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01-26-2020, 07:04 PM
Anybody's thoughts about tapping in a little early?

Looking at accuweather long range forecast does not show any major long term freeze.
Keeping in mind that I only make 3-4 gallons each year so I am looking for a possible early run.
(I am sure I have missed one already.)
Thinking of tapping in mid week this week, good temps showing for feb 1st thru 11th look ok for sap if the
sun comes out. Then a break til about the 20th.
Maybe I just gotta scratch that itch, and should hold off a couple more weeks?

01-27-2020, 07:27 AM
I started getting the itch looking forward to next weekend, tapping in time for Feb 1. It was supposed to be upper 30s friday, then hit 40 each day Sat and Sunday, with lows never going below freezing. Maybe not be the best run, but hopefully a constant trickle leading up to a decent run sunday. But now it seems the forecast is backing off.

01-27-2020, 07:58 AM
accuweather still showing 40 and sunny for the weekend, but local weather news shows only in the mid 30'S with rain/snow mix.
kinda looks like it is pushing off til Feb 20th ish.
Day to day I guess to see how it plays out for the weekend.

01-28-2020, 06:36 AM
Flower City is anyone tapping your woods?

01-30-2020, 06:26 AM
To tap in tonight or not?
All indications show a warm Saturday thru Wednesday with Monday/Tuesday being in the 40's.
might be a good first run if it holds true but watching the local news they seem a little timid about the forecast.
So much up and down this year.
Just can't make up my mind if I should believe them or not.
If I tap and dont get enough to boil this go around then I may be out til near the end of the month. (based on long range forecast).
Worried about the holes starting to close up.........
I am usually not this apprehensive about when to tap but this year got me all confused..
.....Penny for your thoughts?

01-30-2020, 05:01 PM
I tried taping early one year, I regretted it. I'm going to hold off till end of feb early March.

02-03-2020, 08:00 AM
Put 250 taps out on new drops. Starting to run this morning so I turned on the vac. Hoping to get enough to play around with today and tomorrow. Waiting until at least the middle of February to tap the rest.

02-04-2020, 07:21 PM
Picked 28 gallons 2% from 10 taps over last 2 days on 5/16 drops to buckets.
Still 35 degrees out and dripping a little.
Freeze up Wednesday then maybe 40 Thursday again.
Not much but enough to break in the new ro bucket.:)

02-06-2020, 07:32 AM
Combined forces with a local buddy and boiled around 550 gallons of raw sap down on his 2 by 8. Going to yield around 10-12 gallons when all is said and done. Put out a few hundred new drops so figured it was worth messing around with. Nothing coming in the 10 day which is good. Maybe we will have a normal season.

02-08-2020, 05:21 PM
Still holding off tapping here. Earlier in the week I was eyeballin' tomorrow to tap. Going to get some mediocre warmth early in the week then a spell of frigid after that. Gonna hold off another week or so I guess.

02-12-2020, 07:17 AM
Solid run the last 2 days will collect it all tonight, RO it down and boil it off. Combining forces with another local producer since we only put in around 250 taps each. Made about 10 gallons combined from the 1st little run and should make another 7-10 this evening.

Real tapping starts next week around the 19th or 20th if the long range holds.

02-12-2020, 01:33 PM
Sap is hammering today on vac. Gonna be a nice boil tonight and a solid early start to 2020!!!!!!!

02-12-2020, 06:37 PM
Tapped my main 3/16ths woods yesterday. After work today I tapped one more run at my neighbors, and chased a few vacuum leaks on what I tapped yesterday.

02-13-2020, 05:50 AM
I plan to tap this weekend and hope to get a solid run early next week.

02-13-2020, 11:27 AM
Mudr, u on tubing? I’m still on buckets and sap saks, thinking I’ll wait at least another week.

02-13-2020, 01:22 PM
Made 13 + gallons are last night. Sap is actually running hard today so we will clean that up and process it before the big freeze. Great start on a couple hundred taps. Tapping the other 1,000 next week and should be in full swing by the 22nd.

02-15-2020, 05:57 PM
Tapping tomorrow. Only 120 taps, 110 on tubing.

02-16-2020, 05:22 AM
Mudr, u on tubing? I’m still on buckets and sap saks, thinking I’ll wait at least another week.

Gravity tubing.

I will know if it's the right decision when I look back at the end of the season. I'm hoping to hit a decent run Tuesday. Then it looks like maybe another run starting Saturday, but weather forecasts can change that far out.

02-16-2020, 06:04 PM
Gravity tubing.

I will know if it's the right decision when I look back at the end of the season. I'm hoping to hit a decent run Tuesday. Then it looks like maybe another run starting Saturday, but weather forecasts can change that far out.

I was hoping for something good Tuesday also, but then saw rain and pretty hefty winds. The laws of diminishing enthusiasm soon kicked in after seeing that. lol Who knows though. Loosened up today enough for all the lines to run a little, and probably add to the ice block I already have going in the woods tank right now.

concord maple
02-23-2020, 03:21 PM
Was wondering how sap run was today. Finished getting tanks set, sugarhouse ready, and was set to tap but decided to hold off for another week due to the extreme cold, High winds, and saw 10-15 inches of snow predicted for us starting Thursday.

02-23-2020, 04:58 PM
I'm only a small producer, but it ran pretty well for me today. Tapped late yesterday. Got a little over 1 gal/tap over 24 hours. Hoping for more the next couple days before it gets cold again. Gotta try this new RO bucket for the first time. Good luck to all!

02-23-2020, 06:34 PM
Was wondering how sap run was today. Finished getting tanks set, sugarhouse ready, and was set to tap but decided to hold off for another week due to the extreme cold, High winds, and saw 10-15 inches of snow predicted for us starting Thursday.

In a 24 hour period starting last night I had about a 1.25 gallon per tap run. Never froze hard here and ran all night. With the temps today I don't think it ran as good as it could have. Still a fair amount of snow right up to the bases of the trees, and I think the barometer was a little high today.

02-24-2020, 08:54 AM
Decent run of 1,000 gallons Sunday. It did trickle all night but not sap explosion yet. Still a lot of frost in the ground. May really break lose today. 25 gallons bottled and a lot more sap to boil today, 600 gallons at the shack and its running now. Should be a solid week until it freezes Thursday.

02-25-2020, 07:40 PM
12 buckets on 5/16 tubing.
40 gallons for the last 2 days.
Ran 2 batches already, playing with the RO bucket. (RB10)
Love that thing, saving me a lot of time and firewood.

02-26-2020, 10:12 AM
Pathfinder, I see you like RB10. How many times have you used it? How long did you flush it before use? Just got one and looking to use it tonight. Hoping to decrease boil time and wood usage.

02-26-2020, 10:56 AM
I have used it 2 times this season so far, ran about 25 gallons thru it each time.
flushed it with 3-4 gallons of distilled water before I first used it.
Then I followed ro directions, changed the pre filter and recirculated permeate for 10-12 minutes then flushed with 5 gallons fresh permeate.
So far so good.
I did have a week in between runs so I did flush again with distilled water between runs,,,,again per directions.
It ran 25 gallons thru in about 1.5 hours or so each time....., took it from 2% to 4% suger.......
Made for only a 3 hour boil.....saved a lot of wood, but really did not save on the beer:)

02-26-2020, 07:35 PM
Had just enough of a freeze last night to get a little run today. It was bare minimum to make it worth while firing up the RO, but I have a little extra permeate built up so I ran it. Ready for the big freeze now I guess.

02-28-2020, 07:51 AM
70 gallons finished. Will catch up with bottling and bottle my bourbon barrel syrup during this cold snap. Next weeks looks interesting if we can work in a few cold nights. I think it is going to be a good but early season.

02-29-2020, 07:37 PM
Ran out of sap tonight. Still 3 degrees short of pulling syrup.

03-01-2020, 08:13 PM
I just got all set with 30 buckets, the carport is up for my sugar shack, wood stacked and ready. Am I too late or is it just getting going?

03-02-2020, 07:55 AM
This week will be huge. Sap hammering this morning with tanks getting full. Had to run sap before work. It is crushing now. The forecast looks warm for the next 10 so this will be the heart of the production season as far as I can see.

03-04-2020, 07:51 PM
Finished a little over a gallon sunday, good run this week of this small timer,,,collected 58 gallons
for the last 3 days. One more day to go before the weather turns crappy again.
I tried tapping my neighborhoods, just 4 silvers to see what they would do,,,,2 running clear, 2 running yellow..already budded out.
Not giving up much either. I will not waste my time next year...

03-06-2020, 10:07 PM
Thought I would share a picture my daughter drew tonight. Only our third year making syrup but we are already creating life long memories.

03-10-2020, 01:12 PM
Started late this year and look like we might finish early. Usually make about 80-100 gal and so far only made 30. Maybe another 5 in the pans yet. Need to clean the tanks and wait for another run. Sugar is only 2-2.5%, normally 3 at least. We have the large yard trees. Others around me talk 1.2-1.7%. Not looking like a good year for us.

03-12-2020, 01:39 AM
Not much of a run going on for me. I thought I would have full buckets today and only found a couple inches. Is it over? I do not see any nights in the 20’s coming up.

