:06 PM
I just wanted to share this with all of you, I have 2 mainlines one is with 3/16th laterals and the other is with 5/16th laterals . They both go into 3/4 inch mainlines , the 5/16th has 135 taps with a Guzzler that runs 17 inches of vacuum. It has 2 small sap ladders for a total lift of 6 ft . The other line has 104 taps on it with no pump and on Wednesday I emptied both tanks. Today after 30 hours the 5/16th has 100 gallons of sap after a mediocre day the 3/16th line has 150 gallons with just natural vacuum. It was great to see the gauges reading 25 to 29 inches on a mediocre day. I cant wait to change the whole bush. Good luck with your seasons and stop by if you see the steam coming out of the roof, Allen
Sounds awesome with that 3/16 I might switch over to that in the future
02-26-2016, 06:22 AM
I too have had a great experience with 3/16. Over the past day I have got just around 700 gallons from 400 taps on 3/16's. They are awesome.
lakeview maple
02-27-2016, 05:59 PM
Boiled again today after cleaning pans made another 4 gallons and a quart , 13 for the year so far .Still a nice and light amber . No sap run today very little the only lines running were the 3/16th and the Guzzler lines, I have to collect another 500 tomorrow morning and start the fire ,woohooo the season is good and the weather looks great for next week. Hows everyone else doing so far? Lets here from everyone else.1337513376
lakeview maple
02-29-2016, 08:05 AM
I had our fourth boil of the season , started with 600 gallons. Made 5 gallons and a quart of almost light and delicate, so close. The grade came up from last boil ,must be something to the bubbler . I left the tank with around 300 gallons in it and I went down this morning and its 2 inches from the top and the sap is running well. Going to be a long day, but hopefully a double digit one. Good luck everyone ,Allen
02-29-2016, 08:11 AM
Boiled yesterday made 2 gallons of light grade and is close to changing. still have sap left to boil its a good thing. Got small ro running and plumbed to the tanks. weather is looking good so far......
lakeview maple
02-29-2016, 07:21 PM
I had to get ahead start this morning ,when I left the sugarhouse last night I had room for 300 gallons in the bulk tank, I got there early this morning and good thing I was 3 inches from the top. The sap ran all night , every tank I emptied had sap. I boiled until 4pm today made almost 6 gallons really light still, I'm not sure if its the sap or the Bubbler but I've never made 24 gallons of syrup this light . Almost light and delicate , looks good to me .After boiling for 4 1/2 hours I still have 700 gallons to go. Im going to try and finish it all off tomorrow. Take care all ,Allen
Sounds good lake view keep it up. I will be boiling tomorrow as well. Will be my third boil this year. Have 5.5 gallons of Amber rich
lakeview maple
03-01-2016, 05:53 PM
Finished the day with 5 and 1/2 gallons of nice and light, all the time building the bubbler system seems to be paying off . 30 gallons so far all really light , and 400 gallons to go tomorrow . Going to collect first thing in the morning then light the fire. Stop in and say hello, God bless ,Allen
lakeview maple
03-02-2016, 06:53 PM
Finished off today , a little over 6 gallons, still amber rich ....awesome. 35 gallons so far for the season 1/3 of the way of last season. I emptied all the tanks and cleaned them , going to be cold for a couple of days. Filter press is working great , couple of questions on that tho, what do you do with the syrup that comes out of the plates when you change filters? I found that if I let the pressure get to high bad things happen ,LOL ,only once . Have a great day,Allen
03-03-2016, 07:55 AM
Started up at 3:00 and was rolling in 20 mins fastest start so far. Made the switch to amber too. Im glad because that's what everyone asks for. Sounds like your off to an awesome start AL. next weeks weather looks a little scary with the high temps, hoping it stays cloudy. lol
03-06-2016, 02:16 PM
Another good day here. Was frozen up good this morning and had to use a hair dryer to get feed line thawed out. Sap started to run around 11am here. Made 2 1/2 of amber and had a few family and friends stop by with their kids. They call it the " syruphouse " had a lot of fun today. It makes it all worth the work......
03-06-2016, 04:13 PM
March 6th, 2016. 250 taps in, 82 buckets and 168 on pipeline. Waiting for the weather to cooperate. Chomping at the bit to light the first fires.
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03-06-2016, 05:32 PM
March 6th, 2016. 250 taps in, 82 buckets and 168 on pipeline. Waiting for the weather to cooperate. Chomping at the bit to light the first fires.
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Just getting started down there, eh? Gives me hope for a continued season after this warm spell.
03-07-2016, 07:10 PM
March 7, cloudy all day and it briefly hit 42 in Whitehall. 250 taps only produced 115 gallons of sap.
