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02-03-2014, 05:33 PM
Just looked at the 10 forecast, for the millionth time, and no tapping weather in it. I just picked up wood for shack and hope it is at least 2 weeks until the weather gets the sap flowing. Heck the way this is going it could march 1 when we good weather for sap runs!! Still trying to find bigger evap for this year also
02-03-2014, 06:33 PM
Yelp,no sense in hurrying,tree's need to thaw out.
Yup that's for sure, march 1 is looking good, but I will be tapped the weekend prior no matter what
02-03-2014, 07:47 PM
another 2-3 weeks before thaw and tap probably.
02-14-2014, 06:51 AM
We are going to start tapping tomorrow.extended forecast looks good mid 40's by the middle of next week.
Like my buddy told me the other day..."the only thing your missing out on not tapping is the first run"! haha
02-14-2014, 09:13 AM
I would tap this weekend but I would have to walk through thigh deep snow to get to the trees. Does snow depth in the sugarbush have an effect on the run?
Shaggy acres
02-15-2014, 05:10 PM
Started today. About a foot of snow on the ground so it was a fight to get up the hill but I have a trail to the top now. Tap a couple dozen more tomorrow God willing.
02-16-2014, 05:34 AM
it help by keeping the root system cooler and once snow starts to melt,lots and lots on moisture for the roots to absorb.Snow shoes are the mode of gett'in around,although a wee bit slower,better than moggin through deep snow,at me sugarbush it's to my knee's
02-16-2014, 06:48 AM
Seems the forecasts have been changing. Planed on tapping the tubing on Wednesday and hanging buckets friday and saturday. now their calling for high thirty's for latter in the week. I still have lots to do to be ready to boil so maybe i'll start next weekend. We have near Knee deep snow and still very cold today. Still have to put rig back together,finish RO rebuild,wash 2 tanks, set tank for permeate,maybe build a closet for RO to keep the noise down in the shanty. Almost sounds like I didn't think spring was coming this year, happens every year. Was just to cold to do all the work after work this winter. Best of luck this season.
02-16-2014, 07:15 AM
Seems the forecasts have been changing. Planed on tapping the tubing on Wednesday and hanging buckets friday and saturday. now their calling for high thirty's for latter in the week. I still have lots to do to be ready to boil so maybe i'll start next weekend. We have near Knee deep snow and still very cold today. Still have to put rig back together,finish RO rebuild,wash 2 tanks, set tank for permeate,maybe build a closet for RO to keep the noise down in the shanty. Almost sounds like I didn't think spring was coming this year, happens every year. Was just to cold to do all the work after work this winter. Best of luck this season.
The National Weather Service is still saying 41º, 49º, 46º and 41º for Wednesday thru Saturday still. My project today is to slide my tank down the hill and try to get that set up. I just went out to brush the snow off it, and that's as far as I got. lol Gonna let it warm up into the teens before I proceed.
02-16-2014, 07:56 AM
I will start tapping Monday/Tuesday in Rochester.
02-17-2014, 03:51 PM
Well, I had the itch and went all today and did all my tapping. Come on mother nature.
02-18-2014, 09:34 AM
I'm holding off I guess. The highs came way down and only one night above freezing now. Biggest factor was the wind though. History has told me not much happens on my trees when the wind blows on the first warm-up or two. It will allow me to get more ready outside if I wait.
02-19-2014, 04:15 PM
I came very very close to tapping today. Just couldn't do it with the weather coming up. Seeing I am still an outdoor "stars are my roof" boiler, I didn't see anything after mid day tomorrow that looked like I wanted to be outside doing that with the high winds and the rain. Combined with showing 13 days straight of nothing above freezing from Sunday on I didn't want everything sitting idle for that long. I'll be ready for the next warm-up though!
I did spend some time today snugging up my newly installed tubing lines, got the tank washed out and hooked up the pump to see if it pumps up to my barn from where it is (slowly, but it does) and dug the fire pit out of the snow. Probably should have got the pan set up but it won't take too long to throw that on when the time comes.
02-19-2014, 07:31 PM
Started tapping today. It was running as I was tapping. Shut down later when the wind and snow kicked in. Got maybe 25% tapped.
Shaggy acres
02-19-2014, 09:38 PM
Better than expected from 30 trees on about 1200 feet of 5/16. Running like it had a pump on it when I got home. Yeah!
Nice shaggy. I didn't check mine today but since it was snowing and no sun I doubt that it ran
02-20-2014, 11:38 AM
I finished tapping on Tuesday. Started to run some yesterday by about 3:00. Tank is all clean collecting sap now. 8 hours fixing leaks yesterday and now the rest of today.
02-22-2014, 06:07 PM
Curious as to how the sap flowed the last couple of days, temps ok but the winds were bad. I have not tapped yet, next week I will probably tap. This gives time to get roof,windows and door on sugar house, just finished the rafters today. Will Need at least a week to be ready to boil, I hate the cold temps but they are saving my butt this year. Besides tomorrow the ten day does not show a day above 29 f. It is definitely going to be short season here unless it stays cold into the first two weeks of April.
02-23-2014, 03:58 AM
I always tap too early then have to wait but this year im waiting. Just got the back hoe out yesterday and moved 6 foot snowbanks from around sugar shack. I want to wash some tanks today when it warms up. 10 day for us looks cold with just a few days above freezing. If the weather holds to the forecast i wont tap until 3/7/14. The nice thing about my little operation is i can set up the vacuum and releaser and tap in all my taps in 8 hours by myself.
Woodpecker Lodge & Maple
02-25-2014, 09:09 PM
Waiting until March 7th to start tapping at Woodpecker Lodge in Scio. Everything is frozen solid and 10 day forecast calls for highs of 22 the first week of March.
02-26-2014, 08:14 AM
Yeah, we are waiting as well to at least March 7th as well. Hope the weather turns around pretty soon. Getting itchy to boil....
02-26-2014, 06:01 PM
Same here, heck I cut firewood for the house today, exhausted my yearly supply already. This winter may never end! I was hoping for at least 20 and sunny for a couple of days to finish my new sugar shack. This is going to a weird season. My friend saw long term forecast and it does not call for forty until March 12 th. Wasn't the season just about done mid march a couple years ago. Mother Nature is a fickle woman.
02-26-2014, 06:12 PM
My target date is March 7th as well. Fishing like a madman until then. :)
02-28-2014, 04:03 AM
-12.8 degrees and falling at 5 am. Last day of February ? Or January?
We're waiting until next weekend to tap also. If it's not above freezing the sap isn't going to flow.
02-28-2014, 05:43 PM
Still looks like the 7th here but I think the trees are also sick of waiting. I stuck a test tap in today to watch while working around the shack around 2:00pm it started to drip a drop every other second. It was in the sun but it was only 21 degrees thought this to be odd. Its a good thing I don't have one of those little glass releasers or I may have seen how it liked 27 inches of vacuum.
03-01-2014, 01:46 PM
I have to pull taps on April 6 no matter what. So, can I tap now knowing that there is only 6 weeks until my personal sap season ends? No warm weather forecast for another week but tomorrow would be a really convenient day to set my 25 taps. Thanks!
03-01-2014, 02:24 PM
I have to pull taps on April 6 no matter what. So, can I tap now knowing that there is only 6 weeks until my personal sap season ends? No warm weather forecast for another week but tomorrow would be a really convenient day to set my 25 taps. Thanks!
A lot of sap will run in one months time.
03-01-2014, 05:28 PM
Just took a peak at the Accuweather long range again for the first time in several days. Yuck! I thought March 7th was the beginning of something really good but there are only a couple days marginally above freezing then pretty much within a couple degrees of freezing until March 15th.
I'll still tap on the 6th or 7th hoping they are wrong. I may be making just enough for the family this year and have far less for give a ways.
Shaggy acres
03-01-2014, 07:45 PM
Everything stopped here in the finger lakes. Thought maybe today with some above freezing temps but nothing to write home about. Changed one of the lines since it wasn't doing anything anyhow. Processed what hadn't frozen in the tank but unfortunately now I have a hundred gallon ice cube stuck in the tank. No reason to believe it will thaw out this month as far as I can see.
03-01-2014, 09:38 PM
now it looks like high 30's on Friday and Saturday in the Finger Lakes! Run forrest run!
Run Forest Run!
03-01-2014, 09:40 PM
Run forrest run!
I second that! :lol: :lol:
03-05-2014, 08:59 PM
Still fishing here in WNY.
