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Posts: 14
Registered: October 2011
Location: new york

100- 7/16 maple syrup taps


Quantity Buy It Now Price Views Date Posted
1 $215.00 1550 Thu August 16, 2012


Asking Price Shipping Amount Condition Distance from you
$215.00 None Good
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Hey guys I'm selling roughly 100 7/16 old-school metal taps like in the picture above.  I'll throw up a picture of mine when I can.

I have to see exactly how many I have as I'm sure I've misplaces a few since the cleanup...I'd say there are at least 95 if not more.

As this was my first year syruping, I'm not sure exactly what these go for.  I've seen them between 3-5$ new.  If my price is completely off feel free to contact me with offers/comments-I'm not trying to rip anyone off.

Condition is ok a little worn as they have been used by multiple people before me.  Some have a little surface rust which could be easily cleaned off.  Used about 70 of them this winter and they all worked great.

I'm really looking to get some 5/16 tree saver taps this year-to work with tubing...hoping this sell will offset the price.  I'm open to trades as well if anyone is interested.



Keywords: 7/16, taps




Registered: April 2012
Location: East Montpelier,vt. 05651
Posts: 40
Comment Date: Sun October 7, 2012
I see you have buckets too. Please give me a price for a buck, cover, and tap. I'm looking for about 100. Also, please tell me where you are located. Thanks. Dennis Carver 802-223-5444
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Registered: August 2013
Location: woodford vt
Posts: 14
Comment Date: Thu March 13, 2014
I have a lots of 7/6 will trade
Ray 802-753-7862 in ben vt
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