03-12-2020, 05:28 AM
Not much of a run going on for me. I thought I would have full buckets today and only found a couple inches. Is it over? I do not see any nights in the 20’s coming up.

I was disappointed with yesterdays run as well. Got about 80 gallons from 210 taps. Over the weekend we are supposed to see low 20's and upper teens. Hoping for another couple good runs....

03-12-2020, 07:31 AM
At least for quality syrup/sap. Got 600 gallons of cloudy stuff that I will process into very dark/commercial grade. All the soft maples here had budded out. Warm temps today and tomorrow should kill sap flow in tubing systems (at least the quality). I will hit the pumps Saturday but I am not optimistic of any quality sap going forward.

03-12-2020, 10:22 PM
My sap cleared up a little today from what it was yesterday, although it wasn't too bad yesterday either. I am hoping for one more good run after the weekend, then it ain't looking so good after that. I'm only a little over half what I made last year.

03-13-2020, 06:01 AM
Maybe my shortest season ever, I only tapped 3 weeks ago, made 2.3 gal of syrup and have another 55 gal to boil. Guess all these guys tapping early were right this time...o well I'm so busy this year with other stuff I could use the break

03-13-2020, 06:41 AM
I tapped in feb 1st this year, been a little hit and miss but have made 3-1/3 gallons so far.
As of last night I have 80ish gallons on ice, will run thru the ro tonight and boil saturday.
I will leave the buckets out a little longer just to see what happens but I think we are close to done.

03-13-2020, 06:46 PM
looks good for the next 2 weeks here in Bennington

03-13-2020, 07:33 PM
Nice hard freezes this coming weekend and now showing some below freezing during the week next week. Hope my trees revive a little. Cleaned up tanks before dark tonight, ready for the next run.

03-14-2020, 12:50 AM
Tapped mid February this year. Weird one for sure. Gathered about 170 gallons and boiled on my new smoky lake 2x4 divided pan what a difference all the way to the end. 12 gallons per hour on average and alot cleaner. Flowed through the filters perfect. Ended up drawing off 2.5 gallons of some nice light Amber and have another 10 gallons of sweet 35% to start my boil with tomorrow grabbed another 130 gallons of sap from this week. Some a bit cloudy but others back to nice and clear. One particular 3 ft silver gave me a bucket of yellow buddy sap 1st of March that I threw out. A week later I went to pull the taps and to my surprise bucket was full and Crystal clear. That's a first for me. Anyone else experience something like that? My Softs are 1.6 - 1.9 and my sugars are 2.2 this year

03-14-2020, 08:01 AM
Yeah, I've had them go from cloudy back to clear. Not necessarily buddy to clear though but I could see it happening. I hope we have another run I'm about 33% short of last year's total.

maple flats
03-14-2020, 08:39 AM
Here in the middle of the state, I'm also far below my last 2 years. However I have no count yet, everything I made so far is in the 2x6 finisher. I expect that to be finished off late today after today's boil.
My forecast looks good, I see over night freezes for 5 out of the next 7 days, with the other two not back to back. If that holds it could go a long ways to getting my closer to my average, but it would take 3 more weeks of that to even come close to my average. Time will tell.
With my trees at about half and half, sugars and reds it could be real questionable because some of the reds in my warmer areas have buds that are starting to swell, unless several freezes turns them back.

concord maple
03-20-2020, 12:35 PM
Looks like these 60s yesterday, overnight, and today has brought us to the end coupled with some 50s sprinkled in the last week and a half. The freezes this past week didnt bring too much and the peepers have been out for 3 or 4 nights now. Sufar content has really dropped even after the freezes this past week. Noticed this morning how many varieties of trees and plants have come out..guess start cleaning up.

03-20-2020, 01:39 PM
I had my last boil a couple nights ago. Was fighting cloudy sap and constant cleaning of the tubing tanks, and the massive amounts of moths, ants and snow fleas in buckets was ridiculous. That last good freeze only produced a 1.25 gallon per tap run. Sugar was still 1.8% but the smell of the steam started to change on me. Saw a couple 60+ degree days coming up so I took advantage of that for cleaning up. At this time I am 95% all cleaned up. Still have evaporator to clean, but it is soaking in sweet until June or after.

I'd like to say it was a great season, but it really wasn't. lol

03-20-2020, 04:49 PM
Well, we are about done, I think we're done, probably...lol. Filtering has been the most difficult ever this season, don't know why except that there's an exceptional amount of powdery sugar sand/niter. Ditto on the ants, bugs, moths, etc... too. May be able to get one more run but doubt it. I'm gonna collect a bit of sap and boil it down to see if the telltale smell/taste is there tomorrow or not. Got a hint of it the last run while boiling, but the syrup itself both smelled and tasted fine hot and cool.
If we're done its been a good but short season.
take care, Mark

03-20-2020, 10:10 PM
Whatever we got on the last run I left in the buckets. Was going to check yesterday but decided to leave the weight in with this wind today. Heading out in am to see what I got. Will prob leave taps in in hopes of run starting Monday but prob won't be much . I too had sugar ants all over my buckets last week.. Glad they can't get in!!!

03-21-2020, 05:03 PM
I'm in eastern NY, and I've never shut down this early. I ran today (sap was at 1.2 maybe, cloudy but test boiled good) syrup was OK, but trees are showing the signs of spring. I'm not ready to call it yet, but it doesn't look good. Seeing red buds everywhere. Last year I could have run a week into April. And we are supposed to get snow Tuesday. Where was the snow a week ago?

03-27-2020, 12:30 PM
I am also in WNY- I think it's done but looking ahead the temps are supposed to go down on 4/2 leading me to think a run on 4/3. Is it worth holding out for?

Trees def have slowed down

03-27-2020, 01:28 PM
Seeing red buds everywhere.

Completely up to you when to stop, but note that the first buds to appear on maples are typically flower buds. These are not associated with buddy off-flavor. Leaf buds, which come slightly later, are.

Personally I think people shouldn't bother looking at buds. It often freaks people out unnecessarily. What is important is the taste, which is why it is a good idea to do a test boil as you mentioned. That's really the optimal way to know whether the sap has gone buddy.

The other off-flavor that crops up this time of year is sour-sap. Sap sits around in the tubing system too long and gets heavily fermented. Makes for some poor tasting "fizzy" taste/feel on the tongue.

And finally...we start to get the dreaded "ropey" sap/syrup around this time...especially when we get several warm, low-flow days in a row.

Best of luck in avoiding all of those as the season winds down (hopefully slowly and gracefully) over the next several weeks.

03-27-2020, 06:49 PM
Completely up to you when to stop, but note that the first buds to appear on maples are typically flower buds. These are not associated with buddy off-flavor. Leaf buds, which come slightly later, are.

Personally I think people shouldn't bother looking at buds. It often freaks people out unnecessarily. What is important is the taste, which is why it is a good idea to do a test boil as you mentioned. That's really the optimal way to know whether the sap has gone buddy.

The other off-flavor that crops up this time of year is sour-sap. Sap sits around in the tubing system too long and gets heavily fermented. Makes for some poor tasting "fizzy" taste/feel on the tongue.

And finally...we start to get the dreaded "ropey" sap/syrup around this time...especially when we get several warm, low-flow days in a row.

Best of luck in avoiding all of those as the season winds down (hopefully slowly and gracefully) over the next several weeks.

Thanks for the answer to the flowering maple question. I really wondered about their effect on the quality of the syrup. Unfortunately, last week's warm temps really messed up my lines, and the runs this week did not clear all the gook out. Then today the procom pump on my RO quit after 10 minutes. Sap was nearly 1%, so I'm not running it without RO. So, 400 gals of cloudy, somewhat funky sap, down the drain. That is, after I flood the pan for a several month long soak.

03-27-2020, 07:15 PM
We're done here in Bennington (Wyoming County). Made about 1/3 less syrup than normal for the year. My uneducated guess is that the milder than normal winter had a negative impact on sap flow.

03-28-2020, 05:04 PM
Well I finished bottling the last of my syrup from the last batch I did 3 weeks ago. Total for the year about 4gal. Which is about half what I normally do but I was a bit tired out anyways, glad to wind down. Hope you all get enough.

03-28-2020, 11:02 PM
I am officially done. Glad I added 20 more taps this year. Ended up with a bit over 7 gallons. Not a great year for sure but one to remember. Getting our there in the woods drilling the holes hanging the buckets collecting sap,sitting at the evap boiling the day away ... definitely a great escape from all the craziness in this world right now!! Wishing you all the best until next season take care ..

01-12-2021, 08:54 PM
I see some good trees are budding already. Am I nuts?

01-13-2021, 07:21 AM
Trees always have buds. Highly doubtful they are swelling yet.

01-15-2021, 07:27 PM
Thank you for the response.
I took these pictures today.
I am by no means as advanced as others here, but really enjoy this with my grandchildren.
Would love to retire and spend my days with them and pastimes like these.

01-26-2021, 10:00 PM
From a small guy. Today in the mail I received catalogs from Smoky Lake and Roth Sugar Bush. You would think they where porn magazines as my wife tried to hide them. She is probably correct, as I went from a Smoky Lake 2x3 pan to a 2x4 pan this year. Also ordered the bandolier from them. Most people would think this is crazy, but my 12 year old daughter was making shooting sounds with the drill and cant wait to help me tap trees. Best $62 I have ever spent.