03-06-2014, 07:31 AM
Well I decided to go for it. Put in 30 taps behind my house last night and gonna do the other 25 tonight. I just couldn't sit in the house waiting anymore. Hoping we get some kinda run over the next few days. Good luck everybody!
03-06-2014, 08:07 AM
put 10 more in last night. Up to 72 total right now friday putting in 25 more. LET THE SAP FLOW!!!!
03-06-2014, 07:00 PM
All tapped. Most holes were wet when I drilled and some even ran a bit, both buckets and tubing, even though it was only 26º when tapping. Some even made it to the tank. Now I see a potential for a major winter storm for mid-week next week.
concord maple
03-07-2014, 05:52 PM
Tapped everything today. Some running decent but others in shade from pines were not even wet. Had to use snowshoes because snow was a couple feet deep in woods at spots. Time to get sugarshack and pans ready tomorrow.
The Homestead
03-07-2014, 06:19 PM
Tapped 61 today all were wet n running good start for a rookie;)
03-07-2014, 06:22 PM
my frozen ones on buckets started running again...hope they produce well tapped em during that thaw a couple of weeks ago...didn't get much though about a gallon from 19 taps. I guess the trees have to thaw...fingers crossed
03-07-2014, 09:00 PM
Tapped 100 buckets today. Hope to finsh up tapping the rest on tubing tomorrow, about 125. Run Sap Run.... Or Forest... :)
03-09-2014, 02:53 PM
Yesterday just about finished tapping, I have about 30 more to tap, also collected from 175-200 buckets and got only about 40 gallons. When tapping most where running but obviously not much, hope for a couple good runs Monday and Tuesday before the cold sets in for a couple of days. Had my first boil on my new pan and was fairly impressed with it, ran it deep at about 1 1/2" just playing it safe but it boiled down about 35-40. Gallons to about 3-4 in about two hours. Should be able to ramp it up bit, with dry wood,lower sap depth, and even firing. Still have few things to do and then try to finish up shack, but at least I was able to fire the evaporator.
03-09-2014, 02:57 PM
Reduced the 25 gallons of sap I had down to about as low as I like to see it in the pan, roughly 4 gallons. Never fed the fire too awfully hard because I didn't want to waste too much wood with so little sap, so it took a little longer. Maybe the next couple days it'll run a little.
Woodpecker Lodge & Maple
03-09-2014, 09:48 PM
Finished tapping today. 90 buckets, 112 taps on lines. Lines filled and then froze. Looks like the trees are finally thawed out. Its only a matter of time (and sun, and no wind and freezing nights). Easy.
03-10-2014, 06:20 PM
I think my trees are still half asleep... Dripping, but nothing spectacular.
Mountain Winds Farm
03-10-2014, 07:46 PM
same problem here. 3 feet of snow in the woods, trees are cold a little bit of run but not much.
03-14-2014, 08:36 PM
Ran about the best it has all year this afternoon. From noon til 6:00pm I got about 18 gallons from 35 taps. I imagine it will run all night pretty decent and I might have to run around in the dark and empty the buckets before I go to work.
concord maple
03-15-2014, 04:59 PM
Ran better all night last night than it has all week but still nothing big. Just boiled everything from the week. All froze up again and looks like nothing until maybe Tuesday.
03-16-2014, 09:46 PM
Got a third boil in today, 45 gallons this time. Able to draw off about 2 1/2 gallons of near syrup to finish in the house and ended up with exactly 1 3/4 of syrup. Very light so far, lighter than anything I made last year. Looks like decent running weather later in the week.
03-18-2014, 06:36 PM
Starting to run decent later in the day, got a little over a half gallon per tap since noon time. Temperature is dropping off way too fast since it is getting dark. They are calling for just under freezing and I am hoping it stays just above.
Mid afternoon I pulled one of my taps that is on a 5/16ths line with 13 taps on it, it was about halfway down the line. It was a weeper and I pulled it to try and re-seat it. When I pulled it I heard a very noticeable sucking sound. Does this mean I am producing at least a little vacuum?
03-19-2014, 12:47 AM
Yes that's natural vacuum that you heard. Good luck!! weather has to change at some point!!
03-19-2014, 06:42 PM
Collected over a gallon per tap today, perhaps the trees are finally waking up!
03-19-2014, 10:17 PM
Just talked to a friend that runs an excavator on a building lot. They are having a hell of a time digging as they measured the frost line is down 47". Now considering the code for around here is 42", we are going to see a lot more heaving I believe. No wonder the poor trees are starving for water with frost that deep. I have a water hydrant down a little over 3' and it has froze up 2x on me.
03-21-2014, 09:16 PM
since wed we've collected 107 gallons on 51 taps all reds but three, tested the sap tonite and todays run came in at 2.5%, gonna be a busy weekend, this is a great run for my reds on buckets
03-22-2014, 05:48 AM
Please keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times.
Thank you.
Run Forest Run!
03-22-2014, 03:02 PM
Please keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times.
Thank you.
That's hysterical. Thanks for the laugh. :lol: This season we need all of the humour we can find.
03-22-2014, 04:24 PM
Got about 68 gallons from 41 taps over the last 36 hours. Everything is freezing up as I type.
03-22-2014, 08:16 PM
collected another 38 gallons this afternoon @ 2.3%, things look like they freeze up tonite around here (20 min south of buffalo) till thursday, been boiling since 6pm yesterday and back at it in the am, been great spending the time with my dad and uncle
03-27-2014, 08:04 PM
Not sure exactly when it went above freezing today, but at 6:30 this evening it was 42º out and the taps were just barely dripping. I was expecting more! Staying well above freezing all night so maybe it will turn on overnight and tomorrow, I hope. Light freezes both Saturday and Sunday nights, with near 60º on Monday I might have to secure the taps better so they don't blow out of the trees. lol Then the rest of next week has lows "around" 32º. Tick-tock.
03-28-2014, 08:44 PM
Started running late in the day yesterday, and in just over 24 hours I had 75 gallons run. Didn't plan on boiling today, but figured I'd better. Started a little after noon and had 55 gallons boiled off by nightfall. Will finish the rest Sunday as I gotta deliver mail on Saturday Drew off enough today to bottle another gallon though. Keep plugging away here.
03-29-2014, 07:27 AM
We boiled in 320 gal last Saturday and collected 250 gal yesterday. Boiled till 11 and have 100 to finish off today. Just checked the tanks and not running right now. Not suppose to get too warm today either. Will need this snow coming and hope it freezes again to get the sap flowing again.
concord maple
03-29-2014, 09:09 AM
Collected 132 gal in the last 24 hrs. on not quite 100 buckets. Good trees were starting to run this morning.
03-29-2014, 10:22 PM
Looking out my window right now at about 4" of fresh snow, with more to come. Just when I thought we were losing the frost in the woods, and it gets covered by a blanket again. Got 45 gallons to boil down tomorrow.....................or maybe I'll wait til Monday :)
03-30-2014, 07:24 PM
Got 45 gallons to boil down tomorrow.....................or maybe I'll wait til Monday :)
Yep, that has to wait til tomorrow. Spent most of the day on the plow.
Just went down to my tank to shut the valve and unhook the transfer pump. Clear sky on the horizon made me a little nervous that it might get too cold for the pump, and I don't need to burst one. Anyway, while there, I looked in the tank and discovered a steady stream of sap flowing in from the one line with 13 taps on it. The other line was vigorous as well, and I checked a few close buckets and they are going well too.
This week is going to be real good I think.
03-31-2014, 07:37 AM
Today could be the best run of the season. Didn't think it would run much yesterday as it stayed cold so long, but the sun came out and I got 1000 gallons of sap in four hours on my vacuum line. If it runs like that today I will be flooded!
03-31-2014, 08:37 AM
boiled a little yesterday, still have to collect form weekend just not enough time. might have to dump some buckets? running low on wood. how long do you think the season will last? temps look ok until at least weekend but trees may start pushing buds soon. 300 taps and I have only finished 14 1/2 gallons with about 3 left to finish. short and strange year.
03-31-2014, 06:48 PM
boiled a little yesterday, still have to collect form weekend just not enough time. might have to dump some buckets? running low on wood. how long do you think the season will last? temps look ok until at least weekend but trees may start pushing buds soon. 300 taps and I have only finished 14 1/2 gallons with about 3 left to finish. short and strange year.
