Should you expect to get paid for sap when you drop it off or after the buyer sells syrup at the end of the season?
Should you expect to get paid for sap when you drop it off or after the buyer sells syrup at the end of the season?
Dr. Tim Perkins
UVM Proctor Maple Research Ctr
I have never bought sap. I have always boiled it for a third. I am sure the sap is based on sugar content , it has to, but what does sap sell for? the low end and the high end?
Last year I got 14 cents per gallon per point of sugar. I delivered to the guys sugar shack about a mile from our woods.
I buy sap based on the maple digest suggested prices. Last 2 years has been the same. 2% sap was .325 per gallon, 2.5% was .45 per gallon and 3% was .575 per gallon. I paid this delivered and I paid when I sold my bulk at seasons end. Those wanting cash were paid 2% less and if I picked up the sap, there was a mileage and stop charge. I stipulate that sap is to be delivered fresh and I will deduct .05 per gallon for cloudy or off color sap.