Shaggy acres
02-16-2021, 08:20 AM
From a small guy. Today in the mail I received catalogs from Smoky Lake and Roth Sugar Bush. You would think they where porn magazines as my wife tried to hide them. She is probably correct, as I went from a Smoky Lake 2x3 pan to a 2x4 pan this year. Also ordered the bandolier from them. Most people would think this is crazy, but my 12 year old daughter was making shooting sounds with the drill and cant wait to help me tap trees. Best $62 I have ever spent.

Your Daughter only cost you $62. ? Just wait till she is a teenager! LOL! What is Bourbon syrup? I drink Bourbon while boiling, does that count?

Finally some above freezing temps in the forecast so we will be tapping our 70 trees this weekend. Have spent many hours getting ready this year as we have a "new to us" 3 x 6 drop flu pan and needed a new evaporator to run it. Fortunately we have a great surplus steel outlet in the city.

02-16-2021, 06:15 PM
Call Mahlon Hoover, Branchport, NY. He is a Dominion Grimm dealer and has just set up two 2x6 units on his display floor.

02-17-2021, 07:54 PM
I’m looking at next week’s weather as well and thinking maybe this weekend might be a good time to put in the taps I can access with this much snow cover.

02-17-2021, 08:07 PM
I agree with next week looking like a nice warm up. I can't wait to finally try out the new 2x4 drop flue pan set I just got last week from smokey lake! Going to be bumping up to a 100 taps this year.

02-17-2021, 08:56 PM
Seems the forecasts have been changing. Planed on tapping the tubing on Wednesday and hanging buckets friday and saturday. now their calling for high thirty's for latter in the week. I still have lots to do to be ready to boil so maybe i'll start next weekend. We have near Knee deep snow and still very cold today. Still have to put rig back together,finish RO rebuild,wash 2 tanks, set tank for permeate,maybe build a closet for RO to keep the noise down in the shanty. Almost sounds like I didn't think spring was coming this year, happens every year. Was just to cold to do all the work after work this winter. Best of luck this season.

Jim, your neighbor larry johnson here. Forecast around here makes it look like 1st or 2nd week of march before we can tap

02-19-2021, 08:06 PM
,,,we moved this summer and am still trying to get things situated...I am a little behind the 8 ball this year for sure..the boy came home from college tonight, so we will be sledding all day saturday. gonna try and get my taps in sunday...I have been packing down the trail behind the house with the sleds and atv...looks like a decent warm up going into the first week of march.

02-20-2021, 09:26 AM
Was planning on tapping today, then Mother Nature dumped ~14 inches of snow (and still counting). On top of what was already there. it’s about thigh deep in the woods. Even if I tap, I don’t think I can get the sap out.

02-20-2021, 09:43 AM
Jim, we'd still need about 3-4 days above 40 with sun to thaw our trees out, and i dont see that in our extended forecast. Spring will come - won't it?

02-20-2021, 01:35 PM
Tapped my main woods yesterday, which accounts for about 2/3rds of my total taps. Will wait on buckets until next week and tap the last two tubing lines early next week also.

02-21-2021, 09:23 PM
Went out this morning with the wheeler. See if I could make it across the field. 15 inches of snow. No go! Ran home and grabbed the backhoe. All the snow is cleared out and I'm ready to tap. Will be in by the weekend for sure! Beautiful day to be out there today!!

02-22-2021, 07:05 AM
Hey all, we tapped our 324 yesterday...great day, but the snow was fun to move around! A few trees started to run after drilling. Should be a good week/weekend!!

Urban Sugarmaker
02-22-2021, 09:00 PM
I started tapping today. I'll have 125 or so on vac this year. I set up at my new place so I have been very busy getting that ready. I'm thinking I could be boiling by Friday.

02-22-2021, 09:25 PM
Just finished getting the tanks situated. Got about an hour worth of tapping in today. Snow is extremely deep this year, anywhere from knee to belly high. Should have a little over 1200 taps this year. Can’t wait for my 18 month old to taste some fresh syrup and maple candy! Hopefully it will make her be daddy’s little helper.

Shaggy acres
02-23-2021, 07:42 AM
Here we go! Rochester area we had a little sap running yesterday just to clear out the lines. Running into the tank now so maybe boiling Wednesday night if we get the warm up that is forecast for Today and Wednesday. How long do you think you need to boil to protect the pan from freezing by increasing the sugar content? I have a 3X6 drop flu pan this year with no syrup pan connected to it. Would hate to freeze it up first use.

02-23-2021, 07:23 PM
Here we go! Rochester area we had a little sap running yesterday just to clear out the lines. Running into the tank now so maybe boiling Wednesday night if we get the warm up that is forecast for Today and Wednesday. How long do you think you need to boil to protect the pan from freezing by increasing the sugar content? I have a 3X6 drop flu pan this year with no syrup pan connected to it. Would hate to freeze it up first use.

I’ve have my max flue combo freeze up I never had an issue. I just made sure my floats were working and started a small fire so the flames don’t touch the pans. Once I seen some liquid between the flues I let her rip. I’m planting flushing my pans with permeate water every night. An hour before I want to boil I’m going to put a bullet heater in the opening to defrost the pans.

02-24-2021, 01:18 PM
As of mid day today we are all in.

02-25-2021, 07:08 AM
As of Tuesday 83 taps are in. Was hoping for a run yesterday but didn't really happen. Was cold for a while needs a bit more warmth guess I'm just anxious to fire up my new corsair 😉

02-25-2021, 07:53 AM
Slow run for a 58 degree day. Still a lot of frost in the ground and trees. Did collect 600 gallons of really nice looking sap. Sugared the pans and got 2 draws of light syrup off the rig. This weekend looks to be good.

02-25-2021, 09:28 AM
First good weather of the year often won't produce a decent run. Trees need a good warm spell to thaw, and then a nice slow freeze to totally recharge. Subsequent sap flows are generally better.

Urban Sugarmaker
02-25-2021, 09:32 AM
I will be boiling tonight. I have maybe 150 gallons. My shurflo did an incredible job maxing out at 26” vac. Hopefully my sap doesn’t freeze before work is done today.

02-26-2021, 08:09 AM
FramerJeff - I would love to see that Corsair in action....our sugar bush is in canaseraga, but we live in Rochester (Irondequoit).

Any of you guys measure brix? We did on Wend. on the first run sap. It was a 1.4 :( . Just let that run to flush out the lines. Good run setting up starting today through the weekend!!!

02-26-2021, 11:09 AM
I was 2.1 on the brix.

700 gallons of sap yesterday. Never really got rocking just steady on vac. I think Saturday it will break loose in the finger lakes. Very light first 11 gallons bottled.

02-26-2021, 11:05 PM
Bellhollow. Brand new this year still have to put fire bricks and insulation in. I'm out in Webster. Bush out in penfield. Grew up in irondequoit 14609 then 14622

02-28-2021, 06:28 PM
Tapping new trees at the new house this year, so I guess a few unknowns, but currently I am highly disappointed,,we had good temps, some sun for a few days. the snow is melting fast and I have mud on my trail......marked the maples last fall while the leafs were still on, all the taps and tubing are new, buckets clean... I think I did my drilling right...yet..the tree did not want to give up their liquid gold. only got 13.5 gallons for the week......bummed to say the least.....

02-28-2021, 07:40 PM
Are you tapping red maples or sugar maples?

02-28-2021, 08:10 PM
Its just not flowing great yet....we had a dissapointing weekend as well. Only 250 gallons of 1.6% from 324 taps from friday noon til 7 am sunday. Was expecting atleast 2x that with the temps in upper 40s. Alot of snow in the woods yet and its not quite melted away from the tree bases yet.

02-28-2021, 09:45 PM
It has been fair flowing here. From Wednesday afternoon til today we have collected 575 gallons from 210 taps. Gonna collect in the morning before work (and before it freezes up) and "should" have another 100-150 gallons.

Urban Sugarmaker
03-01-2021, 05:15 AM
As of Saturday night I had over 500 gallons and have drawn off about 8 gallons of light syrup. I’d like to finish what I have tonight before the freeze but it’s supposed to be gusting to 50. Not a fan of that.

03-01-2021, 06:54 AM
Tapping sugers only, no reds on my property. a few huge silvers, I have tried them in the past at my old house, found that it was not worth it.
I do have a few walnut I plan on hitting next year. The one thing I am finding, I have a creek that runs thru my property...so there is kind of a ridge from the yard then drops down to the creek.
The creek bottom of you will is about 2 acres with the creek at the far side, not really any flooding issues..but the trees up on the ridge are running, the ones in the bottom running super slow or not at all.
Maybe just more snow pack/frost in the bottom area???? but it is only like a 5-6 elevation difference.

03-08-2021, 11:47 AM
Just tapped my Black Walnut trees in anticipation of the warmer temps this week. 8 taps on buckets this year. Trees appeared thawed, but not dripping sap yet...drill shavings barely damp.