I'm guessing you got a little sap today? lol
04-02-2014, 02:40 PM
Even though we went just below freezing each of the last two nights, the trees came to an abrupt halt. Barely a drip now. Was able to get caught up to the sap this morning and finish/bottle some more inside. For a weird year the syrup is starting to add up.
Played with a little air today. I burned off 45 gallons between 8:00 and noon. That is pretty good for me on just a 2x4. Just used a bathroom exhaust fan and a scrap piece of metal pipe. I bet I added 50% to my evaporation rate. Could only throw a couple small chunks of wood in at a time or else it would be way too hot in the firebox. I just left the front open like the video shows and chuck the wood in there every three minutes or so. I could get the whole pan boiling hard which I can't usually do.
Turn up the volume, it sounded like a jet engine!
04-03-2014, 06:06 AM
Weird. 26º out and the taps on the tree by the house are complete freeze free. Normally they start icing up at 31.5º Not sure what to expect when it warms up today.
04-03-2014, 08:12 PM
Well, they ran a little. Got nearly 35 gallons and decided to fire the pan up late this afternoon. Drew off enough sweet to finish out at nearly another gallon. I just keep plugging away here. I see a couple real nice cold nights over the next seven days but hopefully they aren't too far apart from one another.
04-03-2014, 09:54 PM
Glad to hear that you think there might be more coming. This is my first year, and when mine dropped from a daily average of 1 gal/tap a week ago to 0.2 gal/tap the last couple of days, I thought it was probably the end. But it's been a good first year, even if it stops now -- lots of learning and some great syrup.
04-04-2014, 05:02 PM
Pulled my 100 buckets today as they were either mostly yellow or milky sap. Keeping the lines up though to see if we get any more decent weather...
04-04-2014, 06:01 PM
Still running clear here. Had a slight freeze last night at 31º for a couple hours before I went to bed, not sure where it went from there. Had a little run today of 26 gallons. I have to work tomorrow so I'm gonna try to keep it til Sunday. Looks like a nice cold night in the mid 20's for tomorrow night, so maybe Sunday we'll get a good flow. Buds look to be quite small and tight yet. Sunday might be my last boil though...............we'll see.
04-05-2014, 08:27 PM
Sap is still clear from my trees and hope for a good run tomorrow or Monday, then I think it will be done. It is crazy to see the numbers of syrup made from so few taps. I have 300 buckets and have only made about 22 gallons so far with about 4-5 more almost finished. Tap a lot of reds but sap in tank runs at least 2 percent and sometimes more. Lots of sugar sand this year and all dark amber and b.
04-05-2014, 09:10 PM
This will be my last run also. The 30 gals I collected late yesterday was getting a little cloudy on me today. Tasted and smelled good so I ran it through the pan tonight instead of waiting til tomorrow. If we get in the low 20's tonight like they say, and it hits the mid 50's tomorrow, it should be a great grand finale. I have to use up all my wood so I don't have to move it when I build my new sugar shack this summer. :)
Shaggy acres
04-07-2014, 05:32 AM
I have a 300 gallon tank that is full if you want more sap. I am in Geneseo. Bring buckets, I don't have the processing capability required. Just starting to turn cloudy, perfect now but it will go bad. Call me if you want some. 585 278 8997
04-07-2014, 11:46 AM
Vacuum line kept me hopping yesterday. Boiled from 4:00pm to 3:00am last night. Won't get home from work til after 5 to see what awaits me tonight. Sap got clearer and syrup got lighter yesterday.
04-07-2014, 02:09 PM
I fired up yesterday about 2:00 when I had 25-30 gallons that had run already since morning. Didn't want to fire to soon because I didn't want to catch up to the flow. That was NOT a concern! lol Shoulda started earlier. Ended up boiling down 75 gallons by midnight and could have collected another 5 to 10 gallons if I wanted to run around and collect one more time. I was pooped and just wanted to be done. That was my last boil for the season, even though it looks like it ran today too. This afternoon I am finishing the last couple draws plus gonna try to drain the pan and get that finished as well. Gotta do mail the rest of the week so no time for any more boils. Curious to know what I end up with for the season.
04-07-2014, 10:09 PM
Just finished bottling my last 2.75 gals from everything boiled the last few days. Season total at 13 7/8 gallons. Beat last year by a pint. ;DD Will pull buckets tomorrow evening and start the clean-up soon.
concord maple
04-08-2014, 11:31 AM
Going to keep going at least to weekend. Been at it for 5 weeks on buckets. Sugar content has dropped.
04-08-2014, 08:00 PM
Will start pulling tomorrow ,a lot of my buckets were cloudy, mostly reds, sugars were alright, hate dumping but do not want to chance it, still collected about 120 gallons today. Would have been a good run Sunday if most were not cloudy. I could probably go longer on my sugars and blacks but it is not worth it as they are very spread out over the hill. Will end up at a little over 30 gallons from my 300 taps not good but you take what Mother Nature deals, was hoping for 6o gallons. Hopefully next year I will add some taps and new evap and would like to make close to 100 gallons but be happy with 75.
04-08-2014, 08:46 PM
I pulled mine on Sunday -- all were essentially dry with only a couple of drips after that, and appear to be completely dry now. Sap ran clear entire season, so that was great. Ended up with 2 gal from about 8 taps (6 for first half of season then added 4 more for second half, for an average of say 8). As far as I'm concerned, it was a great first year for a backyard tapper, but then again I didn't know exactly what to expect. Looking forward to expanding a bit next year -- I have enough trees for about 30 taps, but will probably be cautious and only tap half of them. My DIY RO system with a single membrane removed about 2 gal/hr, and that will double or triple if I add another membrane or two. But I'll definitely need a bigger evaporator first...
04-08-2014, 11:17 PM
I've collected cloudy sap (cloudy in the 1600 gal. tank anyway) a few times now. Always made decent medium so far.
04-09-2014, 05:41 AM
My lines are still producing decent sap. Collected 100 gal yesterday and 120 on Monday. Had a nice freeze last night so should get another small run today. But forecast not looking good for the rest of the week. I am sure we will be pulling the rest over the weekend. Last 15-20 gallons have been dark syrup but still good tasting. I have been cleaning my tanks frequently and I think that has made a huge difference in the quality. Made 65 gallons so far.
Woodpecker Lodge & Maple
04-14-2014, 09:18 PM
Its all over! 2014 in the books. A decent season with a great deal of light amber and more than I could ask medium amber. Just had to make some dark amber to pour over my Easter ham.
01-12-2015, 08:06 AM
well it's 2015, who's going to be the first to jump? I just looked at the 10 day and I know somebody out there is itching to tap next week. It is really early but 2 years ago a lot of guys were tapped in mid-to late jan. I will not be getting out the drills just yet, going to wait for at least 2-3 weeks before even thinking about it, and that is if the weather is right. I have some work to do getting my new to me evap set up, and some work on the shack, evict a red squirrel. got to get started on firewood for next year anyway waiting for the ground to freeze up a little , after last week I think it should be.
Urban Sugarmaker
01-12-2015, 08:20 AM
I was thinking the same thing here in Rochester. The 10 day forecast shows above freezing for for 5 straight days starting this Saturday 1/17. I'm also thinking of waiting too, but I don't want to miss too much either.
01-12-2015, 04:48 PM
I'm going to resist until at least Valentine's Day, then I'll jump on the next good stretch of weather.
01-12-2015, 06:55 PM
We have had are tubbing tapped since last week of December and have boiled twice we still have a lot we haven't tapped yet I'm thinking more will get done with this nice 10 day forcast
01-14-2015, 08:33 AM
this morning should freeze up a few things. the lowest my wife or I had was -19 f in Belmont I am sure that some tipped -20 f or below, this cold sucks. the 10 day always starts looking better than it ends up, oh well, it is winter in wny( our as I like to call it, the butthole of the armpit of the world).
01-15-2015, 05:32 AM
Yeah, whatever anyone saw in the long range forecast has all but evaporated (no pun intended). Only day I see above freezing is Monday, and that is just 37º. At least for the coordinates where I am at.
01-15-2015, 07:36 AM
sunday is the only day above freezing that I see. -8 f this morning, yeah, a warm up!!
01-26-2015, 04:59 PM
Looking more like last year every forecast. Going to be a least mid February before any sap is going to flow around here, maybe closer to March.
01-26-2015, 09:33 PM
Looking more like last year every forecast. Going to be a least mid February before any sap is going to flow around here, maybe closer to March.
the later the better I am not ready!!!
