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Registered: January 2006
Location: Oneida NY

Maple sugar molds


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1 1282 Tue November 9, 2021


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Since we no longer make molded sugar, I'm selling my maple sugar molds. All weights are guessed, I do not know the weight of each when molded. When each mold is filled it is about 3/8 to 1/2" thick #1 lg maple leaf makes 8 leaves, 2 1/2 x 2 5/8" $12, #2 cabin makes 14, 2 1/4 x 1 1/8" $15 #3 lg bunny makes 6 2 3/4 x 1 1/4" $12 #4 Man with top hat, makes 8- 2 7/8 x 1 1/8" $10 #5 strawberry & pine cone makes 48, 24 of each 1 3/8 x 1 1/8" strawberry, 1 3/4 x 3/4 pine cone $25. #6 small maple leaf 1 1/4 x 1 1/4 makes 16 $10 and same size maple leaf but makes 20, 3 molds , $12ea. #7 small assorted shapes makes 20 different shapes, similar size as what #6 made $12. #8 assorted shapes, likely same size pieces as #6, makes 20, 4 each of 5 shapes $12. #9 small bunny same size as #6, 2 molds, each makes 32 bunnies $25 each. All molds are clean and in good condition. If you buy 3, get 10% off, buy 6 get 15% off buy all 13 get 20% off. All prices are plus USPS shipping.
Keywords: Maple sugar molds



maple flats
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Registered: January 2006
Location: Oneida NY
Posts: 11702
Comment Date: Tue November 9, 2021
all are rubber molds

Dave Klish, I recently bought a 2x6 wood fired evaporator from A&A Sheet Metal which I will be converting to oil fired Now have solar, 2x6 finish pan, 5 bank 7x7 filter press, large water jacketed bottler, and tankless water heater. Recently bought another Gingerich RO, this one was a 125, but a second membrane was added thus is a 250, like I had. After running a 2x3, a 2x6, 3x8 tapping from 79 taps up to 1320 all woodfired, now I'm going to a 2x6 oil fired and a 200-425 taps.
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maple flats
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Registered: January 2006
Location: Oneida NY
Posts: 11702
Comment Date: Mon January 17, 2022
New price, 40% off, buy one, buy all. All molds are clean and good to use, plus USPS shipping, in flat rate boxes.

Dave Klish, I recently bought a 2x6 wood fired evaporator from A&A Sheet Metal which I will be converting to oil fired Now have solar, 2x6 finish pan, 5 bank 7x7 filter press, large water jacketed bottler, and tankless water heater. Recently bought another Gingerich RO, this one was a 125, but a second membrane was added thus is a 250, like I had. After running a 2x3, a 2x6, 3x8 tapping from 79 taps up to 1320 all woodfired, now I'm going to a 2x6 oil fired and a 200-425 taps.
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