03-08-2021, 07:14 PM
Checked my buckets today. 80percent ice 20 percent sap. Ice was 1.25. Water was 4.5 Hoping for a good run this week!! Boiled 70 gallons on the new corsair. What a difference almost 20 gallons an hour with the blower cranking. That's almost double what my homemade job did. Only bad thing it doesn't kick off the heat the old one did. I was a bit chilly lol

03-10-2021, 03:38 PM
Anyone else completely under-whelmed by this warm spell? I got .8 of a gallon per tap yesterday but at least that was 2.3%. Today.75 of a gallon per tap at 1.3%. My sugar is usually that low but I was expecting a much bigger run.

03-10-2021, 05:17 PM
Yes underwhelmed is my feeling in CNY. 110 gallons with 140 taps, most on 3/16 tubing. Was expecting double that volume. Last week our sugar was low at 1.3-1.5%. This week it is 1.8-2.4%. Tap sugars and reds.

03-10-2021, 09:39 PM
confused to say the least, everything seems thawed, but my trees are just not running well at all. 15 taps out and the best I can do is 10 gallons over the last 2 days,,I have yet to get even a 1/2 bucket out of a tree on any given day...couple of the smaller trees simply are not even dripping.....well like I said in a previous post, this is new property to me, I just gotta figure it out.........next week forecast looks good......

03-11-2021, 03:54 AM
Warm spells SUCK

03-11-2021, 09:30 AM
Steady but not crushed by an means. Vacuum is the key. without vac. I would not have much of anything and the tap holes would be filling with bacteria faster. It is 68 degrees and has not been cold at night in 3 days but I am still getting some flow.

140 gallons finished. Golden and Amber so far but my hunch is tonight we will make dark. Sap getting a little cloudy on the South facing tubing. Should clear up with a good freeze over the weekend.

03-11-2021, 02:01 PM
We gathered 500 gal from 2 days, but pulled nothing off the pans. Not running very much now. Forecast showing warm days and cold nights. Might be another bad year for us again.

03-12-2021, 06:11 AM
I know it is warm out but looks like ok weather coming this weekend into next week,,,
put 4 new taps in last night to try some different trees, hit white wood on all 4, but 3 of the 4 trees the drillings where bone dry.
one started dripping before I could even get the tap in.
one is 5 feet from a creek, I would think that it is thawed by now....
have not done anything different than in the past....not new to this but always learning.....
anybody have thoughts on this????

03-12-2021, 07:44 AM
It will break this weekend. We had cold followed by warm but the trees do not like the 70 degree stuff. I am betting you will be very happy with the short runs we have this weekend Saturday and Sunday. Quality of sap should be good (clear). It think it really hammmers Tuesday into Wednesday. We still have 2 or 3 weeks left of the season based on the 10 day so don't give up yet......

Just my 2 cents after 40 years of doing this.

03-12-2021, 08:02 AM
yeah, fingers crossed, I never give up, thats why I hit 4 new trees last night, I know I did everything right, but I always second guess myself....did I tap suger maples, did I drill deep enough and set the taps in correctly, ect ect,,,,
buckets on tubbing so I know I would not get what I would have on vac but geez it has been slow. I did have snow in the woods up til yesturday.
I did ro some couple days ago and put in the freezer cause not enough to boil..ran it thru 2 times eneded up with 3.5 gallons 4% suger.
either way, bonus, I get to walk in the wood every morning @ 5:30...this morning reminded me of turkey season, til I got **** near ran over by an owl....lol..had to change my shorts before I went to work.

Urban Sugarmaker
03-12-2021, 08:31 AM
Surprisingly I got almost 2 gallons per tap on vac on day 2 of 70+ degree weather. Finally it's darkening and I finished boiling last night as a thunderstorm went through. Weird weather but I think the season keeps going.

03-12-2021, 12:39 PM
The season is not even close to over. If the 10 day is accurate we have a ways to go of making good syrup. I have had good runs but nothing epic yet. I stand by my Tuesday into Wednesday prediction. Should have some good short runs this weekend. Full sun and upper 30's makes for nice clear sap and nice nights of boiling in a warm shack.

Good luck.

03-12-2021, 01:01 PM
yep, my 10 day looks hopeful,
The month forecast on accuweather(I know its all just hocus pocus) looks good as well, except for a few odd days.
Only the finished jars in my cabinet will tell the tail in the end.

03-13-2021, 10:37 AM
We still have yet to have a great run down in souther tier. Our north woods are thawed after warm spell. Hopefully recharge for a better run middle next week!! Sugar is much higher 2-2.6% range where we are typically sub 2, but averaging only 1 gallon of sap per tap on good runs. I guess I would rather have 500 gallons of sap at 2.5 versus 750-1000 gallons of sap at 1.6%. We have made some of the lightest syrup that we have ever made.

03-13-2021, 04:07 PM
We gathered 500 gal from 2 days, but pulled nothing off the pans. Not running very much now. Forecast showing warm days and cold nights. Might be another bad year for us again.

Seems like I’m in the same situation as you I’ve been 28.5” of vacuum and I’m lucky to get 1 gallons of sap per tap per day. I still have snow in the woods. I’m just hoping that the frozen under the snow. Sap running at 1.4-1.6 this year kinda low for me also. My bags aren’t running very well also.

03-15-2021, 06:23 PM
If that long range forecast holds, I'm looking at about 8 more days left to the season. Not sure I (or my trees) can do another week without a freeze this late in the season.

Urban Sugarmaker
03-15-2021, 07:59 PM
If that long range forecast holds, I'm looking at about 8 more days left to the season. Not sure I (or my trees) can do another week without a freeze this late in the season.

Same here. If it's a great week I think I will be happy with the production but it hasn't been a stellar season. Still no major runs for me and time is about up.

03-16-2021, 06:19 AM
Same here. If it's a great week I think I will be happy with the production but it hasn't been a stellar season. Still no major runs for me and time is about up.

Same. Seems like the year of "one gallon per tap, per day" type runs. Never had a 2 gallons per tap day, and never overwhelmed. If we can squeeze out two more good runs of good tasting syrup I think I will be happy also. Have to be, right? lol

03-16-2021, 05:55 PM
Was wondering what everyone was using for a boiling point today. I have pressure of 30.4 an a elevation of 896. I use the ThermoWorks website since I get most of my temp stuff from them. There site says 210.6. Just curious what others use.


03-16-2021, 06:23 PM
100 taps. 250 gallons collected as of Saturday. A little over 4.5 gallons made. Saps been testing 1.5 1.6 Hopefully another 250 more. I would be happy with that!

03-16-2021, 07:12 PM
I was 218.2 down in southern tier today.

03-17-2021, 10:03 AM
Thanks for the info

03-17-2021, 04:55 PM
Finally had a gallon per tap day today. I just passed 50% of the volume I harvested last year. I think the next 5 days will make or break the season for me.

Urban Sugarmaker
03-17-2021, 06:23 PM
Strong run in progress for me right now. Best of the season so far. I will be boiling tomorrow for sure.

03-19-2021, 07:59 AM
Sap clarity is back to good but sugar is down. 1.4%. One more good push this weekend then it is over for me. Should top 250 gallons. Decent season but not stellar by any stretch.

03-19-2021, 11:04 AM
Temps have not gotten out of the 20’s here just East of Buffalo despite the sun and blue-bird sky! Mid-60’s forecasted for the weekend so I’m hoping to get a great run. I typically boil three times a season with 250 gallons of sap each boil. I boiled twice so far and had just over 100 gallons of sap each boil. With my new RO-10 bucket, I was able to get my 2.5-3% sap to 6% in one pass. ...and with some minor improvements to my arch, I’m not in the woods boiling as long as I would want...I guess the grass isn’t always greener!

03-22-2021, 07:39 PM

Had a nice rally over the last week or so, and even more so over the weekend. The end of last week I blew a Procon pump on my RO and figured the season was pretty much over. Local maple guy had one I could buy, and got me back in the game to finish the season.

Syrup started out light this year, but not as light as last year. During that warm spell it quickly went into dark, but then with freezes it came back to amber. The afternoon boil two days ago I produced the second lightest syrup of the season. Talk about weird.

Finished bottling tonight, ended with 49 gallons. Two weeks ago I really didn't think we'd cross over the 30 gallon mark, so pretty happy all said and done.

A few days of clean-up and we can say goodbye for another year.

Urban Sugarmaker
03-22-2021, 09:14 PM
I just finished today. I also had a Procon pump fail on the second to last day. The internal shaft just sheared off. New one is on the way. Luckily I had the fuel and pushed through a grueling 14 hour boil and finished up another few hours today. 750 gallons of sap and 20 gallons of syrup on the last 2 days. Time to clean up.

It was a weird season for me too. I made all grades with amber being the dominant grade.

65 gallons on 135 taps. Absolutely no complaints about that. My Shurflo setup and lunch box pump did an amazing job.

03-23-2021, 07:21 AM

Syrup started out light this year, but not as light as last year. During that warm spell it quickly went into dark, but then with freezes it came back to amber. The afternoon boil two days ago I produced the second lightest syrup of the season. Talk about weird.

Same thing happened to me. My second batch that is ready for boiling got lighter, right at delicate.

03-23-2021, 01:53 PM
I just finished today. I also had a Procon pump fail on the second to last day. The internal shaft just sheared off. New one is on the way. Luckily I had the fuel and pushed through a grueling 14 hour boil and finished up another few hours today. 750 gallons of sap and 20 gallons of syrup on the last 2 days. Time to clean up.