01-28-2015, 08:10 AM
here in the Belmont/Wellsville had -21 f up to -15 f. I think it is going to late feb before we get this going.
01-28-2015, 04:59 PM
About three weeks from now would be great with me.
maple flats
01-28-2015, 05:59 PM
If it can be believed, my Accuweather extended forecast only shows 2 days above 35 up til Mar 5. But as we all know, that can change radically in short order.
Hold that thought, I just rechecked the extended, it has changed since yesterday. Now it shows 2/10 37, 2/11 38, 2/18 36, 2/26 44 then most every day thru 3/7 shows mid 40's, then several days low to mid thirties daytime highs.
That just shows how fast it can change, about 24 hrs and the picture looks far from bleak for my area. I'll start tapping soon, to be finished before 2/26. However, I'm not sending the guys out this Sat., high under 15 and windy both Sat and Sunday.
I have 2/14-2/22 off, I can tap then with help on 2/14.
02-10-2015, 12:11 PM
well, I still have some things to do to get completely ready for the season, but with the forecast I should have at least 2 weeks, maybe longer. gearing up for a short season, hopefully it run well when it decides to. I have to plumb tank to evap and finalize a new ash pan, and wire new blower in and then sit on my hands until it warms up. the forecasted high for sunday is -1 f. to much snow to get on hill to cut firewood, I should be getting caught up on inside projects but it is hard to get motivated in this weather!!
02-21-2015, 06:31 PM
Well I just checked the 10 day and there is not a day above freezing in it. It does show a slight warm near the end of it, upper 20's. That puts it at March 2 and with at least 18-24 inches of snow and a deep frost right now with more snow and cold predicted, I think March 10 is a reasonable guess for the first runs. Either way I am going to try to tap next weekend if I can plow a path up the hill and through the woods, around 3/4 of mile. I have not even got my evap completely ready and am in no hurry at the moment. Who knows maybe we will boiling in our shorts and tee-shirts in mid- April this year.
02-21-2015, 07:36 PM
Pretty much a carbon copy of last year, except for the deep snow we have this year.
02-22-2015, 12:03 PM
I don't think there is a ton of frost in the ground right now. I blew a path out to, and into, the garden today to get rid of chicken bedding and the ground out there was soft. I could have dug a hole in the garden if I wanted to.
Shaggy acres
02-22-2015, 06:27 PM
We'll it was actually above freezing here in Conesus for a whole 4 hours today. I made my way up the hill using the deer paths where possible. What a great workout, I dragged two 5 gal buckets along with my tools and parts. Need a new battery because I had to come down once to re charge my Makita. A few trees actually rewarded me with that beautiful first drip of sap you see when you tap. I doubt any actually made the trip to the bottom of the hill but I would have liked to run a little through just to clean the tubes out, maybe next week. I still need to run the new 500' of tubing I have and that will give me a dozen more taps. Other than a few buckets I will be tapped out.
Can't wait to try my new home made rocket stove evaporator.
Good luck everyone, I think we are getting closer at least in western N.Y.
02-22-2015, 06:34 PM
I was just wondering if it's time yet ?
02-22-2015, 06:40 PM
I was just wondering if it's time yet ?
I dug out my tank platform today. lol I am not looking forward to tapping in snow more than crotch deep.
02-22-2015, 06:41 PM
I was just wondering if it's time yet ?
You should be able to win a good prize in that snow sculpture contest. It looks just like a sugarshack!! :)
Shaggy acres
02-23-2015, 06:32 AM
WOW! I was waist deep off the deer path but just over the knees if I could follow a path. The snow by you looks like a heart attack waiting to happen. Be careful!
02-28-2015, 04:37 PM
I am hoping to do some tapping tomorrow. I don't think it will run much during the brief glimpse of warmth this week, but maybe I can get enough to freeze up some ice blocks for keeping sap cool later in the season.
03-01-2015, 06:39 AM
I may have changed my mind. lol Instead of two days and one night above freezing before getting cold again, now they are saying one day just above freezing. And that one day mixed with snow/sleet/rain and high winds. What to do, what to do??
03-04-2015, 03:08 PM
looks like Monday will begin the sap season here in the southern tier, thought Saturday would be the forecast for the weekend is 32-33. I know I will tapping Friday afternoon and all day Saturday, I still have stuff to do but If I did not wait until last minute it just would not be my thing.
03-04-2015, 06:16 PM
Still dragging mainline threw woods.... Around the clock work to Scrabble to finish hopefully by Monday! Have to put my vacuum pump together my new extractor run all 5/16 line put saddles on and put tappes on. Lucky I have a lot of friends helping me this weekend!
03-04-2015, 06:49 PM
It's go time.
03-04-2015, 08:01 PM
Put first taps in today!!! It's on but after 53 taps with new drops I'm shot. Never had such a hard time getting around in the woods with shoes until today. Holy crap is the snow deep!!! I feel like I put in 530 taps today not 53!! Good luck to everyone this season
I am tapping in on Saturday. Will be nice to get the season started!
03-05-2015, 07:59 AM
also looking to have everything in and ready to by sunday for the warm up next week,
03-05-2015, 08:36 AM
Yep the time has come, I got 60 in sun and doing the 15 right behind the house with the kids on sat. Good luck everybody, hopefully next week we all see steam rising!
Rosser's Ridge
03-06-2015, 03:59 PM
Well got the first 80 taps in today, will finish 120 saturday. WOW a@$hole deep in snow. Now I got 36" inseam I cant imagine how the vertically challenged are doin in the woods. Still got plenty to do yet though. Finish washing buckets n lids, clean out (3) 300 gal tanks, build preheater, set up and test my new homemade arch, find trailer in snow (I see the hump) and thats whats just in the mind now. Good luck everyone!
sugar ED
03-07-2015, 01:02 AM
Well got the first 80 taps in today, will finish 120 saturday. WOW a@$hole deep in snow. Now I got 36" inseam I cant imagine how the vertically challenged are doin in the woods. Still got plenty to do yet though. Finish washing buckets n lids, clean out (3) 300 gal tanks, build preheater, set up and test my new homemade arch, find trailer in snow (I see the hump) and thats whats just in the mind now. Good luck everyone!
Wow! Rosser's Ridge ... I only got 50 in out of 500 ...not thinking it's all going to happen this year ! I'm in the tug hill area ,not really vertically challenged to bad, but I'm 6 foot and belly button to shoulder deep here ! Had to find/dig out my main lines! not sure I'll be able to reach my taps after the snow melts ! lol . Never before ,but this year ,I'm using ski's along with a home made ski wagon ,starting at the top of hill working down ! and that hump in my woods is my sugar shack ! Good luck taping !
03-07-2015, 05:17 AM
Every time I look at this weeks forecast, the highs get lower and lower. It should still run halfway decent, but not as good as what the forecast looked like a few days ago. Hopefully the two 40 degree days on Tues and Wed are calm!
03-07-2015, 05:13 PM
Half the taps went in today. WOW what alot of snow. Pretty bad when i had to dig the snow down to find the old tap holes!!!
03-07-2015, 07:32 PM
Taps are going in very slowly! Snowshoes are a must and you still sink in a foot. Have about 600 in and a lot to go.
The Homestead
03-08-2015, 07:11 AM
Cut a trail thru the woods with the snow blower yesterday. Today we will put in about 100 taps.
03-08-2015, 04:14 PM
I tried to get to my trees on the hill yesterday that did not happen and will not for at least a few days. Worked on the evaporator today still need a couple little things to do need to go hardware Monday, put in the 11 taps in my lawn and not one even gave a drip and it is sunny and reasonably warm. I doubt my high elevation trees will even run until late this coming week. Might not miss out as much as I thought.
Rosser's Ridge
03-08-2015, 07:59 PM
Three day wknd paid off! Got all buckets n lids washed (they came fresh from food factory with left overs in em), got all 200 in woods with assistance of my 4x4 tractor with 60" blower (only broke 1 sheer pin!!!!) n finished up @ 8pm in dark with flashlights & tractor spot lights while snowin like a SOB. got all storage tanks cleaned & mounted on trailers after diggin em of 3"+ of snow. Most important though I test fired up my new evaporator I just built (with water) and was floored. Not only did it work but bubbles on bottom of pan in about 6 min!!!!!! with some cardboard & kindlin wood. Gonna finally sleep good tonight, not only cause evap works but 2 days treckin through snow balls deep kicked my ***! Its all up to you now mother nature.