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03-07-2016, 08:30 PM
March 7, cloudy all day and it briefly hit 42 in Whitehall. 250 taps only produced 115 gallons of sap.
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Same in Saratoga - very little production by sundown today but taps were running at least...
Just didn't make it here either. Was a steady stream on 200 taps but not much to show for it
03-08-2016, 02:58 PM
Good run today and we are off to the races here in Whitehall.
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lakeview maple
03-08-2016, 08:14 PM
Swcrossbucks where in Whitehall are you located? Had a descent run here today in Dresden , picked 600 gallons going to boil tomorrow . I had a few projects at the sugarhouse to finish up before I get our first tour of the year. I mover the bubbler pump outside and under cover, less noise in the sugarhouse and bottled up some syrup. Ive had pretty good sales and needed to empty a couple of bulk containers. It was 54 here today , the sap wasn't screaming but those 3/16th lines sure were flowing nice and the guzzler is working great. Im going to leave the pump on all night and collect in the morning.Great season so far ,35 gallons and the ground is still frozen pretty solid . Good luck all ,Allen
03-08-2016, 08:33 PM
I am in East Whitehall. Near the crossroad of county route 18 and 21. It ran well today and yes the ground is well frozen. I am hoping to make it to Friday night when it will get cold again. This is shaping up to be a mad dash of a season for me.
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lakeview maple
03-09-2016, 09:50 PM
Started the day with 700 gallons and it was running descent, nothing really crazy but a good flow, I boiled and made 7 gallons of Amber rich and I went out and checked the tank. The tank was to the top when I started and after making 7 gallons " the sugar was at 1.75 % " the tank should have been down about 350 gallons. Nope it was 4 inches from the top , about 500 still there, it was screaming out of the lines . So the story goes I made 8 1/2 gallons of Amber rich, and Ive still got to boil off about 300 gallons and the 3 other tanks I have all have a grand total of 350 gallons to collect first thing tomorrow. AWESOME season so far, I don't see any buds on the trees here , I also don't see any cold weather either. Hope everyone else is doing well , Allen
03-09-2016, 09:56 PM
I collected right around 300 gallons off of my 250 taps. It's running just shy of 2%
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03-10-2016, 06:28 AM
Down here in Albany county I have collected 1150+ on 500 taps over the last 2 days. When I emptied the one tank yesterday it was flowing like a garden hose.
Mountain Winds Farm
03-10-2016, 07:26 AM
sap was running crazy here yesterday, every tank full, made almost 120 gallons of syrup last night
03-10-2016, 01:13 PM
3-10-16. Collected today at noon in Whitehall. I got about 100 gallons out of 250 taps. One or two buckets getting yellow and all of it was just starting to become the tiniest bit cloudy
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lakeview maple
03-10-2016, 06:03 PM
Collected everything today ,started with 700 gallons , finished the day with 15 gallons dark robust. Best day to date, Ill need to clean the pans before the weekend run if we get one. Somewhere around 58 gallons so far maybe a little more, great season so far .The sap didn't budge today, the only place to have any run was the Guzzler line and that was around 60 gallons running 24 hours straight, not a good number for the Lets bring on Friday supposed to get a cold night might make for a great weekend , Good luck all ,Allen
03-10-2016, 07:14 PM
Still hanging in there. Lost the ice chunks in the tanks today. Milk tanks are saving my a??. Collected everything and RO is running now. Boil all of it tomorrow. Then clean pans and hope it hold out thru next week. Weather looks better long range if we make it.
Collected everything today ,started with 700 gallons , finished the day with 15 gallons dark robust. Best day to date, Ill need to clean the pans before the weekend run if we get one. Somewhere around 58 gallons so far maybe a little more, great season so far .The sap didn't budge today, the only place to have any run was the Guzzler line and that was around 60 gallons running 24 hours straight, not a good number for the Lets bring on Friday supposed to get a cold night might make for a great weekend , Good luck all ,Allenyeah I have not had a hard run yet from my trees even with the pump
lakeview maple
03-12-2016, 07:35 AM
ADK1 if the sap doesn't run after last nights freeze then your in the wrong business, LOL. Woke up to a beautiful site this morning 27 * woohooo , cleaned the pans yesterday, the bulk tank is clean and waiting the first drips, filter press is ready ,everything is a go and the good Lord will hopefully bless us with a great weekend of sap. Ive got 200 gallons to collect to start our open house Im having , might be a short open house ,lol oh well. Good luck to everyone if your in the area stop by and have a cup of coffee and say hello,Allen
03-13-2016, 02:00 PM
Sap is still running. It's quality is starting to fade a little. Switch over to "dark robust" last night or Dark Amber as I still prefer to call it.