It was a weird season for me too. I made all grades with amber being the dominant grade.

65 gallons on 135 taps. Absolutely no complaints about that. My Shurflo setup and lunch box pump did an amazing job.

Hey guys, don't trow away those Procons! They can be rebuilt cheaper than buying a new one. Send them to Edco in California (factory authorized service center - do a search and you'll find the info). My pump failed at the end of the season last year, and that ended it for me. These pumps are very sensitive to cavitation if there is any air in your lines, and the damage will be cumulative until the pump fails. Same for running dry.

Just recovering from the weekend onslaught here. 20 gals in 2 days. I got such a late start that I only expected to produce a nominal amount of syrup. I'm staying up and running until the bitter end.

03-23-2021, 06:49 PM
Hey guys, don't trow away those Procons! They can be rebuilt cheaper than buying a new one. Send them to Edco in California (factory authorized service center - do a search and you'll find the info). My pump failed at the end of the season last year, and that ended it for me. These pumps are very sensitive to cavitation if there is any air in your lines, and the damage will be cumulative until the pump fails. Same for running dry.

Just recovering from the weekend onslaught here. 20 gals in 2 days. I got such a late start that I only expected to produce a nominal amount of syrup. I'm staying up and running until the bitter end.

Have you used the pump they repaired? For $75 plus shipping I might just send it in right now to have a spare sitting on the shelf.

03-24-2021, 08:04 AM
Have you used the pump they repaired? For $75 plus shipping I might just send it in right now to have a spare sitting on the shelf.

Yes, I'm running it now. Mine rebuild ran more than the basic charge due to the damage, but still way cheaper than new. A spare would be handy to have if there is a failure in peak season.

03-25-2021, 03:56 PM
Anyone else still plugging away? Haven’t had a freeze in 5 days. Still got 800 gallons of sap today on 901 taps on vacuum. It’s cloudy but doesn’t taste or smell funny.

03-25-2021, 06:50 PM
We boiled down 675 yesterday. Hoping to get a few freeze thaw cycles next week if the trees hold off til then. Certainly have started to gain some ground on slow start as of late.

Its been a weird season...higher sugar slower runs and light syrup.

03-26-2021, 07:44 AM
I started boiling a small batch of sap that was a bit cloudy but otherwise seemed fine but it smelled like wet cardboard as soon as it steamed with no maple aroma. I discarded. This was the day after a nice batch of #23 very dark. But we do have red maples on our lines.

concord maple
03-26-2021, 08:01 AM
Started clean-up here in Southern Erie County. Alot of indicators that season is over (peppers out strong for three days in a row, 60s to low 70s since Sunday as of today with more coming into the middle of next week, sugar content way down, reds and silvers along with other trees have popped open, yard has greened up, and can't keep sap from going really cloudy). I know of one large producer around here that has finished and started clean-up. Made 3/4 of my crop in two weeks so not to bad but unfortunately it was a really short season for us.

03-26-2021, 02:12 PM
We are all done too. Nothing running and what did is really stinky/cloudy. Will save that for the summer soak. Made only about 40 gal on 225 taps. We have made up to 140 before and usually average about 80. Mostly all light except for the last 8-10 gallons.

03-27-2021, 05:28 PM
any of you guys who have the smoky lake oil fired evaporators still boiling this week? Would love to see one in action if so... let me know. Thanks.

03-28-2021, 09:36 AM
I'm all done and bottled 8.75 gallons from 460. Glad I put some more taps in this year making an even 100 All soft maples and they weren't running as good as previous years. 4.6 gal per tap. Last sap was over 2% but I had alot of ice that was thrown away . All in all 52 gallons to make a gallon. Nothing to complain about. Was another good season for me

03-28-2021, 09:42 AM
Oh yeah and I'm extremely happy with the new corsair. Cut my cook time in half also a shout out to the crew at SmokyLake can't say enough good about them Quality company from the products to the customer service Hats off to you !!

04-04-2021, 08:27 PM
Well today I shutdown the vacuums had 1,600 of sap overnight it was buddy. Short season for us only made 2/3rds of our crop. Sugar percentages were low all season the highest was 1.6%and the lowest .8%.The average was 1% Had a lot of 1 gallon per tap days. But had one night that gave me 3 gallon per tap. Ran out of sap storage had to drain my ro water tank and fill it up with sap. I hope you guys had a better season than we did. Time to pull taps and clean up. And start on a long list of chores the wife has planned of me. Y’all have a good off-season.

01-26-2022, 08:21 PM
I have an itch. snow is pretty deep.

01-27-2022, 11:00 AM
Next week will be in the 40's. I'm waiting till at least Valentines day. Most likely the week after. We only make about 20 gallons.

02-11-2022, 05:31 PM
Well I got out in the woods today and tapped my 70 trees on the previously existing tubing system. Trees were running pretty good which I was hoping for so I could flush the system out. Then went and added some new tubing runs to pick up another 50 trees. Now tomorrow will be spent installing the new larger stack and getting the pans back up on the evaporator and pumps recleaned.

02-12-2022, 09:24 AM
Yep, I’m thinking that I’m going in this weekend. I don’t have time during the week next week to tap and I don’t want to miss what looks like it could be the first real run of the season for me late next week. The 14 day forecast looks favorable.

02-12-2022, 04:03 PM
450 of 3500 in today

02-12-2022, 05:43 PM
My son and I just finished up tapping the 1400 taps behind our sugar house this afternoon. The snow pack has shrunk considerably but it still makes it tough going. My 53 year old butt will definitely not have a problem getting to sleep tonight! We still have to finish putting together a new dry line that we installed this fall and put in a few saddles on some new lines that we put in. And I'm still putting the vacuum pump and releaser back together, plumbing and wiring the new RO we got this year, cleaning tanks and evaporator. It just feels like we will never get done, but I know we will at some time.
It looks like we cold get a run here starting Wednesday so we are pushing to be ready to boil by then. Then we will finish tapping our other bush when we get a chance. We had some Ash logs taken out of there last summer so that bush is is kind of a mess. I worked on fixing it up back in November but still have a bunch to do there mostly with mainline repair. We normally have 800 taps there but it looks like we will only have about 600-650 this year. In a couple spots there are too many tops so I didn't put the lines back till we skid the tops out. Next year I plan on expanding a little over there, maybe a couple hundred more.
Anyways, it's definitely go time for us! This is what I live for and can't wait for!

02-16-2022, 09:13 PM
Got about half in after work. Most were running, should get a run tomorrow before they shut down.

02-19-2022, 09:01 AM
I tapped about 60 trees on 2/16 and collected 60 gallons on 2/17 (before the weather turned). Hope to get another 120 gallons early this week so I can boil on 2/24.

02-20-2022, 10:58 AM
Looking at the weather in the Buffalo area and I am going tap my trees on Wednesday. I have never successfully collected after April 1st in my neighborhood but we will see what happens this year.

02-23-2022, 12:18 PM
This is our second year on the tubing we put up last year. We have a really steep hill that should generate some decent natural vacuum.

We got about 110 gallons out of 130 trees this last run monday and tuesday. We're between rochester and buffalo. Did people who are tapped average just under a gallon per tree? We were on buckets for a couple years before that, remember some trees filling a 4 gallon bucket some days.

Don't want to sound too greedy, but I guess I am...

02-23-2022, 08:57 PM
I got my taps in on the 16th and 17th. So far I have 395 gallons total on 113 taps all on 5/16 tubing. It’s been so cold leading up to this run though, it might depend on how thawed out your area is. I’m south of Buffalo by about 30 minutes.

02-23-2022, 09:01 PM
So, I did about a gallon a tree too combined both days. Monday’s sap tested at 2.6% and Tuesday at 2.3%. I had tapped on 1/31 to try to get some of the early run.

02-24-2022, 02:13 PM
I’m located a few miles north of Bradford PA. I’m getting back into sugaring after a very long hiatus. We got two good runs. One this week and another last week. Sugar content was very low at 1.2 %. We boiled anyway and got dark/robust syrup which was unexpected. It has a very strong flavor. This was a suprise. I’m wondering if anyone has any thoughts on why such early runs would yield this grade of syrup. I was expecting amber at worst. This is the first time tapping these 80 trees. Sap was boiled on the same day as collected. Is anyone else getting these results. Also, we are still covered with a foot of snow and I am using 3/16 inch tubing.

02-24-2022, 06:18 PM
You guys are amazing! I'm only a shoemaker backyard hobby, so I won't embarrass myself with a number of taps. Tapped on Sunday and I'll boil this weekend. Love doing this. Gonna visit a friend in Wyoming County to watch his production and hopefully learn some more.

02-24-2022, 07:09 PM
We concentrate our sap to 12-14% and our syrup was dark last week on our first boil. This week it did lighten up to amber. Last year we made 500 gal. and didn't make a drop of golden and our sap was about the same at 1.5%. I think it is mostly due to the lower sugar content. If you keep everything clean and boil right away your doing everything right. Sometimes we just make dark syrup. As long as it tastes good I'm happy with it all.