03-09-2015, 04:24 PM
Just checked my buckets at home, they have a slow drip, so I am hoping that my woods trees are not running. Hoping to start tapping them Wednesday, especially if the snow keeps melting this fast. I have 45 and sunny right now. If this keeps up the snow should go fairly quickly.
03-09-2015, 06:15 PM
Just checked my buckets at home, they have a slow drip, so I am hoping that my woods trees are not running. Hoping to start tapping them Wednesday, especially if the snow keeps melting this fast. I have 45 and sunny right now. If this keeps up the snow should go fairly quickly.
My (mostly) woods trees did not run good today. 10 gallons of sap from 46 taps
Urban Sugarmaker
03-09-2015, 07:44 PM
My (mostly) woods trees did not run good today. 10 gallons of sap from 46 taps
Almost everything dripping today but not enough to collect. 76 buckets out, and a few had maybe a pint. I'm thinking the warm up Tuesday and Wednesday this week will help the trees and the ground thaw.
03-10-2015, 07:40 AM
Almost everything dripping today but not enough to collect. 76 buckets out, and a few had maybe a pint. I'm thinking the warm up Tuesday and Wednesday this week will help the trees and the ground thaw.
In Webster I got 1/3 gal from about 5 taps, the rest were dry. Everything is still pretty cold -- I'm collecting into milk jugs nestled in the snow, and the sap was freezing even though temps were in the 40s. Only had freezing jugs once last year, when temps were below 20° for a few days.
I got about 2 gallons from 16 taps, with the smallest tree being the best producer. I think they were still thawing, I am hoping for a better run today. I'm a bit west of you, in northern Genesee County.
03-10-2015, 08:36 AM
checked my 35 taps yesterday and nothing . hoping for a run today
03-10-2015, 09:05 AM
Same here, about 3-3.5 gals out of 73 taps (buckets). 10 of those 73 are sugars, the rest silvers and mostly reds. Only the sugars produced anything more than a cup. Most reds and silvers were dry. Hoping for a run today.
Urban Sugarmaker
03-10-2015, 09:18 AM
I think today and into tonight we will see a little better flow. So far my sugar contents are anywhere from 1.5 to just over 3%. I wonder how much that can vary in a tree during the season. I'm tapping 100% sugar maple.
Shaggy acres
03-10-2015, 01:41 PM
In Geneseo tapping the eastern facing slope of the hill. all wooded 60 taps gave me about 10 gallons into the tank yesterday. That was the first to make it down the hill this year. Hoping for a better day today. All the snow on the steel roof of my barn did shed yesterday so it took me about 20 min to tunnel into a doorway anyhow. Sure hope I don't have to drive anything out for a few more days. That is one big heavy pile of packed snow!:lol:
03-10-2015, 04:04 PM
Not a whole lot going on in NE Wyoming County. Some buckets got 3/4 of a gallon today, others are dry. Shur-Flo pump sucking a little out of the tubing trees. Hoping to have enough tomorrow night to fire things up, but it has to pick up the pace a little!
03-10-2015, 07:43 PM
still tapping and shoveling. all the mains are dug out.hung 70 buckets this afternoon and they were dripping fairly good. turned on vac and it to seemed to be running good. still more to tap tomorrow.
03-11-2015, 10:07 AM
How'd everybody do last night /so far today? I got a whopping 9 gals total so far from 70ish taps. Hoping to boil at some point this weekend, not sure if thats gonna happen.
Urban Sugarmaker
03-11-2015, 12:17 PM
I've gotten 25 gallons from 80 taps so far this week. Flowed overnight, still dripping but slow this AM.
03-11-2015, 02:47 PM
Still not happening here. I have not collected yet, but I'd be surprised if there is more than 5 gallons on the 28 buckets here. Tubing ain't doing much either. Feels like we are wasting the perfect weather for great runs.
03-11-2015, 03:40 PM
Not much happening in Victor. First boil now. Only trees on vacuum are running. 1,000 gallons of sap so far.
03-11-2015, 04:05 PM
just finished checking 36 taps only about 1/2 gal,some bone dry only about 8 had anything in them
The Homestead
03-11-2015, 07:08 PM
45 gallons from from 100 taps today first collection of the season
03-11-2015, 07:26 PM
up to season total of 15 gal, waiting like everybody else for it let loose, sap is 1.6%
03-11-2015, 09:50 PM
First post of the season. Tapped 18 the other day and have 2 more going in when I get the parts im waiting for. Got a little over 12 gal so far. Think the snow is keeping the trees cold. Good luck to all!
03-12-2015, 08:51 AM
230 gal from 250 taps on 5 Shurflow pumps. Seem to be working well, after we fixed all the leaks. Only 1% sugar though. And that is from all road trees. :(
03-12-2015, 08:58 AM
Wayne, what model shurflow are you using?
03-12-2015, 09:23 AM
I have 4 of the SHURflo 2088-554-144, and can't remember what my original one was. All running with temp controllers and housed in old computer towers. Using the DC output from the power supplies.
03-12-2015, 03:09 PM
Flowing much better here at my house today. Go figure, coolest day in the last several. Might actually get to boil tonight.
Should explode out of the trees tomorrow!
Urban Sugarmaker
03-12-2015, 03:35 PM
Should explode out of the trees tomorrow!
I was thinking the exact same thing with the freeze coming tonight. Hope you are right.
Shaggy acres
03-12-2015, 08:46 PM
So funny, not the warmest day we have had but the best for sap. East side of the hill so it stays cooler anyhow but may be able to start the evap tomorrow night. Time will tell!
03-14-2015, 10:54 PM
Boiled off 78 gallons after work tonight (yesterday, last night and today's flow) and drew off about a half gallon. This was the second boil, 30 gallons went through it the first time after filling the rig (17 gallons for that). So I guess it is about 110 to 125 gallons to get my rig sweet.
03-15-2015, 02:47 PM
Is anyone else late to the party this year? Just got 400 taps on line. And adding more everyday. First year with vacuum and I think I got to big to fast...
03-15-2015, 10:20 PM
My first season and have Boiled off 7.5 gallons of sap so far from 5 taps. Last Friday was by far the lions share of my sap. This is addicting...
03-17-2015, 01:45 PM
Well another 4.5 gallons yesterday yielded 1.3 pints.
03-20-2015, 06:39 PM
Kind of a poorish run today. I guess I was expecting better.
Urban Sugarmaker
03-20-2015, 08:21 PM
I just checked mine. Most are going pretty strong even at 35 degrees. I should have to collect in the AM. Hoping for a little freeze tonight to stimulate some more flow Saturday.
03-20-2015, 11:39 PM
Gathered 2400 gallons of sap tonight. Boiling in the morning! My son chased the leaks tonight and we got about 7 more inches of vacuum. Trying to ta in a hurry in deep snow caused a lot of mistakes in the initial tapping.
03-21-2015, 04:46 PM
Ended up being a decent run last night and today. Have enough now for a good long boil tomorrow. The next 7 to 10 days continues to look perfect. Couple days cold, couple days warm, repeat.
Shaggy acres
03-24-2015, 01:11 PM
Hey Back Yard,
Were you on the local news a couple days back?
I saw someone from Victor getting interviewed.
Not much happening in Victor. First boil now. Only trees on vacuum are running. 1,000 gallons of sap so far.
03-26-2015, 05:45 AM
Ran pretty good last night! Just collected buckets in the predawn so they don't overflow while I'm at work. I was trying to decide yesterday if I was going to boil tonight or tomorrow night after work. Problem solved! Both nights!
03-26-2015, 09:07 AM
Boiled last night- about 2000 gallons of sap. Finished boiling at 1:30 am because I had to gather enough to start RO and got a late start. After boiling I went to check vacuum line and it already had another 800 gallons in it, so I had to gather that too. Got home at 3:30 AM and I'm running on fumes today! I will probably have another late night tonight. I better get RO and fire started earlier tonight.
03-27-2015, 02:55 PM
Right now I'm just finishing the last 70 gallons I did't get to last night. Ran 114 gallons through after work yesterday. Another halfway decent run. Most of next week looks to be OK so far also. The end of the week looking scary with no sub freezing temps for a few days straight though. Hope to see at least one more freeze after that!
03-27-2015, 10:10 PM
Yesterday and today we boiled in over 500 gallons at 3.5% sugar. Just started to turn a little darker. So far we have made over 50 gal, of which 35 has been light. We have never made so much light before.