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03-13-2016, 02:36 PM
Ron has the pump running and sap is clear. Rain predicted for the week. Frost out of the ground,our ponds have ice off. Some trees are budding. Will keep on going
lakeview maple
03-13-2016, 07:42 PM
I made 11 gallons over the weekend , Dark robust syrup even after cleaning pans on Friday . Sap is running at 1.5 % hoping it comes back after a cold snap. 70 gallons for the season so far , I emptied the bulk tank today and Ive got 300 to collect and boil tomorrow , looks like it might get cold Friday night and the weekend , I fear the end is coming near LOL !! Been a good season so far wood pile is still looking good , Im hoping to make it through the weekend and call it good. No buds on any trees here but a few miles down the road the soft maples near the lake are all budded out . Have a good week all ,Allen
03-13-2016, 08:12 PM
Here in east Whitehall I am calling it a season. Things are yellowing quickly and starts to get a sour smell. Came close to 25 gallons in 5 days, I have to finish canning to get my final count. Not bad for all wood fired without RO.
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Great sap Saturday couldn't keep up but low brix 1.3 or so. Boiled for 12 hours made 6 gallons robust. Up to 25 gallons for the year
03-14-2016, 08:03 AM
Sap that came in over the weekend looks good, but low sugar content 1.5%. Made 3 gallons Friday of amber rich and 4 gallons of dark. If we make it by a couple more days without buds temps look good. Good luck everyone.....
03-16-2016, 07:00 PM
Emptying out all the holding tanks and scrubbing things down. Fingers crossed this cold snap might give me a little bit more to boil.
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I will for sure here buds still tight
lakeview maple
03-17-2016, 05:38 PM
I finished off all I had on Tuesday, ended up with 6 gallons of Dark Robust, it was a little light in color but too dark for Amber rich. Tanks are cleaned the pans are ready and the filter press is waiting for the weekend. Long term outlook looks promising ,this might be our big push for the season . Im hoping the cold brings up the sugar like Dr Tim said, its been running at 1.75% for the season it would be nice to see a tank of 2% plus for a change. Good luck all and hope everyone has a great weekend,Allen13853
You too al, although the I won't get to clean my tank till sat am and it needs it! Lookin forward to some sweeter sap myself, I have been 1.5 and less all season
lakeview maple
03-21-2016, 09:07 PM
Started the day with 600 gallons, slow start to the day, didn't fire until 11am . Sugar is running low around 1.4 , I have 3 separate mains coming into my bulk tank and I checked each line, 1.3 1.3 1.5 ,Im hoping with the colder weather it comes up a little . I emptied the 3 other tanks this morning at 10am and when I came home there is another 400 gallons back in them, that little guzzler pays for itself every time. The 3/16th lines I ran this year were screaming today as well it was awesome to watch the sap pour into the tank. Around 80 gallons of syrup so far , its running a dark robust maybe a little lighter but it taste and looks great. Looks like a great week ,hopefully the wood pile holds out ,lol. Good luck all ,Allen
Allen, I am in the same boat on the sugar content however a bit lower, like 1% Brix. Color was right in the middle between Amber rich and robust but the taste is more sweet with a very slight hint of maple. Weird... I think the end is near myself, the trees are changing
03-22-2016, 09:00 PM
I gathered 180 gallons today off of 125 taps. Mostly from yesterday's run. Tomorrow I will gather up what is left and finish that off. At 24 gallons for a season total right now. Less than the 35 last year but better than I thought when I started out.
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lakeview maple
03-23-2016, 06:49 AM
My sugar went up yesterday with the cold snap 1.7 % . Im sitting on 800 gallons and Ill be over from last season. Its been a great year my only complaint would be low sugar the whole season, never had those 2.5 % days its all good tho. Im headed to VT this morning I was boiling yesterday and Im thinking its taking forever for the syrup to come , I had checked the thermometer 2 or 3 times that morning against the hydrometer and adjusted it , it was all set. I was boiling along and it just wasn't coming like normal, I dipped the syrup pan and it was 3 brix over ,the thermometer was reading 215 * I flicked it with my finger and it bounced up .Then it was stuck there it wouldn't drop. I finished the day just checking with the hydrometer the rest of the day. I brought the thermometer home and hot water boil tested it wouldn't come even close to 212 no matter what I did. Oh well Im glad I caught it before I burned a pan.
03-23-2016, 07:27 AM
Been chipping along just like everyone else has. Not a bad season here but low sugar content. No snow pack is hurting. I had something happen to my candy making thermometer the other day and ruined a couple batches of candy. Hope to boil one more time on Saturday and have one more open house. After that I think it's cleanup time. take care....
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