02-25-2022, 05:36 PM

I usually get 130 gallons off 170 taps on a normal good run. I've gotten more than that on great runs. Those are on gravity tubing.

If I may ask, where abouts between Roc and Buff? I'm in Elba.

02-27-2022, 09:02 PM
Greetings -

Our sugar bush is down in Canaseraga ( Swain ) but we live up in Rochester. Here is our data from last weeks mon/tues run:

3/16 taps are natural vacuum and produced .7 gallons/tap

5/16 gravity .3 gallons/tap

5/16 vac 1.1 gallons/tap

sugar was 1.5 average

Looks like the weather is turning favorable for the 7 day!!

03-02-2022, 05:22 PM
I'm in clarendon.

Thanks everyone for your stats. I feel better about our sap production. Though I'd live more...

03-05-2022, 02:12 PM
It just hit 50 degrees here with very little wind, a bit of sun and not hardly a drop of sap! I was really hoping for a weekend run!

03-05-2022, 04:15 PM
Slow start to the run in CNY also

03-05-2022, 05:41 PM
Clarendon?!?! My neighbor! Ha.

03-05-2022, 06:00 PM
Unfortunately I think things are still thawing out from this past week. I’m hoping tomorrow but it’s supposed to be windy.

03-06-2022, 02:29 PM
Today is much better as far as the sap run. So far we are over a gallon a tap at 3pm and is running hard. Loving the 1000 gph RO so far! Could make 2 barrels today.

03-09-2022, 11:12 AM
So far sap runs have been sporadic and disappointing at best, and next weeks weather looks even more disappointing.

Urban Sugarmaker
03-09-2022, 12:22 PM
So far sap runs have been sporadic and disappointing at best, and next weeks weather looks even more disappointing.

Not good. I have yet to see a strong run. Hopefully before this weekend.

03-09-2022, 07:39 PM
Not good. I have yet to see a strong run. Hopefully before this weekend.

We needed last night or tonight to stay above freezing. Strong runs just before they freeze back up for the night, but they don't start running til 2:00 in the afternoon.

03-11-2022, 06:22 AM
We needed last night or tonight to stay above freezing. Strong runs just before they freeze back up for the night, but they don't start running til 2:00 in the afternoon.

I've been doing well actually. Not records or anything, but a consistent 130 gallons off of 170 gravity taps. I pulled 175 yesterday from Wednesdays run.

I'll say this, I feel like mine run earlier in the year than my friends in Covington/Attica area. They are higher elevation and I think stay too cold. That said, I always seem to end a week or 10 days earlier. I'm looking at the forecast for next week and thinking I will be done unless something changes.

03-11-2022, 06:23 AM
We needed last night or tonight to stay above freezing. Strong runs just before they freeze back up for the night, but they don't start running til 2:00 in the afternoon.

I've been doing well actually. Not records or anything, but a consistent 130 gallons off of 170 gravity taps. I pulled 175 yesterday from Wednesdays run.

I'll say this, I feel like mine run earlier in the year than my friends in Covington/Attica area. They are higher elevation and I think stay too cold. That said, I always seem to end a week or 10 days earlier. I'm looking at the forecast for next week and thinking I will be done unless something changes.

03-11-2022, 10:19 AM
Not good here so far 30 miles from Buffalo tapped on the 22nd since it was so cold and barely have 100 gallons of sap from 70 taps and next week does not look good either. I average around 600 gallons of sap on a typical season now I am hoping to get to 400 this year.

03-11-2022, 10:37 AM
I’m about 65 miles south of Buffalo. We are still waiting for that epic run. The best I have had was about 50 gallons on 75 taps. Half of my sugar bush is on the north side of a small hill. I have about 12 trees that haven’t produced a drop of sap this season. And several buckets that only produce a small amount. I was surprised to find that sap was running well yesterday late in the day but the run didn’t start until around 2 pm. Hopefully things will improve.

03-11-2022, 10:42 AM
I’m about 65 miles south of Buffalo. We are still waiting for that epic run. The best I have had was about 50 gallons on 75 taps. Half of my sugar bush is on the north side of a small hill. I have about 12 trees that haven’t produced a drop of sap this season. And several buckets that only produce a small amount. I was surprised to find that sap was running well yesterday late in the day but the run didn’t start until around 2 pm. Hopefully things will improve.

03-11-2022, 12:04 PM
I have been pleased so far. Wasn't going to tap this year again but got conned into it. Tapped Saturday morning (3/6/22) and have collected 4 times from 25 taps for 75 gallons of 2.5 brix. Today was looking great but this anticipated storm is starting to drop the temp along Lake Erie here in Chautauqua county. Have to boil everything up and drain the pan as they are calling for a low of 12* tonight.

03-11-2022, 11:10 PM
Tapped on 2/13 here in Monroe county. 80 taps. As of today 164 gallons total .. My Big red in my front yard with 2 taps has yielded 17 gallons I have some trees in the woods that have only given 1 gallon IDK seems to be another strange season

03-12-2022, 11:15 AM
Had a good run yesterday! little over 1/gallon tap on 5/16 lines without vacuum - never got the portable pumps set. and almost 1.5/tap out of our 3/16 lines. Looks to be a busy week ahead now that the frost is almost out of the ground and the warming temps!

How are you guys making out?

03-12-2022, 03:31 PM
We need a few more runs like yesterday. Good run but still not quite a huge run. We got a little less than 1 1/2 gpt. We are almost at a half crop. I think we are a little ahead of other area producers there. Temps next week don't look very good but they haven't been right with the forecast at all. Ten days ago it looked like this past week was going to be huge but the temps were way lower than forecasted and we just didn't get much. I'm just hoping we get a couple of freeze ups this coming week and if we do we should be ok. Yesterday I was leak checking and the ground is still frozen in the woods so I hope that will help us out if it does get real warm.
Today was a bit of a struggle with everything frozen up. I had to thaw two sap tanks ,two permeate tanks , and two of our pump lines that go up into the ceiling in to the sugar house because I forgot to drain them last night! Lol Then I forgot to wear my rubber boots so my feet got soaked when I did get things thawed out!

03-13-2022, 08:07 PM
I don't have much hope past Wednesday this week. I'll be finishing off what's in the evaporator at the end of this next run and make a decision based on the forecast at that time. My gut tells me I'll be pulling the plug. Made nothing but very light amber so far, nothing remotely dark at all.

Urban Sugarmaker
03-14-2022, 08:10 AM
I also don't have much hope past Wednesday. But, I have everything on tubing and vac so I might hang on. The problem is keeping the pans from spoiling and therefore having to keep firing up to prevent that. If it's over this week then I would have to say this has been my worst season so far. I'm just hoping for a run next week and then it's probably over. I finished 3/22 last year.

03-14-2022, 12:38 PM
I doubled my tap count this year and was hoping for a big return on the time and investment.....sadly I'm almost even with what I made last year. The weather keeps looking more and more depressing by the day. I'll hang in there as much as I can but it might be the end this week.

03-14-2022, 02:17 PM
I doubled my tap count this year and was hoping for a big return on the time and investment.....sadly I'm almost even with what I made last year. The weather keeps looking more and more depressing by the day. I'll hang in there as much as I can but it might be the end this week.

I can relate. Very first time, 8 taps, 1 1/2 gallons made. Following year, 18 taps, 3 3/4 gallons made. then 22 taps and 4 gallons syrup and 4 pounds of sugar, 38 taps 6 gal. syrup. 80 taps 6 gal. of syrup. I just can't break the 6 gallon mark. Short seasons, bad runs, poor weather, all factors.

03-16-2022, 05:24 AM
Huge run yesterday. My 275 gallon tote overflowed but I got at least 275 gallons on 113 taps for about 2.5 gallons per tap. Really low sugar though, about 1.1%. And that’s with predominately sugar maples.

03-16-2022, 09:04 AM
Dang, the sugars around here are dripping sap from the buds...think I'm done. I got a late start and a early stop. Next year.

03-16-2022, 06:37 PM
Two good freezes the last two nights. Really helped the syrup totals, although still down for the season. Not sure I am going to hang on until another freeze or not. Next one is 5 days away (maybe) but three mid to upper 60 degrees days before then. It's a lot of work keeping tanks/buckets/evaporator fresh during extended warm spells for a "maybe".

03-16-2022, 08:59 PM
I'm trying to decide the same thing... next weekend looks promising, but it's 10 days away and a lot of warmer days in between now and then....and I don't think I've ever trusted a 10 day forecast before :)

03-17-2022, 10:18 AM
With such warm weather I cleaned up everything to get what I could for the season. I generally tap around the 14th of February and typically get around 500-600 of sap on 60 taps. This year I tapped on the 22nd and right now at around 120 gallons for the season.

It was too cold and now too warm... How soon do you begin tapping your trees in the WNY area?

03-17-2022, 01:01 PM
Craig, I'm just up the road from you in Lakeview NY. Still have a bunch of bottling and and filtering to do, but I'm done collecting. I ended with 1200 gallons of sap collected on 130 taps. I probably could have collected more as the taps were still dripping last night when I last checked, but I'm outta wood and ready to start something else so I'm done for the year. Tapped 2/20.