03-29-2015, 04:26 PM
Just finished bottling what I drew off Thursday night and Friday afternoon, about 11 1/2 hours total boiling time for that run. Came out at exactly 4.5 gallons, my largest bottling session to date. Color still nice and taste still awesome! This week looks pretty good for some great sap runs, my 20 gallon goal looks to be in my sights. I'm right around 11 gallons right now. ?oh=68a6a2bdab2135c7704b75caecc16bfd&oe=55704EEB g
03-29-2015, 06:35 PM
Just finished my 2nd year of doing Maple Weekend,traffic was up from last year and sales were way up.Saved up all my sap for the weekends,so I wouldn't have to boil water. I didn't run my RO so I burned up lots of wood.Meet lots of good people and loved hearing all the good complements. Had a visit yesterday by the NYS Maple Queen Makayla Fowler, and a bunch of other sugar makers.Sugar content is finally coming up,looks like good sugaring weather for the next couple of weeks.
Urban Sugarmaker
03-29-2015, 08:29 PM
Nice job Jim. But is a day this week in 60s followed by another in 50s going to put the stop on this season? Your forecast in Attica looks exactly like ours in Rochester. I hope you are right about the next couple weeks. I'm guessing you're at higher elevation though.
03-29-2015, 09:31 PM
Nice job Jim. But is a day this week in 60s followed by another in 50s going to put the stop on this season? Your forecast in Attica looks exactly like ours in Rochester. I hope you are right about the next couple weeks. I'm guessing you're at higher elevation though.
Forecast for here is 58 on Thursday and 42 on Friday with 27 Friday night and 26 Saturday night. Should be fine and might be the run we are all looking for.
03-30-2015, 05:08 PM
I was surprised this evening to find 9 out of my 10 taps were overflowing -- 24 hours ago 9 out of 10 had nothing. I'm tapping into milk jugs so that means well over a gal per tap today. And the flow continues... Guess I should have checked them this morning!
Update: collected again after 4 hours and got another good haul. Average today was 1.3 gal/tap, not including the overflows.
03-30-2015, 07:09 PM
I think we are entering the crazy phase of the season. Collected 110 gallons from last night and today. Likely boiling evey night this week.
Moser's Maple
03-30-2015, 07:16 PM
Just finished my 2nd year of doing Maple Weekend,traffic was up from last year and sales were way up.Saved up all my sap for the weekends,so I wouldn't have to boil water. I didn't run my RO so I burned up lots of wood.Meet lots of good people and loved hearing all the good complements. Had a visit yesterday by the NYS Maple Queen Makayla Fowler, and a bunch of other sugar makers.Sugar content is finally coming up,looks like good sugaring weather for the next couple of weeks.
Jim glad you met Makayla!!! She is a sweet heart for sure. The wife and I will always have a place in our hearts for her. Here's a pic one of our visitors took of the team of horses we had at the sugarhouse for Maple Weekend.
03-30-2015, 09:41 PM
Ran very little yesterday and today. Must be a low pressure in the area. 1-3" of snow tomorrow in the forecast....
03-30-2015, 09:53 PM
My trees have excelled when the barometer plummets. I knew last night was going to be good when it dropped below 29.75", and it was. Still dripping good now and it is a little below freezing.
03-31-2015, 08:40 PM
I think we are entering the crazy phase of the season. Collected 110 gallons from last night and today. Likely boiling evey night this week.
I have to agree. I'm collecting sap twice a day to keep up. Syrup is definitely turning darker, and sugar content appears to be dropping, though that could be a fluke, I suppose. Or is it typical that sugar content drops off later in the season? Last year it seemed to stay pretty steady and then the trees just shut off.
04-01-2015, 10:43 PM
Let loose again today. Got 120+ gallons of my own and my buddy dropped 60 gallons of his excess off. Gonna try to get through much of it tonight. I got tomorrow off, so........................
04-02-2015, 09:59 PM
Let loose again today. Got 120+ gallons of my own and my buddy dropped 60 gallons of his excess off. Gonna try to get through much of it tonight. I got tomorrow off, so........................
So last night I boiled 148 gallons and was done at 4:00am. Took a few hour nap and woke up to full buckets again. I boiled an additional 162 gallons this afternoon and evening. Not sure what I am going to do with anything that runs between my last gathering and the next freeze. I HAVE to take time tomorrow after work to start bottling this latest run, I have about 11-12 gallons of heavy syrup sitting in stock pots and I ran out of pots!! lol
For a late start it has been a great short season so far. Hopefully a couple freezes over the weekend will allow for at least one more really good run before the end.
Urban Sugarmaker
04-03-2015, 04:36 PM
For a late start it has been a great short season so far. Hopefully a couple freezes over the weekend will allow for at least one more really good run before the end.
I agree. I collected 150 gallons (sold 100 gallons) Wednesday, another 50 or so Thursday, and now I am going after work tonight. Also have 50 on ice at home that hopefully has not spoiled. Running out of stock pots too. If my estimates are correct I'll break over 1000 gallons of sap this season. Not bad at all for 81 taps. I think I'm building an RO for next year. As much as I love boiling, 12-14 hour boils are hard with a full time job.
04-03-2015, 08:33 PM
After today's boil I am at 3 gallons of syrup from 5 taps
04-03-2015, 08:53 PM
After today's boil I am at 3 gallons of syrup from 5 taps
That's awesome for 5 taps. I've got twice as many taps and have just passed the 3 gallon mark, and I'm even in the same county! My trees are all forest trees, tall and skinny without much crown, so I'm very happy with what I've gotten. I was happy last year, and only got 2 gallons from 8 taps.
04-03-2015, 10:22 PM
Yes you are right down 104 from me. The majority of my early sap came from a 13" Norway maple. I have a 12" sugar maple that has given me maybe 5 gallons of sap, and finally a very large sugar maple with three separate shoots that are almost 2'.
04-03-2015, 10:28 PM
I didn't expect to boil tonight, but was greeted to another 60+ gallons when I got home from work. It was all clear, with the exception of a couple buckets that were slightly cloudy, but I decided to fire up run it all. While boiling, I also decided to finish and bottle everything I had drawn off over the last three days at the same time. Risky I know, but I wasn't pushing the evaporator hard so it all worked out. All said and done I bottled up 10.6 gallons tonight, my largest bottling session by far. Color has not changed one bit since the first run. Right around 22 gallons for the season. 59 taps. Hoping for one more run if temps get cold enough tonight and/or tomorrow night. After that it looks like it may be done. g
04-03-2015, 10:33 PM
Nice! Where do you get your bottles from?
04-03-2015, 10:37 PM
Nice! Where do you get your bottles from?
They are just SugarHill jugs. The main order came from Bascom's, but I had to make an emergency run over to Sage Maple in Warsaw yesterday morning to get more because I was running low. They are a SugarHill dealer and I will likely just get them from them from now on.
04-04-2015, 03:25 PM
Is the end near?
04-04-2015, 08:04 PM
I think it is near. I am hoping the freeze tonight gets one more decent run going. I collected everything tonight since it has stopped and got about 20 gals a semi cloudy sap. I will determine tomorrow if that is worth boiling or not, and see if there will be anything more to go with it. After tonight it looks like a few night nights of hit or miss freezes then mild throughout the rest of the extended forecast.
04-04-2015, 08:42 PM
It does seem like this could be it. I averaged 11 gal/day over the last five days, but today it is suddenly 0.5 gal, and 75% of trees had nothing. This is the first time this season that flow has completely stopped for any of my taps when temps are above freezing -- there's always been a least a little.
04-04-2015, 08:52 PM
boiled in 1400g of sap today . had pancake dinner in shanty, with about 25-30 family members. good times. haven't seen weather forecast in a couple days. hope for a cold couple of days. still a foot of snow in my woods. sugar has come down a bit but not bad. up to around 130 g of syrup . dark robust today but sap was from the last couple days. tomorrow is cleanup day swap pans and get ready for the rest of season
04-05-2015, 12:03 AM
Yeah I also still have a foot of snow in the woods. For use in Wyoming county I think we can squeeze another week out. The sap is not cloudy yet. At least I hope so I have made my quota yet. As of Friday my sugar content was only 1.8 I think that's still pretty low.
04-05-2015, 03:10 PM
This afternoon is one of those rare occasions when the temperature only got up to 33 to 34 degrees and the trees are running hard. Last nights freeze did it. This may be it as I don't see any more freezing nights in the next 7 days.
