View Full Version : Tapping-Indiana 2025

  1. Tapping in Coatesville, IN
  2. Tapping in Clayton, IN
  3. Tapped
  4. New to tapping - southern Indiana
  5. 2008 Season
  6. Tapping in Putnam co. in.
  7. Tapping today in southern Indiana
  8. Morgan county
  9. Northern Indiana
  10. Zionsville Sugaring
  11. First Timer Question
  12. New all around
  13. How was your Season???
  14. Morgan County 2010
  15. sap's a boiling
  16. Are there many maples in central Indiana?
  17. Put out 30 taps today
  18. Boiling in Parke Co.
  19. How was your season???
  20. Drought conditions and sugaring
  21. starting large opperation,need info
  22. Getting ready
  23. New to Sugaring in Southern Indiana
  24. My new "sugar shack"
  25. Well, it has begun: tapped some trees tonight
  26. Brrr.....nothing running today
  27. Big run coming this weekend
  28. Tapped partly
  29. newbie in nw indiana
  30. Another decent run this weekend??
  31. Curled evaporator top
  32. HUGE run coming soon
  33. First Timer
  34. tap time
  35. Got my trees tapped today
  36. preserving finished product?
  37. sap running in Porter County
  38. Are we going to have a short season?
  39. Southern Indiana guys - post up what you get 2/23 and 2/24
  40. Anybody use a defoamer? if so what? and how?
  41. New Carlisle / Rolling Prairie area / SW michigan?
  42. Open House
  43. Change in the weather
  44. Indiana Association Directory?
  45. Apple syrup?
  46. I'm Done
  47. finished for 2011
  48. Local Tubing Expert?
  49. Looking for a set of used pans 2 X 6
  50. About two months to go?
  51. looking to buy a hydrometer, need some suggestions
  52. 2.2% red maples...
  53. Tapping tomorrow (1-11-12)!!
  54. Starting Season Slow
  55. tapped 30 taps today1/15/2012
  56. Went ahead and tapped yesturday....I'm all in.
  57. I'm in
  58. Sap is running!!
  59. Dirty Sap
  60. put me ten taps in on jan.31st.2012
  61. My lill 2x4 concrete rig
  62. Looks like this is going to be a big week down here in So. Indiana
  63. Tapped
  64. tapping
  65. 2012 Season Central Indiana
  66. Boiled off last weeks sap
  67. Saw my first buds today.
  68. Finished up this evening
  69. Looking forward to this year....
  70. clearing in the bush
  71. I realize that we typically tap in Jan to early Feb
  72. Started on 1/5
  73. made 17 pints today
  74. Made a few pints yesturday..
  75. Putting out some taps today
  76. Getting Started in Clayon
  77. Asking land owners about tappin there
  78. Got 24 pints today
  79. Tapped on Saturday
  80. Tapped 02/05 near Evansville, IN
  81. Tapped in Miami County
  82. Huge run here in laporte county
  83. Great Start in Monroe County
  84. Tapped out in Bloomington
  85. 2nd gen. tapper teaching a 3rd gen. to tap
  86. 24 pints of fancy
  87. pretty sure i missed about 10 good days of flowage
  88. Dead squirrel in my sap bucket
  89. Anyone out there with a 2x6
  90. Done for the year
  91. Hoping for a couple more weeks of sapping
  92. Anyone having the Health Department inspect?
  93. Anybody gearing up yet?
  94. my 2014 journey
  95. Started our season yesterday!!
  96. Tapping when?
  97. First batch made
  98. Group buy to save on shipping??
  99. Start of season 2014
  100. Slow Start in SE Indiana
  101. Still waiting...
  102. Over cooked a batch what do I do?
  103. First March In decades.
  104. First tap
  105. Sap Tsunami has arrived in southern Indiana!!
  106. 24 pints bottled this weekend
  107. Finally a good run!!!
  108. We Are Still Going.
  109. Done for the Year
  110. 12 ounce glass bottles.
  111. Anyone tapping this week
  112. Day Job! I should tap now!
  113. I gave in.. Tapped today
  114. Tapped in and bottled 6 gallons already
  115. Syrup has went from Golden to Amber
  116. Getting Startied in Clayton
  117. Getting started in northwest Indiana
  118. Another late season
  119. I am over this snow...
  120. Sap gathering equipment
  121. Badly need SAP in cental Indiana. Willing to pay a fair price.
  122. DONE in SW Indiana
  123. sap run ever coming?
  124. We will be tapping Soon.
  125. Tapped Today
  126. Haubstadt, IN tapped 1/23/16
  127. Started this weekend 1/23 in Martinsville
  128. Haubstadt, IN tapped 1/23/16
  129. Tapping today La Porte
  130. Northern Monroe County weather forecast
  131. Mitchell,IN
  132. All in at Bug Tussel(Central Indiana)
  133. Made 3 gallons of grad a amber last week...then it got cold in northern Indiana
  134. Bulk syrup
  135. Indiana weather the next week
  136. Tapped today, Miami County
  137. Tapped 2/23 in Westville
  138. One more run?
  139. Free sap in southern indiana.
  140. Pulled the taps
  141. Done for 2016
  142. Getting ready.
  143. When should I tap?
  144. Tapped 214 on 3/16 1-9-17
  145. Extra sap.
  146. tapping time ?
  147. Testing
  148. Tapped in NW Indiana
  149. Half Tapped in Bug Tussle
  150. Maple video
  151. 1% sugar.
  152. Thinking about pulling out
  153. starting to see trees bud in NW Indiana
  154. Deja vu
  155. Tapped Yesterday (Sunday, 1-7-18)
  156. Sullivan County here
  157. Northern IN
  158. Haubstadt Indiana season has begun
  159. Tapped in Laporte County
  160. Northeast Indiana
  161. Tapping in Bug Tussle
  162. West central Indiana tap 2018
  163. Question on finishing syrup
  164. starting tapping
  165. Looking for Sap
  166. Some good days ahead but I'm done for 2018
  167. Weather effect on this years sap production(Southern IN)
  168. tapping time???
  169. Haubstadt has tapped
  170. Tapped in Hamilton County
  171. Northern Indiana
  172. Tapping 2020
  173. Fountain county!
  174. Southern Indiana!!!
  175. Tip top of tapping 2021
  176. Haubstadt has tapped
  177. Fountain County 2021
  178. Tapping Elk. Co.
  179. where'd the sap go?
  180. week old sap still usable?
  181. 2021 in the books
  182. Sugar Maple
  183. Whose tapping in south western IN?
  184. Ready to go in Martinsville
  185. Weather looks better!
  186. tapping up north
  187. Indiana Maple Syrup Association Seeking Syrup
  188. Looking for best place to buy 3-5 gallon buckets with lids
  189. Think we're done
  190. Here we go!
  191. 2025 central Indiana