03-17-2022, 07:21 PM
Long range forecast has changed a little for the better. I collected before work this morning, then had another 1/2 gallon per tap run during the day today. Probably the last of the good sap I collect until it possibly freezes again.

On a side note, today was probably the warmest sap I have ever pushed through the RO. OMG!! I had to check for sugar on the permeate side because I have never seen it separate that much in one pass. Always heard warm sap RO's better, but never saw it until today.

Urban Sugarmaker
03-18-2022, 11:05 AM
On a side note, today was probably the warmest sap I have ever pushed through the RO. OMG!! I had to check for sugar on the permeate side because I have never seen it separate that much in one pass. Always heard warm sap RO's better, but never saw it until today.

Same here. I added a second membrane this year and with warmer sap (53F) it was going through it quick. The RO was taking out water at 1.7 GPM when it normally was only getting about 1.3 with cold sap. I have also noticed it does better with fresh crystal clear sap than cloudier sap. I was happy with taking out 67% of the water in one pass too.

Staying in the game until next week to see if there's a freeze or two but likely done next week. My tanks are clean and ready.

03-22-2022, 06:10 AM
Well if last nights temps don't get them going again, I'll likely be done. 25º right now......

Urban Sugarmaker
03-22-2022, 07:05 AM
Same here. Not expecting much and I have concern for buddy flavor. I will definitely test a batch on the stove first.

03-22-2022, 05:14 PM
Same here. Not expecting much and I have concern for buddy flavor. I will definitely test a batch on the stove first.

Less than spectacular here. I think by morning I will have just over a 1/2 gallon per tap for this run.

03-22-2022, 05:28 PM
Since I pulled my taps the holes have been dry since 3/17. Not a drop on the tree trunk.

03-22-2022, 08:52 PM
Almost nothing in the last 24 hours. Maybe 10 gallons on 113 taps. No buds on the trees yet though.

03-22-2022, 09:18 PM
1/2 Gallon per tap on the reds. Silvers are done some have flowered here in Webster I'm done after tomorrow. To bad because the cold is coming back next week. Unfortunately trees are just too advanced

Urban Sugarmaker
03-24-2022, 08:35 AM
I'm holding out for the cold this weekend and the last run next week. I'm on all sugars so hopefully the flavor is good next week and I'm not wasting my time.

Shaggy acres
03-24-2022, 11:43 AM
I'm holding out for the cold this weekend and the last run next week. I'm on all sugars so hopefully the flavor is good next week and I'm not wasting my time.

Boiled what I had in the tank last night so it would not spoil. Going to hold till next warm up as well here in Geneseo. Hopefully it will still be OK. No buds puffing out on our eastern facing hill just yet. Not a great year though. About half production.

03-24-2022, 08:20 PM
Ran pretty good today as the temps hit 65º, only problem was 2/3rds of it ran onto the ground because my dumbass left the valve open on the main woods tank yesterday late morning because absolutely nothing was running and I thought this run was over. Based on the other trees that averaged 3/4ths gallon per tap, I probably ran 100 gallons onto the ground. Boiled what I did salvage, and syrup has gotten pretty dark but awesome maple flavor. Still holding on for the runs after the weekend arctic blast.

03-31-2022, 09:43 AM
Craig, I'm just up the road from you in Lakeview NY. Still have a bunch of bottling and and filtering to do, but I'm done collecting. I ended with 1200 gallons of sap collected on 130 taps. I probably could have collected more as the taps were still dripping last night when I last checked, but I'm outta wood and ready to start something else so I'm done for the year. Tapped 2/20.

Wow that is amazing my last 2 years have been very lame. I tapped on the 22nd and I think I got only around 150 gallons on 60 taps. I typically do around 400-600 gallons the previous 3 years. I just have a mix of all types of maples not too many sugar maples. Are you on buckets or lines?

03-31-2022, 12:54 PM
Running decent in Northeast Wyoming County. Just finished the mornings 150 gallons and looks to be the same out there right now. The draws seemed to lighten a tad at the end, and flavor seems to still be OK.

04-03-2022, 01:31 PM
Still making some good syrup!! excellent run after the thaw to end the weekend and we are flowing at 1+ gallon/tap yesterday and today....probably going to call it after tomorrow. Temps look to stay above freezing for the rest of the week. Sugar is also building back in - up to almost 2%...Any of you guys still going?

04-03-2022, 06:13 PM
Same here. I’m glad I waited to shut down. I boiled over 150 gallons on each of the last 3 days. I made mostly dark. It has wonderful flavor. I’m going to boil after work tomorrow and then shut down for the year.

Urban Sugarmaker
04-03-2022, 08:45 PM
Just finished today. I got 800 gallons since the beginning of the week. I ended up with a little over 75 gallons for the season. I had hoped to make 100. Glad I held on and glad to be done.

04-04-2022, 07:27 PM
After a 40 year hiatus we made 12 gallons of syrup on a Mason 2x3 and 70 taps. We learned a lot and will add another 50 taps next year. Also, fewer buckets and more 3/16 tubing!

04-08-2022, 04:28 PM
Finally done. Pulled taps today and have to finish/bottle 8 gallons of syrup. Finished the season with 57 gallons of syrup. How did everyone else’s season go?

04-09-2022, 03:54 PM
We pulled ours Monday. Long season so glad to be done!

We finished with 100 gallons and all tasted great! We started light, darkened up bid season then finished light.

04-11-2022, 06:51 PM
End of the year numbers for us. First boil Feb.18 , last boil Mar 22. We ended up with 424 gallons of syrup from 2100 taps. Was disappointed we didn't hit at least 500 gal. We never had a big run this year. A couple of good runs, but no really big run. It was just too cold for so long then right into too warm with no freezing. We went from north pole weather Sunday March 13th to to no freezing again until March 30th. By then it was too late for us. Some other area producers kept going and made some more syrup into April. Our last run tested 1.1% and we weren't interested in processing any more of that. For the year we were usually around 1.6 to 1.8
Almost all of our syrup was Amber with our last barrel dark. Interestingly we only boiled 22 hours this year. I picked up a 1000gph RO last April that made that possible. I remember years past, pre RO, we had some one day boils that were 18,19 hours by themselves!
For next year we plan on replacing all of our drops on 3/16th and in the main bush with vacuum, I would like to work on running more mainline and cutting down on the number of taps per line. And maybe adding a couple hundred more taps if possible. LOL
Still working on clean up.

01-14-2023, 08:03 AM
I rarely tap this early, Normally I go all in late February, but I have to admit the 10 day forecast is pretty tempting. The long range is projecting a cold February through….

01-14-2023, 01:54 PM
I rarely tap this early, Normally I go all in late February, but I have to admit the 10 day forecast is pretty tempting. The long range is projecting a cold February through….

I'm not touching a drill before Feb. 1st

01-17-2023, 06:27 AM
Looking at the long range forecast, this is how I see my dates for tapping.......
Subject to change at any time, but its a target date non the less....22751

01-17-2023, 05:03 PM
Looking at the long range forecast, this is how I see my dates for tapping.......
Subject to change at any time, but its a target date non the less....22751

That's my target as well. But, the 2nd week of February is kind of average "go time" anyway.

01-18-2023, 06:35 AM
Agreed, just the way this winter weather have been your guess is as good as mine.
I am not ready yet anyways...getting the buckets and what not out for cleaning this weekend.
Finished my new oil tank cooker last night......newbe adventures in welding...
cost 0 dollars as i already had all the materials. pans from my original barrel cookers.
cut up and re welded an old railing for the fire grate.....second post has more pics...
can't wait to try it out.....2275722758227592276022761

01-18-2023, 06:36 AM

01-18-2023, 09:40 PM
Nice job on the oil tank arch. I kinda wish the one I used to have would have been made that way, but maybe not, because then I wouldn't have upgraded and bought the new one.

01-22-2023, 07:27 AM
Been busy working on replacing drop lines since christmas. Its been nice working in the woods with the lack of snow but its still a pain replacing drops. There's no fast way to do it. I sure hope it is worth it We did about 700 out of 2400 taps. We are using yellow colored drops this year to keep track of what's done. I would like to do 700-800 every year. Now I'm working on replacing taps on the remaining lines. We use the clear leader taps. Yesterday I discovered a bunch of bear damage. From a distance I could see the tubing was missing and when I got to it I found it was all chewed into little pieces. So far I have found about 5 lines totally destroyed. Hopefully I don't find any more. I'm sure its bear damage because my friend had 5 bear on his trail camera this past fall. All 5 in one picture I must add!
I'm heading out the door to get back at it.

01-22-2023, 07:45 PM
plattmaple, Do you have a bear season in NY. Sounds like its time to apply/buy a tag.

01-23-2023, 06:30 PM
We get a bear tag with our deer license in NY. Unfortunately no one got any of them as far as I know.

01-23-2023, 07:08 PM
That is a bummer. Wish it was that simple here. Bear meat is really good, unfortunately there isn't a lot of meat on a bear.

01-25-2023, 08:16 AM
pre fired the new arch to set the brick mortar and steam clean the pans.
only 4 pieces of wood in there....seems to be working.. can't wait to
put full heat to her.....22788

01-25-2023, 07:38 PM
looks really good - congrats.

