View Full Version : Big run coming this weekend

01-28-2011, 07:26 AM
Here is our forecast:

Today: 35/32
Sat: 42/27
Sun: 46/29
Mon: 40/26
Tues: 32/24

So it looks like we will get 3 solid days of good sap flow. We are tapping the remaining trees today. Well, at least another 30 or so, but I would like to do another 71 to get us 100 total.

Now I just need to cut some more firewood......

Dennis H.
01-28-2011, 07:38 AM
Good luck I am pulling for you.

I hope that weather comes my way shortly.

red maples
01-28-2011, 08:40 AM
Big difference from here.

Today 22/14
sat 34/13
sun 30/9
mon 22/8
tues 22/6

and no sign of even 30* through feb 6th. which is good anyway...I still have some things to get done. but getting there.

have fun!!!!

01-28-2011, 09:07 AM
100 taps will keep us pretty busy over the weekend with our evaporator. We are wanting to get a flue pan so we can boil a little faster, but haven't gone that route yet. Maybe over the summer we can do it.

01-28-2011, 06:41 PM
Got out and put 50 taps in this evening and the sap was running out of the taps before i could get the bags on them. Will be back out in the morning to hang another 50. There are a bit more trees than I had guestimated in my home bush. I may have to break out some buckets tomorrow. :D


01-28-2011, 08:27 PM
Indianapolis area will be below freezing through the weekend. You guys are getting the good stuff. I'm itching to get started.

01-29-2011, 07:19 PM
Got out early this morning and got the other 50 in. Went back and gathered 120 gallons of sap this evening, Expecting more of the same tomorrow.


maple connection
01-29-2011, 08:18 PM
Hope you have a great Season in Indiana:) I am getting the itch. Its only a matter of time that we will join in on the fun.

Logan Cabin
01-29-2011, 11:19 PM
Hey Matt,

Need to thank you for some inspiration. Tapped 8-10 trees last year and boiled over stove, grill, fire pit, etc. Was thinking about the block arch for this year when I saw that you had once used a filing cabinet. Bingo, the local historic site that I volunteer at had multiple, legal sized file cabinets that we were going to haul to recycling (site also has multiple maple trees, convenient huh;)).

So, I'm currently trying to fabricate a semblance of an arch out of one. Had a potter friend give me a bunch of ceramic blanket that I'll use to insulate the sides. Bought fire brick for the bottom, grate, damper, elbow & stack (Menard's had conveniently just put those items on sale!). Ordered four SS steam pans to evaporate in.

Will try to take some photos as we go along.

01-30-2011, 04:43 PM
Sap was running pretty well when I ran the jugs this morning. I'll be unable to collect sap the next three days due to business, but the (lovely) wife and daughters have graciously agreed to collect and dump into the 55 gal barrels that I have piled snow up against.
Hopefully, I can have enough to give the new evaporator a good workout when I return.
I am up to 24 taps and got about 12 gallons overnight. The trees on the north-facing slope are not putting out much, but the rest have sap practically running out of their elderberry spiles. Fun, fun...

01-30-2011, 05:55 PM
Logan - I still have my old file cabinet rig if you want to see it or use it. Good luck!!

We have a total of 90 taps out (ran out of buckets) and collected 165 gallons today at lunch. Went out this evening and all the buckets are at least half-full, so we should have another 180gal or so tomorrow to collect. The evaporator is at full-boil and will run all night to catch up!

02-01-2011, 11:28 AM
Up to my armpits in sap! Getting ready to head out at lunch and gather a bunch more. I really wish I had a flue pan!

02-01-2011, 07:34 PM
Don't worry it's going to stop for a couple of days.:)


02-02-2011, 06:04 AM
Good - I have plenty of sap waiting on me, but I'm out of town and hoping the airlines aren't so backed up/canceled that I can't get home. I'm getting ready to check the flight status after posting this and hoping my luck changes since the hotel had no hot water this morning...