Minimum of $700 in product here. We got out of sugaring and would like to get rid of all these odds and ends we have left, in one shot. So you get an amazing deal for buying it all together. Conditions vary but most are brand new. You will get everything pictured except the skimmer, as we decided to keep that for other uses. Here is a list of everything that is included, with an estimated value. Shipping cartons: $20 10 half liter boxes 4 pint 1 half gallon Quick Disconnects: $90 2 C150 2 E150 2 C075 2 E075 Approx. 7000 Candy Cups: $100 if bought individually but really $50ish for the large quantity About 4000 Brown 1" (3 unopened bags of 1,000, plus ABOUT 1,000 loose) About 3000 White 1 3/4" (2 unopened bags of 1000, plus ABOUT 1,000 loose) 16 lbs Pan cleaner $50 Foil Caps (approx. 60) $7 50 lbs filter aid $100 Sulfamic acid, 10 lbs. $30 RO soap $13 200 T with plug $60 Portable refractometer $20 from $98 2 mainline pullers/stretchers $6 Defoamers $21 2 Vacuum connectors $10 4 1 1/2" Maple Sugaring Evaporator Plug w/handle, Silicon blue $200 Vacuum gauge $15 3 I love syrup stickers $7 5 micron filter cloth $10 Unknown Values: Hanna instruments maple syrup transmitter anaylzer Kit for syrup analysis c219kit Sample spouts Misc used connectors It's all at 5972 US RT 11, Homer, NY 13077. Arrangements can be made to ship or deliver for an additional charge. Message and we can discuss details.