01-28-2023, 07:26 AM
thinking about taping in this weekend...the trees are thawing a little today and sunday.
but we have a cold front next week,,,not good weather til the 11th ish.
just would save me front rushing on a weeknight before then.
not looking for sap right now but I could get it done while the weather was halfway nice.
thoughts anybody??????

01-28-2023, 06:22 PM
thinking about taping in this weekend...the trees are thawing a little today and sunday.
but we have a cold front next week,,,not good weather til the 11th ish.
just would save me front rushing on a weeknight before then.
not looking for sap right now but I could get it done while the weather was halfway nice.
thoughts anybody??????

I think you'd just be getting a jumpstart on the holes healing if you tap now.

01-28-2023, 06:38 PM
thinking about taping in this weekend...the trees are thawing a little today and sunday.
but we have a cold front next week,,,not good weather til the 11th ish.
just would save me front rushing on a weeknight before then.
not looking for sap right now but I could get it done while the weather was halfway nice.
thoughts anybody??????

I’m at least 10 days from tapping, probably more. Long range is looking more promising for mid February.

01-29-2023, 01:09 PM
I’m at least 10 days from tapping, probably more. Long range is looking more promising for mid February.

Yup, as it looks right now, the next warm-up is go time. And I don't even see it in the long range.

Urban Sugarmaker
01-29-2023, 01:20 PM
I am almost ready to tap. Just a few things to do.

01-30-2023, 05:29 AM
Yup, as it looks right now, the next warm-up is go time. And I don't even see it in the long range.

Less than 24 hours later and the long range forecast looks completely different.

01-30-2023, 08:49 AM
I promised myself to not get an itchy trigger finger until at least valentines day. I don't care if Merle has made 5 billion barrels so far already . :lol:

01-30-2023, 02:34 PM
YUP,winter is here,but iat leese it won,t last 15 weeks,only 5,hopefully, will wait for Presidents weekend as i normally do TO TAP,HAPPY SURG'IN EVERYONE

01-31-2023, 05:48 PM
the latest forecast for my area....its a tough call...and I got a itch to scratch.....deep freeze this weekend then a nice warm up, just wish for a little more sun.
I know the trees wont thaw the first day but still...
decisions, decisions...

01-31-2023, 06:00 PM
the latest forecast for my area....its a tough call...and I got a itch to scratch.....deep freeze this weekend then a nice warm up, just wish for a little more sun.
I know the trees wont thaw the first day but still...
decisions, decisions...

I might be moving to tap by early next week. Still a tad earlier than I wanted, but.........

01-31-2023, 07:33 PM
still have a few days for the forecast to settle out,,,see what it looks like at the end of the week looking into next....
if it stays like it shows I might go all in sunday morning....
All in, laughable with a measly 30-35 taps...:lol:

02-01-2023, 01:34 PM
We tapped all but 200 over the weekend. Now we have been working in the sugar house getting stuff cleaned up and put back together. Looks like we should be busy next week.

02-01-2023, 09:37 PM
The forecast for next week has me tapping tomorrow. I tapped during the first week of Feb. last year and boiled on Feb. 14 . We had fabulous sap runs into April. We’ll be ready to go.

02-02-2023, 06:03 PM
I think it is go time.........22816

02-02-2023, 08:51 PM
Yep. I’m going all in this weekend.

02-04-2023, 11:51 AM
This will be my first year trying to make maple syrup. Over the summer I discovered maple trees on my property I didn't know I had...
I'm super excited to give this a try! Wish me luck :)

02-04-2023, 12:19 PM
This will be my first year trying to make maple syrup. Over the summer I discovered maple trees on my property I didn't know I had...
I'm super excited to give this a try! Wish me luck :)

Good luck, how many trees are you going to tap?

02-04-2023, 02:30 PM
Good luck, how many trees are you going to tap?

I'm going to start with ten trees... If this year goes well, I'll try more next year :)

02-04-2023, 06:24 PM
Good luck and have fun. be careful. It's addictive.

02-04-2023, 06:42 PM
got 26 taps in today on 5/16 drops to buckets.
it was -6 degrees when the dogs woke me this morning
and 6 degrees around 10:30 when I tapped in so i dont expect flow sunday.
need a couple days for the trees to thaw.
now we wait and see what happens.

02-04-2023, 06:52 PM
Welcome and good luck it is a bad/good addiction. Make sure you have lots of fun. How are you planning on boiling this year?

02-05-2023, 08:41 AM
Good luck and have fun. be careful. It's addictive.

Thanks! I'm really excited to see how it all goes... How things work out in real life are usually a lot different that what you read about or see on YouTube :lol:

02-05-2023, 08:44 AM
I'm going to start with ten trees... If this year goes well, I'll try more next year :)

What is your plan for boiling the sap? 10 trees could give you 100 gallons of sap.

02-05-2023, 08:44 AM
Welcome and good luck it is a bad/good addiction. Make sure you have lots of fun. How are you planning on boiling this year?

Thanks! I'm trying not to spend a whole lot until I see how this really goes and if I am going to like it, so I am just using the cinder-block-evaporator method this year... I figure I'm starting out small enough, so it should be OK. I hope :)

02-05-2023, 08:48 AM
What is your plan for boiling the sap? 10 trees could give you 100 gallons of sap.

Thanks! If I get 100 gallons, I'll be happy - that should be a good amount to see if I like this or not.... I'm trying not to spend a whole lot to begin with, so I'm just going to use the cinder-block-evaporator.

02-05-2023, 03:26 PM
Thanks! If I get 100 gallons, I'll be happy - that should be a good amount to see if I like this or not.... I'm trying not to spend a whole lot to begin with, so I'm just going to use the cinder-block-evaporator.

That is what I use as well, this will be my second year with it. Good luck!

02-05-2023, 05:59 PM
that what we all said when we started out. So much for that. Now look where I am at. Wouldn't trade it for nothing. Except maybe next year I could add more trees - no get that thought out of your mind.

02-05-2023, 06:10 PM
150 tubing taps in this afternoon. Gonna wait a week or so before adding buckets.

02-05-2023, 06:40 PM
Just ran my line to check, got a little in each bucket, but the ground is still mostly frozen. Monday looks no good temp wise but Tuesday/Wednesday look great.
we are off and running. praying to the weather man....

02-05-2023, 06:59 PM
Got 45 in today on 3/16. Trying a 3/4” mainline for the first time. Will put another 30-45 in later this week. Finally moved indoors this year with a 10x16 shed. Still have to flush the RO before I put more in. Hoping to boil this week as weather looks perfect. Starting to run a bit late this afternoon.

2x3 Next Gen arch. Badgerland divided pan.

02-05-2023, 07:29 PM
That is what I use as well, this will be my second year with it. Good luck!

Ooh - that makes me feel like I am on the right track - thank you!

02-05-2023, 07:34 PM
that what we all said when we started out. So much for that. Now look where I am at. Wouldn't trade it for nothing. Except maybe next year I could add more trees - no get that thought out of your mind.

Lol - I'm hoping you're right! I cut paths to my trees today so I can get my sled in and out of the woods easily - tomorrow my taps are going in... we'll see what happens!

02-06-2023, 09:27 AM
Checked 4 buckets near the house before work this morning..bout 1/2 full from last night...check the rest tonight...low 25 tonight..near 50 degrees Tuesday so flow should be good...

02-06-2023, 08:39 PM
All in yesterday with approximately 120 taps give or take. Not much in the tank today, maybe 5 gallons but the 10 day looks pretty promising. I think it’s go time…. We’ll see!

02-06-2023, 08:47 PM
Collected 11 gallons from yesturdays run..the tubes are currently full and frozen.

Shaggy acres
02-07-2023, 05:48 AM
Tapped all day Sunday and it was running while I was going along. Let a couple gallons run on the ground while I was working my way down the hill. Had 60 gallons in the tank Monday night when I got home so I fired up the first boil last night. Let’s hope that is a pre curser to the season this year. Last year was disappointing! That was about a gallon per tree and only captured that last of the day on Sunday. Let’s see what. Happens today!

02-07-2023, 06:03 AM
Got an even 200 gallons from the 150-155 taps I put in Sunday afternoon. Good start so far.

02-07-2023, 04:22 PM
60 taps with buckets in on Sunday.collected just about 80 gallons this am threw some ice away also

02-08-2023, 11:41 AM
Alden, NY - I had 75gal sap from 50 taps on metal buckets Monday morning (tapped Sunday afternoon). Did not empty buckets Tuesday
…there was about 1-3 inches in the buckets with an estimated total of 25 gallons. Today I added to the 75 gallons previously collected for a total of 225 gallons. Thursday afternoon I’ll hopefully start to RO and then boil Friday. Good luck to those with taps out or will be putting them out!

Urban Sugarmaker
02-08-2023, 09:04 PM
I started yesterday. Off to a good start with around 300 gallons so far and better than usual sugar content...2.5, 2.3, 2.0 for the 3 locations. Problem is I am out of town and cant boil until Monday so I am thinking I'll have 800 gallons or so to get through. I hope the RO starts.

02-09-2023, 06:07 AM
Great start here also. Tapped just the tubing taps on Sunday afternoon. Already been through 475 gallons of 2.1% sap and should have 120 or so tonight. I might of made for first ever golden yesterday, it was very light.