04-05-2015, 10:28 PM
This afternoon is one of those rare occasions when the temperature only got up to 33 to 34 degrees and the trees are running hard. Last nights freeze did it. This may be it as I don't see any more freezing nights in the next 7 days.
We didn't get the freeze further north, so all taps are dry again today. Snow's been gone for a week or two, and we've just had five nights in a row above freezing - they ran hard the first 3 days and then shut down. So another season ends - was a great but short season. Pulling taps tomorrow.
04-06-2015, 04:52 AM
Sure looks like we are done here too. Amazing what a few miles north or south will do. Short but good season here, maybe 30 percent down total wise. We'll leave taps in for a week or so, buds are still locked up tight, maybe the weatherman will be wrong a few degrees! take care, Mark
04-06-2015, 07:22 AM
I had a thin layer of ice in my buckets this morning in the Rochester area (Spencerport), collected about 3 gallons from 5 taps since Saturday.
04-06-2015, 11:30 AM
It seems for me here my season it just starting. My sugar bush is at the highest point in Wyoming county my extractor is going crazy for the first time this year and I collected 70 bucked that yielded 160 gallons of sap at 3.4 sugar content. And my lines on vacuum went for 1.5% sugar to 2% sugar my woods are very cold and still have 6 inches of snow. So far this season I have only made 55 gallons of light syrup off 800 taps on vacuum. So I hope this is my beginning of season
04-06-2015, 05:03 PM
Pulled all my taps today...nothing from them the last 3 days & just a little today, too warm the rest of the week. My Black Walnuts are showing 1/4" of green buds popping out.
Good luck to the rest of you still getting sap.
04-06-2015, 05:08 PM
That little bit of freeze Saturday night got me 110 gallons more to boil tonight. Don't look good from here on out though
04-06-2015, 08:43 PM
Pulled all my taps today...nothing from them the last 3 days & just a little today, too warm the rest of the week.
Same here. Pulled my 10 taps, found they had run a little bit today -- maybe 1/2 gal total. Still have enough sap stored for one more boil. (Or "micro-boil" compared to most folks here!) I'm day-dreaming about scaling up further... that'll keep me entertained until next February! All-in-all, it was a great year.
04-07-2015, 05:25 PM
I'm done.
I waited til this morning to see if there was enough to fire up one last time, but there wasn't. Finished what I boiled last night, then drained a majority of the sweet off the evaporator to finish on the cooktop. While that was boiling I pulled all the taps then washed all the buckets, hoses and containers. I just have the one big holding tank and the evaporator to clean to be all done. Bottled some dark stuff to end the day.
59 taps
951 gallons of sap
24.25 gallons of syrup
Almost exactly the 40:1 ratio, normally I am in the 45:1 or more range. I am almost always right around .4 gallons of syrup per tap, and this year was no exception.
It was a great year with the new shack and evaporator!! I didn't burn it down and I approached doubling production from the last couple years.
04-08-2015, 03:22 PM
I boiled all my stored "nearup" to finished syrup today. I'm happy with the 37.98:1 ratio. The syrup blend is 34% Black Walnut & 66% Maple.
My tap holes have not dripped one drop of sap since I pulled the spiles a couple days ago, so my timing was perfect...I got 100% of the possible season this year!
04-08-2015, 05:46 PM
We are done here as well. 240 taps and made 95 gal syrup. Most of the sap was 3.5% all season... All in all a very good season...
04-08-2015, 09:16 PM
Think I did my last boil tonight. Will take what is in my flue to a friend with 2x6 to finish off. Worked great last year as we got $200 worth of bulk out of it.
04-09-2015, 05:33 AM
I'm done.
59 taps
951 gallons of sap
24.25 gallons of syrup
I guess I'm not entirely done. :)
I found 7 more pints where I store my syrup that I forgot about, plus pulled another 7-8 gallons of 10% sweet out of my flue pan last night. Boiled that til I ran out of propane and will finish it tonight.
04-09-2015, 08:14 AM
My vacuum pump just took a dump on me its been running 96 hours straight and sap was running okay. Going to try and get it running and hopefully try to stay alive until Saturday we're suppose to get a freeze.
04-09-2015, 08:45 PM
Boiled in 600g off sap this eve,made some nice dark color robust taste. herd peepers were some of my buckets are in Alden,buckets aren't running at all.Still snow in woods in Bennington,60%ice on ponds. Guess what herd peepers at home also. Will see what Saturday brings.real good flavor still
04-09-2015, 09:04 PM
Since I pulled taps a couple days ago the holes have been somewhat dry, but today they weeped like crazy. I wonder if I missed something?
04-10-2015, 06:50 AM
Mine were dry and some weeped a little yesterday too. I'm guessing that no more than 1 or 2 ounces ran from the wettest holes on my trees, judging by how short the wet streak on the bark was.
04-10-2015, 11:16 AM
As of today it still good still sap is starting to get murky but. Tonight and tomorrow night its suppose to freeze I hope I have another week left
04-12-2015, 08:59 PM
She has sung.
04-13-2015, 04:51 AM
We've been done for several days now, in the midst of the two week clean up time now. Shorter year in days sap flowed, and in number of boiling days, and in syrup for us than last year. Syrup was good though, Golden and Amber alternating just about every day, except the last two days, when it was dark. I compared this years dark with the "old" standard, and it was comparable to grade B. Still have lots of people ask for B, and they're skeptical that the new dark encompasses some of the old B til I show the grading kit.
take care, Mark
04-13-2015, 01:35 PM
Just got murky sap today but still is flowing good on vacuum I'm new to vacuum should I pull the plug?
04-13-2015, 05:23 PM
Just got murky sap today but still is flowing good on vacuum I'm new to vacuum should I pull the plug?
I guess I would keep going if it's making good syrup! That's my problem, plus not really enough flow. My sugar maples did over 2 gal. per tap last couple days, but too small a % of my taps. Most of mine are reds/silvers, and they've budded. Still, a great year for me. Over 1000 gal. syrup on 2800 taps.
04-15-2015, 07:10 PM
Pulled the cored today because my ro decided to break down on me and I can't boil 900 gallons in time at 1.3% sugar before it spoils so I'm done. Now how I would like to end the season with sap still coming in. But that's how farming goes.
Shaggy acres
04-19-2015, 08:29 AM
Not a bad year! Just pressure washing the pans now. Tubing cleaned and all utensils time to go camping!
The rocket stove worked excellent but it required constant feeding. That system reduced my wood consumption dramatically. What required a full wood stove now only a 6" by 6" fire area, I am going to work on a better feed system for next year so it will run about the same re load rate as the 2X6.
Have a great summer all!
01-28-2016, 07:33 PM
Put out 68 taps today after much debate of whether I should or not. All dripping pretty decent. I have a few more to tap on Sunday. I'll let you know in April if this was a good decision. lol
Urban Sugarmaker
01-28-2016, 08:49 PM
Put out 68 taps today after much debate of whether I should or not. All dripping pretty decent. I have a few more to tap on Sunday. I'll let you know in April if this was a good decision. lol
Good to hear. Keep us posted. I checked my 50 tonight and at 8:00 they were all dripping pretty well. I will probably tap the last 60 this weekend.
Looks like next week might be nice,I have my 52 taps in (look at me go!). Collected 10 gallons off th 14 taps in the yard yesterday because we wanted to get our and have some fun family time.
01-29-2016, 01:39 PM
We have tapped in 1800 so far with about 250 to go. I will get them tomorrow. It's looking like we should get some runs starting sunday. I'm itching to get going & hope for a good year. We put a lot of time in the sugarbush over the summer & fall i sure hope it pays off!
01-31-2016, 12:25 PM
okay help me out , checked 2 trees yesterday with some broken branches and sap was dripping out of them, i feel as though i am missing out ,i tap 50 tree all on buckets,is it that if you tap to early and sap stops for extended period of time they will dry up? thanks
01-31-2016, 04:00 PM
I am a little south of you in West Falls (southern Erie County). I put in 44 today and all of them were dripping. I am about 50% buckets and they were doing better than the tubing for whatever reason. I had 'test tapped' 5 trees during that warm spell in December to see what would happen. They were dripping today. I don't think we are going to get a huge run, but I do think the next 5 days could produce enough to make it worth boiling.
The flip side of having taps dry up is missing the first runs in what could be a short season.
Good Luck!
01-31-2016, 08:37 PM
Collected 100 gallons today after getting the evaporator ready to go, then boiled off 80 gallons of it before I decided to stop for the night. Trees have mostly stopped running except for a few. Should have just enough to fire up for a couple more hours tomorrow after work. Hopefully tomorrow nights freeze will get them going strong for a couple more days afterwards before the next freeze up.
I keep second guessing my decision to start early, but I would be pulling my hair out by now if I didn't. lol I have had (bucket) taps freeze up for two solid weeks bore with no ill effects and still have a lengthy season after.
02-01-2016, 07:03 AM
We tapped 650 all last Sunday. Have had 4 boils so far, all day yesterday. Sap has been running about 1.95% sugar and we've had about 1,500 gallons so far. All taps are on 3/16ths.
We tapped 650 all last Sunday. Have had 4 boils so far, all day yesterday. Sap has been running about 1.95% sugar and we've had about 1,500 gallons so far. All taps are on 3/16ths.
Sounds like you are doing well, Doug. I got my taps in a week or so ago on the other side of Genesee county from you. Up to 1.3 gallons of sap per tap, I don't know the sugar content. I ran about 2 last year. Hope life us treating you well, it's been a couple years since I've seen you.
Brockport Brad.
02-01-2016, 09:24 PM
Boiled what ran today and got the pans 100% sweetened. It's about a 1/2 degree below freezing right now, hoping it drops at least a few more degrees. Should be a good run the next couple days if so.
02-02-2016, 05:55 AM
Not sure it got cold enough, never got below 31º. Slight crunch to the top of the mud though. I guess I'll know later.
Urban Sugarmaker
02-02-2016, 06:42 AM
We just have to get past Wednesday this week. High of 58 predicted, then much cooler after that. I'm going to put another 60 or 70 buckets out on Saturday and that should put me at 110-120.
02-02-2016, 09:31 AM
Boiled last night! Sweetened the pans and got seven gallons of syrup. Still not all tapped in, definitely wasn't totally ready for this early of a start so hours have been long. Hopefully we get a good run today and things will go smoother than last night. Took forever to get evaporator put back together and tight with no leaks. Could be a long season this year!
02-02-2016, 02:20 PM
Yes it has been a couple years! Life is going as planned I suppose, trying to pay off student loans haha I'm a waste water treatment plant operator for NYS and work right in my hometown of Attica. Do miss Brockport a little though haha Hope everything is going well for you as well!
02-02-2016, 05:16 PM
Didn't get a run here today at all. Collected 6 gallons of sap from 80 taps. Either it didn't get cold enough last night, warm enough today, winds out of the wrong direction or the barometer ain't where it needs to be. lol
02-05-2016, 05:44 PM
Not much run the last few days, but the next few days could be promising. I'd like to have another good boil before the temps drop for a week or so.
02-06-2016, 07:02 AM
Things seemed to do a little better further north -- got about 9 gal from 10 taps on Tue & Wed. I'm hoping Sat/Sun/Mon will be good. In the meantime I've got a lot of stuff to put back together before I can start boiling...
02-06-2016, 05:28 PM
A no go here today. Stayed too cloudy too long early in the day. Hoping tomorrow is different.
Urban Sugarmaker
02-06-2016, 05:50 PM
My 50 buckets from 1/26 were dripping today. Then I went to my second spot and put 70 more in. They were all dripping nicely until sundown when I finished. I'm thinking I'll have a lot of sap by tomorrow afternoon.
02-06-2016, 10:14 PM
So far only down to 31º, so maybe they will thaw out a little quicker tomorrow if it doesn't get too much colder.
Had a good run today, 50 gal (+/-) off 52 taps. Hope to get another decent run tomorrow, probably won't be as good. Currently at 2.7 gal/tap, hope to beak 3 tomorrow. Not bad for early feb.
02-07-2016, 07:58 PM
Was able to tap my new bush in Cowlesville on Friday and Saturday. At 4:30 pm today picked up 400g of the 500g. Tested 1.7-1.8%. This bush is 324 taps,all 3/16.
02-09-2016, 10:36 PM
Between last night and today I managed to boil off 180 gallons of sap and drew off about 4 1/2 gallons of syrup. The earliest I ever tapped in the past was Feb 12th, and here I am with 4+ gallons already this year. Sap ran better than I thought it would today. Bone chilling cold coming up, but I already see some 40's for mid to late week next week. Time to bottle, clean-up and regroup for the next run!
Urban Sugarmaker
02-10-2016, 06:37 AM
and here I am with 4+ gallons already this year. Time to bottle, clean-up and regroup for the next run!
I'm right there with you. Although we didn't get a good freeze the night of 2/8 so I didn't really get any sap. Time to get ready for next week.
I'm pleased with the season, too. Up to 3.3 gallons of sap per tap. My wife is home today and excited to run the evaporator. She will fire up mid day, I hope to finish up when I get home. Have 80 gallons to boil down. It will be nice for a bit of a break, but look forward to it warming back up next week.
02-10-2016, 08:32 AM
Finishing up the last bit of the big run tonight. Should put us up around 4.8 gallons per per tap so far. Our sugar has been hanging around 1.7 but we've seen as high as 2.0. Have made all medium syrup so far
02-10-2016, 12:03 PM
So far my new bush has produced 930 g with the sugar averaging 1.6%. I think that's pretty good for 324 taps. Sweetend the pans last night and finished about 6 gallons of golden/amber. Going to use my new Hanna this evening to see if it is golden. Some mighty fine tasting syrup. I thought it was going to taste like new tubing because after ROing it you could tast the plastic in the sap, but no off taste at all.
02-10-2016, 07:57 PM
First bottling session today, just over 4 1/2 gallons. Had a snafu while heating up the two stock pots for density checking, one decided to go full bore boiling over while I turned my back for a second. Figured I lost about a pint in that fiasco. The new filter bottler worked great, although I have to figure out a better way to get the syrup in it. Pouring it in out of the stock pot proved to be a bit messy also. g?oh=f6100066778d03bb33ba476122e4542f&oe=57653789 g?oh=679b8451c26e9259139a77b4f1ed4d9f&oe=57345CEF
Urban Sugarmaker
02-10-2016, 09:08 PM
First bottling session today, just over 4 1/2 gallons. Had a snafu while heating up the two stock pots for density checking, one decided to go full bore boiling over while I turned my back for a second. Figured I lost about a pint in that fiasco. The new filter bottler worked great, although I have to figure out a better way to get the syrup in it. Pouring it in out of the stock pot proved to be a bit messy also.
Is that the water jacketed bottler?
02-10-2016, 09:51 PM
Is that the water jacketed bottler?
No, just the steam one.
Run Forest Run!
02-10-2016, 10:19 PM
wnybassman, that glass bottle of syrup is absolutely gorgeous. Best of luck this season.
02-10-2016, 10:49 PM
wnybassman, that glass bottle of syrup is absolutely gorgeous. Best of luck this season.
Thank you!!
02-11-2016, 01:39 PM
The flue pan was mostly slush this morning. Remembered I had a couple heat lamps for chicks so I put one in the fire box. Checked this afternoon and some of the slush actually melted. I'll check it again at some point so I don't start simmering out there. lol
02-14-2016, 07:28 AM
Don't think I will be boiling today. -13 on my phone and -9 on the outside thermometer. So far this year, 54 buckets, 325 gallons, 6.5 gallons of syrup. Pretty happy so far. Made just over 19 gallons last year. So 1/3 of the way there.
02-14-2016, 09:02 AM
-22 on top the hill from you grizzlym.
02-14-2016, 09:35 AM
I am actually south of you on Maxon. Seeing how you are closer to Canada you should be colder. LOL.
02-14-2016, 10:01 AM
-12.5 at daybreak here. Up to 6º now and sap should be dripping shortly. lol
-12.5 at daybreak here. Up to 6º now and sap should be dripping shortly. lol
This is wny, not canada. We use the F system not the C system (unfortunately). :)
02-14-2016, 11:41 AM
This is wny, not canada. We use the F system not the C system (unfortunately). :)
I was just implying how much better 6 degrees felt over -12.5 lol
02-17-2016, 06:19 PM
Put in 100 buckets today, hope finish Friday, total off about 300. I thought I was getting a late start but I think by looking at the forecast the best is still weeks away. I may have missed a couple small early runs but I would rather have higher sugar and less runs than messing with 75-1 or worse ratios like last year in the early runs.
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